Oregon, Rhode Island war memorials vandalized over Memorial Day weekend

| June 2, 2021

Vandalized Rhode Island War Memorial

Oddly enough they never seem to want to vandalize the statue of Lenin…

Fox News reports;

War memorials in Oregon and Rhode Island were vandalized over Memorial Day weekend, and no arrests have been made in either incident, according to reports.

The words “I refuse to glorify imperialism” and an anarchy symbol were spray-painted on the Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial at Skinner Butte Park in Lane County, Oregon, KVAL reported.

Eugene Police said they received a call about the vandalism around 9:20 a.m. Sunday morning, as a group of veterans was arriving at the memorial to honor the holiday. The words had been scrubbed off by the time officers arrived but some blue paint was still visible on the memorial, according to KVAL.

No suspects have been identified so far, and Eugene Police are asking anyone with information about the incident to call 541-682-5111. Eugene Public Works was going to wait until Tuesday to power wash the memorial, as not to disrupt any American flags placed there for Memorial Day on Monday.

In Rhode Island, the Providence War Memorial was vandalized on Memorial Day, early Monday.

Four stones bearing the names of Providence residents killed in action during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War were defaced with black spray paint, according to the Providence Police Department. The vandalism was reported to police around 8:40 a.m. Monday.

The paint was power washed from the memorial in La Salle Square by Tuesday morning, but police spokeswoman Lindsay Lague told the Boston Globe still no arrests have been made.

“We pay homage to Providence residents who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and we remember them every day, especially during Memorial Day weekend,” Mayor Jorge O. Elorza said Tuesday in a statement released by his office condemning the vandalism.

Providence Police Cmdr. Thomas Verdi confirmed that the incident remains under investigation.

Guy Lombari, the state quartermaster for the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Rhode Island, said that this is “a sign of the times,” and that a lot of people don’t even understand the sacrifices made. Lombari, a Vietnam War veteran, said that “there’s a lack of knowledge,” and wonders what is being taught about the nation’s wars.

“I don’t even think they have a clue as to what Memorial Day is,” he said.

Thanks to Poe for sending this one in.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Guest Link

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If they find the little bitch (M/F) that did this, they need to “Skinner Butte”….


Seems like a good portion of the population of Portland can easily fit that description. That place is lost.


Was aOc in town?

The Other Whitey

Commies/leftists love to on and on and on about imperialism and colonialism, but never stop to contemplate (or admit) how obscenely imperialist and colonialist their system is.

Socialist regimes have been invading foreign nations with the goal of imposing their own system at gunpoint against the will of the local population and exploiting their resources and territory for about a century now. These events have invariably been punctuated by mass murder and diaspora of desperate refugees.

But like everything else, apparently it’s cool when *they* do it.


Da, comrade, is always whole plan– and most “useful idiots” never find out until is too late!


When I was reading that, Boris Badenov’s voice automatically popped in to my head.



Moose and Squirrel are only “day job” in fomenting world revolution, as you know.


When we have to start shooting our way out of Socialism/Marxism/Communistic forms of grubermint, can we shoot the useful idiots FIRST? Asking for a friend.

Told y’all this sh^t wouldn’t stop with just being about “All Things Confederate”.

A Proud Infidel®™

BUT let someone burn a gay rainbow or BLM flag and it’s a “hate crime”. I’m sure it was done by some nutless, gutless PUNKASS who has never made his/her/itself useful to society, likely a brainwashed college puke!


What do you expect from that generation? Seriously, that pack of spoiled brats have no idea what their lives would be like if things had gone sour in WWII.


Yeah, these days, when someone makes mention of ‘The Greatest or Golden Generation’, our tiny-minded millennials think it’s someone describing them…


The Lamest Generation


My first impression upon returning from Viet of the Nam
in 1970 was “these people have no idea”.
They still don’t nor do their offspring.


Well, of course they did. It’s what they do. Because, ya know, they get to decide. Or something. Like, maybe just because they want to. Or don’t want to. Or whatever.

Next week it will be anther reason, but since it is theirs, the rest of us are supposed to applaud them.

Whaddayamean “history?” They don’t need no stinkin’ history. Their heads would explode if they had to act like mature adults, even IF they are already 40. And don’t try to confuse them with actual facts.


The People’s Democratic Republic of Eugene = Pantifa/anarchist annex

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

“Oddly enough they never seem to want to vandalize the statue of Lenin…”

Maybe some right minded citizen should show them. Under cover of night of course. Anonymously. Wearing black clothing and mask.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

My Sister is watching the old Dexter series on TV and what we need is a Dexter type person to take care of the Memorial defacing shit birds. Just saying.

Herbert J Messkit

It absolutely galls me that I share a country with these shits


I’ve never sat in a hedge over-watching a memorial in full kit…ever.
When turkey season ends I like to stalk larger game.
NODs tip the playing field for the nocturnal types.
So does having the local PD on speed dial and knowing most of them on a first name basis.
Happy hunting, my friends!