Panetta: Cheney hoping for terrorist attack

| June 15, 2009

I’m sure you’ve heard that our new CIA director, Leon Panetta, claimed in an upcoming New Yorker magazine interview that it seems that former Vice President Dick Cheney talks as if he’s hoping for another terrorist attack on the US. From the Washington Times;

CIA Director Leon Panetta says former Vice President Dick Cheney’s criticism of the Obama administration’s approach to terrorism almost suggests the former vice president would be glad of a major terrorist attack as vindicating his criticism of President Obama.

“I think he smells some blood in the water on the national security issue,” Mr. Panetta said in an interview published in the New Yorker magazine’s June 22 issue.

Well, I wonder if Panetta was hoping the war in Iraq against al Qeada would fail when he wrote the following paragraph in a commentary from his Leon Panetta Institute entitled “Surge Not Working as Hoped”;

In our report, the Iraq Study Group concluded that “because none of the operations conducted by U.S. and Iraq military forces are fundamentally changing the conditions encouraging the sectarian violence, U.S. forces seem to be caught in a mission that has no foreseeable end.”

In fact, the Panetta Institute has provided us with a whole internet page of his criticisms of the Bush Administration. Can we assume that Leon Panetta was hoping the Bush Administration would fail?

Did any of the CIA directors under President Bush state that criticism of the Administration was an expression of hope we would be attacked again? I guess that’s the problem when you hire a politician to do a sheepdog‘s job.

Vice President Cheney is merely defending the policies of his administration. If Panetta is so sensitive, maybe he should go back to tossing stones at glass houses from the safety of his nondescript “institute” instead of living in a glass house.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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B Woodman

Hhhn. Putting words in other peoples mouths. If he is/was such a mind reader, how come he ain’t rich from (insert here).
What next, thought police?
Actually, I hope we DO get attacked. Then we can turn, en masse, to Mr Panetta & say, “We told you so, dumbass!”


While the feeb’s are busy reading Miranda rights to terrorists, the comrades of said terrorists will be sneaking across the southern border, the one that 0 wants to open further, bringing in (name your poison, a. Dirty bomb, b. Anthrax, c.any other thing they can think of. Hopefully, someone, anyone at the CIA will be awake and see this coming. But, I’m fearful the analysts will be in CYA mode. Don’t upset the 0’s apple cart.


Typical leftist attack policy. State something so outrageous and cause the other side to defend themselves. Just part of the process for barry to outlaw the ‘republican’ party as terrorist sympathizers.

Oh, I’m sorry; man-caused disaster collaborators.