Sunday FGS

| August 28, 2022

Detonics .45 ACP

Grandpa hits daughter’s fiance who had pants down in front of 5-year-old, PA cops say

Aspen Pflughoef
The grandfather of a 5-year-old girl found his daughter’s fiance with his pants down in front of the child, according to Pennsylvania authorities.

The grandpa walked past a bedroom in the multifamily house and saw his granddaughter sitting on the lap of 22-year-old Aaron Cunagin, his daughter’s fiance, on Aug. 24, according to court documents obtained by McClatchy News. He thought this “was weird, but did not think anything else” about it, an affidavit shows.

A few minutes later, the grandfather began to think the bedroom was “too quiet” and went to look, the affidavit says.

He walked in to find Cunagin in the corner of the bedroom with his pants down and genitals exposed in front of the 5-year-old girl who also had her pants down and genitals exposed, the documents say. The grandfather punched Cunagin, yelled and called the police, according to the affidavit.

The Middletown Borough Police Department arrived at the apartment and arrested Cunagin, according to an Aug. 25 news release.

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The last sentence would read better if it involved the Middletown Borough Coroner’s Office. Either way the wedding is off.

SC judge says case of Chester man shot by police should be dismissed because he pointed gun

Andrew Dys
A South Carolina magistrate judge has recommended dismissal of a federal lawsuit filed by the family of a Black man shot to death by police in the parking lot of a Chester Walmart.

Magistrate Judge Paige Gossett said in her recommendation that evidence in the case, including police video, showed the man pointing a gun at officers.

Ariane McCree was shot and killed by officers in November 2019 in the parking lot of a Chester Walmart. Police and prosecutors said McCree had a gun that he pointed at police before the shooting despite his hands being handcuffed behind his back.

McCree allegedly assaulted an officer and ran from custody in the store after he shoplifted a door lock. He then retrieved a gun from his car and pointed it at officers before he was shot, police and prosecutors said.

No Score

A wrongful death civil lawsuit has been filed, of course. Not looking good for the plaintiff, though. Pity.

Thanks to both David and Gun Bunny for the links.

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.
George Orwell

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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“Punched”? Just “punched”?

I am a Grandpa of a 5 year old granddaughter. Even if, for some reason, I wasn’t carrying my firearm I always have a knife. A very, very sharp knife. Suitable for all sorts of farm chores – castration to slaughter.

The coroner would have to put the jigsaw puzzle back together to figure that one out.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’m with ya there, GB. I may not have made a jigsaw puzzle, but there would have been one part cut off, and stuffed in his mouth, no pieces lost.
And, oh, the stump of what had been cut off would be cauterized (sans anesthetic) to prevent excess blood loss. Can’t cheat the trial process by dying ahead of time!

Wouldn’t about a pound of table salt stop the bleeding sufficiently?

But a propane torch would do a good cauterizing job, I’m sure.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The beauty of cop cams.
At first, when the DildoCrats insisted that police departments buy (then) expensive body cameras out of limited budgets, the DildoCrats thought that the bodycams would prove the DildoCrats screeching and rants about POLICE ABUSE and BLM!
Instead the copcams have proved the opposite, justifying police shootings against armed perps.
Ahhhh, the schadenfreude sweetens my morning covfefe.


In the Chester shooting the Chief of Police backed up his officers nicely. The body cam video wasn’t great so he demonstrated live at a press conference how someone can point a gun at officers while hand cuffed behind their back. This was after the mayor called for the firing of the officers.


“Best I can figure, Officer, his lowered pants caused him to trip, knocking over the lamp and cutting himself on that broken light bulb. I cauterized the wound with my Zippo.”

BZ to Da Judge! Lady Justice was not blind to the facts.

You knew I’d get lost in that linky when you chose it to post, didn’t ya? Well played! Too bad you can’t get a group of middies to play that well.

Ms Thang might be sporting a set of custom made breast works, but there is nothing fake about that scary black rifle.


We think we can all agree on this picture…




[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove


The 1911 is one of my favorites, the Detonics Servicemaster. A great carry piece.