Weekend Open Thread
The left somehow thinks that when communism is properly applied, it works to everybody’s benefit. Unfortunately, the reality is different. It offers an economic utopia, but delivers a reality that many try to escape from. Enjoy your weekend.
Category: Open thread
First! (On the F-5 Key)
Well, felgercarb! I missed it again by *that much*!!
Hack Stone is claiming Russian interference with accessing WOT.
Missed by that much because I wasn’t paying attention and was on a phone call.
Nice One SPARKS!!
Happy 15:00 WoT.
Hack Stone would have had First Post, but the cell phone reception at the River Road exit of The Capital Beltway is spotty at best. If you happen to be driving by, stop by for a great deal on Y3K Software. Our kiosk is located between the Central American immigrant selling flowers and the homeless “Vietnam Vet” begging for change. Be sure to mention the promo code “Spandex” for a 13% discount.
I hate stolen valor as much as the next guy, but when someone is in truly dire straights and claiming vet status gets them an extra dollar in their cup…
I get it. But for the grace of god…
They’ll let anyone have a squeeze…
Kidding, congrats!
That f’ing Sparks! Need to take him out back and tune him up. What do you say, eh?
Yup. Need’s a proper fonging…
I was busy with the reefer repairman’s instructions to me on how to restart my fridge once the freezer compartment has defrosted itself.
Kudos to him! He is good at his job, gets done efficiently, and sticks to his quotes.
Ex-Coastie, too, and I’m happy to give him business, but he is really swamped with calls these days! I called him Tuesday and he couldn’t come until today. Has three days ahead of solid bookings.
Rats of the Cong, Sparks. Well done!!
Rats of the Cong t’ya.
Aaaannnndddddd We have a weinner !!!
I uh—
Sorry Sparks I zigged when I was supposed to be zagging….
Hack Stone would like to claim First Post for The This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread for Friday August 13, 2021. As to Hack Stone being denied the highly coveted and rarely awarded title of First Post for The This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread for Friday August 6, 2021 that he was entitled, he reluctantly accepts the decision rendered by The 9th District Court and asks his supporters to not take to the streets in a violent orgy of death destruction against those who shamelessly stole the First Post title. It is time for all Americans, including those who believe that Hack Stone should have been re-elected as First Post Commenter, and all of those pathetic losers who disagree with Hack, to unite as one all agree that The Biden Administration is the most honest and transparent administration ever, and that all of those people dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into Hunter Biden’s lap just appreciate fine art.
Okay Hack, with that pitch, I’m SOLD!
Question Hack Stone. What software brands does the proud but humble woman-owned business sell to the federal government? If you are allowed to say.
An extensive catalog to include the aforementioned Y3K software, a plethora of those AOL discs for dial up modems that you used to get for free at K-Mart, and a wide range of Commodore 64 support software to bring your company into the second half of the 20th century.
LMAO. Thanks Hack!
Sounds good Hack Stone, but do you have THE RAEL hot stuff like a cassette recorder for data storage?
think I made fourth
Literally went to another page and came back, saw the WOT had dropped and there were 4 comments
With a tip o’the cap to Sparks for his coveted FIRST … I offer humbly the week’s trivia column for one and all to enjoy. So, enjoy! DID YOU KNOW…? When was the first automobile race in the United States held? By Commissioner Wretched Can you believe it? Summer is almost over. Yes, I know August is the hottest month of the year, and autumn doesn’t actually arrive for another six weeks. But summer is, indeed, almost over. How do I know? The kids are back in school very, very soon. (Stop cheering, already.) So enjoy your morning coffee while you read these silly words I write; enjoy also the sense of quiet that will descend upon your house, once those little ones are back in the care of the teachers. You’re welcome. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get to this week’s installment of trivia! Did you know … … at any given moment, there are about 1.7 billion total listings of items for sale on eBay? (And if you’re like me, you probably have bids on 500 million of them.) … the man who designed the highway system for the state of New York, Robert Moses (1888-1981), never learned to drive a car? (Of course he didn’t. He knew better!) … you might be in possession of an incunabulum? Before you start panicking, you probably aren’t, unless you collect antiques – in this case, antique books. An incunabulum is a book that was printed before the year 1501. Those books were created during the earliest stages of movable-type printing, developed by Johannes Gutenberg (1400-1468) in 1439. (If you have one, you’re also probably too rich to care what I think about you having an incunabulum.) … it was once required to have a doctor’s prescription to bathe in Boston? In 1845, the city had an ordinance banning bathing without having a doctor prescribe the procedure for you. At about the same time, however, it was also illegal not to bathe before going to bed in Boston. (Which explains the general aroma of Boston at the time, I… Read more »
I’m surprised Adobe would do something like that…I would have figured they would just insert an overlay that says NOT REAL MONEY!
Can you believe it? Summer is almost over. – quote
Yes, Commish, and I’m glad it is. We have had everything from masses of starlings coming out of nowhere (to eat bugs) to so little rain that the local river that is a tributary to the Mississippi is nearly bottoms up. Now enough rain to even speak of it.
But I have to throw in that the Reefer Repairman who just fixed my fridge for me (another bad circuit switch) said it should last a while longer. I may take it with me when I go to The Great Beyond. Ever wondered if someone could be buried in a fridge, by request?
Hack Stone has read quite a few news articles where someone put a former loved one in a chest freezer. In most of those cases, those relationships ended immediately before being placed in the freezer.
