You Know, Maybe You Military Officers Need to Re-Think This Whole Birther Thingy?
Look, this is not just hit-whoring (though you know I’m not above it), I think it’s solid career advice.
Is there something going on with Obama’s birth certificate? Maybe. I mean who on God’s green earth would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to hide a document that you need to produce to get into Little League?
But here’s the thing. If you are a military officer, it does not matter. Stay in your lane and shut up before you ruin your career and cause great pain for yourself and your families. This 15 minutes ain’t worth it and frankly as officers you should be above this kind of self-serving crap.
Aside from all of that, there’s this little matter of Article 88 of the UCMJ:
“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”
(1)That the accused was a commissioned officer of the United States armed forces;
(2) That the accused used certain words against an official or legislature named in the article;
(3) That by an act of the accused these words came to the knowledge of a person other than the accused; and
(4) That the words used were contemptuous, either in themselves or by virtue of the circumstances under which they were used.
Now the issue is whether the statements by these officers were “contemptuous”.
Here’s a couple of samples beyond the Major who volunteered for combat service for the sole purpose of attacking his Commander in Chief with ZERO evidence.
First we have a seasoned Lieutenant:
“Until Mr. Obama releases a ‘vault copy’ of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather, a usurper to the Office — an impostor,” 1st Lt. Scott R. Easterling states in his letter published at
Not enough? Okay, here’s an Air Force Reserve Flight Surgeon’s letter to the Secretary of Defense:
Once again I find myself at a loss of words to try to explain the abject and total dismay I have at the administration to include the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to allow the painful division now occurring in our military to proceed unabated. I hope that do not need to remind you that you as well took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution. As a point of honor you are either willing to do this or you are not. If you are not then preserve your honor, resign and let someone who cares more about us than that do what is right.
I again respectfully implore you to act within your powers and help us. It is absolutely true and is my Prayer to my Creator to allow me to suffer the slings and arrows of being thought a fool rather than to have my convictions realized that persons of responsibility have allowed through negligence to have the Office of the President of the United States to be USURPED; it is self evident however, that whatever the outcome we must know the truth.
Lt Col David A. Earl-Graef USAFR MC
WTF? What are you asking the SecDef to do? Militarily overthrow the President?
The common lawyer of all of these officers is Orly Taitz; a dentist cum attorney via the internet. Ms Taitz claims to have over 170 officers that she has received consent letters from.
That’s 170 officers who are either too selfish, too political or too stupid to be officers.
(Be careful with the hate comments or I will never post Angie Harmon nude again!)
Category: Politics
You posted such a pic before? Web search, here I come…
COB6 Wrote: Must have been drunk blogging. I’m leaving though because I think the quotes make the point clearer.
Lord Vader,
With all of the recent churn within the Imperial Navy and her armed forces, the legitimacy of the Emperor’s legality to assume control over the former Republic has been circulating within the officer’s corps. If it pleases mylord, we were wondering if it wouldn’t be too much to ask for the Emperor’s personal records and a family tree outlining his line of ascension. I understand that you’re a busy guy, what with looking for rebel Jedi and blowing up entire planets and shit, but the men are getting nervous. Commander O’Taint of the Imperial JAG Corps says that she’s been reading chatter on the holonet that might even suggest the Emperor is really a Sith infiltrator, destined to throw the entire government down the proverbial rancor hole. Do you think that’s true? And while we’re on the subject, that whole blowing up entire planets thing…not exactly cool, mylord. I know you and Tarkin were just following orders and all, but the Emperor’s zeal to come into office and eliminate political adversaries in such an extreme fashion has me wondering if the rumors are true. I sent a similar note of concern to Vice Chancellor B’Iden and he replied back with travel brochures to Endor and a pair of dirty panties from some blue chick he said he liked to eat lunch with. Not cool. Ok, well I gotta go, mylord. Our unit just got word that there’s some kind of disturbance out near the Skywalker moisture farm, but I’ll be writing again soon.
All my best.
Major Cook U’tube
Callsign – TK1138
Tattooine, Outer Rim Territories
PS: I sent some sunscreen. The stuff we use here can even block out radiation from mind control devices!
Taitz is wrong with how she’s going about this, yes. I agree with that.
