Holiday Open Thread

| July 4, 2023

Here’s hoping to a fun day of celebrating America’s birthday. The Fourth of July also comes with its July 4th lights and decorations. You could be “lighted up” like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc., in your home. Happy Fourth of July!

Category: Open thread

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The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST has endeavored and persevered. A Trifecta of FIRST…two (2) each of coveted EARNED NEVER AWARDED Vaunted TAH Weekend Open Threads (WOTs) and one (1) (had to really work for) Holiday Open Thread (HOT). Comment from the Stoned Hacker “Hack Stone has been refreshing the Home Page for the last 15 minutes waiting on a Holiday Open Thread. what gives?” 15 minutes?!? PFFT… Shoulda stuck with it. Any prize worth having is worth working for. How about an hour and a half? No time for “half” measures on such a prize, Hack. Maybe if you put as much effort into the hunt for FIRST that you do in peddling your outdated Red Hat Y2K Softwear that the missing Elaine Ricci makes you model, you too, could regain a spot as Lord of miscreanted d’weeds and Adorable Deploreables. Refreshing the page while refreshing this cup of Irish Coffee was a battle in itself. The struggle was reelz.

A Salute and most heartfelt Thank You to those 56 men who stood up to the most powerful country in the World to Pledge their Lives, their Fortunes, and yes…their Sacred Honor to throw off a yoke of oppression,Declaring to set forth on establishing what would become the Greatest Republic the World had ever seen.

There will be a plethora of assorted grilled beasts, side dishes, snacky stuff, refreshing beverages, chilled homegrown melons, and home made ice cream for all hands here @ Firebase Magnolia.


And what happened to those 56 men? “Five signers were captured by the British and brutally tortured as traitors. Nine fought in the War for Independence and died from wounds or from hardships they sufferedTwo lost their sons in the Continental Army. Another two had sons captured. At least a dozen of the fifty-six had their homes pillaged and burned.

The rest of the story is here…

Never forget!


Just a reminder…not that any of us need it…this is for the ones monitoring this site…
comment image


How dare you threaten the Army’s PSB like this! Milley is doubtlessly hosting his equally qualified former teammate that could pass for his brother sister. celebrating this country’s future Dependence Day.



Milo Mindbender

Not first, but still caffinating.


Happy 2nd Amendment day to you all!


Caffinating sounds good…

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Present and accounted for, but needing caffination.


Bud Light winning hearts and minds.


I like the commercial, but it’s still nasty beer. Perhaps AB should spend less on advertising and more on making good beer.


I toured the AB brewery in Houston. One of the high points was tasting BL straight from the tuns BEFORE it is pasteurized. Light, slightly fruity, great taste, could be a light Weizen or maybe Belgian Wit. Then they pasteurize it and turn it into crap.


I was a huge fan of Micheob Dark back in the day, perhaps excessively so. I worked for a small custom log furniture maker prior to the Army, we did about $400k in work for a fishing lodge that was then owned by Augie Busch. He kept our shop stocked with a private brew of Michelob Dark. A metric shit-ton. It was a very good year.

Hack Stone

Drats! Was expecting it to drop at 08:00 Eastern. Kept refreshing until 08:15, and no open thread. Had to get my ice chest of outdated Red Hat Software ready to stroll the beaches of Wilmington to hawk my wares to the tourists, and you drop the Holiday Open Thread.


Eww, use of force to defend people– might makes right and resistance is “racist,” comrade!



Green Thumb

As The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) keeps on a stealing….


Not FIRST on the fourth but I have a fifth of Woodford Reserve
Double Oaked Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey to console
my broken heart and aching bones.


Present! D’s Cantina is open, brisket is happily relaxing in the smoker, libations from Barrio Brewing are chilling, Dutch oven cherry dump cake and ice cream for dessert. Parking is limited, arrive early! Happy Treason Day, Dickweeds and Lionesses! Enjoy working today, Brits!


