Female Soldier yells at the other Soldiers “Karen style”

| June 15, 2022

YouTuber “Angry Cops” posted a video, from TikTok, of a female Soldier screaming at other Soldiers. She eventually makes her way down from the seating areas to the floor, while continuing to scream. Other Soldiers try to get the screamer to conduct herself in a professional manner. Unfortunately, their efforts do not work during the video segment.

Category: Army

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Promote her!


She seems nice.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

If I commented on her, I would be called a racist so all I can say watching her is what a scream the video was.

Old tanker

If she was screaming at a superior NCO there should be a court marshal in her future. If they are all the same rank, an article 15 at a minimum.


Instead, they will try and understand her anger under the premise that her actions were probably justified due to the emotions she was experiencing.


That “systemic racism” and “oppression,” you know…

MI Ranger

Looks like Fort Jackson. With the big envelope in her hand, probably a basic trainee. It is amazing to see Drill Sergeants reduced to having to stand there and take it (her out burst), instead of dragging her off by her ear like in my day. In my day if you stepped to a senior NCO you were asking for a world of hurt, but now they have to worry about “sexual harassments” claims if they touch her.


An old shipmate of mine went to MCRD San Diego back in ’94 and said at the airport USO a recruit broke off and got mouthy with the NCO sent to wrangle everyone together — the Marine ended up grabbing the kid by his long hair and dragging him to the line of other recruits and tossed his crying ass back in with them.

Never heard a peep from the kid again.


Try this kind of shit at Parris Island and see what happens…

My, My, My

If Corn Pop had a daughter……


Does ModeRNA have this symptom on the vaxxxxxxine insert?
Maybe she has a case!! /huuudge s

They’re held-harmless, this clown? Not so much, too bad so sad.

That moment when an institution pushes out a substantive number of rational folks and rots like a clubbed baby seal.

14JUN1775 – 20JAN2021, RIP.


Just ask the Boy Scouts.
comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
BlueCord Dad


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I see a brief – VERY brief – Army career in her future.
Is there a chapter out for “unsuitable to the needs of the Army”?

Yep, Chapter 5-17 (Personality Disorder) or Chapter 11 (Early Release for being a whiny bed-wetter)./s

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

How quickly can the chaptering out begin? Yesterday?

If she’s actually at Basic and all they do is NJP and chapter her, she’ll be sitting there until her class graduates and then they’ll be done with the paperwork and she goes home. IF she becomes a bigger problem while waiting, they might speed up the process, but that sped up process just gets worse for her.

We reiterated that to every AIT cycle we saw. “The fastest way out of here is to graduate.” There’s a select 1% where they have extenuating circumstances and are a special case where they could leave earlier. In this dumbasses case though, the only way she’s leaving Basic faster is if it’s to go to Leavenworth to serve hard time.

This hasn’t changed in at least 30 years.

A Proud Infidel®™

During my time in the early 90’s someone like her in Basic would just get an ELS, Entry Level Separation meaning the CoC didn’t even deem them worthy of Chapter Paperwork, and in Permanent Party they’d get rid of one like her via a Chapter 13, Failure to Conform to a Military Lifestyle.


She needs to out of the Army faster than shit through a goose.


Nope. She needs to stay long enough for court martial.

I have no interest in her being part of our community of honorable veterans.


I see stars in her future if the political climate doesn’t change.


She’ll cry racism, there will be a safety stand down and ‘training’ on white privilege/rage, and the DS’s will be told to handle her with kid gloves/special care.

She’ll graduate, accelerate through MOS school and be a boil on the government’s ass for the rest of her natural life due to a 100% VA case she gets approved due to PTSD from the shellacking she takes from this video.


She’ll retire as a CSM. Because reasons. I’ve seen this movie.


If she’s a Signal Corps or MI, she’ll retire as a Nominative Level CSM with 35 years service and 3 LOMs…having never deployed.


My peers in the Signal Corps…99% made the rest of us look bad.


I served with some damn good soldiers in the
361st Signal Brigade. In and outside the wire.
Just sayin.


correction…361st Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade.


I’ll testify to that under oath.


I kinda figured you’d get what I was saying. I’m thinking we could even name the same names.

