Stupid people of the week
Georgia murder suspect wanted by police calls 911 over cold McDonald’s fries, gets arrested following pursuit
A murder suspect on the run from police in Georgia was arrested Friday after he called 911 to complain about his McDonald’s fries being too cold.
Antoine Sims, 24, entered into a dispute with McDonald’s staff in Kennesaw, Georgia that resulted in both him and management calling the police. When officers arrived at the scene, they discovered Sims had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear in a homicide case, FOX 5 of Atlanta reported.
Sims was previously arrested in March 2019, as he was accused of setting a car on fire with a woman’s body inside in October 2018. He was charged with felony murder and ordered to appear in court.
Friday’s incident started when Sims and his fiancée were waiting for their food at the McDonald’s location when the order seemed to be taking too long, Sims explained to Kennesaw police, FOX 5 reported.
Sims then approached the cashier to ask about the order, which was already waiting on the counter, he said. He was not given a receipt, so he was unable to know if his order number was called, he told police.
“So now our food is sitting there cold,” he explained to the officer, per the report. “So when I come up, I try the fries. The fries are lukewarm, but they’re not hot.”
Sims then requested a new fries order, rather than a refund, then feuded with management. Management then demanded he leave the restaurant and both parties called the police, FOX 5 reported. The manager later told police Sims cursed them out and threw his order at them.
“I don’t ever want him back here,” the manager told the officer, per the report. “I mean, dude’s obviously on probation (out on bond) — got an ankle bracelet on.”
Officers told Sims he was not allowed to re-enter the restaurant and asked him to sign a criminal trespass notice. They also requested dispatch run Sims’ information through crime databases which made him visibly “agitated,” a police report said.
“I’m afraid of y’all. I just did three years, sir. I’m afraid of y’all, sir,” Sims told police, FOX 5 reported. An officer then approached Sims, who sprinted away, sparking a chase.
Police later tracked Sims to an apartment complex, where a resident said he attempted to break into their third-floor apartment. There, the officers used a stun gun and apprehended Sims.
Sims was taken to a hospital and then to jail.
He was charged for his outstanding warrant, as well as obstruction or hindering law enforcement and criminal trespass. He also had a possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute tacked on as police found 31 grams of marijuana in his fiancée’s vehicle.
Source; Fox News
Two People Charged After Protestors Attempt To “Arrest” Police In Peterborough
Two men are facing charges after an incident at the Peterborough Police station Saturday afternoon.
At approximately 1:00pm on August 13, 2022, a group of protestors arrived at the police station with the intent to make a citizens arrest of police and call the military. The event was organized by a woman named Romana Didulo who is the self proclaimed “Queen” of Canada. The group remained outside for several hours.
At approximately 4:00pm officers arriving for their shift were allegedly blocked by protestors who also tried to gain access to a secured entrance of the police station. The officers attempted to take a protester into custody when officers were surrounded. Police say a protestor then struck two officers. In all there were about 30 protestors at the time of the incident.
As a result of the investigation,
A 54-year-old Millbrook man was arrested and charged with:
- Mischief
- Resist Arrest
A 56-year-old man was arrested and charged with:
- Assault Police x2
The accused were held in custody and are scheduled to appear in court tomorrow, August 14, 2022.
An incident involving a protester and a counter-protestor also occurred during the protest. Police are currently investigating this incident.
Source; Kawartha 411
Texas CPS employee fired after allegedly telling 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute
A Texas Child Protective Services employee lost her job after allegedly telling a 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute.
Keisha Bazley, a Texas mother of nine who turned to CPS to help with her 14-year-old daughter, told FOX 26 Houston that her child was running away and causing trouble at school, prompting her to call in family services.
“My daughter told me that the worker had been telling her she should do these things, so she said she decided to video her,” Bazley said.
CPS is housing the girl at a hotel, just like dozens of other foster kids in Harris County.
The video allegedly shows an exchange between the teen and a CPS worker who reportedly tells the girl to be a prostitute.
“And giving her an incentive to do so, and almost a threat of not having her needs being met, if she didn’t do what this woman very explicitly told her to do,” family law attorney Mike Schneider told FOX 26 after watching the video.
