The Plague’s the Thing….

| March 31, 2021

Rochelle Wallensky is the head of CDC. She seems to be having some issues with several things, including the rise in infection rates and death rates, despite vaccinations.  Furthermore, she has signed an order to stop evicting people who cannot pay their rent (moratorium on evictions).

Here’s a link to the pdf text:

Here is part of the text:

STATEMENT OF INTENT This Order shall be interpreted and implemented in a manner as to achieve the following objectives:

  • Mitigating the spread of COVID-19 within crowded, congregate or shared living settings, or through unsheltered homelessness;
  • Mitigating the further spread of COVID-19 from one state or territory into any other stateor territory;
  • Mitigating the further spread of COVID-19 by temporarily suspending the eviction of covered persons from residential property for nonpayment of rent; and
  • Supporting response efforts to COVID-19 at the federal, s tate, local, territorial, and tribal levels

— End of quote

In addition, while there is a slight rise in infection rates (nothing that I’ve seen on the morning news indicates a real threat or an insurgence event), it is to be expected when people start gathering in herds – er, sorry, groups again after being cooped up as long as we have.

However, according to this article from CNBC, there is a steady rise in infection rates.

According to Ms. Wallensky, this is impending doom, an overly emotional response to what is a normal event during a pandemic. And right now, she is “scared”. Well, to me, it means that she is and has been completely unprepared to deal with a real-world, real-time disaster of epic proportions, something similar to the plagues that swept through Europe in the Middle Ages.

If we look back into history, the Black Death (bubonic plague) went through western Europe like a firestorm three times. The source was, frankly, very easy to spot: rats infested with fleas that carried the bubonic plague (Ursiia pestis) organism moved from Med-based ships coming into home port to the shores as soon as it was feasible for the rats to do so. Why did the rats survive when humans did not? Simply put, if they were not immune to bubonic plague (and there were either of those plagues, too), they’d have been dead months earlier. They were resistant to it: that is all. Any rats that were not resistant were already dead.

So, Ms. Wallensky is letting us know that she is scared to death, an unfortunate choice of words on here part, but here it is:

To quote her:  Coronavirus hospitalizations are also climbing. The U.S. is reporting a seven-day average of 4,816 Covid-19 hospital admissions as of Friday, a 4.2% increase compared with the week prior, according to CDC data.

Walensky urged Americans to “just hold on a little longer” and to get vaccinated against the virus once it’s their turn. When cases rise as they have over the last week or so, Walensky said, they often “surge and surge big” shortly thereafter.

“I’m speaking today not necessarily as your CDC director and not only as your CDC director, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter, to ask you to just please hold on a little while longer,” Walensky said. – article

I do not understand why a resurgence was not expected by her. She really should know better. In her position as the head of CDC, getting flustered over what is, in effect, a normal event is not appropriate.

Hat tip to AW1Ed for alerting me to this, too.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", COVID-19

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“Black Death” offends me.
That is all.


Pearl-clutching idiot.


Or, as Robert Downey put it, for her:


Eviction moratorium? Glad I’m not a landlord with deadbeat tenants.

3/17 Air Cav

All of my renters have paid on time since this bullshit started! I hope they continue to do so!

It pisses me off to no end, when the government sticks their nose in my business! Especially, when, in fact, the only thing these career politicians know about business, is signing the backside of their government check!


Blocking property owners from following the law with respect to non-paying tenants is -clearly- a taking under the Constitution. Also, it is an interference in contract.

Are they going to put a moratorium on mortgages for rental properties? Will they require the maintenance firms to fix the places for free?

This is Marxist assholery, and it ends badly for the renters, as they wind up evicted from failed rental properties that go condo, or find themselves in abandoned slums “run” but the ghouls who vulture that sort of thing.

Basic Marxist assholery that “property” is the problem and government dictates will fix that, also destroying anything to do with “property” rights and owners thereof.


How does the federal Govt in general and CDC in particular have any say in rental properties that don’t cross State lines. The catch all for federal infringement of the 10th amendment has been interstate commerce. So what is their rationale this time?


Skrunt! Wonder why we haven’t had a mass die off of people in homeless camps? They don’t “socially distance”, no ready washing facilities for clothes or bodies.

There was an article in a news feed a coupla weeks back from, yep…Commiefornia. Folks bought a 1/2 million dollar house just before the lockdown started last year. Owner has refused to move out because of the non eviction thing. The state said to the new owners…too bad.

The haves will soon become the have nots because the have nots will soon have the house that the haves have not anymore.


“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.” –Orwell


“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

She’s walking a dangerous tightrope.





Ahem and let me be plain….

Green Thumb

I wonder how long she will have a job?

Biden promotes on color and gender, not qualification.

But maybe she is right? Who knows?

Curious as to how the current administration reconciles this opinion as the Biden and Harris folks do not see this as a “surge”.

Green Thumb

By the way, the Biden Administration does not necessarily agree with her assessment.


This for a disease with a 98.7 % survival rate. I believe it to be higher because there have been no flu deaths recorded. It is a government power trip and I have never heard of a bureaucrat willingly giving up power.


Effectiveness of the vaccine (94.1%) is actually lower than the survival rate of getting the disease.

Only Army Mom

Can’t remember which channel as I wasn’t in charge of the remote or really paying attention…

… until I heard the sibling’s laughter. Seems there’s some confusion as over a surge in the Northeast where some of the most restrictive shutdowns and mask policies have been in place all along. Meanwhile, no to minimal – particularly in comparison – surge in Texas, Missouri and other places face diapers are overflowing landfills.


How many times have we seen where a Commander has been relieved due to loss of confidence in their ability to lead the organization.

Anyone have confidence in this CDC “leader”


Can we apply that standard to the Commander in Chief, the Veep and the Speaker, too?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight



Hang on to that giant Covid card once you’ve been double tapped.
Do not fold, spindle or mutilate because it’s real purpose is a toe tag.


“toe tag” = DD Form 1380

And just for Shits & Grins:

8465-00-079-9875 Bag, Casualty