Happy 4th DWs – sharing a childhood memory


Tastes nearly as good as water from the garden hose!


And yet we lived through that


We have awesome immune systems from that and playing in the dirt


Father said, “You ain’t a kid unless you can eat a quart of dirt a day”.


I kept bactine and band-aids in business as a ute.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Yea, those days were great along with stickball, mumbly peg, flipping baseball cards, punchball, chinese handball (NYC asses up), street roller skating, hide and seek, red light green light 1 2 3, Simon says, baseball cards in the bicycle spokes along with the handlbar streamers, stoopball, hit the penny on the sidwalk expansion cracks, dodge ball, winter car bumper skitching, good humor and bungalow bar ice cream trucks, group of guys singing in the school yard and street corner and mens bathrooms and musical chairs.


Here’s your Independence Day safety brief:

Count your fingers. Make a note of the count.

Before you go to bed tonight, count your fingers again.

The numbers should match.


And while you’re laying there trying to decide if what you are hearing is celebratory vs probing……….


Funny you should mention that. I was just at Fry’s (that’s the K-Roger to some of youse.) when the Huachuca Honor Guard starts firing the annual Salute to the Union. 75% of the parking lot immediately reacted like a round hit the cart corral. Did I mention our population is heavy on retirees? Good times!


Damn picture wouldn’t download, gives a time out and can’t edit so…..

Before the PC Thing reared its ugly head we would do Living History/Firing Demonstrations with crews in both uniforms. Now-a-days, its Federal Uniform only, but, hey…the crew is well fed, and there is a nice little gratuity paid out from the Gnrl’s Discretionary Spending Fund.

Hack Stone

Before everyone jumps to conclusions and say that this cocaine belongs to Hunter, just keep an open mind and explore all possibilities. Much like the cigarettes found in Greg Brady’s school jacket did not belong to him (Season 2 Episode Episode-4, Where There’s Smoke), this cocaine could belong to one of the hookers he snuck into The White House after Joe and Jill went to bed, which would leave the opportunity to occur between 4:30 PM and 1:00 PM.


Pay no attention to his recent crack-smoking binge while driving to Vegas for more hookers/blow.

Hack Stone

He had a legitimate reason to be driving 172 MPH. He had to get to Vegas before the Viagra wore off. I’m not joking.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like how Al Gore III valiantly risked his life to prove that a Toyota Prius can go 100+ MPH while fleeing from LE with drugs in his car.

A Proud Infidel®™

Along with deducting what he spent on Hookers and drugs as “Business Expense”.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress would be good with this.

He and Hunter have a lot in common. Kinsa look alike as well. Maybe Phildo was laying the pipe to Jill back in the day.

Who knows?


I think everybody was doing Jill back in that day along with playing with lawn darts.


Well, you know Hunter digs stepmom porn…

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Daisy Cutter

Laying pipe? Is that the same as pile driving?



There was a comedian back in the 80’s that had his own lyrics –

Sold my car
Sold my house
Sold my wife



San Fransh*tshow reaches new now…children attacking mothers/nannies on way to school now:


Cali’s reparations task force wants to ban cops from enforcing public urination, etc. laws too:

Hack Stone

That same “report” wants to wipe out all child support debt for African Americans. Why should they be responsible for their children?


Wow. You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that LBJ was still alive and running the show for the dems. Stupid phone keeps trying to capitalize anything related to democrats. Fuck Steve Jobs.


Progressives feel Socialism should be responsible for everything instead… for equity, nirvana or something. Lars insists it’s never really been done before.
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Hack Stone

Homer gets it.


Hell yeah!

A Proud Infidel®™

Keep electing D-rats to run the show, see your locale turn into a 24K third world shithole!


All of you can sit around today, drinking and eating, enjoying fireworks…

I’m on alert for any Redcoats that may be on the prowl. If I was a Redcoat, THIS would be the day I launch the counter-offensive.