“If me, the parent, was to do something like this to my child, I would be bashed,” Bazley said. “I would be called a horrible parent. I would lose my kids.”
Bazley filed an official complaint with CPS. The agency’s commissioner, Jamie Masters, reportedly went to Houston from the Lone Star State’s capital city to apologize to Bazley and her daughter.
“This should not happen to girls in their care,” she said. “It should not happen. It’s unacceptable.”
“I’ve never seen that happen before where the commissioner of CPS comes in from Austin, just to apologize about something horrible that’s been done to a child involved with CPS,” Schneider said. “It’s bad enough if it’s just one bad rogue worker. It concerns me that it may be bigger than that, and they need to make sure it’s not just one person, and they’ve got to find a way to protect these kids.”
In a statement to FOX 26, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services spokeswoman Melissa Lanford, said, “DFPS is aware of the video and has taken action. The person in the video – who was employed as CPS support staff – was dismissed from her position August 10. The safety and appropriateness with which children in care must be treated is our paramount concern. Nothing less will be tolerated.”
Source; Fox News
Man admits to involvement in deadly shooting after being shot by other suspect, records show
A man is behind bars after showing up to a local hospital with a gunshot wound.
Tyler Rideout, 18, has been charged with first-degree murder and two counts of reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon for his involvement in a weekend shooting.
The Memphis Police Department (MPD) responded to a shooting in the 4500 Block of Millbranch Road just after 1 a.m. on Aug. 14 to the Millbranch Express Gas Station.
When officers arrived on the scene, they found a man lying in front of the store with several gunshot wounds, an affidavit said.
Officers recognized the victim as Marico McDaniel who hangs out at the store.
According to records, several rounds entered the business which was occupied by the manager and another employee.
The Memphis Fire Department (MFD) made the scene and pronounced McDaniel dead, officials said.
A witness said that he saw two men walk up to the victim and shoot several times.
According to reports, video surveillance cameras showed the two men walk up to the victim, shoot him several times and run southbound on Millbranch Road.
It appeared on the security video that one suspect was inadvertently shot by the other suspect in the shooting, an affidavit said.
Later that same day, a shooting victim and another man matching the suspect’s description showed up at Methodist South Hospital, the affidavit said.
Source; Yahoo!
Missouri pastor says congregation is ‘poor, broke, busted’ for not buying him a luxury Movado watch
A Kansas City, Missouri, pastor who said his congregation was “poor, broke busted and disgusted” for not buying him the luxury watch he wanted has issued an apology after his remarks caused a stir on social media.
Carlton Funderburke, the senior pastor at Church at the Well, issued an apology video Tuesday for the “inexcusable” remarks he made in an Aug. 7 sermon.
“Though there is context behind the content of the clip, no context will suffice to explain the hurt and anguish caused by my words. I’ve spoken to those I am accountable to and have received their correction and instruction,” he said. “I have also privately apologized to our church, who has extended their love and support to me.”
In a video clip of his sermon posted on TikTok, Funderburke berates his church members for not “honoring” him with a Movado watch.
“This is how I know you’re still poor, broke, busted and disgusted, because of how you been honoring me. I’m not worth your McDonald’s money? I’m not worth your Red Lobster money? I ain’t worth your St. John Knits — y’all can’t afford nohow. I ain’t worth y’all Louis Vuitton? I ain’t worth your Prada? I’m not worth your Gucci?” he said in the nearly minutelong clip.
At one point, Funderburke tells the congregation that a Movado watch can be bought at Sam’s Club.
“And y’all know I asked for one last year. Here it is all the way in August and I still ain’t got it,” he said. “Y’all ain’t said nothing. Let me kick down the door and talk to my cheap sons and daughters.”
The video was posted by The Kansas City Defender, a digital media company. As of Wednesday, the video had been viewed more than 550,000 times.
Many people in the comments condemned Funderburke for preaching about material items.
“That would’ve been my last day in his church,” a commenter wrote.
“I would’ve left so fast and loudly oh no sir,” another said.
Another wrote: “I missed the scripture about the mavado watch.”
Funderburke said Tuesday that his comments do “not reflect my heart or my sentiments toward God’s people.”
“Yet, that’s not discernable in the clip,” he said in his apology. “Therefore, I offer this sincere apology to you today. No context could erase the words I used.”
