More Carter Culture in the White House

| July 13, 2009

This morning the Washington Post, eager to rewrite history and trumpet Our Lord, Barack Obama in article they titled “In West Wing: Grueling Schedules, Bleary Eyes“, all they did for me was recall the Carter years;

All West Wings face fatigue at some point, but the Obama team has had a particularly frenetic start, the result of inheriting the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression and the team’s own seemingly chaotic drive to push an agenda that includes the creation of a new health insurance system, auto bailouts, Middle East peace, nuclear nonproliferation, two wars and education reform.

Political Washington has long fostered a workaholic culture, the expectation that the rewards of service on the big stage of national government come with 18-hour, on-call days. But even the most hardy of Obama’s staff members are beginning to recognize the toll that the pace is taking.

We heard the same stories from the Carter Administration. Jimmy Carter and his staff worked endless hours spinning their wheels and coming up with idiot speeches and proposals that they never implemented. I guess it’s hard work trying to change our political system into something it wasn’t designed to be – a support group for morons.

I also like how the Post blames the Bush Administration for Obama’s dilemma. We’ll probably hear that right up until the 2012 election – that’s why the Justice Department will be focusing on phony torture orders and phony “secret programs” just to keep the Evil Bush Administration (TM) in our collective consciousness as the culprit of all of our woes.

See, here’s some advice for the Obama Administration if they want to get some rest – stop what you’re doing. You’re working too hard AGAINST the American people which is why you’re meeting stiff resistance for your idiot proposals. Try focusing on ONE thing at a time instead of trying to cram 100 years of European-style liberalism down our throats in one big gulp.

Oh, and Washington Post, we’re on to you – you stop, too.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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I guess it’s hard work trying to change our political system into something it wasn’t designed to be – a support group for morons.



And for the record, it’s BFEE©*

*Bush Family Evil Empire


Yes, you “inherited” an economic crisis. But your plans only made a bad situation worse. Now your plans are for more of the same and expecting different results? Didn’t someone once say that was the very definition of insanity?

Frankly Opinionated

It is hard to do what is not right. In his campaign he promised to “Free us of the constraints of the Constitution”. WTF,O? What constraints? You and I don’t know of any constraints, but he damned sure does. The Constitution protects you and I from those like him. That will be genuine hard work there, Mr. Stealth Muslim.
And, since the Prez, either GWB or him cannot spend money, they can only suggest that Congress spend it. GWB had the Dems doing it since 2006. Hell yes, he inherited a deficit; from his Dem cronies.
Obama, Pelosi & Reid- The Axis of Taxes.
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