My question is this: At what point do the citizens–including the military–have the right to stand up against a corrupt government? You have foreign troops going into southern states in a week, socialized health care upon us, and the steady erosion of the exact freedoms that so many of us wore a uniform to protect. I don’t believe that this is the typical “just wait four years” scenario, because the things I’m seeing are happening so fast and so intensely that I honestly don’t know if the U.S. as a nation can last much longer. I’m no doomsday whiner, by any stretch. But there’s a lot going on, and at some point there has to be someone willing to stand up and say “enough!”
Are the right people for that military officers? Maybe that’s the debatable point. But I know if I were an officer, there’s no way I would feel comfortable taking orders from someone who can’t even prove they’re legally in the White House.
Let the flames begin….haha
I am a bit convoluted about this. Evidently congress is the sole arbiter of whether a person is a citizen or not in order to become president, and Madam Botox said “yes.” But if you are going to put your honor on the line, then do so, but take your lumps just like anybody else. I fear we are stuck with the Loser in Chief for the next 3 and a 1/2 years minimum. These soldiers are acting like democraps. And that isn’t good.
Hi Kit!
Clay, awesome as usual.
So what if we find out that President Obama truly is not eligible to be President?
Whether it is next week or in ten years, what does that mean about the rest of our nations laws?
The risk that the President is ineligible may be small, but the impact that that situation would cause is huge.
Sure maybe people are crazy for questioning his eligibility, but that what America is all about.
Also, in an earlier case the judge threw out the case about the President’s birth certificate and eligibility because the people who brought up the charge was ex-military (retired) and therefor is not subject to following the orders of a “false” Commander in Chief.
So, if he is ineligible it would be a very terrible and tense time in this country, but when has that ever been good enough reason to stand up for what is right and the Constitution?
Much as I usually disagree with him, Claymore for the win.
That is solid career advice. But I AM mystified.
The Empty Suit in Chief COULD put all this to bed today.
Just produce the damned document.
This is as idiotic as his moronic effort to get the troops to pay for their own wound-related medical care… except this doesn’t go away. And it seems to me that every fricking day that goes by without him producing his BC just tends to strengthen the position of the birthers.
Of course, taking it a step further, what do we get… what happens… if he ISN’T eligible to be president? What happens then? What about the laws, the policies, the appointments he’s made and signed off on?
And as despicable a character as I believe him to be… how’s the concept of a “President Biden” sound?
Good God. There is no win available here. If he’s legit, we keep Obama. If he isn’t, we get Biden.
I need a drink.
COB 6 Wrote: Excellent point in that Biden would be an even bigger nightmare but I’m working with a Constitutional expert to figure out what would exactly happen. So far I’ve learned we won’t like that either.
I’ll join you for that drink.
The Empty Suit in Chief COULD put all this to bed today.
Just produce the damned document.
He can’t. Not only will his handlers not allow it, his ego won’t even consider the idea. But the point is moot. We have a president…legally elected, legally certified and legally sworn. I’d say that these misguided folks are pissing up a rope, but that would assume they know which way ‘up’ is.
Much as I usually disagree with him, Claymore for the win.
Aww. I bet you say that to all the smart-ass, redneck, gun-toting, wing-nuts you know…
“So far I’ve learned we won’t like that either”. Uh, oh. I’m really hoping that doesn’t lead where I’m pretty sure it does. Now, I need a drink…
There is one point that makes the whole birth certificate hunt a waste of time, in that his mother was a US Citizen. So he could have been born on the moon and still been considered an American.
Simple solution. Instead of hiding behind dozens of lawyers and spending millions of dollars (dummies give it to him so he could care less) why doesn’t President O’Dumbo show his records, all of them. We know more about the man in the moon than we do O’Dumbo. The most dangerous people in the country are those who accept his word when all evidence points to birth in Kenya. His grandmother says he was and she assisted in his birth. Now she’s probably in a deep hole after being ate by the lions.
Fred Fry needs to get up to date on the requirements for citizenship.
