Anthropogenic Global Warming Caused By…
…Doing Nothing.
They really have become a mockery- it has passed the point-and-laugh stage and is now just low comedy. Here we were told the heating planet was cause by man’s activity, and now it’s caused by his inactivity?
David sends.
Study: Pandemic’s cleaner air added heat to warming planet
Earth spiked a bit of a fever in 2020, partly because of cleaner air from the pandemic lockdown, a new study found.
For a short time, temperatures in some places in the eastern United States, Russia and China were as much as half to two-thirds of a degree (.3 to .37 degrees Celsius) warmer. That’s due to less soot and sulfate particles from car exhaust and burning coal, which normally cool the atmosphere temporarily by reflecting the sun’s heat, Tuesday’s study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters reported.
Overall, the planet was about .05 degrees (.03 degrees Celsius) warmer for the year because the air had fewer cooling aerosols, which unlike carbon dioxide is pollution you can see, the study found.
If true, does this strike anyone else as remarkably stable? For the rest of the Grant Justification, err, article, go here: Yahoo
Thanks, David.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Blue Skies, Guest Link
The blind faith believers in Anthropocentric Global Warming will not let mere facts confuse them!
Bring on the Globull Warming. Instead of having to shore up or re-enforce the North Wall, I can just dig a moat. I’m only about 130 miles inland and this did use to be Ocean Front Property.
The most recent glacial period has been ending for twenty thousand years, as the earth slowly thaws out, and it will continue to thaw for another five to ten thousand years, whereupon conditions will rapidly and catastrophicly revert to glaciation as the massive ice sheets reform for another few hundred thousand years.
This current ice age of glacial cycles recurring has existed for millions of years, and previous ice ages occured throughout earth’s four-plus billion year history.
Humans have nothing to do with that twenty millennia deglaciating warmup. It is natural. If we truly could warm the planet, we could avert the inevitable oncoming civilization-killing glaciation that looms in our future.
Hm. Time, I think, to trade up to a V8 SUV.
I’m unsure what you mean by ‘remarkably stable’ here, but I’m inclined to think that the results are accurate, yes. And not, as the write-up implies, ridiculous.
Human activity isn’t a binary thing; it’s not ‘on’ or ‘off’, where ‘on’ heats the planet up, and ‘off’ doesn’t. It’s a lot of factors, and different pollutants have different effects. Soot particles in the air reflect more sunlight back into the atmosphere, before it’s absorbed by the planet, and that’s a different effect than the one greenhouse gasses have.
Or, to put it differently, I seem to have a hazy recollection that some many years back, the US military was looking at reducing soot emissions from burning JP8, due to the health effects of breathing in large hydrocarbon particulates. Slight variations in the fuel mixtures and engine designs were found that resulted in significant reductions in volume, but with higher concentrations of the smallest sized particles… which can penetrate more deeply Ito the lungs and bloodstream.
In short, the health effects of soot were known, they reduced soot volume (a primary indicator of health effects), but this lead to a new problem where secondary issues due to particle size became a factor in worsening health. It doesn’t mean that the eggheads were totally wrong, and decreasing soot volume was bad.
Interestingly, this is one reason why I’m less concerned about global warming than some of the alarmists who get tons of attention – they generally look at where things are going naturally, and not (until recently) what can happen under ‘geo-engineering’ scenarios whereby things like reflectivity are altered by increased particles in the air, or other such things. Until recently, the models were typically run in a fairly simple “What happens if we reduce greenhouse gasses?” type mode, whereas this shows examinations of secondary effects.
Human activity. Hmmm…
The fact is that the earth is cooler now than at any point in the past 4000 years.
In fact, if there is a trend, it is not a warming trend. Yet.
There is a vast reservoir of unkowns wrt climate. This is added to by a religious zeal and ignoble appetite to gain treasure from the taxpayer at every level of “academia”.
