Pull up a chair, get yourselves some popcorn, we got Blogosphere War happenin’

| May 29, 2009

I’m not weighing in yet. Just alerting you in case you love a blog war like I love a blog war.

Drew M from Ace of Spades with What Has Happened to Little Green Footballs. Shot over. Shot out. Splash. Splash out.

Counter battery opens up.

Charles Johnson replies with What the Hell happened to Me?

Drew: Adjust fire, Drop 500, Right 100. What happened to LGF, v.2.0

Charles Johnson replies with fire at Michelle Malkin (Comment #62) and his Lizards Army attacks Townhall.com, Heritage Foundation and a host of other folks.

(flounder voice): Oh boy, this is gonna be great!

Category: Politics

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well, I read Charles’s remarks and the story he referenced at Vdare by MM. MM had posted this on her site before and has not made any attempt to hide the story. I totally agree with MM and Charles is out of line.

I too am wondering about Charles.

Bring it on baby.

509th Bob

I’d started tuning him out when he became so weirdly OCD with his evolution v. creationism thing. Still, its his blog, and he can write what he wants. Since he can’t force me to read his rants, I can continue to ignore him. Its too bad, though, it used to be a good blog.


I think it’s interesting that some within the “conservative” movement have decided that the best way to regain control is to mince words, moderate the tone, eject planks in the platform that are difficult to articulate, and generally condemn the core of the movement as rigid, unyeilding zealots. If this is the way to return the Republicans to power, I wish them well, because I won’t lift a finger to assist them on their trip to oblivion.


re: Claymore: “eject planks in the platform that are difficult to articulate”

How is “lower taxes, smaller government” difficult to articulate? It seems “moderate” Republicans are only committed to “me-too-ism” & acting as dumb rocks in an Obot/MSM talking point echo mountain.


dang i love a good blog war too but i wish someone would do a good back story post. their feud has been going on so long (including with pam geller) that i dont even remember what started it all. do they?


How is “lower taxes, smaller government” difficult to articulate?

Because the masses have been convinced that these concepts equate into someone suffering or losing what they get their just desserts from the government.


CJ lives a life of unreason.