Interesting note regarding Jack Lord being considered for the role of James T. Kirk. Did you know that Carroll O’Connor was a serious contender for the role of Jonas Grumby, AKA The Skipper On Gilligan’s Island. If he did secure that role, would he have been calling Gilligan Meathead instead of Little Buddy? And would have Alan Hale Jr scored the role of Archie Bunker on All In The Family?
Speaking of Gilligan’s Island, the role of Gilligan was offered to Jerry Van Dyke, who passed on the offer to star in the television classic My Mother The Car. My Mother The Car lasted 30 episodes over one season, while Gilligan’s Island was 99 episodes over three seasons, not including the cartoon, television movies and lame assed attempted reboot in the late 1970’s.
Copier manufacturers have done similar with regards to money. High resolution color copiers will easily make a good fake dollar. They detect it and refuse. They will let you take a B&W copy though. We had to check. For science!
Fourth? Fifth?
top ten!
I’ll take it
These chores ain’t gonna do themselves.
Have a good zero (hint: https://shooterscalculator.com/point-blank-range.php )
Carthāgō dēlenda est
Have a great weekend y’all!
Roh-Dog, thanks for the Shooters Calculator. I’ll be using it for sure.
Very welcome. Make sure you use a near and far zero verification (apply offset if range limited). If you lack a chrono you can use the calculator to model the MV.
(Not strictly talking to you, indefinite article ‘you’)
Insert: ‘The more you know’ meme
Present! Did I win?
Sure did, champ! Here’s your Modelo with Valor….or a ginger ale.
Si! Modelo por favor!
Vaccinated for coronavirus as a condition to travel out of state?
Team Biden is floating around the idea of having vaccine passports in order to conduct interstate travel. First, they offered “goodies” like beer, donuts, free Uber rides, etc. Apparently, they feel that not enough people are taking advantage of these “opportunities”. Time to roll out the “salami slicing tactic” with regards to restricting what we could do
Ahhnold is an anal wart. Fk him with the Predator claw.
So…Underground Railroad time? Taking that General Welfare and Commerce thing a little too seriously, 99.8% too serious from where I sit.
Tyrants gonna tyrant.
Fahk Ahnold!
Already happening in Austria, only worse, due to Teh Covid… because authorities said so, jahwol! (which leftists want here):
What a damned shame for this lady and her daughter. If this comes about here, we are then another step closer to complete government control of our lives.
That’s what our leftist Democrat betters want for their sexual gratification here.
New Zealand is so terrified of COVID that they’ve completely shut their borders for the rest of the year.
Australia… my bad and frickin’ auto-correct.
Uh, I think you meant Australia, not Austria.
Would vaccine passports be applicable to the “undocumented” crossing the border, or would that be racist because only white have the intelligence and financial ability to obtain a government issued photo identification?
The latter… for “social justice” to compensate for “privilege,” you know.
Steroids rote your brain,
So what is everyone’s take on the Taliban overrunning the country of Afghanistan as we exit? Me…after spending two years there on separate tours and working with the 3rd Corps quite a bit the last trip, I was initially surprised. Then I thought more about my experience and I said…well they had no NCO corps and the Soldiers were just standing around waiting for corrupt leadership to make decisions that never came! In fact it would not surprise me if many of them just negotiated the surrender of their units and equipment. If the Taliban are smart, which I believe they are, they will not engage US forces. They will allow us to leave, and wait to ensure we all did, then lock the door! It will all be over in a few hours and the entire country will be back under Taliban control. They don’t want our money, and aid. They want to be left alone and to live under their rocks. Not sure if they will destroy the Embassies, but like the Buddhas and other monuments to old religions that used to be throughout Afghanistan, I expect it will all be swept away in less than five years. They might even dig up the roads, like they did after the Soviets left! Do I regret what we did there?! Only in the sense of effort we could have put somewhere else to better effect. Did we root out the Terrorists’ that were responsible for 9/11…Yes. Did we kill or capture all of those responsible for the heinous act? Yes. So what else did we think we were doing there? Many Soldier, Sailor, Marines, and even a few Airmen died. But they died following orders. Many to save a buddy. Some would say a noble sacrifice. Were we there for a noble reason? Yes, to give the people of Afghanistan a chance to realize what could be. Did we achieve that goal. Partially. Was it worth it? No. Why? Because the people of Afghanistan are not Western European. It would take more than two decades to bring them to… Read more »
Originally posted by MI Ranger: They want to be left alone and to live under their rocks. Not sure if they will destroy the Embassies, but like the Buddhas and other monuments to old religions that used to be throughout Afghanistan, I expect it will all be swept away in less than five years. They might even dig up the roads, like they did after the Soviets left! You have to see this from their perspective, not from ours. The War on Terror is the West’s response to an ongoing war against the West and against everybody else, a war that began in the Arabian Peninsula early in the Dark Ages/Medieval Period. Pushing the West out of Afghanistan is just the beginning. They have plans to export their tactics to other parts of the Islamic world as well as to other parts of the world. They have stated, for decades, even before the War on Terror, that their ultimate objective is uniting the entire world under the banner of Islam. Originally posted by MI Ranger: Did we root out the Terrorists’ that were responsible for 9/11…Yes. Did we kill or capture all of those responsible for the heinous act? Yes. So what else did we think we were doing there? Again, you have to see this from their perspective, not yours. Seeing them as separate, re, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, etc., amounts to a massive tactical intellectual mistake. They may be a part of different groups, but they are all working towards the same objective. They all see the Islamic World as a single nation. It does not matter what sect, branch, group, etc., is engaging in the fighting, they are all under the category of “holy warriors”. Did we get rid of the terrorists responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 2001? Not completely. Al-Qaeda morphed and evolved, or integrated into other terrorist groups. They still operate in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Taliban shares in the responsibility for perpetrating the attacks on the United States. The Taliban could have wiped Al-Qaeda out, knowing what they were using Afghanistan, but they… Read more »
thebesig, that is a disturbing video because I see the truth in it and have for some time. In Europe and now in America.
