Joe Biden Flying Illegal Aliens Back to U.S.
NPR is reporting that two deported illegal aliens have been flown back to the US by the Brandon Administration. The reason for this madness? They claim (despite living for years here illegally) that they were targeted by ICE for their “activism.”
From NPR;
Once an immigrant is deported from the U.S., it’s rare for authorities to allow them back into the country. It has happened twice, though, in recent months. The Biden administration has allowed prominent immigrants’ rights activists back into the U.S. after they claimed immigration officials retaliated against them for speaking out. NPR’s Joel Rose has the story.
We couldn’t get our people out of Afghanistan, but we can bring back those who not only break immigration law but flaunt it for personal gain.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Biden, Foreign Policy, Illegal Immigrants, YGBSM!!
Hey, as long as these people that have already broken our laws aren’t getting out of line at a school board meeting, or taking an invited tour of the Capitol Building, they’re good to go. /s/
“…against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
If I rob a bank, and label myself as an activist on behalf of all bank robbers, does this in turn grant me immunity from imprisonment and prosecution?
Brandon administration throwing wads of our tax money at the un-deported illegal “immigrants” to make the “hurt” go away in three, two, one…
Democrats — perpetually committed to destroying this country.
Anyone who votes Dem is a brainwashed fool.
AKA Communist
I am in a pessimist mood today, so….
It is too late. The Enemy Within has opened the flood gates, half our population is brainwashed, and the Left keeps pushing the goal posts.
The constantly increasing rate of technological development afford us a small window to keep ahead of the flood, like finding better ways to track who cheats in elections, who jumps the border, freer ways of communication, but the anti-science/ anti-technology cabal of the Democrat Party, Big Banking, and the Tech Overlords keep trying to shut down any freedoms provided by technological progress.
We need to break their stranglehold. The internet has to be free and unregulated, money has to be the dual whammy of cash and the crypto-currency the banks hate so much because it is outside of the control they enforce through credit cards and bank accounts, and the Democrats have to be exposed as the enemies of America that they are. Our complete collapse and descendance into 3rd world status is their goal.
The Green New Deal is a Communist scheme.
In the “Lemme see if I get this.” department:
Ol’Slo Joe is defending illegals, “protecting them from ICE profiling”. That is his phucking law enforcement outfit, and he is openly aiding and abetting an illegal, non-American, lawbreaker, to keep them from her.
Are the Democrat Voters, (both alive and dead), so damned dumb that they didn’t see this coming? I knew, you knew, they knew. But they don’t mind having it this way.
As far as i can see, the vast majority of D-rat Voters are herd animals that just say, “Orange man Bad” and vote D-rat alongside all of the registered illegal aliens and dead people that still vote.
The few I know vote based on what the party was many decades ago.
Too stupid to see it is simply the American Communist Party by another name.
There’s a lot of that in my AO.
Targeting people for political beliefs? Well the current administration would certainly know what that looks like.
Democrats will destroy America and rule what’s left like Hitler.
Can’t wait to see the new school uniforms.
I keep saying over and over that this shit can’t get any better.
The real question here is if they flew First Class, Business Class or Coach.
If they flew the first two, then the beer was on the house and they had a little more leg room plus an extra checked bag.
Just saying.
Probably sent Air Force Two down there for them.
I have an odd feeling that even these dudes they are bringing back would want to spend any extended amount of time with Harris.
I don’t have any problem with this at all.
As long as ole Joey sent a C-17 down to pick them up and this was the result.
Send ’em to Delaware.
Or Cali.
Hell of a deal for these illegals. We supposedly got hundreds of American peeps stranded in A’stan who ain’t getting flights back to the US from the gubmint. Thx Sleepy Joe.
Oh, did anyone see Joey’s uninspired mumbling performance at the MoH ceremony today? Dude forgot Lloyd Austin’s name – again. He finally got it after about 10 uncomfortable seconds of stammering. What a disaster.
So they left their home countries due to political oppression only to be politically oppressed to the country to which they escaped and then sent back due to even worse political oppression. But instead of staying there and fighting their political oppression there they came back to a country that they weren’t from to try to change a system is racist and xenophobic?
I have lost myself in your words but Boo thinks you are just ducky.
If only the Democrats cared about AMERICAN CITIZENS as much as they did about illegals…and campaign donors…and Wall Street Executives…and Foreign Lobbyists…and George Soros…and pedo’s.