China’s pressure on Taiwan’s airspace might be a “rehearsal”

| December 7, 2021

As of late, China has been sending flights of dozens of military planes into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ). While in international airspace, the planes are within Taiwan’s territorial waters. This forces the Republic of China (ROC, aka Taiwan) Air Force to scrabble jets to intercept them. Communist China (aka the People’s Republic of China or mainland China) claims the people and territory of the island nation of Taiwan as its own. Taiwan broke away from the mainland when the communist revolution swept China, as anti-communists retreated to the island.

American leaders are aware and monitoring the situation. We are treaty obligated to come to defense of Taiwan should China attempt to retake the island. Of course, if China invades so quickly that they can’t wake up Biden, explain the situation, and get him to respond with a coherent thought before the Taiwan government collapses, then the treaty no longer applies.

Could China and Russia launch simultaneous attacks? One against Taiwan and the other against Ukraine, splitting Biden’s meager attention in two ways? The guy can’t read and talk at the same time. Expecting him to be sharp enough to fend off two world powers with leaders still in their prime is an unreasonable expectation.

Thanks to Jeff LPH 3 for sending in the link to this Breaking Defense article;

Over the last year, China has stepped up its flights around Taiwan, at one point in October flying almost 150 aircraft through Taiwan’s claimed Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over a four-day period.

Running that many planes through Taiwan’s ADIZ would seem to be a great opportunity for China to get a sense of potential operations — a suspicion US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin voiced over the weekend.

“I don’t want to speculate, but certainly, it looks like a lot like them exploring their true capabilities, and sure, it looks a lot like rehearsing” for operations against Taiwan, Austin said at the annual Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, Calif., on Saturday.

Asked about Austin’s comments, Adm. John Aquilino, the head of US Indo-Pacific Command, said that he agreed with the assessment. But the INDOPACOM chief also noted the flights have more than one purpose.

“I think the assessment is, as the Secretary articulated, right, training and rehearsal, but I also believe it has a coercive nature and a gray zone type of activity to ensure that the people on Taiwan will see that capability every day,” Aquilino told reporters. “So, it’s a form of a pressure campaign. That’s my assessment.”

More at the source, including their plans for defense of Guam. Boomer, look out, they’re already slipping on the timeline for their Iron Dome defense of the island. I will caution you all there to avoid moving to one side of the island at once, or else it might capsize.

Category: China, Foreign Policy

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I’d screabble fighters, too, especially if I could get triple word value.


Chicoms are always up to no good.


ter·ror·ism /ˈterəˌrizəm/ noun: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

So… based on the simple definition, isn’t constantly threatening the civilian populace of the island with unlawful military intimidation a case of terrorism? Didn’t our country once stand up against those kind of actions… y’know our moral high ground and all that? Sigh… maybe our nation of TikTok stars can make some really mean videos and scare China away (since actually standing up and fighting back seems to be out of vogue).


Don’t forget what they do with their Uighers.. . left/lbtards and LeBron would prefer you did forget:


LeBron and Kaepernick are paid to ignore it and deflect from it.


Of course they’re practicing. Wouldn’t you? WWIII will kick off (on six (6) fronts) right after a “shipping accident” blocks both the Canals, and EMP Nukes are popped over Western Europe and North America.


Elect a fool to lead our nation and the world is going to treat us like a nation of fools…


Poe, from what I see in comments in various places, the people who voted for that bumbling puppet and his blithering idiot sidekick veep are sincerely regretting that they made that choice.

They got what they wished for and now they aren’t happy about it. Poor things!


That’s the thing about fools: They are easily fooled by other fools…


We are buggered. Russia is holding out for NATO weapon system withdraws. I imagine once they get what they want they will invade anyway.

It’s 1938 all over again.


Here he is talking tough to Putin. Read all about it in the liveral media.

comment image?quality=90&strip=all&w=1535


The entire transcript of Putin’s response to Joe was 1 word, “Meh”.


Just “meh”?

I thought it was ‘Where did they find that old fossil?”


Be cool to see if AEGIS and SM-2 can play for real.
Question is does Biden have the sack. Or even the authority.
I wonder if China is even certain who does.
Uncertainty has played a strong role past few decades but I
do not see it lasting much longer with the crazies in charge.
Hope the stuff works.


That would actually be pretty uncool if they failed. They are up to SM-3 now though.


We’ve already got some smaller units deployed to help Taiwan’s defenses right now:

I’d like to think that at least some people in the five pointed building south of DC are paying attention.