If we continue as Europe has, with the happy-happy, joy-joy thinking of “we’re really helping these people”, then I fear we will be in the same place. And considering our politics, and our social climate, etc. that is not too far off.
I’ve been warning people about this since I started debating against the left online, in the 2000s. Europe is one of the places that I point to show where American Democrats want to take us.
The peace of the Caliphate will always commence with the next beheading, of course…
YouTube won’t allow anyone to view this video without signing in with an email address and password. They obviously want to identify anyone with a negative view of the Religion of Peace.
Thebesig, the video reads like a white supremacists campaign rally…but the statistics are true.
I don’t agree that all of these groups goals are aligned, but their ultimate goal is. Just read from their prophet himself: we should strive to work within their governments, and get along until we are in the majority. Then we will make the rules, and all must convert and live by our laws.
It doesn’t help that China has been effective at brainwashing our progressives into group think and that they are the reason for all that is wrong…instead of the means to fix it! (Victim mentality)
MI Ranger, thank you Sir. That was one of the best opinions I have heard thus far.
They let it go too far and too lean. To the point that now, we are sending appx 8000 more troops in to secure our exit. They are in my prayers.
We should have left at year 2 and let the country do what it is going to do now. Return itself to the 10th century.
Then focus on working on its next goal towards its ultimate objective… Global Islamic Califate. The reality is that we need to fight them, and stay on the offensive, for as long as it takes… Even for generations… As they have been fighting to accomplish their long term objectives for generations.
President Trump had a responsible withdrawal plan that was predicated on conditions on the ground. Once the withdrawal was complete, Trump had firepower standing by in case the Taliban deviated from its agreement. This wasn’t to be the case under the Biden Regime. Leave it to the Democrats to fumble another one.
I agree. With this Administration, we are a ship adrift in stormy seas.
ACtually, MI Ranger, I only wondered how long it would take, especially when I saw Xi/China nearly hand-in-hand with the Taliban leader a few days ago, in an online photo.
Nothing surprises me any more.
Agreeing with MIRanger and thebesig – trying to Westernize or civilize them is and was an exercise in futility.
IMHO, just because of their religious beliefs.
Religion makes a difference.
Under Christianity and the Judeo-Christian worldview, you get the USA at its best.
Under Islam and its worldview, you get what we see there now.
My $0.02
Went to PT this morning and I think that the young Lady that worked on me is a possible time traveler and learned her profesion by going back in time to the torture chambers of the middle ages.
Did she go medieval on your ass with pliers and blowtorches? If so, she must be in the health network that the proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government formerly located in Bethesda Maryland uses.
The border crises is deemed “unsustainable.”
Mayorkas told the agents that the current border situation “cannot continue.” He said the federal government’s system was not designed to handle such an influx of migrants as the U.S. has seen in recent months and he was “very well” aware that the sector recently came close to “breaking.”
I hope Mayorkas has his resume in order.
Mayorkas done fucked up and told the truth. Off with his head.
If/when Pedo Joe remembers to return to the White House, he may, or may not, remember that Mayorkas dissed him. He may, or may not, fire him.
Either COVID-19 is conservative, or there are exemptions to pandemic protection countermeasures
When they mandate vaccines, force people to wear masks, not allow people to be with their loved ones in their final days, etc., remember the leftist elites partying without implementing these measures. Obama brought in people from outside of the state and conducted a massive party outside of his mansion. There was no social distancing, masks, etc. The “outside party” was in a tent that is bigger than the homes that we live in.
On a side note, for someone that warned about “the dangers of climate change”, he does not appear to be worried about that either. The above party took place on a property not too far from the beach.
Top fiftysome and Honorary First once again.
Andy11M sends.
It’s official: The Air Force will let airmen put their hands in their pockets while in uniform
The Air Force will break with decades of tradition starting in October.
Senior NCO’s heads explode. Thanks, Andy.
I was under the impression that having hands in pockets when in uniform was referred to as “wearing Air Force gloves”. Surely all my Senior NCOs were pulling my leg.
“Air Force pockets, keeping hands warm since 1947”
Wait, that’s not The Duffel Blog?
You member?
For those interested:
Steady hands!
Oh, I wish…
Great work still TOW!
Gonna be a while before the B-17 is ready to be graced with Mrs. Whitey’s beautiful visage.
Can’t wait!
I know some claiming to refuse the vaccines are lying…just trying to fit in. Hiding the “shame” of being vaccinated from their fellow Qult members.
To those that honestly refuse to get vaccinated and refuse to wear a mask…
You are disproportionately contributing to the continued spread…and are thus contributing to this…
There is a reason the locations with the highest per capita spread are overwhelmingly Trump country red districts.
Stop being self centered assholes and snowflakes and wear a mask and get vaccinated.
