Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok

| June 7, 2022

How is this not racist as fuck?

Why are we teaching kids in middle school how to apply any makeup let alone drag makeup?

Normalize sexual deviancy and involve children! What could go wrong?

For $425 you can learn too

Travis AFB is sparking a conversation about inclusivity

Who’s the parent here?

Satanic pornographer you say?

Feels like some lines being crossed that shouldn’t here

I thought Norway was a free country?

The left is still pushing segregation

The master has become the student

It’s healthy to show your kids a stranger’s johnson

Public education indoctrination

Totally clear, right?

White kids, just sit down and shut up

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok, YGBSM!!

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Bunch of racist sex offenders — the whole lot of ’em.


Must not be child molestation when approved Leftists do it or something…


These are the fools that are being allowed to indoctrinate your children…and grandchildren.

Again, I simply scan thru the headlines on this thread.

BP before reading 117/69. After a headline scan? 136/76 After reading the entire thread one day, it spiked at near stroke level.


As a [Classical] Liberal, someone who loves Liberty, with Her product of a free market, The Battlefield of Ideas, etc,.. the securing of which necessitates the process of its promise extended to all who’ll grasp Her (gigity). I fear we are but a few years away from some people registering their existences, in the name of “the greater good” of course, and the resultant society will be colored ashen by chimneys’ red glow.

Liberty or death.jpg

The Commissariat approves of these messages… ’cause we’re FLAMING this month!