I was certain I saw one of their snipers in the trees behind my crib. It ended up being a cardinal.

Still, I have the watch.

Enjoy your 4th and thank me for my service.


Don’t trust them there cardinals, they’ve been eyballing the grapevines in my backyard lately.




When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

RTWT here.

Just a reminder, these men knowingly signed their own death warrants by adding their signatures to this page.

Stay Revolutionary my friends!

Happiest of Independence Day to you and yours!

Jack up some redcoats!.jpg
A Proud Infidel®™

Amen, Brother.

Hack Stone

Sometimes in snows in July in Washington DC. Climate Change, don’t cha know.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s snowing somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, but all of the FLAKES are in Washington DC!


They have top men on it


There’s no violation of the pre-trial diversion program for federal gun charges invented just for him if they don’t happen to ask him about it, you know.


White House aide falls on bayonet in 3…2…1..

jeff LPH 3 63-66



Welp, it is confirmed. A stash of coke (cocaine hydrochloride) is the suspicious white powder found at the White House. Someone’s “smartest man I know” is going to have to spend the four-day weekend at Camp David without any blow.


And in a totally unrelated note, Eric Clapton will be the musical guest.

A Proud Infidel®™

“BUTbutbut Trump bad because he send mean tweets and …” , Yeah, just ask any brainwashed moonbat liberal.


The Independence Day (That Almost Never Was)

  July 3, 2023 The Independence Day (That Almost Never Was) Today’s post is about God’s intervention to save our Republic through Roger Sher…


Let’s try this again. And no, there were no beers involved in the link attempts

A Proud Infidel®™

Good reading! In high school I was blessed with a Teacher that made sure he taught us about the US Constitution as well as the Articles of Confederation which preceded it.


Happy 4th !!


“Kate Smith’s Heart-Stirring ‘God Bless America’ – This Is the Army (1943) HD”

5 minutes well worth watching.

Happy 4th! 🇺🇸 


The 1984 original “I’m Proud To Be An American” by Lee Greenwood.

3 minutes.

Happy 4th!  🇺🇸 


“My Country, ‘Tis of Thee | The Concert Band and Soldiers’ Chorus of the Army Field Band”

3 minutes.


“Gene Autry – There’s A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere (Sgt. Gene Radio Show 08/16/1942)”

2 minutes.


The original song.


Never Forget.


“SOUSA The Stars and Stripes Forever – “The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band”

4 minutes.

A Proud Infidel®™

A beautiful performance, but of course it IS “The President’s own” USMC Band!


“On This Day In History, July 4, 1802, The U.S. Military Academy Opens At West Point”



It opened as a school to educate and train military Engineers.

🍺🛠️⚙️🧨 📐🏰



OIP (23).jpg
A Proud Infidel®™

HAPPY FOURTH everyone, I once again declare “PRESENT” and award myself another Honorary First


Epstein did not kill himself
I still have all fingers and toes; I think the Guy with three fingers and an eye patch ALWAYS has the best fireworks!




A repeat and well worth it.

Your History Lesson Of The Day.

We are still laughing at the caption under the picture of “Old Douglas” headstone:

“You would have eaten him too, admit it.”


Poor Douglas…

Never Mess With The South….🤭😉😎

“Rebels at Vicksburg Vowed Revenge Against the Yankee Who Killed Their Camel”


Camel hump was probably a welcome change from roasted rat. Them boys had already eaten all of the horses and mules.

In Harry Turtledove’s Alternative History Novel, “How Few Remain” CSA Gnrl J.E.B. Stuart used his Camel Corps to great effect in the Southwestern Theater of Operations against Federal Forces during the 2nd WBTS.

The Texas Camel Corps Re-Enactment Unit travels around the South giving Living History Demos with their camels.

I have visited Old Doug’s gravesite. He is Honored each year, along with the troops buried there, each Confederate Memorial Day.