Prior Service

I love my army but, now that I don’t do cool stuff anymore, I’m very happy to work with more senior folks who focus on their work and no drama. This “soldier” wouldn’t recognize her world anymore if she tried to subject me to that behavior. And she will go all the way to her chapter thinking she’s in the right.


Remembering my time in the Army, I would have gotten a multiple NCO beating for the first f*ck you. Things have changed I reason.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sparks

Another Mennonite unable to control their emotions.


That type of “code” language is a disgrace to your service and the people you served with. Maybe you sholld seperate people by actions not immutable traits.


And here ol” Poe was just about to say, “You can take the girl outta the ‘hood but you can’t take the ‘hood outta the girl.”

Guess you’re gonna call Poe a rayciss, too, hmm, Mr. 10thMtn Social Justice Warrior? Poe probably further offended your tender social sensibilities by calling that flaming asshole a “girl”, too, hmm? Normally Poe would use the term soldier, but in her case, nah, don’t think so.

From what ol’ Poe concludes, Animal was separating that snowflake by her actions–her very disgraceful actions, while you, on the other hand, were lumping her into a certain demographic with its “immutable” traits.

Sure hope the she and her pronouns don’t cause you too much butthurt… 🙄 

Last edited 1 year ago by Poetrooper

That’s funny! Been coming to this site for years. Definitely always appreciate the banter on here. This being the first time i’ve given input. As a “lifer” grunt with a few trips over the pond, I definitely don’t like self entilted millenial/gen z soldiers acting an ass! Particularly when the world is spiraling into shit! We need disciplined troops to face the fights of the future. However, any person with a brain who browses the “interweb” know that references to “the culture” the “Amish” the “Mennonites”, “Joggers”, “the 13 percent” etc….are veiled references to the Black population who, has been stereotyped with tropes about lack of impulse control all the way back before antebellum to justify ill treatment. To be clear, I’m not calling anyone racist! However, i will call a spade a spade, pun intended!, when people try to slide by with bulls#$t stereotypes about whole groups of people. And it doesnt matter what group of people it is!


Many years ago, a very wise man once told a much younger Poe, “Son, never forget that there are very good reasons why stereotypes come to exist.”

As in the case of Poe’s being a white male Southerner, means he is stereotyped by his federal government and the drive-by media as an inbred White Supremacist Cracker gun nut with Nazi/Fascist leanings?

Or lifers like you, whom those same folks love to stereotype as low IQ, high school dropout losers who make the Army a career because, with your limited abilities, it is the best you could hope for. And it also afforded you opportunities to live out your racist, fascist bloodlust while killing innocent civilians, especially people of color?

Oh, and you’re probably an inbred White Supremacist Cracker, just like ol’ Poe. Your government and the media certainly think so.

Are those the kinda stereotypes you’re talking about? 🤔 

Last edited 1 year ago by Poetrooper

Exactly Poe! Just don’t like it in any form.


Well since we’re in agreement on the fact that stereotyping is a universal phenomenon practiced by virtually all groups against those they consider “others”, don’t you think that to call Animal a “disgrace to his service and those he served with” was a bit over the top?

If you’d just responded that, in your opinion, his comment was racist, this continuing thread wouldn’t exist. It was that particular language directed toward an old TAH hand that caught Poe’s eye as just a bit much.

As another member of the demographic at issue here once famously asked, “Can’t we all just get along here?”


Agreed! It was a bit over the top. For that I apologize. Just hate that type of thing.


Good on ya… 👍 




What kinda bullshit stereotype is that!?

I’m a lifer, and I didn’t just kill any random innocent civilians. I focused entirely on the women and children.

…the men run too fast.


You’re bad… 😜 


Yeah. A bad shot.

I’ve been called many things in my day: High-functioning alcoholic, high-functioning sociopath, high-functioning autistic….

The takeaway is “high-functioning.”


As the old joke (or morale calling card) went:

Kill for pay: Mercenary

Kill for fun: Sadist

Kill for both: Soldier

(Folk didn’t used to be so sensitive, of course.)

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Ya just gotta lead ‘em more.


“the men run too fast.”

Sexist beast!