I’z knowz all abouts microbiology and epidemiology, and after massaging my empiric data all I have to tellz you all is PUT ON YOUR FACE DIAPERS! IT’S TEH COVID!!!
Hey Commissar- go light yourself on fire.
I don’t have the words to express how little your opinion matters.
Well, since you asked so nicely… and you’re most definitely an expert on self centered assholes… take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. And before you go all crazy, I’m fully vaccinated. It was my choice. Mine. Not. Yours. Now go have yourself a nice day. And you’re a fraud.
Out of honest curiosity, is there a point at which you would say that one’s personal freedom takes a back seat to the needs of others?
I’m not unsympathetic to the arguments for personal choice, but I guess I lean towards ‘common good’ being important when dealing with a novel virus.
So I feel there’s got to be a line, as there is for many (but not all!) people even with the 2A – most people don’t argue for allowing people to own cruise missiles, or nuclear weapons, or other things the government has but her people don’t. There’s a line, a restriction on where one’s constitutional freedom hits a limit, due to societal needs.
I can understand that mandating injections rubs people the wrong way, but would holding people in medical quarantine be OK? I seem to recall some people here advocating for that with the Ebola outbreak, when nurses weren’t quarantined during Obama’s term.
Clearly, Ebola and COVID are very different, but I guess that gets to the heart of it – if it were more deadly, would you be more inclined to support mandatory vaccinations? Where is that threshold (for you) when society trumps the individual?
Not trolling here; I like reading your thoughts, and just wanted to get a real take. Much like the vaccine itself, which some here claim is completely ineffective and others here have taken, I expect there’s a range of thoughts. What’s your perspective?
People just don’t trust the vaccine. They feel it’s rushed and untested. I agree with that to a certain extent. I’m absolutely against forcing what is essentially an experimental vaccine on people. There are as many reasons people refuse it as there are people who refuse it. And when people get on their high horse and start being complete assholes to people who choose not to vaccinate, I am completely anti-asshole. Look at the people who refuse it. It’s not a bunch of mouth breathing knuckle dragging beady eyed Neanderthal q-anon followers. It’s educated people, medical personnel, it’s much of the black population because of past medical experimentation. It’s people who are sick of the CDC and Fauci acting like gods when they’re repeatedly showing they know fuck-all. Quarantine is a great option, but you quarantine the sick and infected, not the entire nation and economy.
I appreciate the response. I can understand not trusting the vaccine, though I personally feel the flip side to that is that many view the vaccine as a risk, but don’t account for any risk of the virus itself. That lack of a full view of the uncertainties of both is, in my opinion, problematic.
That’s a philosophy I can fully endorse, even if I disagree somewhat with parts of your characterization of the people – specifically, the medical field is kind of wild. Something like 98% of doctors have had it, but maybe we’ve hit 50% of nurses. I … can’t explain that. But I’ve got family who haven’t taken it, to my dismay, and I agree that characterizing people as assholes isn’t exactly a brilliant way to get them to see your point of view.
I want to be careful not to put words in your mouth here,.. but -just as an honest question- you’d be OK with limiting the personal freedom of people by quarantining them to protect others, but not vaccinating them to protect others? And I can see that, I just want to make sure I understand.
In other words, it’s not a strict ‘freedom!’ thing – there are considerations to others in your point of view, it’s just that it shouldn’t be as heavy-handed?
And thanks again. And, personally, I’m glad you got the shot, too. Hope you and yours all stay healthy.
You just keep licking the shit off of that jackboot, Lars!
Commissar, why do every one of your posts have to include a Trump thump? He’s not the President anymore, take a look at the one who is, please.
He can’t help it, Major Moonbat is addicted to shitting his pants over Donald Trump!
D-Generation X said it best:
Be sure to go tell your PhD friends at Berkeley to go get their shots, Lars. They seem the most likely NT to go get immunized.
You go girl!
Just a follow-up from last week:
Girlfriend was released from the hospital on Tuesday after a 5 day stay. Blood clots were found on both lower lung lobes and in her left leg, but she was started on Heparin (and now on Eliquis) to get them under control. Spent a few hours with her today – took her to her first appointment. Should be back to normal in about 10 days and she lost 15 pounds during her stay in the hospital.
Thanks to those that took a moment out to say a prayer, good vibes, etc… much appreciated from both of us.
Thanks for the good news, hoping for continued good recovery for her.
Continued Prayers for you both.
Thanks for the update. You both will be in my prayers.
Good to hear HMCS, and I’ll echo the above sentiments
Great! Always good to hear the follow up news, especially when it’s good news.
Thanks to all!!!
congresswoman associated with the election security bill has ties to China:
The New Jersey congresswoman’s 2020 financial disclosure reveal investments in several Chinese tach firms flagged as “tools” of the Chinese Communist Party. She retains up to $50,000 in Alibaba shares and purchased up to $15,000 in Tencent shares on March 27th, 2019.
The U.S. State Department has flagged both firms as “tools” of the Chinese Communist Party that count powerful party members among their executive ranks.
Both companies have also been involved in the “research, production, and repair of weapons and equipment for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)” and have a “deep record of cooperation and collaboration” with China’s “state security bureaucracy,” former Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation Christopher Ford revealed.
But, she’s a Democrat so, that’s okay then. If she were a Republican, it would be headline stories for weeks.