Here’s the kicker, and God forgive me for disagreeing with such a stellar band of minds (no sarcasm intended whatsoever). IMHO, any idea or argument that is against calling for Obama to show his proof is really an argument against doing the right thing, and here’s why. We’re all graduates of the same country’s uniform here, and we all know the quote by Edmund Burke. All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Since when is the notion that “Yeah but it would suck worse then” a defense against doing the right thing? Since when do we gauge our willingness to stand for truth by how inconvenient or even dangerous it would be? Is Biden a “better” pick? Good Lord no. But stupid is better than crafty and cunning. Big mouth syndrome is better than machinations. Who takes Joe Biden seriously? I doubt even Obama does. But again, that’s not the point here. The point is that there is a (potential) fraud being perpetrated on the citizens of our nation, and we AS a nation have the right to call for truth to be shown. What if the colonists had said, “Hey we don’t like King George, but MAN! Those other guys that already live here wouldn’t be any better.” What if they’d have weighed the options and decided that since King George was “legally” their leader, they should just grin and bear it? You and TSO know me. There’s NO WAY I could ever be called a liberal, an anti-military, anti-war activist, or anything even remotely considered anti-American. I’m not looking for anarchy, and I’m not looking for some lame-ass coup to take place. What I AM looking for, is for the truth to come out, whatever that truth may be. If it results in Obama losing his place as President, then so be it. Whatever consequences come from that are going to be better for our nation in the long run than continuing on under deception, simply because truth is ALWAYS the better road. And I’m not going to stand by… Read more »
Oh…and, hi, TSO. 😉 Wish me luck, by the way…I’m trading in Air Force blue for the clothes of an Army spouse. 😉
Well, just what do you expect the birth certificate to say, that he was born in Kenya? I think this hunt is just a waste of time.
Not for anything, but we are still waiting for the rest of John Kerry’s military records………
I truly think that there is equal likely hood that he is or is not a Natural Born Citizen (which is the requirement; not just a citizen, for those that do not know). I mean if this guy had said he had won the MoH we would have been marching on the Capitol if the record had been kept hidden until now.
I think we should treat the Commander in Chief with as much skepticism as we treat people from IVAW.
Now of course this is made easier by the fact that I am now a civilian and I fully believe that the military needs to stay out of politics. Lord help this country if our legislative or executive branch ever fear the military. We would see the political equivalent of the night of long knives.
I understand that a MoH citation would be easy to find and would be tracked by many groups from its initial proposal in Congress, I was just using that as an example.… ———- ‘Get out of war free’ card ———- Posted: July 20, 2009 The case of the missing birth certificate grows more and more curious. While numerous attempts to clarify the historical record have been successfully fought by the administration’s lawyers, the issue became much more serious when Maj. Stefan Cook, a U.S. Army reservist with deployment orders to Afghanistan, filed a lawsuit based on his questions about the legality of a deployment order based on the command of a potentially illegitimate commander in chief. But rather than contesting the suit, the Army took the highly peculiar step of revoking the major’s deployment order, suggesting that the Pentagon generals are not entirely confident that they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their purported commander in chief. The doubts this action raised about Obama’s legitimacy were further increased when Maj. Cook was almost immediately fired from his civilian job at a private defense contractor, reportedly due to pressure from a federal agency under the Department of Defense, the Defense Security Services Agency. Although the obvious purpose of revoking the deployment order was to render the lawsuit moot, the firing only provides Maj. Cook with additional ammunition for broadening the scope of his lawsuit now that he has suffered demonstrable material damages. Maj. Cook has already been joined in his lawsuit by two other soldiers, a retired Army two-star general and an active reserve Air Force lieutenant colonel. But the potential consequences of the major’s revoked deployment go far beyond the number of American soldiers with doubts about the legitimacy of orders from their nominal commander in chief. The Pentagon’s decision to back down rather than risk exposing Obama’s birth records to the public means that every single American soldier, sailor, pilot and Marine now holds a “get out of war free” card. Not only every deployment order, but every order issued from an officer in the line of command can now be challenged in the knowledge that the top brass are afraid to respond for fear that their commander could be exposed for a fraud. Given the number of sea and barracks… Read more »
