Silky Pony / Giuliani To Drop Out of Race Governator May Endorse McCain

| January 30, 2008

Apparently, John Edwards has realized that neither of his “Two Americas” want him as President. Gee, I could have told him that in 2004. Not even playing on his wife’s cancer could help him compete with Her Inevitableness and Barack “Vote for me, I’m Black” Obama.
Breitbart article has the particulars.

Also in the news, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani is also expected to quit his campaign for the presidency.

CA Governator and second most famous RINO Arnold Schwarzenegger may endorse his friend and fellow RINO John McCain, hailed in this ABC7 article, as he is in so many others, as a War Hero. You know, if McCain were actually a conservative, he’d be called a WARMONGER not a War Hero…

Category: Politics

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Tom the Redhunter

I’m glad Edwards is out. He’s the worst of the Democrats. At least I think Kucinich was honest, while Edwards is a phony.

Jonn Lilyea

Hey, Tom. Yeah, but Edwards was a guaranteed loss for the Democrats in November. The other two will be tougher to beat. Besides, rumor has it that Edwards would be Obama’s AG. That’s mighty scary. He’d be like Spitzer when he was NY’s AG only on a national scale.

Jonn Lilyea

Apparently, Don Carl hasn’t been reading his VRWC marching orders.