Here we go again, pig shit head Mikey Weinstein has the Army BAN Bible verses on Dog tags:
Fuck Mikey Weinstein sideways. That pic in the article is 86th Signal Battalion, Bagram, February 2002. Shields of Strength gave us all dog tags, the company was just starting out. I still have mine and I’d love to slam it on Mikey’s forehead.
And that’s not Kenny Vaughan in the picture. That guy in the center is LTC David Dodd, one of the finest men I’ve ever known.
“…Army recruits will no longer be able to obtain dog tags that contain any reference to Christianity.”
So then, are Islamic Koran verses okay?
Tell the Islamic community that he thinks their religion is hogwash as well. See how that works out.
But as usual, if you’re white, male conservative, and Christian, then you’ve just ticked all the boxes for the reeducation camp.
Also from the article.
“All it took for the policy change was an email from Mikey Weinstein to the Department of Defense, in which he demanded that all military branches cease allowing service members to pair the military emblem with Scripture. He concluded that such use “poisons the constitutionally-mandated separation of Church and State.”
Really, all it took was one email with a threat and the DoD folded like yesterday’s newspaper.
What about the religious freedoms of those service personnel who wish to have these verses on their dog tags?
I’ve answered my own question I guess. They just don’t count.
They forgot to mention this not an issue item. It’s purchased by whoever wants one. It’s called capitalism and it works better than those other isms.
Satanism? Rule-34 fetishism? What CAN we get then?
That fucking guy is a Black Rifle Coffee-level grifter.
Was helping Airborne Son put crown molding in his new house.
For those with a Mossy Berg 500/590 or Mav88, here is something I referred to in another thread:
The Wuhan Flu has struck the GB AO, getting the families of #1 Son & Favorite Daughter. Everyone is doing well and getting better, but it kept me from going in to see my brother in the nursing home for 2 weeks.
I’d like to find/make T-shirts or hats that say “Resist the Tyrants”, “Refuse to Fear”, and “Citizen not Subject” – we sure need to spread the word.
Y’all have a great weekend.
When Military Ride Share Programs go horribly wrong.
“Both could go to prison up to 10 years.”
Until Biden hears about it, Then they will be promoted, receive an ARCOM, and be assigned to wave ’em through duty at the border.
Musta fat-fingered something.
Present and unaccountable.
Was off helping Airborne Son put up some crown molding in his new house.
The Wuhan Flu hit #1 Son’s family & Favorite Daughter’s family – but everyone is doing well. Just puny for a while.
For those with a Mossy Berg 500/590 (and some for the Mav 88’s) – some toys mentioned in another thread:
I’d like to see hats/tshirts with: “Resist the Tyrants”, “Citizen not Subject”, “Refuse to Fear” on them. Looks like we need them.
God bless you all, have a great weekend.
For those who haven’t heard of Joshua Merritt, aka ‘Spyder’, the supposed ‘military intelligence’ expert who was one of Sidney Powell’s expert witnesses on the Kraken lawsuit, the US Army clarified a while ago that he actually kept washing out of intel school, and was actually a mechanic[1] while in, and works in IT now.
Well, he was hired by Mike Lindell as a ‘cyber expert’ to verify his claims of a stolen election … except Merritt now says the proof isn’t there. [2]
It gets even better, since Lindell’s data comes from none other than Dennis Montgomery. Montgomery, for those who don’t know, goes by the alias ‘David Webb’… which if anyone is familiar with the Jason Bourne novels should recognize. Bad-ass dude, right? [3]
Well, Montgomery is a con artist who scammed the Pentagon out of millions by claiming he could find ‘secret Al-Qaeda messages’ embedded in TV broadcasts, among other scams. He’s the voice behind the notion of the ‘HAMMER’ supercomputer that somehow stole the election. Now, if you’ve got a supercomputer stealing things, why you also have China hacking things is beyond me, but hey, con artists gotta con. [4]
So, as of yet, despite all the pronouncements -in fact, it was today the Trump was going to be reinstated, according to Lindell! – there’s still zero evidence, and a lot of shitty idiots behind this theory.
[1] : https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/sidney-powells-secret-election-witness-spyder-says-he-never-worked-in-military-intelligence/
[2] : https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/11/mike-lindells-lead-cyber-expert-says-they-cant-pro/
[3] : https://talkingpointsmemo.com/fivepoints/five-points-on-mike-lindells-dumpster-fire-cyber-symposium-election-fraud-event
[4] : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_L._Montgomery
I had very high hopes that Lindell really had something, but I was expecting a train wreck. Turns out that train was a hell of a lot bigger than I thought.
Is anyone still riding the Lindell/MyPillow train?
You’d think it’s obvious by now,
yet more than 1 defenders of January 6 D.C. Capitol knuckleheads
are STILL (late last night August 13/14) spitting out the Lindell suck.
It looks like some of these “Patriots”
would rather ride their fantasies (and their reputations)
completely into the ground,
rather then fess up that they were fooled.
It’s like Stolen Valor military phonies living in their denial,
lying more, and even counterattacking,
to futility.
Lindell had “phony enablers”….
and now we can watch his “phony defenders” at work.
Did you watch the entire symposium, or are you just basing your arguments on what you heard? The symposium did not go as smooth as one put together by those who have administrative assistants that do this all the time.
Did he fall short of expectations? Yes, in some areas. Was he a complete train wreck? No, he delivered in other areas… Speakers presented information that was consistent with what was in some of the affidavits that I went through in the aftermath of the election last year. Dismissing his symposium, and all of his speakers, would be like dismissing every single one of us that post in the comments sections simply because of what is said by trolls or by frequent posters many here disagree with.