Global warming is a hoax, not because the global climate does not demonstrate incredible variability, but because AGW isn’t about the climate to begin with, but about the base greed of “scientists” in the modern world.
What’s your source on that? Because NASA says otherwise. Here’s their data from 1880 until now:
And you’ll note, if you pay close attention to that, that there are areas which are cooler than average, in addition to the areas that are warmer than average – but overall, the global average is warmer over time.
And the NOAA link here shows proxy measurements indicating high temperatures in the past, including the Medieval time where, in the northern hemisphere, temperatures increased a lot, but not as much as today:
Scientists tend to get paid to research basic phenomena anyway; it’s like saying soldiers are getting rich from made-up wars. Nope, with some notable exceptions like hazard pay, soldiers get paid about the same if we’re at peace or at war. Scientists get paid the same whether people are changing the climate or not.
Both 11B-Mailclerk and LC are correct to my way of thinking. As LC opines, it’s a lot of factors but the combined total effect of all the anthropogenic factors are laughably insignificant when weighed against the inevitability of the glaciation cycles.
We are warming because we are in the warming phase of the latest cycle, just as 11B says, and the Chicken little liberals can scream their pointy little heads off and enact all sorts of draconian limitations on human behavior, and Gaia will just keep slowly turning up the heat until her natural geophysical processes turn it off in a few thousand years. Then, and only then, will global temperatures begin dropping once again.
Those who are panicked and trying to change the inevitability of this inexorable, natural process remind me of a stoned hippie I once saw in a joint in Taos wearing a tee-shirt bearing the demand:
Stopping global warming has similar odds of success…
But but but… Plate Tectonics cause EARTHQUAKES! (Also volcanoes, mountain building, ocean ridges/trenches, subduction. They must be stopped. Actually, I like snarky scientific shirts like that. The old “Only 10 types of people know binary. Those who do and those who don’t” comes to mind.
Of course ironically (and intentionally I am sure) Biden stopping drilling and fracking and the pipeline will lead to increases in CO2, which showed declines under Trump.
Here is some interesting and entertaining graphical data:
I have followed Powerline Blog for a few years. They do good work.
The alarmists are not fighting global warming, they are riding
it all the way to the bank.
Waiting for someone to show up, whip out Michael Mann’s “Hockey Stick” graph and sing it’s praises…
Here’s two opinions that are probably really dumb: >Man can do nothing to impact the climate >Man is definitely impacting the climate The fact is it is very difficult to know. I certainly can’t read and make sense of the actual data people write about. I have to get my info from others. The fact is I don’t know. The fact that this is so hotly contested makes me think it is likely somewhere between those two statements. Here’s what I can be certain of: >Scientists have strong opinions, too. Especially, it seems, about this topic. >Scientists who live off of grants want to do things that get them more grants. If the Sierra Club is giving you grants, I imagine that your results better please them or you won’t get more. This may or not mean you fudge the numbers (which has happened) but it will impact how you interpret them. >The fact that every lefty suggestion to the problem involves implementing some socialist thing they’ve had on the agenda for the last 100% years makes me suspicious of their motives. Getting warmer? New taxes! More regulation! More government power! >The climate is so complicated that trying to pin any change on one variable is dumb. (Same goes for the economy.) >When people start equating you to Holocaust deniers if you disagree with them (the “denier” in “Climate Change Denier™” wasn’t chosen by accident), you have to wonder why they are so adamant about their beliefs. When people disagree with me, I tell them why I believe what I do. When you disagree with CLIMATE CHANGE™!!!! then people try to punish you. >The thing that seems to improve your climate is wealth. Places around the world who have great wealth have very clean environments and pollute much less than others. Seems like the best thing to do is spread prosperity around the world in order to clean the climate. The Green New Deal, if implemented like they originally suggested, will bankrupt the country which would likely lead to more pollution. We should have the Entrepreneurialism for the Planet! deal.… Read more »
Think your logical chain breaks on the venality of scientists. I find it less likely that they would skew all the results to favor grant givers, than that grants tend to be given to those whose research and viewpoints tend to favor the givers’ desired results. What are the odds of Gabbie Giffords supporting John Lott?