If you think a large proportion of Black males don’t have an impulse control problem, I suggest you read the FBI violent crime stats for the past 30 years and watch three or four seasons of A&E TV series, “The First 48.”

In the late 60’s, I served in infantry units with racial composition as high as 30 percent Black, where almost all the senior NCO’s were Black, and it was a pleasure to serve with them. But none of them would have put up with this behavior. This woman would never have been tolerated. She would have been gone from her unit in 24 hours.

In Vietnam, in each infantry battalion’s HHC, we had a barracks full of people who demonstrated this kind of behavior; they were all awaiting court martial. They were 90% Black and it wasn’t because they were stereotyped that they were there. It was for drugs, refusing to deploy to the bush, and insubordination. Meanwhile, my company senior NCO’s, who were predominately Black, were in the field with me, doing their jobs.


When young Poe fractured his ankle unassing a hovering Huey about ten feet above a rocky hilltop, he drew rear-area duty for a few weeks. He was made NCOIC for several defensive bunkers back at base camp.

In Poe’s case, the malingerers and misfits manning those positions were 100% black and were the very worst people he came in contact with in his six years in the Army.

Like you, Counselor, Poe served with some fine black NCO’s, but far too many of the privates were terrible soldiers: arrogant, hostile and insubordinate, especially those from the big northern cities.

While the Army swept it under the rug, the fragging’s that took place in Vietnam against NCO’s and officers were largely the result of festering black militancy.


That was my experience, as well. And it didn’t have anything to do with anybody’s “stereotypes.”


I agree! Statistics due bear that out. But what youre speaking of isnt indicative of skin tone but socialization and upbringing. Reason it wouldnt be tolerated in the 60s is the same reason alot of things werent tolerated. Our country and citizens had a moral compass then. Some rough social issues, but a moral compass. The lack of impulse control and social responsibilty isnt limited to the black population. Theres another statistic out there in my and maybe your kneck of the woods, that young and middle aged white folk are dying daily from fentanyl. The black kids are commiting crimes and killing themselves with guns and white kids are killing themselves with illegal drugs and drug abuse. Each products of lack of impulse control. Blacks always seem to be the “others” or “they” but my view is that theyre really the canary in the American coal mine. If it happens on MLK Blvd. Guaranteed its coming to Main St.


10th, statistics do indeed bear it out, but you are wrong that it wasn’t tolerated in the ’60’s. It was, but to a lesser, but ever-growing extent, which is why we have the much more expansive problem today. Poe well remembers telling his bride 50 years ago that if society didn’t get a handle on the anger and racial resentment problems of young black males, we were all going to pay a heavy price. In that regard, your “canary” reference is apt.

Black kids aren’t killing themselves with guns, they’re killing other folks, black and white. White kids are indeed killing themselves, but not others, at least not at anything close to the rate of black kids.

Next, the addictive and peer pressure components of self-destructive drug usage, make that behavior more compulsive than impulsive. To quote WebMD, “Impulsivity is the tendency to act without thinking.” In the case of young blacks and violence, act should more accurately be react.

Last edited 1 year ago by Poetrooper

“you are wrong that it wasn’t tolerated in the ’60’s.”

Too true. A black guy in my platoon at Ft. Benning threatened to knife our platoon leader. Another guy wore a pistol in the barracks. Germany wasn’t any better.


LBJ was full of miscreants.


I didn’t recognize any of those as references to the black population. I live in Georgia but was born north of the the Mason – Dixon line. In my part of Georgia a Mennonite is stereotyped caucasian dairy farmer or builder of gazebos or portable buildings.



Last edited 1 year ago by SFC D

Thanks! I’m pretty good at fucking off as a retiree. And SFC D, thanks for the welcome gift Ill put it next to my don’t give a fuck report.


That’s the second time you’ve mentioned you’re a retiree. I guess I should’ve asked about that first


Well, being that I don’t bullshit! I was reiterating my RETIREE status to give weight to what I was saying. Because as a RETIREE! I’ve earned the right through fucking blood, sweat and dedication to our country. to call out other Vets like you, who pull bullshit like you did! Maybe you didnt know? Ok, Take it as constructive criticism, something to think about. Willing to have a real dialogue anytime you want!


I’m no longer interested in dialogue with woke social justice warriors. You believe what you believe and I’ll believe what I believe about Mennonites.