As for the “Capitol knuckleheads”, if you’re talking about the Antifa/BLM antagonists that imbedded themselves with the protests, I’d agree with you. I’ve seen videos and images of that event that is not shown in the media. For example, video showing the Capitol Police doing things that got that crowd to act the way they did.
Of course, one can’t discount the photos and videos of police officers letting the protestors in, even standing where they were and taking pictures of protestors walking in an orderly fashion, through the pathway the Capitol staff provided, etc.
There’s no comparison here between those who argue the above topics and to the stolen valor phonies who stick to their attacks.
I think you got your answer courtesy of thebesig below, both on the Lindell train and on believing that the Capitol chaos was somehow actually Antifa’s doing.
Me personally, I hope there are fewer and fewer people that subscribe to Lindell’s craziness (though a few more are here on this site, too, I wager), and I try to be pretty reasonable in pointing out its flaws. Many times, they’ll move on to another theory, but I’m happy to keep illustrating the lack of evidence.
I understand this is a conservative site, by and large, but I want a USA that has a rational conservative party – not one consumed by the crazier notions, including a stolen election that would require a conspiracy involving countless election workers, courts from the state to federal level, including SCOTUS, lifelong Republicans who are somehow conspiring with Democrats, not to mention mathematicians, computer scientists and others who’ve all shown it hasn’t happened.
This country is better when the crazy on both sides is reigned in. Here’s to hoping we can get there.
LC: I think you got your answer courtesy of thebesig below, How can that be possible when he posted his comment before I posted mine? LC: both on the Lindell train You failed to prove the main argument, that he was advancing, “wrong”. Instead, you leveraged a strawman argument by attacking claims, or associations, in hopes that statements that they made, corroborated by others, would also be disregarded. It’s obvious that you did not watch the symposium, or even bothered to watch segments of the presentations made during that symposium… It ran for three days. Your statements about it reflect those of someone who read selective information on the symposium, propaganda sources. LC: and on believing that the Capitol chaos was somehow actually Antifa’s doing. I’ve seen videos, and photos, of people, who are antifa, “kitting up” into Trump gear and imbedding themselves into the crowds to incite riots. It’s not just Antifia, they had a BLM provocateur in the group. Again, this is a tactic that they do overseas, this is a tactic that Antifa employed with what originally were peaceful demonstrations/protests in 2020. The vast majority of those who were there to support Trump were peaceful. There are videos of police inviting them into the Capitol. I saw a video of the “Shaman” guy walking with a police officer, both interacting with each other on friendly terms. LC: Me personally, I hope there are fewer and fewer people that subscribe to Lindell’s craziness (though a few more are here on this site, too, I wager), [STRAWMAN] In other words, you hope that more and more people buy into the same propaganda that you fall for hook, line, and sinker. Regardless of what cherry-picked information you’ve heard from Mike Lindell’s symposium, a lot of the information presented during those three days corroborated with what many of the affidavits stated. By your logic, with wanting to dismiss everything that Lindell said based on your cherry-picked data, we could dismiss everything that you said on this website based on the numerous erroneous arguments you’ve advanced here… Rather than give each new… Read more »
Attacking him for claiming to be military intelligence when he wasn’t is a strawman argument. I’ve gone through the affidavit written by someone that identified as a Military Intelligence analysist. What was in the affidavit was not something that lent itself to Military Intelligence, but to Information Technology. We had MIs and ITs at the battalion and brigade levels, the MIs did not touch the information that I read in the affidavit that Powell presented. The first link that you reference identifies him as an IT professional by civilian trade… This is what matters more to election fraud as it relates to tampering with the Dominion machines. As for Dennis Montgomery, real conservatives did not take him seriously, and have been questioning his credentials and claims for months. In fact, The Gateway Pundit exposed him as someone that wasn’t on the conservative side with regards to arguing election fraud… Thus he was sabotaging the efforts to prove election fraud: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/uncovered-conman-long-history-deceit-dennis-montgomery-inserted-false-information-election-fraud-investigation-paying/ I never believed in the reinstatement claim. Even if that were to happen, Trump would not get a third term, and he would not get time lost back. Better that he win a third time, not get cheated out of an election, and get a full second term. Your final link is nothing but a propagandist hit piece… In fact, all your links leverage strawman arguments to attempt to discredit the fact that indeed, massive election fraud occurred in November last year. The real reason that Lindell rushed from the stage: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/liemike-lindell-explains-really-happened-rushed-off-stage-cyber-symposium/ In an exclusive interview, 100 Percent Fed Up asked Mike Lindell about the articles that appeared in both publications, to which he replied, “They lied!” Next, we asked him what happened during the event that caused him to jump up from his seat and move hastily across the stage. Mike explained that while the retired US Army Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel was speaking, a member of his technical staff attempted to get his attention to ask him a question. “That was it!” Mike told us, “They signaled me during his presentation, and they wanted to know which video… Read more »
