Morales; US military behind Honduran coup

| July 14, 2009

Hugo Chavez’ poodle, Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia charged the US military with leading the removal of Honduran President Zelaya from his bed chambers two weeks ago, parroting the official Bolivarian party line from Chavez;

“I have first-hand information that the empire, through the U.S. Southern Command, made the coup d’etat in Honduras,” President Morales said during a visit to the Uruguayan capital Montevideo.

The coup that saw Honduran President Manuel Zelaya swept up by the military on June 28 in his pajamas and expelled from the country “is an aggression, a provocation of the empire,” he added.

“Maybe I do not know Obama, but the imperial structure remains in force.”

Meanwhile Chavez has ramped up his anti-US rhetoric warning that he has information on other planned coups in the region in EL Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala. All of that gladhanding and smooching Obama did with Chavez got him this statement (quoted by El Universal);

“Obama is not going to trick us with an ambiguous discourse or with a smile (…) Zelaya will return to his country (…) The process of change in Latin America is not going to stop, President Obama. You can send the Fourth Fleet and the Sixth Fleet, but changes will not end.”

The commie Chavez worshipers at Venezuelanalysis provide us with this quote from Hugo;

“Don’t deceive the world with a discourse that contradicts your actions,” he warned Obama, “demonstrate that it’s true that you are disposed to confront the imperialist hawks, if not, its better that you go away, because you will end up worse than Bush.”

This is the result of hugging dictators and thugs. The more Obama lets them bully him, the more they’ll bully him.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez

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B Woodman

I’d like to buy an ounce of whatever Chavez & Morales are smoking, snorting, or injecting. I wonder how expensive it is?

There are SO many logical holes that can & should be punched into their argument, but, those needing it won’t ever read this, & those who read this don’t need it.

‘Course, it will be fun to see how Obeyme reacts to this. . .


Wait a second now–I thought all those people voted for Obama because the left claimed if we did, we’d regain our “respect” that Bush squandered! WTF, over?


“This is the result of hugging dictators and thugs.”

Which dictator? Chavez has been repeatedly elected in free and fair elections — by large margins. He accepted the results of the referendum when he lost. Where does the dictator part come in?

While I wouldn’t claim that the U.S. “did” the coup, there are significant links and behaviors that suggest the U.S. had a role in it (and essentially supports it).

Jonn wrote: Even though Zelaya himself remarked that the US had prevented his removal days before the army took action? Please pay attention.

As far as the dictator thing, I think it’s justified;


Coup??? The only way to remove a Honduran president, is the way they removed the Honduran president. There is no provision for impeachment in their constitution. And it was done at the order of the Honduran Supreme Court, and legislature.
“Free and fair”? By whose standards, Jimmuh Catah??? The OAS, the UN? Puh-leeze, and you might check on the status of the last challenger to der Fuehrer, I mean Chavez. I believe he fled in the dead of night, to save his life.
And, I guess you’re just here to plug Your blog?



“Even though Zelaya himself remarked that the US had prevented his removal days before the army took action? Please pay attention.”

Haven’t seen it. Do you have a link? Even if it’s true (which I’ll grant for the time being), it raises the question of why they were unsuccessful blocking it on the 28th. And it doesn’t answer questions about subsequent behavior.

“As far as the dictator thing, I think it’s justified”

Your link is hardly proof of anything. Again, he’s the winner of free and fair elections. “Dictator” in this case might as well mean “leader I don’t like.”


“The only way to remove a Honduran president, is the way they removed the Honduran president.”

The National Congress has impeachment authority.

““Free and fair”? By whose standards, Jimmuh Catah???”

Yes, by the people who monitor elections for a living. If you can find any evidence that these elections were illegitimate, I’d love to see it.

“And, I guess you’re just here to plug Your blog?”

To speak the truth 🙂

Jonn wrote:
Yeah, you dismiss one of my links as “hardly proof of anything”, so let me just bust my ass trying to find you another one. Look for it yourself if you’re that interested in “the truth”. It’s here somewhere, and at my Latin American blog Tall & Rich. I’m not your research assistant.



People being mad at Chavez doesn’t mean he’s a dictator.

Jonn wrote: Links to information you don’t want to believe doesn’t mean it’s “hardly proof of anything”.