Democrat Job Killer Act of 2009

| July 14, 2009

To prove my previous post that there’s a lot of smoke screening and distractions happening in Washington; get this small bit from Reuters that broke about an hour ago.

WASHINGTON, July 14 (Reuters) – A sweeping overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system to be announced on Tuesday in the U.S. House of Representatives will include a surtax on millionaires of 5.4 percent, congressional sources said.

The tax rate is higher than the 3 percent surtax lawmakers had been discussing earlier and would be imposed on those making more than $1 million a year, the sources said.

Now let’s review how this would impact employment and do so immediately.

Let’s say you own three above average performing Church’s Fried Chicken franchises in Texas. In this case, you are a millionaire; not a George Soros or Barbara Streisand kind of millionaire but a millionaire nonetheless.

Now Charlie Rangel and the gang of brain dead socialists running congress decide to hit you with a 5.4% surcharge to pay for the destruction of the best health care system in the world.

Of course you won’t get any sympathy from the unwashed masses because you are the evil rich. You’ll just have to suck it up right?

“Not so fast there Scooter”, you say “I didn’t get here by lottery. I worked my ass off to get here!”

So you break out the calculator. You realize that this new tax is going to cost you about $50K a year.

Being a small business owner and infinitely more intelligent than Charlie Rangel, you quickly come to a solution.

You fire three minimum wage workers and pocket the remaining $5K.

Every small business “millionaire” in America will do exactly the same thing within 48 hours of this POS bill being signed!

So what’s the end state of this Democrat class envy scheme? Our health care in shambles, an unemployment spike of 3 points overnight and crappy service at my local Church’s. These people are going to regret screwing with my chicken.

Category: Politics

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You’ll get my Church’s Fried Chicken when you pry it from my cold grease smeared hands.

Frankly Opinionated

But, how can this be? I mean, after all, he promised us Hope and Change. He said that taxes would go up a little, but didn’t say that they’d cost us jobs. How can that cruel Church’s Fried Chicken franchisee put his education and hard work ahead of his slacker employees? The nerve! I thought that only Joe the Plumber was going to get caught up in that whole spread the wealth around thingy. Now you say that Church’s Fried Chicken will have one less employee per store to screw up my order? Oh, the humanity!
Now these poor layoffees will have to buy sunscreen so they can stand on a street corner and beg money because Bushitlerburton made the economy seem good enough for them to get a minimum wage job, and then lose it when The ONE raises taxes on our bosses.
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