Qualified New York city youth to be paid not to commit crime

| September 7, 2021

New York City plans to roll out a program that would encourage at-risk youth to not break laws. This program offers incentives for getting a high school diploma, getting a driver license, not committing crimes, etc., instead of engaging in violent crimes.

The article claims that this program has been successful where it was tried. However, this is based on early research. How much a qualified youth will be able to earn under this program is not known yet. In some locations, some were paid $1000 monthly for being in the program.

From Newsmax:

“Providing a financial incentive to not commit gun crime is most assuredly a fanciful, unscientific ‘solution’ to a very specific problem,” National Police Association spokeswoman Betsy Brantner Smith told the Times.

“Instead of stigmatizing and punishing a bad behavior, this program rewards a neutral behavior, and will undoubtedly be rife with fraud.”

While supporting the idea of youth mentoring programs, Smith said the New York City program “seems like a case of throwing good money after bad.”

Precisely how much money an individual youth could earn in the program remains uncertain. An official in the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice told the Times that program organizers were “still in the process of rolling out the next steps.”

New York City’s pilot program is modeled after Advance Peace, an anti-gun violence mentorship program founded in Richmond, California, in 2010.

Though the program saw success early on, adoption elsewhere was discouraged after critics scoffed at the idea of giving money to people for complying with the law, The Trace reported.

In the 11 years since Advance Peace was founded, just four additional cities — Stockton, Fresno, and Sacramento in California, and Forth Worth, Texas — have embraced the program, The Trace said.

Newsmax has more in the story here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck, Politics

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Hack Stone

You know, when the Mafia accepts money to wreak violence upon the innocent, they call it extortion. Just saying.

Hack Stone

You know, when the Mafia accepts money NOT to wreak violence upon the innocent, they call it extortion. Just saying.

Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.


It’s ok, both can technically be true.


“…will undoubtedly be rife with fraud.” Hell, what grubermint program is NOT rife with fraud.

GMAFB! Here’s a novel idea to prevent “at risk youth” from committing crime…Don’t commit crimes and we won’t put your ass in prison. And in prison, punk, your ass is what is at risk.


How about paying us old geezers. At our age prison is no longer a deterrent.
Sorta like Social Security with a twist (of the arm).

AW1 Rod

How about this: Don’t commit the fucking crime, and you won’t do the fucking time!

Jesus H. Christ, MUST we now BRIBE EVERYONE to behave the way that normal, civilized people are supposed to behave?

Apparently so, in NYC.


Free Sh*t… everyone (according to left/libtards) wants that, right?


Who is the progressiveliberalsocialistcommunist cocksucker that came up with this idea. All these years I’ve been witholding my son’s allowance when he does dumb shit. You mean to tell my I’m supposed to pay him for NOT doing dumb shit? Not bloody likely!


“New York City’s pilot program is modeled after Advance Peace, an anti-gun violence mentorship program founded in Richmond, California, in 2010.”


Never without his Hound’s Tooth hat.

“Four times a year, the program’s street team sifts through police records and its own intelligence to determine, with actuarial detachment, the 50 people in Richmond most likely to shoot someone and to be shot themselves. ONS tracks them and approaches the most lethal (and vulnerable) on the list, offering them a spot in a program that includes a stipend to turn their lives around. While ONS is city-funded and has the blessing of the chief of police, it resolutely does not share information with the cops. “It’s the only agency where you’re required to have a criminal background to be an employee,” Boggan jokes.”


And of course:


Watch the video for full doddering effect.


Has only been a few years since Richmond participated in Project Exile to get the most at-risk criminals sent to prison. Their crime rate plummeted. Bet this fustercluck doesn’t accomplish that.


But it makes left/libtards feel good!


I just noticed they have (had) Michael K Williams on their leadership board of directors. Somebody needs to update that.

With mentorship like that there is no telling what heights these kids might achieve.

Hack Stone

Fox News had an article last week with San Francisco offering those most likely to commit a violent act a financial grant each month not to shoot anyone. Another back door plan to funnel government funds to white supremacists, as we are constantly told, all of the violence threatening the inner cities is caused by angry white males.


I’ve already contacted San Feces to let them know where to send the check. Told them I won’t board a plane or drive out there to shoot people.
Now I can add Richmond, Ca and NYC to the list, I’ll be living the good life with all that cash flowing in.


Back in the late 80s, there was some sci-fi magazine I used to pick up at the comic shop. One issue had a short story where criminals were given color coded cards that entitled them to benefits. The story was told from the point of view of a young man in his early 20s. He got his black card just after he turned 18 for some petty crime. He could walk into any one of the burger joints in the story and show his card and get a burger, fry, drink on the spot, no charge. As the story progressed, he committed assault and battery to get a better card with more bennifits. He would mock the young kids with their burger cards. Later in the story he’s in some club and meets some guy in the VIP section getting waited on hand and foot and they become fast friends. When they go to leave the guy “pays” with a gold card, and the main character observes that he now knows the guy has at least committed murder one. They leave and go hang out in the gold card guys large high rise apartment, which is also part of his bennifits package for having committed murder.
I read this story when I was maybe 16, and thought such a world was just stupid, but yet here we are.


Sounds like a Heavy Metal type of story.


Wasn’t a comic, was a legit short story.


“And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.”


IMHO, the Demon-crats are hiring criminals to be used in future endeavors.



So, I’ve never been convicted of a felony, nor a misdemeanor for that matter,,,,

So where do I sign up for all of the funds that are owed to me for the past 50 years?


If they paid me a rack a month to sit on my ass and not shoot anyone I’d take it. The interesting thing about welfare is that the more you pay the more you get. It’s almost like they are encouraging bad behavior.


Headline says “Qualified New York City youth…”

I would posit they are some of the most HIGHLY UNqualified Youth New York City has, but….YMMV.

Meanwhile, in Baltimore we have this scholar, and the mother is blaming the SCHOOL. Kid was SUPPOSED to graduate this year, but after four years in HS he had a grand total of 2.5 credits and a .13 GPA. He ranked 62 out of 120 in his class.



” 2.5 credits and a .13 GPA. He ranked 62 out of 120 in his class.”
I don’t know what’s more impressive, the fact that he had stats that bad, or the fact that there are 61 other low information voters out there with lower stats.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Sounds typical of what’s seen in inner city hellholes lorded over by D-rats for decades.