Woke, social justice warrior. Yeeeahh that’s me alright! 😄👍, and thanks for saving me some time. Gotta go prep me some “mennonite” food. A little Fried Chicken and Greens! Have a great day!


Blue Bull?


Put some South in your mouth, Son. And frankly, Scarlett, us Dirty Rebs don’t give a damn what a buncha damyankys think. We know that inaddition to the shotguns, rifles, and 4 wheeldrives, we got the best food, the prettiest women, and we (the natives of our land) all get along real good. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags can head back north.



Now you’ve gone and done it, King. Here’s the title of one of the reviews at your link:

Cafeteria Selection of Tasty Mennonite Cooking

Whooeee! You done gone and screwed the pooch big time major.

Incoming!!! 😜 

Last edited 1 year ago by Poetrooper

Naw, Ol’ Poe. Just wanted to show the *ahem* “Gentleman” what Mennonite Food looked like. Been to Yoders a number of times, was a “go to” during my Road Warrior days. And if they’d had a pic of chicken n dumplin’s, it would have been what the servings looked like @ Firebase Magnolia weekend b4 last. And, yes, the cornbread dressing was made sans sugar.



IMO the food at Yoder’s is only on par with Cracker Barrel.. BUT their bakery (ake home) and their baked goods with the meal are in a class of their own.


“Put some South in your mouth, Son.”



“as a RETIREE! I’ve earned…”

As a retiree you’ve earned a pension. Period.

I myself only put in only four years, but I have earned the right to call out “lifers” as assholes until proven otherwise.


Fuck off.


That went well.


I’ve got no time for someone who calls me a racist without calling me a racist and then questions the character of my service because he believes something different and then makes a blatant racist comment (calling a spade a spade). He can spare me his hypocrisy and virtue signaling. But other than that I think it went pretty well.

Last edited 1 year ago by Animal

Mr. MtnMan reminds me of the former Steeley I, the colonel who was unquestionably knowledgeable, but just couldn’t stop himself from talking down to everyone else at TAH in an unduly officious manner.

If you recall, after drawing much flak, Steeley made a farewell speech, then withdrew from the field, where notably, he hasn’t been missed. Folks here at TAH don’t mind controversy, but they do get their backs up quickly when they are lectured to.

MtnMan should give that reality some thought.


Poe, i’ll try not to meet that same fate. And I will think about it. I can be a bit of a “soap box hero” and I like to finish a fight! But please dont associate me with any office, officiousness or officer! 😉 and Animal, I’m not questioning you’re character of service. I’m questioning whether you genuinely believe that your “mennonites” comment is innocuous and not in the same vein as other “code” epithets like “joggers” and “fellas”?


Wait, “fellas”, “Mennonites”, and “Amish” are racist dog whistles for black people? I can’t keep up with people changing language all the time.

It’s a good thing the Amish and Mennonites are pacifists or they might object to the hijacking of their names.

MSG Eric

Next thing you know, we’ll be told the “OK” hand gesture is code for white supremacy….


I’m still trying to understand “joggers” and “fellas”. I should probably ask my black friend.

Hack Stone

All the insults are on Al Gore’s Amazing Internet. If they do see and are offended by the comments, then they are just Amish Posers.


Just don’t get like Lars, homie.

Sgt K

But he’s a retiree! None of you understand the issue like he does.


Is this Lars significant other?


In the olde, olde days she probably would have been decked. By my day, getting in a sergeant’s face with that kind of language in Basic would have earned you a quick Article and probably Chapter. Some serious control issues on display. Although, it says something of how modern drill sergeants are constrained – she should have learned not to do that sort of thing at Reception Center. I remember one SFC who stated “I never tell a trainee to do more than 5 pushups” – and then demonstrated that while he held up various fingers to indicate the trainee needed to do 1,2,3,4, or5 pushups…his hand NEVER got tired. He wore out a kid demonstrating it… the rest of us fell right into line.


Wall-to-wall counseling? She “fell down the stairs” three times on the way to the O-room to do her entry-level separation? Naw, that wouldn’t happen…

The Stranger

Fell down the stairs?
We’re in a single story building.