Attacking him for claiming to be military intelligence when he wasn’t is a strawman argument. So, on a Stolen Valor website, where people are often excoriated for embellishing their military credentials, you’re going to just wave your hand and dismiss this falsehood as a ‘strawman argument’? Now, sure, it’s possible Merritt didn’t lie, and it was Sidney Powell who embellished his resume in her affidavit to the court. Either way, I’d think people on this website especially would frown upon someone claiming military expertise they don’t have, even if it doesn’t pertain to the job at hand. And my point on both him and Montgomery is that Mike Lindell is involved with them. Even after their questionable credentials came out. That speaks volumes. In fact, all your links leverage strawman arguments to… Oh, please. Is the Washington Times now part of the conspiracy? They lean fairly conservative. .. attempt to discredit the fact that indeed, massive election fraud occurred in November last year. So, ah,… where is the proof? That’s quite a claim, so, let’s hear it. Lay it out for me. I’m all ears. The real reason that Lindell rushed from the stage: Do.. you think I care why Lindell left the stage? And he’s hardly a good source. This is the same guy claiming Antifa was trying to break in to his event, yet with countless journalists there, none have any evidence of that? And, for that matter, the guy also claimed that Trump would be reinstated yesterday – that surely knocks his credibility down a bit, doesn’t it? Additionally, Peter Navarro generated a report based on what was alleged in those affidavits: I addressed many of the failings of the ridiculous Navarro Report ages ago on here; many of the footnotes go to things since proven false, or YouTube videos, or whatnot. I’d ask you again where the proof is, but let’s take it up a level – what’s the theory you subscribe to on how it happened? Dominion switching votes? North Korean subs dropping off ballots? Bamboo in the ballots because China printed extras? And be… Read more »
Response to LC, August 14, 2021, Part 1A LC: So, on a Stolen Valor website, where people are often excoriated for embellishing their military credentials, you’re going to just wave your hand and dismiss this falsehood as a ‘strawman argument’? [STRAWMAN] When somebody appears, on this webpage, as either embellishing their military service, or claiming military service they did not have, that is one thing. That is the main topic. Yes, we will hammer them, especially if they jump in and try to argue against the evidence against them. However, go back and read your statement in my response. The focus is not on “stolen valor”, but on the legitimacy of what he ultimately testified to. By bringing up the fact that he was not Military Intelligence, yet by ignoring the fact that he has Information Technology background, your intent is clear. This is clearly two different topics. Yes, I’m going to label your attempt to denigrate him as a strawman argument. By denigrating him, and his claims, the attempt is to clearly call into question what he is saying. In my response, I accurately pointed out the relevance of his actual profession, mentioned in the link that you brought up. What he testified to, in an affidavit, has more to do with IT than it does with MI. In fact, it has nothing to do with MI. He did not even have to claim to be an MI. LC: Now, sure, it’s possible Merritt didn’t lie, and it was Sidney Powell who embellished his resume in her affidavit to the court. First, Sidney Powell had a bigger picture to deal with. She was collecting evidence/affidavits. When someone goes in front of her or someone working with her, and provides a statement, to include the understanding that they could be penalized for making a false statement, as well as their willingness to testify in a court of law, she’s going to take them at face value. This is especially going to be the case when what people are testifying to corroborate with each other. This appears to be the case… Read more »
Response to LC, August 14, 2021, Part 2A LC: And, for that matter, the guy also claimed that Trump would be reinstated yesterday — that surely knocks his credibility down a bit, doesn’t it? By your logic, you have absolutely zero credibility. You have said numerous things that are not backed by fact. Yet, you’re on this site arguing as if you know what you are talking about. But, I do not use your logic. Your arguments are factually deficient; hence, your lack of credibility with me and with others. Most conservatives do not believe that Donald Trump would be reinstated. Especially when they receive information from Trump himself talking about focusing on the 2022 midterms and ultimately the 2024 elections… With stories flown around that he would run in 2024. If he were “reinstated”, he will not get a shot running in 2024 for a third term. The fact that you would assume that most conservatives were expecting him to be reinstated speaks volumes to the fact that you do not know conservatives. LC: I addressed many of the failings of the ridiculous Navarro Report ages ago on here; many of the footnotes go to things since proven false, or YouTube videos, or whatnot. FALSE! First, you failed to prove that the report was false, wrong, etc. All you did was advance an opinion and backed it with other opinions and propaganda. I don’t consider the references that you use, to include the YouTube videos and links, as valid rebuttals especially since they use strawman arguments, inductive fallacies, and falsehoods. Second, the Navarro Report presents a solid argument in favor of election fraud. Remember, Trump’s team received thousands of affidavits from the contested states. These affidavits were categorized into a handful of categories. We are talking about firsthand observations, but people at the polling stations, testifying to what Navarro analyzed and categorized into his report. The report is consistent with bellwether indicators, both with regards to who usually wins an election for a specific office, as well as bellwether indicators of election fraud occurring. LC: I’d ask you again… Read more »
And one more bit of conspiracy idiocy – here’s a guy who was on OAN as an ‘expert mathematician’ who had new evidence that the election was rigged. Turns out, he’s a convicted drug dealer who now installs swing sets.
Now, I’m actually fine with the notion of a new mathematical savant being found… the world has the occasional Srinivasa Ramanujan, for sure. But the evidence is in the math, and actual mathematicians have already shown his just doesn’t … add up:
Maybe he was talking about the “swing votes”.
I follow conservative sites, I’m not familiar with Ed Solomon, but I am with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PHD, who used math to prove that election fraud occurred… He further debunked the “Math Guys” who attempted to argue against his findings.
Again, propagandist media outlets are finding people with questionable backgrounds and, when they do find one, attempt to paint an entire entire argument as being like them… A propaganda tactic. Many of us would not be following these arguments if they were pushed by people without verifiable backgrounds and without corroborating testaments/statements.