I have been reluctant to get into this whole mess, but I think I really need to pitch in my two cents for what it’s worth. I was ready to dismiss Orly Taitz as some airhead, but after listening to a video of her today I am not so sure. She may not be the brightest bulb in town, but she is no dummy either. As to the officers involved. It is obviously a bad career decision to get involved with the whole ‘birth certificate’ issue. And I certainly don’t think associating with anyone involved in the IVAW crap is wise. But on the other hand, officers of the armed forces may be the only ones with a legal standing to challenge the issue in a way that cannot be swept under the carpet. The central problem is that there is no method of verification for the constitutional requirement of natural born citizenship. We are going through the process that will lead to one and it is going to be messy as hell for everyone involved. The practice up to now has been to allow the political parties to vet their own candidates and we have seen how well the Democrat party has performed that function for the Obama administration. Fred Fly made a comment that is misinformed. Obama’s mother’s citizenship does not automatically give Obama citizenship. He was born after the law changed. How do I know? My uncle, who was born in the U.S., served in the 101st Airborne in Europe in WWII, married a girl from Glens Falls, NY, had two children. Both were born outside of the U.S. the children were citizens of Mexico. The older one, when he moved to the U.S. found out that he IS an American citizen and only needed some paperwork to be filed. But his younger sister, and we’re talking 3 years difference in age, but identical background, is NOT an American citizen solely because of the year she was born. Both parents were natural born American citizens, both were of full age at the time the children were born,… Read more »
Claymore Says: July 20th, 2009 at 6:45 pm
He can’t. Not only will his handlers not allow it, his ego won’t even consider the idea. But the point is moot. We have a president…legally elected, legally certified and legally sworn. I’d say that these misguided folks are pissing up a rope, but that would assume they know which way ‘up’ is.
== =======================
obviously you haven’t read the Constitution. This man is a fraud. Even IF he were born in the U.S., he also holds citizenship as an Indonesian (based on his ability to go to Indonesia when U.S. citizens can’t AND he didnt have a U.S. passport until he ran for Congress) AND according to the Constitution he cannot hold dual citizenship (for obvious reasons) Once people start to trample on the Constitution and what is stands for and the protections is affords us, our country will go deeper and faster than it is into a socialistic/communistic state. IF you wish your every movement to be monitored, told what you do, where you work, what you are paid, and what you eat – hey keep on believing. that change is coming . This man is a detriment to the United States. IF you don’t think that other countries have been and are sizing him up take a peek at Russia, North Korean, Iran, Afghanistan, Honduras, et al – they see the writing on the wall and believe us Americans to be stupid. Even chavez thinks the pretender is more liberal than himself. So please put down that kool aid and conduct some research. You might be surprised what you can find out.
God Bless America and may she always be free
Claymore, It is THX1138 and you are about to be arrested for “Drug Evasion”. Are you taking your “Interval”?
obviously you haven’t read the Constitution.
I got a Heritage Foundation provided copy sitting right here at my desk, snapperhead. The only fraud I see is a bunch of folks who would probably be more at home hanging outside of Area 51 looking for ET than running around attempting to “solve” something that is unsolvable. At this juncture, if PrezBo threw his hands up in the air and said, “Ok all you nutjobs, here’s my o-fishul birf certificate…choke on it.”, you guys would spend the next 6 months telling everyone that it was fake…or the font on the paper is from a Brother Model Umptysquat 3000 which wasn’t made until the same year as the Xoltan Convergence when Zenu sent his fleet of starships to kill his brother-in-law’s uncle in the Prenoss System. At some point, reality has to set in; Congress has certified the election…the Supremes are not about to hear this case…the public isn’t interested in another “selected, not elected” load of horseshit like the left perpetrated for 8 frickin’ years…we lost…he won…in the eyes of the law, he’s not just a friggin’ citizen, he’s YOUR…PRESIDENT.
Okay once again, without opinion, to clarify: If Mr. Obama is determined to not be a Natural Born American Citizen then he would be “disqualified” from being POTUS. This is entirely different than being POTUS and resigning. The latter elevates Biden to POTUS, the former returns ex post facto to the Electoral College and the second highest reciever of presidential votes (Mr. McCain) becomes POTUS, and all actions taken by the disqualified POTUS are immediately nullified. Granted this would be argued for months while the Nuclear Authorization Codes remain locked up waiting for a new POTUS. Such an outcome would almost certainly lead to a constitutional crises. Be careful what you wish for, to those of you hoping Mr. Obama was born in Mombasa.
HEY! Where is the photo of Angie Harmon dammit?
The other stuff is just officer crap by the way.