And Today’s Orly Taintz Award for Public Lunacy Goes to…

| July 16, 2009

Crazy old Uncle Joe. The Washington Post has a copy of a speech he’s supposed to give in Virginia today.

Vice President Biden plans a political broadside this afternoon in the home district of Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), accusing the senior Republican lawmaker of joining in his party’s smear of the $787 billion Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“To those who say that our economic decisions ‘have not produced jobs, have not produced prosperity, and simply have not worked’ I say, take a look around,” Biden will say, according to prepared remarks obtained by The Washington Post.

“I say, ‘Don’t let your opposition to the Recovery Act blind you to its results,'” Biden plans to say in the Richmond speech. “‘Come see what I see everywhere I go: workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classroom, progress toward getting our economy back on the move.'”

It’s probably not fair to put Biden in the same category with this conspiracy obsessed lunatic.

Biden is just garden variety stupid.

Category: Politics

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And yet just a few days ago he was saying that the stimulus was failing because everyone underestimated just how bad the economy was, yadda yadda yadda. Does he assume that we’re 1–just as stupid as he is, 2–not paying attention? I mean yeah, most of the people AREN’T, but there are enough that are that’ll put the truth out, Joe!


Revision from the trenches: Come see what I see everywhere I go in my state: unemployment climbing, factories chained shut, houses and properties LONG uninhabited up for sale, more cops/deputies/state police giving traffic tickets to make up municipality & state budget shortcomings, teacher jobs being impossible to find due to budgetary constraints, and two signs on stretches of highway claiming money came from the stimulus.

Fixed it for ya, Joe!!


“The Americans are no where near Baghdad! They will Drown in rivers of their own Blood!”


LMAO, Dutch. Good old Baghdad Joe. I look around Michigan and see what Junior AG sees, except the Granholm administration is laying off the State Police, which in some rural counties is the only road patrol after 4pm.

B Woodman

‘Be about my retort, too.
Know how to win an arguement with a lib? Pelt him/her/himher/it with FACTS.
Rising unemployment, bankruptcies and home foreclosures. Falling property values.
Tell me again to my face how this is working?
I want to laugh in yours.


heh! someone on my blog just called poor joe the ‘vice moron’.


This just in: AlQaeda now taking credit for the stimulus.