Human Resources Professional threatens job prospects for “Freedom Fighters”

| June 10, 2022

Tammy Sepetis talks about how Freedom Fighters could be out of a job for their views and actions in support of their opinions. (TammyandTwins)

Tammy Sepetis took to Tik Tok to vent against the “Freedom Fighters” in Canada. She called them out for statements they made on social media and warned them how that could be used against them. She suggested that they could be fired for cause if they do not conduct themselves according to how she, and others in HR, feel they should conduct themselves.

From Blaze Media:

“If you’re looking for a job or maybe trying to keep a job, maybe, just maybe think about what you’re putting on social media — again, freedom fighters, I know you’re not really big with stats and, you know, facts aren’t your thing — but what I can tell you, what is a fact, is that recruiters talk, and recruiters, like the majority of Canada, don’t agree with you.

“Do you know what that means? Do have any guesses? Any guesses what that means? What that means is that if you need a job, you might not get one; if you want to keep a job, you might not get to do that,” she says.

“You want to be an asshole? We document it. We give you a couple tries, then what do we do? We terminate you, with cause, if we’re so lucky; if not, we give you the minimum allowed by law. Either way, best of luck to you.”

The woman claims recruiters and HR are “watching everywhere.”

“We hate you so much. And you think we can’t do anything? But we can, we have the power — always. Remember that. It doesn’t matter if there’s a fucking man at the top of your HR department, it’s run by women. And it’s run by angry women just like me.”

She ends the video by swearing at the group.

Blaze Media has the article here.

Category: Liberals suck

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That was some of the creepiest shit I have watched in awhile.

Lars, tell your girlfriend to take her meds and stay inside.


C’mon, man. Larsie doesn’t have a girlfriend in this universe. Although, he may have one in his imaginary parallel universe, for which, this witch would clearly qualify.


Lars had a girlfriend  😜 but it kept losing air.


I like it when bad things happen to bad people.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, that’s one angry ironcunt!

Old tanker

Ah the tolerant left. So willing to have a rational discourse, but only as long as you spout their agenda. I wonder how far her rant goes to the other HR folks in her area. Oh and I didn’t listen to it, reading the excerpt was plenty.

Forrest Bondurant

Tammie Septank should follow her own advice.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Maybe sepetis has a sepsis infection and the pain is killing her, just look at her puss (face)


I have seen PMS, at this level, in real life. But this darling goes even deeper, there’s some pathology lurking in the dark places that ordinary humans suppress.

Thorazine might take the edge off of it but the demons will never leave her.


That ain’t no Prenothingsyndrome, that’s chronic post empty egg carton disease. Clearly this thing scared away every man that was in her grid square by being an insufferable ‘c*n’t say the word’.


And this little rant got her her LinkedIn page erased, as well as she is being investigated by the HR professional group for violating professional ethics. Real smart.


A talentless and skilless wine-guzzler of a cat mom attempting to justify her existence by uniting with the like-‘minded’ to tell real people; full of pride earned by dedication and devotion to a higher order, critical to the world’s comfort in which that devil swaddles ‘herself’….?

I hope her hate leads to her ruination, or reason to seek redemption.

‘You want [us] on that wall! You need [us] on that wall!’


The road to Damascus has challenged uglier and meaner souls.


Sounds like she started believing her own bullshit.


Most such folk do.


Skrunt! Sadly, every HR Dprt in the world is eat up with frustrated females just like this one. And their male counterparts. I don’t think that even IDC SARC wold hit that. Unless he used a 2X4.


comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb

Academia 101.


Article headline reads “A woman working in HR was fired for her social media video”. However, I’m not seeing anything in the linked article indicating that Ms. Sepetis (who seems to have created the social media video in question) was actually terminated from her job. All the linked Blaze article says is that she’s being investigated by the Ontario-based Human Resources Professional Association (presumably not her employer) for possibly violating that professional association’s code of conduct.

Source for the headline’s claims, please? I’d love for that to be the case, but I’m not seeing it in the article’s source link.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo

I see the article’s headline has been edited, and no longer says the “nice lady” who posted on social media is now among the unemployed.

Damn. I was hoping the reference to her firing had been inadvertently omitted from the article, and that she’d actually gotten a little well-deserved Instant Karma for her hateful, intolerant public idiocy.

Oh well.


She can always get a job posing for internet memes:

tolerant lib.jpg
Hack Stone

She sure looks and sounds like Catherine O’Hara’s character Lola Heatherton from SCTV. And WTF is up with those eyeballs? They seriously resemble the old Warner Brothers cartoons when the wolf see a good looking female and his eyeballs pop out of the sockets.

Hack Stone

For any of you Adorable Deplorables who may not be familiar with Lola Heatherton, here you go.

Hack Stone

Prior Service

How do you make that video, watch it, edit where necessary, re-watch it, and not realize you are whacko? This is seriously the stuff of nightmares.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“…..and others in HR, feel they should conduct themselves.”
With DildoCrats, it’s never about the facts, it’s only about the feelz.


Even Libs shouldn’t film and post after the third bottle of wine in an evening.

Hack Stone

She can always land a gig as the HR director for a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government formerly located in Bethesda Maryland. Word on the street is that Vice President of the company is known for racist and misogynist behavior.


Is ol’ Monkress hiring?


When I was a Fed civilian, i ran into shit like this. HR jackasses who resented vets and liked to put up little admin obstacles. Not as blatant as this kook, but the hate was palpable.

MSG Eric

After being in the Army for so long, I still don’t understand why civilians are “afraid” of HR. The S-1 is there to make sure your paperwork and documents are GTG and support with human resources functions. In the civilian world you’d think they were the commanding general of every organization.

It seems many have a power trip doing things they shouldn’t be able to, but leaders are letting them, seemingly afraid to correct HR. “Well if I get mad at HR, they might mess up my paycheck or my documents and I might have to sit through sexual harassment training again this year. For shame!” People in civilian companies should only have to worry about their boss, boss’ boss, and so on.


Should. Civilian work has gotten to be about “who you know” and “have dirt on your boss” in recent years– doing one’s job to keep bills paid and food on the table is for “B-player” losers who don’t rate. Folk are afraid of making someone “uncomfortable” or some politically-correct comment and getting fired, and just generally risk-averse and avoidant. To say “eh, grow up” means quickly being unemployed for cause now, and it’s sad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

That twunt, obviously one of the “People of Tolerance” not only needs some meds, but like nearly ALL proglodytes, she’s living, breathing proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

AW1 Rod

This bitch might want to follow her own advice, and watch what SHE posts to social media…..or risk having a “freedom fighter” slap the fucking taste out of her mouth.


She’s in more dire need of frontal lobotomy than any white woman in north America.


When companies talk about how “progressive” they are, this is what they mean.

Bubblehead Ray

Walking, talking, saltpeter.

MSG Eric

Her vagina is for sad people.


I was very aroused by her video… I’m so wet that I want to have a wild meetup with Rosie Palm…