Another Obama mistatement of history

| July 24, 2009

In today’s news is a statement from Obama on his vision of the end of the war in Afghanistan. He doesn’t like the word “victory”, apparently (Fox News link);

“I’m always worried about using the word ‘victory,’ because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur,” Obama told ABC News.

Find me the Emperor Hirohito in this picture of the surrender of Japan to General Richard K. Sutherland;

Or in this picture of the Japanese delegation;
Yeah, Hirohito wasn’t there. Oh, and if you’re wondering what Obama wants instead of victory;

“We’re not dealing with nation states at this point. We’re concerned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Al Qaeda’s allies,” he said. “So when you have a non-state actor, a shadowy operation like Al Qaeda, our goal is to make sure they can’t attack the United States.”

More brilliance. I’m really glad that’s his goal. I was wondering about that, actually.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Historical

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What did you expect? Joe Biden goes to a cafe that has been closed for 20 years in order to get the “pulse” from everyday folks. You can’t expect the President to have any historical facts, because it was never a priority for him in the first place. He was indoctrinated from an early age in the romanticism of “revolution” and all the crappola surrounding how the US is bad, bad, very bad, because we usually are victorious (until the UN in Korea started the thought pattern of negotiated “peace” over total victory).


BTW In the first photo, it looks like a very intense Bull Halsey looking on as the Japanese are signing the surrender papers.

Dave Thul

Victory is such a tough word. It implies one side winning and one side losing. Can’t we just explain to AQ that we’re a post racial country now?
And speaking of post racial, is it really necessary to show photos of Japanese surrendering to an evil white man?


Surefire way to defeat…
Go on the defensive.

Obama is a fool. Period.


“So when you have a non-state actor, a shadowy operation like Al Qaeda, our goal is to kill them, because when they are dead, they can’t attack the United States.”


Please — stop dissing our beloved Commander in Chief about nit-picking technicalities. True, Hirohito was not aboard the Missouri, but Foreign Minister Shigemitsu was Twittering him!


Craig, where be the Tee-Vee broadcasts of FDR discussing the Great Depression??


That’s silly. Television, invented by Al Gore, Sr., was not widely utilized in the 1930’s. Roosevelt did use a Blackberry, however. It was an early vacuum tube prototype weighing 76 pounds and carried on a small trailer attached to the President’s wheelchair. Archival photographs of FDR’s pioneering adoption of this breakthrough technology were destroyed by order of the Bush administration — who was also to blame for my car’s recent transmission breakdown — for no apparent reason.


…this reminds me of when Lance Armstrong landed on the moon 52 years ago this week.

Jeff Steele

George W. Bush – January 10, 2007: “Victory in Iraq will not look like the ones our fathers and grandfathers achieved. There will be no surrender ceremony on the deck of a battleship.”

Bobby Shaftoe

Look, I don’t remember any emperor on the decks when I was there…although I don’t admit to being in the best of shape after Corregidor.

So, the plagerism of Biden wears off with the citation (unattributed) to Bush, yet without the factual accurancy that the so-called “Idiot in Chief” somehow managed.

Do our schools no longer teach history? Exactly what is the Columbia undergrad history program teaching anyway?

Bobby Shaftoe

This, of course, is assuming a Pol Sci/IR degree requires some sort of history coursework in the curriculum.


“This, of course, is assuming a Pol Sci/IR degree requires some sort of history coursework in the curriculum.”

Naw, just kommie konnections with turdburglars like Bill Ayers and presto! A golden ticket with tenure in an ivory tower instituion.

“George W. Bush – January 10, 2007: “Victory in Iraq will not look like the ones our fathers and grandfathers achieved. There will be no surrender ceremony on the deck of a battleship.”
I’m anything but a Bush fan, but the proper end would be asslama bin tarded dosed with high velocity lead poisoning in a Paki cave with his brains painting it’s walls or a Hellfire supository missile ride to hell, not the crossing guard quote of “our goal is to make sure they can’t attack the United States.”

Dave Thul

Roosevelt’s chair was the Blackberry, it was just camouflaged to make him look weak and invite the Japanese to attack to we could buy cheap cars from them 40 years later.


What are all you Obama haters saying now he got Osama!? That, is the question 🙂

Sirena Keanu

Undeniably believe that which you stated. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the internet the easiest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people think about worries that they plainly don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people could take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks


@15 I Say: He Didn’t. DEVGRU, on the otherhand, did. 😉