How to lose an election

| February 27, 2008

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When your friend the Leftist asks you in November how Obama could have possibly lost the general election, play this video for him. Obama sounds just like 1977-1980 Jimmy Carter (not the hard ass Jimmy Carter that ran for president in 1976). I think this is just an attempt to negate Ralph Nader’s influence on the election. While he’s at it, why doesn’t he offer amnesty for al Qaida, too – that’s what JC (Jimmy Carter) would do.

Ace of Spades writes that Obama wrote this ad as a campaign for McCain;

I thought this was going to be a negative ad against Barack Hussein Obama.

It is. It’s just that he made it himself.

Baldilocks sums the ad up thusly;

It’s all there: pull out of Iraq immediately, no “unproven” missile defense systems, no nukes, hamper development of future R&D of combat tech.

What more could the Give Peace a Chance crowd–or America’s Enemies–ask for?

Deebow at Blackfive;

Let’s forget about pictures in man-jammies and turbans and all his BS about “Change” and “Hope” and the neo-socialism that promises to “tax the rich” so that I can have a new Corvette, just like all the other CEO’s.

Let’s talk about our opposition to this and how we are trying to ensure the “so this Nation shall not perish from the Earth” part gets heard.

Beth at Blue Star Chronicles;

And people say that Barack Obama is never specific about what his plans are should he be elected President of the United States ::shudder::.

Confederate Yankee;

It’s bizarrely, almost suicidally pacifist in nature. Watch for yourself.

Marathon Pundit;

Barack Obama favors a weaker America. Don’t believe me? Watch this YouTube video.


Most of it’s perfunctorily couched in terms of wasteful spending, which will make it a tad harder for Maverick to attack. Although that mutual disarmament pact with Vladimir Putin sure sounds promising, huh?


This is absolutely unbelievable coming from someone running to become leader of the free world. If it doesn’t scare the crap out you, nothing will….

Well, in his defense, unlike Jimmy Carter, he’s telling us right up front what we’re getting – if we elect him knowing this, we deserve to be shot to Hell.

Category: Politics

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