Source; NBC News
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Stupid Criminals
Project Veritas wasn’t involved so I am not sure how the CPS pimp will plead entrapment.
I used to think it was shocking the number of idiots who call 911 to report poor service. Just the number of “cold fries” calls is embarrassing for just how stupid the person is. It takes Karen to the next level. Except this time the “Karen” was a young black male drug dealer instead of a privileged, middle age white woman.
A couple of years ago, some Karen called 911 because the McGunk she went to was out of Chicken McNuggets!
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Please let us introduce you to Prophet Carl Funderburke, Founding Senior Pastor of Church at The Well, in Kansas City, Missouri:
When we grow up, we wanna be just like him…😉😎
Sheesh. Some People. He needs to go back to drinking Sanka (H/T to Claw).
I dub him “Pastor Bling”
Saw the video of him chastising the church audience. What a piece of scheisse. He made himself famous with that!
Whatdafook! Looks like he already has a wristwatch. I bet there is a heavy gold necklace somewhere around that neck. Guess he thinks he is the pastor of the Wishing Well.
MLK weeps as Al Sharpton says, “Hold my Patek Philippe and watch this.”
When Jesus comes back to Earth, he WON’T be wearing a Rolex watch and an Armani suit like the mega-preachers, wannabe or otherwise!
Let us have the pleasure of introducing you to Antonio Sims, Lover of Hot McDonald French Fries and Cornrow Braids.
He needs to be counseled by Mr. Rolex, AKA as the Prophet Carl Funderburke, Founding Senior Pastor of Church at The Well, in Kansas City, Missouri.
Maybe they will serve him Sanka in prison.
Cold Sanka.
Fries, cornrows, and (allegedly) murder.
Does it look as if something as if he has something sticking thru his face?
If he is so obsessed with potatoes, maybe he should join forces with Brian Stelter (birth name: Mr. Potato Head)
Brian is better known by his nickname, “Tater.”
Let us introduce you to Tyler Rideout, long lost relative of Antonio Sims. They both dig those Cornrows.
Think they also wear “Pants on the Ground?”
Who do they think they is? Snoop Dog? Creator of the new breakfast cereal “Snoop Lootz”?
Tyler simply needs to quit hanging around Gas Stations and start going to McDonalds for those cold, yummy French Fries.
Or better yet, he should have a “Come To Jesus” moment with Prophet Carl Funderburke, Founding Senior Pastor of Church at The Well, in Kansas City, Missouri. After all, having a Rolex Watch is a guarantee ticket to Heaven. Ask Jesus. Or Benny Hinn…
Hope he enjoys drinking Sanka while behind bars…
“Keisha Bazley, a Texas Mother of Nine who turned to CPS to help with her 14-year-old Daughter, told FOX 26 Houston that her child was running away and causing trouble at school…”
What happened was wrong, but we still wonder:
Where is the Dad?
> Where is the Dad?
Ninja, dontcha know ya ain’t supposed to ask that question?
Which one? This baby momma must have at least three or four baby daddies. With nine offspring, I would imagine she has trouble remembering which ones have which baby daddy.
You had me at ‘my McDonalds fries are too cold’.
The queen of canada romana Dildo sounds like someone who missed the 1060’s protests and woodstock. Anyone know her age???? I clicked on the source but the article didn’t show Dildos age.
Who’da thunk an inner city preacher would be one just for the grift?
Speaking of stupid people, let’s include the ignorant Louisiana legislature.
More doctors playing with their patients for political reasons. Louisiana Department of Health guidelines on when an abortion would be allowed under law includes;
So if two doctors sign off on not having a skull as an irremediable congenital defect, she’s good to go. Shouldn’t be that hard, unless doctors don’t actually think, in their professional opinion, that it isn’t something incompatible with life after birth.
We can therefore deduce that this isn’t a condition that will cause the death of the child or they are playing politics with this poor woman. I’m no medical expert, but I’m pretty sure a skull is one of those things you need to have. Which is why I’ll posit that it’s the latter of the two possibilities.
I’d prefer to include the segregationists at Berzerkly. And the teacher’s union in MInnemogadishu.
Just more proof that the words “Criminal Mastermind” are mutually exclusive.