Hey, we agree on something! OAN is a propagandist media outlet. Coincidentally, they’re the ones pushing the ‘stolen election’ stuff. Hmm.
And no, Shiva Ayyadurai did not prove that fraud occurred. If you know anything about math, this should explain what he does wrong:
If you don’t understand that write-up, here’s a video by another mathematician who walks you through the main issue pretty easily, too:
Basically, you’re arguing solely from authority – Ayyadurai has a PhD, and from MIT no less, so he must be correct! But basic math shows that’s not the case. Like, stuff high school kids can do, easily.
As far as many of us here are concerned, you and Squidward, the mendacious marxist mollusk, are propaganda outlets. You obviously disagree with even the percipient witnesses who were involved in the vote processing and counting activities who found fraudulent/invalid ballots and tally sheets. As someone who made a living evaluating witnesses, I can tell when testimony has the ring of truth. This election was stolen with massive fraud and illegal voting procedures in key swing states. The D-rats and their allies in the DOJ and the courts just made sure none of it could come to light before the inauguration.
“Many people die at twenty five and aren’t buried until they are seventy five.” – Benjamin Franklin
IMHO Major Moonbat is living evidence of the truth in those words.
LC: Hey, we agree on something! No, we don’t agree with each other, as I will demonstrate with the rest of this response. LC: OAN is a propagandist media outlet. Coincidentally, they’re the ones pushing the ‘stolen election’ stuff. Hmm. False. If they’re reporting what I know is the case, that election fraud, no quotation marks necessary for reality, occurred, then they’re not pushing propaganda, they’re reporting the news as it should be reported. NTD News, and their sister outlets, also report on the election fraud. Both NTD and OAN report the news today the way I remember how news used to be reported. Unfortunately, they went from news reporting to in-your-face propaganda spewing. LC: And no, Shiva Ayyadurai did not prove that fraud occurred. Wrong, Shiva Ayyadurai proved, mathematically, the fraud occurred. LC: If you know anything about math, this should explain what he does wrong: There’s no “if” about my math knowledge given that I took Calculus in High School. Additionally, I have to be familiar with statistics for my dissertation. LC: [LC propaganda link 01] First, Naim Kabir did not have access to the raw data that Dr. Shiva received at the time he made his presentation. To make up for that Naim Kabir made assumptions to include the number of votes and which way they split. Not so with Dr. Shiva who, again, who received raw data. They were posting this raw data on what used to be The Donald dot win. Data analysts on that site used this raw data to prove what Dr. Shiva proved in his videos… The difference between how the votes should have turned out and how they actually turned out. Second, Naim Kabir, through assumptions, engaged in deception via computer modeling. This is no different from climate models being manipulated to spit out results that favor global warming rather than what nature reflects. Meaning, Naim leveraged math to gas light the reader into thinking that Dr. Shiva was “wrong”. What he did not prove wrong is the natural pattern that exists in natural election processes where there is no fraud,… Read more »
What do y’all think of Mutualism?
Seems like another theory which sounds good (to some) but as a system is no more sustainable than any other system on the continuum between complete individual freedom and no individual freedom.
OK, I twice attempted to post, and the posts didn’t take.
Did I fat-finger something?
Odd, this one went thru.
Well, regardless, y’all have a great weekend.
One of the things I tried to post was info for you Mossy Berg lovers here:
I’ve been trying to post a link to the Shooting Illustrated page that has info on accessories for the Mossberg 500/590 (and Mav88).
Some reason it don’t want to stick. So if you’re interested, go over there and look it up.
Best thing I did to my 88 was a collapsible M-4 type stock. I’m 5’8”, and the original stock was wayyyy too long.
Where’d you get it, SFC D?
At 6′-ish, my 88 fits well, but for CQC in a home defense situation a shorter stock would be nice.
This is the stock:
I think I got it from Amazon
I went with a folding stock and pistol grip for my Model 88, but alas, that accident in the quicksand…
Y’all will like this… don’t stuff the UPS driver leaves for other folk:
don’t steal the stuff UPS leaves, I mean
Hack Stone does not want to live in a world where you can’t believe what you find on the Internet.
Odd that those on the right have known they were full of shit for a while. Good to see the blind squirrels at Buzzfeed finding a nut.
This is from the site we work on with others, but we think it is worth a read:
Back in November 2019, Roy Fred Blackburn was eating a pizza in a local pizzeria called Pizza Street in Olathe, Kansas.
But this would not be like any pizza other pizza for Blackburn.
It was most likely his last.
Blackburn was in a hospice at the time but for Veterans Day, he decided to venture forth to eat some pizza with his wife.
Enter some students from Mission Trail Middle School. The kids were part of a chorus that was heading to local senior citizen’s home to sing for the residents there.
The chorus’ director, one Teresa Murray Posey noticed that Blackburn was wearing a Navy hat.
Blackburn had served in the Navy for six years.
“41 Essential Rules to Become the Grey Man”, what do y’all think?
Almost joined, Ha ha!
The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls in halls with a man named Paul while avoiding calls seeking clarification of his highly dubious and potentially felonious Native American, Law Enforcement and Navy SEAL claims to garner taxpayer-funded government contracts.
Thanks for the update. Hack Stone neglected to mention Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics in his failed bid to score the highly coveted and rarely awarded First Post For The Weekend Open Thread. It could save a lot of time if we could post a link from the All Points Logistics website with the schedule of what dumpsters Phil will be working balls.