Tuesday FGS
HPD: Husband shoots, kills man who ambushed him and his wife in Sharpstown area
The husband and wife were not hurt, police said.
HOUSTON — A husband and wife returning home in the Sharpstown area were ambushed late Sunday evening, leading to a deadly shooting, Houston police said.
It happened at about 9 p.m. in the 5900 block of Bonhomme.
The man and woman were parking their car at their apartment when they said an unknown black vehicle pulled up behind them. Three men approached and tried to rob the husband, with at least one of them firing a warning gunshot.The husband gave up some property before trying to get away from the men.
One of them, however, followed the husband and tried to take more items. That’s when the husband opened fire on the suspect, shooting and killing him.
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KHOU, the gift that keeps on giving.
Man shot and killed in fight as SC trooper arrests him
LORIS, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina trooper shot and killed a man who ran away from a traffic stop as they fought while the officer was trying to arrest him, authorities said,
The trooper was trying to pull the man over for an equipment violation Saturday afternoon on state Highway 905 near Loris, South Carolina Public Safety Department spokeswoman Sherri Iacobelli said.
There was a short chase before the man crashed his vehicle into a utility building and started running, Iacobelli said in a statement.
The trooper shot the man after catching him and struggling to get him into custody, Iacobelli said.
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Tip of the hat to our Gun Bunny for the links.
“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind.” Thomas Jefferson
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
“Three men approached and tried to rob the husband, with at least one of them firing a warning gunshot.”
That is the point that the husband should have pulled his weapon and did the deed. Not after “The husband gave up some property before trying to get away from the men.”
Yes, but if they are pointing a gun at you and yours is in an awkward location that is hard to reach because you are seated (probably why they fired a warning shot). The loss of property is reasonable to at least extend the interaction until you can reach your weapon.
Property can be replaced, lives are a bit harder. [One must also consider the company one is in, when deciding the next move. Perhaps his wife previously believed like many of the sheep today that by appeasing the thieves they will simply go on their way…now she might be a convert!]
Good on him for realizing this, and when it was obvious that they would not simply go away with their loot he made them realize the error of their ways! Hopefully the police will be able to catch the other two and recover his property.
Frankie Cee;
Saw you mentioned your Birthday a few days ago so Happy Birthday. My Friend just celebrated her big 80th on Aug 8th. Graduated James Monroe H.S.Bronx, NY in 1959. Sorry to be off topic on the Tuesday FGS.
If you can get out of a situation like this without having to use your gun, it’s a win for you.
Don’t use deadly force unless there is no other alternative. You may be completely in the right, but that does not immunize you from prosecution by an overzealous DA, or a lawsuit from the perpetrator’s family.
“The trooper shot the man after catching him and struggling to get him into custody, Iacobelli said.”
There HAS to be more to this story.
The husband was really sharp in making at least one of the perps a “good man”. He’s dead, Jim…GOOD!
Don’t run from the popo…it just means you’re going to jail tired and sweaty…or you’re going to end up dead.
Got to admit I was impressed with the article on the Glock. Do believe that is the FIRST (ht 2 CW) one I’ve read that the reviewer didn’t compare a Glock to the designs or workings of His Most Saintly JMB (Howitzer Be His Name). As glowing as the reviewer’s article was, the Glock (IMHO) is still a plasticised abomination. YMMV
“Got to admit I was impressed with the article on the Glock.”
Who are you and what have you done with our Gun Bunny?
GB didn’t say that he was impressed with the GUN, just impressed with the WRITEUP. All is well in the world.
^WORD^! You know me too well Tox.
Hey! I learnt how to spel & skreek Engrish reel gooood in skool. Only tuk me 20 yeers to gradiate. And this was in the 60s, when teechers taught the 4 “Rs” reedin, ritin, rithmatik, and I ferget what the ferth R is.