DCCC is messin’ with the wrong guy
We’ve all seen what the Democrats are pulling against Republicans who voted against the larded up bill for funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We’ve seen it right here where commenters who have the intellectual depth of a mud puddle claim that the Republicans voted against the troops instead of the truth that they voted against more wasteful spending.
Well, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has started a campaign against seven Republicans in vulnerable districts who voted against the Defense Authorization Act.
They may have bit off more than they can chew on at least one of them, though. Joe Wilson of South Carolina’s 2d District spent 31 years in the reserves and SC National Guard leaving the service as a Colonel. He also has four sons who are tied to the military.
One is a reserve major who spent a year in Iraq, another is an Annapolis grad in med school, a third is a captain in the SC National Guard and the fourth is in the Clemson ROTC program and also in the SC Guard.
The only transcript I can find of these ads is the one the DCCC is running against Lee Terry in Nebraska from Politico;
Around here, we recognize Independence Day with parades … and picnics … maybe a few fireworks. But July Fourth is about more than that.
It’s about remembering those who fought for our freedoms. And those still fighting today.
Congressman Lee Terry used to understand that.
When George Bush asked, Congressman Terry voted to fully fund our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And, last year he said, quote, “We must give our military every resource it needs.”
Seems like Congressman Terry is playing politics now …
Last month Congressman Terry voted AGAINST funding for those same troops.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee justifies it like this;
“Republicans never hesitated to criticize those who voted against the previous supplemental bills that included funding for the troops, but now that they are trying to score political points, Republicans’ votes have conveniently changed,” said DCCC executive director Jon Vogel.
Um, Republicans were trying to cut the useless pork out of the Defense Bill, Democrats were trying to purposely defund the war completely to make useless political points. See the difference, you clowns?
No, this is strictly to make political hay and smear an entire military family to buy a few votes. And since my idiot Congressman, white bread, yuppie, pretty boy Chrissy Van Hollen is the chairman of the DCCC, he’s going to get an earful come Monday morning.
Believe it or not, this was a tip sent to us by one of our liberal commenters, DC who thought we should address the hypocrisy.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects
Thanks for the shout-out. I can tell you that I’m not the only progressive angry about these ads, though obviously for different reasons. These ads are way out of line, and they are definitely not a line that those of us in the anti-war crowd intended to fund with our political donations. The hypocrisy of the House Democrats lately plagiarizing the exact same rhetoric over which they used to cry foul during prior administrations is truly breathtaking.
Lie down with dog, wake up with fleas, DC. Sucks when all you can point to is your rhetoric and nothing you’ve actually DONE.