Back when the Poe’s lived in the Texas Hill Country, we could see from our hot tub on the back deck, all the way to the rocky ridges behind Camp Verde, some 25 miles to the northwest. Camp Verde was the home of the Army’s camel experiment from 1856-66.

It was rumored by the old cowboys in the bars of Bandera that some of the critters had wandered off into the hills and their progeny could still be seen nowadays on rare encounters in more remote areas. Ol’ Poe kept a sharp lookout as we explored that beautiful Old West country for nearly nine years, but never saw one danged camel.

Now he mighta seen a few jackrabbits he claimed to be pert near that big… 😜 


Walp, Ol’ Poe… Them jack rabbits mated with antelopes to make jackelopes…maybe the camels mated with the antelopes too and made camelopes…you know…like a honey dew but with a tan hide. I hear that camelope is good eating on a hot summer day. 😋




One of the many events that DOES bring us together as a Country.

Wokeism and Racism does not exist during this event.

“Joey Chestnut Wins Record 16th Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest”

God Bless The USA!



The The hot dog gal is pretty hot too.

Hack Stone

Once again, a cisgender white male depriving the LBGQT+ community of their foot longs.


This Philly shooter reveal will quickly disappear from media memory…

New York Post – Breaking News, Top Headlines, Photos & Videos (


Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died this day in 1826:

From wiki:

Jefferson died … at 12:50 p.m. at age 83, on the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which he authored. In the moments prior to his death, Jefferson instructed his treating physician, “No, doctor, nothing more”, refusing laudanum. But his final significant words were, “Is it the Fourth?” or “This is the Fourth”. When John Adams died later that same day, his last words included an acknowledgment of his longtime friend and rival, “Thomas Jefferson survives”, though Adams was unaware that Jefferson had died several hours before. The sitting president was Adams’s son, John Quincy Adams, and he called the coincidence of their deaths on the nation’s anniversary “visible and palpable remarks of Divine Favor”

What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall durning these two’s heated debates…

I wish that all the good Men had Sense and Spirit enough to go to America. With the usual Sentiments Yours,

John Adams

[To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 10 November 1787, link]

Begrudgingly sentimental?

May both these men rest deservedly well and may we endeavor to live guided by their example.


Welp, SIR on Bragg?

Blackhawk 11-20407 took off from Womack AMC and made the trip to UNC Chapel Hill in under 20 minutes.

I’m not saying they did 160+kts…

Whomever got the dotgov sponsored ride to higher care, I wish them a speedy recovery.


I’d say someone just became the subject of next Friday’s safety briefing.


4th of July.
That holiday,
when the exposed fat load
who lies about his service and his medals,
lives off double disability,
gaming the VA,
and scamming Social Security,
posts about “Marked Safe From” (x2) on social media.

BONUS – He also posted about MLK’s “content of your character”.

Marked safe x2 by you know who.jpg

VG doesn’t want me mentioning his name,
until he does something else, something really stupid
that makes him VG article worthy.

It won’t be long.
Indicators are, he hasn’t changed.

Good news (for me), he’s no longer in my backyard.
Veterans in the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area will be watching him.

Daisy Cutter

Oh no…

3rd of July.jpg

NEW YORK CITY, NY – According to sources, Sammy, a local Beagle, has checked his progressive owner Carl Sphincter into therapy for post-traumatic stress after last night’s fireworks show.
Witnesses say the show featured excessive displays of patriotism, flag-waving, and rockets’ red glare, which caused Sammy’s liberal owner to run and hide under his bed and whimper for several hours.

“Look at all this American pride, even though America is on stolen land and minorities are still oppressed!” said Sphincter, according to a close family member. “Every explosion is like a big ‘white supremacy bomb’ in the sky! And they’re loud and scary!”
He then tweeted angrily about how awful America is and then wet his pants. 

In related news, another dog named Bullitt also checked his Trump-supporting owner into therapy after he read Sphincter’s anti-American tweet. 

H/T to the Babylon Bee and AW1 Rod.