Tankerbabe and other news

| July 6, 2009

Tankerbabe has a real cool story to tell you about a guitar. You need to read it. She emailed the story around a few weeks ago, but it hasn’t lost it’s luster when I read it again this morning.

Something going around and showing up in my inbox is a story about Joe Biden’s speech to 200 new citizens who also happened to be military members and assigned to units currently deployed to Iraq.

“As corny as it sounds,” he told the troops, “Damn, I’m proud to be an American!”

Knowledge Is Power has pretty good response from DougM. (Hat tip to Chuck)

Iowa Republican Senator Charles Grassley tells a constituent that if they want good health care, they should work for the government…and eat cake, too, I suppose;

I don’t know why anyone thinks government employees’ health care is so good, by the way. There are a bunch of plans and if you want to pay a lot, you can get a great plan – I’ve had better and cheaper plans from civilian employers. I get the impression that everyone thinks government employees get free health care or something.

Stars and Stripes reports that tourism is “booming” in Iraq. S&S also does a story about the 3rd Infantry Division “wargaming” the withdrawal from Iraq.

Michelle Malkin started the story about fallen soldier Aaron Masters, Twitter spread it, and now Fox News writes about him.

This isn’t news, but the price of oil fell again – just like it falls every year after the 4th of July – and every year, for some reason, it’s news.

And this is just funny from Genghis at Ace of Spades.

I’m actually working on something that’s pretty complicated and it won’t be up for awhile yet, so I threw these links together so everyone didn’t think I was in the stupid hospital again.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Breaking News, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck, Media, Usual Suspects

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No, Jonn, you don’t get free healthcare, or the best, unless you are an elected official, i.e., congresscritter, senator, or President.

I’m still trying to figure out how people can think that a government that has destroyed Medicare and Social Security is in any better position to run our healthcare than the private sector. Obviously they are only looking at it as “free” healthcare. None of those same people realize that nothing is “free”. There is always a price to pay and even if you aren’t the one paying for it, because you live off the gummint tit; you are still going to pay in the end.


Like you, I’ve had government plans and plans from private sector employers. Both have had their merits and gaps, but over all, it came down to how much I was willing to part with in my paycheck. The rude awakening that’s incoming on this govt sponsored health care system will not be pretty.

Dave Thul

I spent a year as a federal technician and was amazed to discover that among all the plans offered, the best value was good old Tricare that I can get through the Guard.
Trooper is right, the government bennies only get really good when you get elected.

Debbie Clark

Well, I don’t know of anywhere that beats the amount of time off that you can get as a federal worker…

SSG David Medzyk

I’m a Fed Technician…I pay $194 every month to keep my family healthy.

Which is a far cry from “free”.