Daisy Cutter

This can all be avoided with the proper application of a Command Climate Survey.

Mustang Major

The day she took the oath of enlistment, she went from being someone else’s problem to the Army’s problem. There must be some happy people back home.


My first thought was that “some judge who told her “Jail or the Army?” was laughing, but they don’t do that now, do they?


Legally, no. Doesn’t mean it’s not threatened and recruiters don’t play along.


I doubt judges have had that option for about fifty years.

MSG Eric

I went to Basic Training in 1994 and there was one guy in our company who was told that by a judge. He beat the crap out of someone with a broom handle, went to court, and the Judge strongly implied he needed to join the military. We did our best not to piss him off, but overall he was a decent guy. So hopefully the Army fixed him?


If nothing else, they taught him how to kill with something other than a broom handle.


There is nothing more irate and obstreperous than an angry female of a certain hyphenated American ethnicity.

Green Thumb

The new Army.

Way to go, SMA Grinston.

Fucking turd.


He’s been pretty busy with the new PT test and ensuring that soldiers can get abortions if Roe is overturned. Give him a break.


Guess it’s up to me to ask the thus far unasked question. “Would IDC SARC hit that?”

Only if he had a 2X4.

Karen? Naw, self centered, entitled bitch that thinks the world should bow at her feet and make way for her because of…reasons.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s likely been raised in the publik shcool system being told that she’s a “Victim of Society” by that and pop culture brainwashing, and because of that everyone owes her everything on a silver platter in her little world.


The Man is keeping her down all the time. (Pardon, I’m old… )

George V

Every time I see the title of this post with “Karen style” it makes me think of that Korean rap song “Gangnan Style”. With the way this “soldier” sort of struts and confronts her superiors I think someone with more talent than me needs to set this to music of that song, with the words “Walk! Walk! Walk! Karen Style!” If you’ve never heard the chorus of “Gangnan Style”, look it up on the googly thing and see how it sounds.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Fucking pathetic.


Can you imagine a recruit trying to pull this kind of shit at MCRD Parris Island or MCRD San Diego?

Holy shit…

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I can’t imagine that sort of behavior at either MCRD nor anywhere in the FMF. If it did, I anticipate it would be met with swift corrective action, or maybe a good ass whoopin by someone.

Regardless of status or branch of service, that sort of behavior should never be tolerated.


Keep up your skills, boys.

If today’s army gets called back into any major shit, the few good joes (who remain as good as ever) won’t be able to make up for the numerous ones like this.

We may see the need for that well-regulated militia sooner than many realize.


Ask ol’ Dick Winters about Korea.

Sgt K

Curious as to what you’re implying here. It’s entirely possible I missed something.


I’m not calling for anything, if that’s what you’re getting at.

I am suggesting that, divided as this nation is and tumultuous as global politics are, there’s a very good chance of real existential crisis in the near term – and today’s military isn’t preparing itself for such.


Apologies. Missed who your reply was to.

Not even off terminal leave, and my attention to detail is already falling apart.


He got called back for Korea after years of not doing any Army at all ’cause we weren’t prepared (happened to a lot of World War II vets).

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

MAJ Winters resigned his commission in 1952 at Fort Lewis under the provisions of a regulation allowing WW2 officers with combat experience to do so. He did not deploy to Korea.


Winters was recalled in 1950 and spent his AD time training infantry troops stateside.

MSG Eric

Angry Cops commentary version is hilarious. I highly recommend it.

Retired Mustang

Wow….anyone else thinking privately to themself….thank God; I don’t have to deal with this!!


Back in the days of old school NCOs, she would’ve woke up several hours later wondering why her face hurt and where several of her teeth were


Well, I guess that proves it; today’s volunteer Army has higher quality recruits than those nasty old draftees we had to cope with in the bad old days.

Green Thumb

And the elephant in the room….

Where was the Black female DS?

Problem solved.


I’m practically ghey for DS Hy, AC, Dick, whichever you want to call him.
His shit is NEVER, not funny.


Ohh boy, The black enlisted female …branch and MOS/job specialty irrelevant in the US military 95100 totally incompetent….see VP as example ….only has to show up, do the bare minimum and make it all the way to E9…the most protected species in uniform