Wednesday FGS

| February 17, 2021

Colt Model 1851 Navy Revolver

Coroner: Elderly couple fights back in home invasion; suspect dies

Ashley Briggs
The Aiken County Coroner’s Office and Aiken County Sheriff’s Office are conducting an investigation after a deadly home invasion involving an elderly couple on Monday night.

A man forced his way into a elderly couple’s home on Dicks Street in Jackson around 2:15 p.m. brandishing a knife, according to Aiken County Coroner Darryl Ables.

An incident report reveals that 82-year-old man and his 79-year-old wife heard a knock at the back door of their home and a 61-year-old man ran inside with a large knife attacking them.

Investigators say a man used the back handle of a knife to beat the elderly couple causing the woman to fall onto the ground. That’s when the woman injured her left index finger and the suspect used a knife to cause a laceration to the woman’s forehead.

During the invasion, the husband used the handle of a firearm to constantly strike the suspect to put an end to the attack.

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Read the entire article here: MSN

23-year-old woman fights back, reportedly shoots suspect during attempted robbery

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – The mother of a 23-year-old woman who shot at an attempted robber at a Valero gas station told Local 10 News that her daughter had a legal license to carry the firearm. Miami-Dade police said the victim shot the suspect multiple times during the attempted robbery.

Miami-Dade Police said the shooting took place at 7 a.m. at the gas station near Northwest 79th Street and 13th Court.

Neighbors told Local 10 News they heard gunshots.

Resident Carlos Frometa lives next to the gas station and told Local 10 News’ Annaliese Garcia he heard what sounded like three gun shots.

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Read the rest here: Local 10

The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.
– C.L. DeMontesquieu

Category: Feel Good Stories

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist

For the third time we have a story with a variation of “rock, scissor, paper”, using “knife and gun” instead. Even if the gun wasn’t used in its traditional way to shoot the perp.
Good on the husband for defending his wife.
As for the perp, you’d think that at 61 y.o., he’d be close enough to SocSec to settle down. Maybe he wanted to supplement his retirement? Also, at that age, you’d think that he’d know better, but obviously not.


Looks like Grandpa needs some cartridges and Ms Thang in Flu-ruh-duh needs some range time. Good on both for fightin’ back. “…head butt the hangman!” (ht 2 11B)

Good linky on “Colonel” Colt and his contributions to things that go “BANG!” I “like” the way the article gave credit to Eli Whitney for much of the early work in mass production. Henry Ford supposedly took credit for the assembly line production, but Whitney (and his son) was doing it for Colt long before an internal combustion horseless carriage came along.

God made man, Colt made ’em equal.

MI Ranger

Yes more range time, but good first use!
Story doesn’t mention whether she was in her car at the time or standing at the pump. Not too many ranges that let you shoot from the seated position, let alone from a car (I was lucky to have used one in Kansas). She did wound him enough that he is in critical condition! And fired only three shots, while not hitting anyone else or herself.

Wonder if 82years young male was deficient on keeping his weapon loaded, wanted to save what was left of his hearing, or was trying to avoid giving his wife a heart attack? Good she only hurt her finger!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist

I was thinking that Mr Senior Well Seasoned Citizen didn’t shoot for fear of hitting his wife at close quarters.


Ironic that with the cotton gin, Mr. Whitney gave the South the means to become powerful, and his mass-production techniques powered the North’s ability to out-produce the South. In a way, he could be considered one of the most influential people of the Civil War.