
| July 24, 2009

The real news in the country is that Obama’s health care planis floundering in Congress because no one wants to be responsible for destroying the economy and the health care system in the country. Obama and his favorability ratings are falling in the polls. But what does the Washington Post put on the front page of their fishwrap this morning?


I guess it’s hard to break old habits. While Palin was the vice presidential nominee last year, the Post and the media in general, thought it was more appropriate to compare Obama, the presidential nominee, to Palin rather than a more appropriate comparison to the Republican presidential nominee. In such a comparison, Obama fell short in experience and actual accomplishments, but against the Governor of Alaska, they thought Obama looked more competitive.

So, while Obama’s favorability rating falls 12 percentage points, the Post finds this more newsworthy;

Overall, the new poll found that 53 percent of Americans view Palin negatively and 40 percent see her in positive terms, her lowest level in Post-ABC polling since she first appeared on the national stage last summer as Sen. John McCain’s running mate.

It’s clear that the Post senses an insurgency campaign from Alaska that threatens the status quo in Washington. Why else would a governor of a distant, remote state, who is leaving her office in a few days, garner more attention than a president who is losing his momentum?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Liberals suck, Media, Usual Suspects

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