You’re not wrong. I imagine it’s a viscous circle between coming up with results people like, getting grants from those people and doing more research that makes those people happy.
Here’s my two cents, FuzeVT: the lack of actual spirituality in the ecohippie/GreenNewDeal stuff is very likely due to none of them ever being near a church or temple or whatever, never mind being brought up to believe in a Higher Power.
The most ardent of the ecohippies seem to be trying to get CAGW/climate change turned into a pseudo-religion and people like Kerry are pandering to it, for the purpose of controlling those unenlightened people.
It has all the traits of a false religion, with the aim at controlling the Faithful and destroying those who are not Believers. The more fanatical are those who think anyone who is “whatever” should be destroyed. The disenfranchised cranks who rabidly attack Others online are a good example of it.
You can find what I’m referring to just by viewing all those angry and destructive episodes that have been going on since the radical groups came out of the shadows and are now getting support from the lefties in politics. Kerry is only one of them and so are other people in political circle in WDC, and in the various states.
Reporter from Iceland: “I understand that you came here with a private jet. Is that an environmental way to travel?”
John Kerry: “If you offset your carbon — it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle…”
“I negotiated the Paris Accords for the United States…”
“I’ve been involved with this fight for years. I negotiated with [Chinese] President Xi to bring President Xi to the table so we could get Paris. And, I believe, the time it takes me to get somewhere, I can’t sail across the ocean. I have to fly, meet with people and get things done…”
“But, what I’m doing, almost full time, is working to win the battle on climate change, and in the end, if I offset and contribute my life to do this, I’m not going to be put on the defensive.”
And there you have it.
You forgot to add “And also, I was in Vietnam.”
“Not only that but I threw my medals in a trash can. Ok, LOL they weren’t mine. I hid mine and tricked other vets into throwing their medals into the trash. That is how leaders roll. Do as I say, not as I do. You can suck the ice off my wingtips if you think I am going to fly commercial or God help me, coach.”
Let’s also not forget all the “Winter Soldier” lies he testified about, under oath, to Congress, based upon his whopping four whole months in the Viet of the Nam, where he mostly had three hots and a cot almost every day.
Reminds me of an old episode of Futurama. Fry and Leela are skiing down a mountainside.
Fry: “I’m glad global warming never happened.”
Leela: “It did. But then nuclear winter cancelled it out.
In the Seventies they screeched that we would be in a manmade Ice Age by 2000 due to particulates from hydrocarbon consumption blotting out sunlight.
In the Eighties they screeched that at least fifty percent of the human race would be dead by 2000 due to acid rain, climate change due to deforestation and the hole in the ozone layer as well as blabbing that we only had about ten years worth of resources left to sustain. Here we are now in 2021 and we’re apparently doing just fine, but every time the lefty moonbats screech, the politicians want to restrict our freedoms even further!
I really miss NYC, Miami, the Keys, Galveston and other cities that are now under water from Globull Warming. What? They aren’t? But, Algore promised, as did all the Dems.
Ok, maybe I missed something, but is the seagull dead, banned, or just too busy beating off to his totalitarian fantasies to post here anymore??
Not that I actually miss the fool, but it just seems strange to not see him crapping all over threads like this..
No complaints here. I find the dicksmoker’s absence refreshing. Maybe his anqueefa comrades turned on him.
I agree, not a complaint, just curiosity.. and yeah, that’s quite possible that they turned on him.. as much of an insufferable cunt as he is, I can’t imagine anyone putting up with him for long.. (of course I’ve got a sister that’s so freaking toxic she can’t keep a roommate for more than 6 months, maybe they’re meant for each other)
PurPlE PeTeR PuFFer?
Bernath’s Ghost?
Oh, I thought this was a multiple guess question.