When woke-ism costs lives

| January 7, 2021

As we discuss issues pertaining to Boomers, this article from Newsweek (not a conservative publication to be sure) discusses how recent CDC guidance will intentionally cost lives in the name of woke-ness.

I suppose it’s conventional wisdom that the pandemic is Joe Biden’s friend. It gives him a unifying project for a year that can distract from his shortcomings as a leader (including, but not limited to, inability to inspire with soaring rhetoric). Most Americans will support any reasonable anti-COVID actions he takes and be grateful when they eventually succeed. Does Biden want to wriggle out of domestic policy promises? Delay them with a Covid excuse.. He’s Dr.-End-The-Virus, not Dr.-Ban-Assault-Weapons, at least for the moment. Meanwhile, Republicans are going to criticize his virus policies… how? Well, they can lead an anti-lockdown, anti-mask resistance. But Biden isn’t an obvious foil because he seems to want to open up the schools–and it’s not clear that Berensonian resistance is the path to a majority as long as the virus stays at scary levels..

What I’d like to suggest is that the virus has also opened up a bigger opportunity for Biden, via a more circuitous route. Start with last week’s controversy over vaccine distribution. The Centers for Disease Control’s own data showed that the way to save the most lives was to vaccinate older people (65+) ahead of “essential workers,” who’d be next up. But the CDC’s expert advisory committee was initially poised reject this approach on “social justice” grounds. The problem? “[R]acial and ethnic minority groups are under-represented among adults 65 [and over].” The worker group was simply more “diverse.” White people “live longer,” explained Harald Schmidt, an expert in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania. It was time to “level the playing field a bit.” Even if it meant letting more people (including more black people!) die.

A trans-partisan outcry from left, right, center, and Tulsi — plus opposition from higher ups like HHS Secretary Azar — put a partial stop to this idiocy. Now people 75 and up will apparently be recommended for priority, with the 65-74 and “essential-but-not-frontline” group fighting it out after that.

A big improvement. But the most important point had already been made. You may have assumed that woke activism was a sideshow, destroying academic institutions and The New York Times.Yet here it had penetrated an important, once-revered government scientific agency and it was affecting, not who gets to edit the Times op-ed page but basic questions of life and death for millions.

For liberals, this should be especially terrifying–most crucially for backers of “Medicare for All” and other ambitious health plans. I think I’m one of them — I’ve always supported some kind of universal, national health insurance. Medicare seems like a program that works–why not expand it? Claims from conservatives that this gives government too much power have always seemed like a rote application of abstract dogma. Did Medicare — run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services — have too much power? Hard to see how. There’s no obvious rationing. No death panels. Of course there are always worries about cost-cutting, and the insidious culture of “good death,” including creepy end-of-life maneuvers (like the UKs infamous Liverpool Pathway). Yet we could seemingly rely on voter demand for care to overhwelm lugubrious proponents of medical austerity.

But what happened last week was not abstract: The near-hijacking of a universal medical instiution, and a potential denial of care, not in the name of budget-cutting but in the name of two-wrongs-make-up-for-racism social justice. Fight it and you’re not just self-interested and wrong. You’re self-interested and wrong and racist.

Where’ll this line of argument crop up next? Do I have to worry that in the future, when I’m wheeled into the ER, some Ivy League bioethicist will have decided I’m too white to get care? Or — further up the medical supply chain — that valuable medicines won’t even be developed because’If the government paid for this procedure it would save lives, but they would not be diverse lives …’

If you thought Woke CDC was bad, wait till you see Woke CMS.

Yes, I’m quite paranoid about this, for good reasons. Put crudely, our colleges have been churning out these Woke folk for many years now. They’ve infiltrated themselves into every institution of society — including the state, apparently– where they reward each other with tenure and civil service protections. They’ll be hard to root out! You can’t fire a civil servant without months, or years, of due process. Even then you can’t fire them just because their loony views clash with the policies endorsed by the voters. That would violate the First Amendment! (See Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347). Now I know how Joe McCarthy felt.

Actuallly, the Woke have a weapon that 50’s Communists never did — the power of cancellation, which works in some contexts at least, including agencies that are terrified of even a day’s bad PR. (Ask Shirley Sherrod.)

And if Wokeness gained power under Trump, what about under a Democrat? Here is Biden’s historic opportunity to perform a service for his party. If you’re a Big Government liberal, you want to strangle the Woke baby in the bathtub, before it grows up to thoroughly undermine public support for finishing the great Democratic project (including universal health care, but also ending exclusionary zoning and stratified schooling, providing a safe environment, etc.).

Biden’s not ‘the perfect man for the job’–that would be 1992’s Bill Clinton. (Ask Sister Souljah.) But Biden’s a solid candidate. He’s already pushed back against the left wing of his party on Medicare for All, and more recently on immigration– where he contradicted his whole campaign pitch by suddenly worrying, post election, about “two million people on our border” trying to get in. There are signs he’s ready to do the same thing on the HUD “fair housing” plan that Trump warned would “destroy our suburbs.”

It’s not hard to see Biden drawing the line at Woke. He’s not typically mealy-mouthed about such things. ‘C’mon man.,’ he might say. ‘That’s not what this is about.’ It wouldn’t exactly be a Souljah moment — and it would be far more effective if some woke bioethicist were slam-dunked, Souljah-style. (May I suggest Harald Schmidt?) But it’s a start, and it could be enough — especially if it were coupled with a less-publicized plan to keep the Woken out of government.

We’re told Biden doesn’t have a “vision.” He doesn’t. We’re told he doesn’t have an ideology. He doesn’t. But he has a public image, which is that he’s a middle-class guy in the center who knows what he doesn’t like — and he doesn’t like departures from common sense. In this initial, breath-gathering post-Trump moment, that might do as a Vision Substitute. It’s not asking not what your country can do for you or having a dream or a shining city on a hill or “as Americans that is not enough we must be equal in the eyes of each other.” It’s just “C’mon man.” Like Biden, it might do.

Very interesting perspective. I also think it’s humorous that this guy thinks that Tulsi is her own ideology. She’s actually pretty centrist if not slightly right leaning.

Category: COVID-19, Liberals suck

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Tulsi is a socialist, but that is not the point. The writer is close to waking up, but still sleep walking in the darkness of his big government stupidity.

He thinks Medicare works well. Stop and think about that. He thinks a program that requires you to buy coverage to fix its fundamental design flaws works great. He thinks a program that required a $600 Billion per year “part D” to partially address prescription drug coverage “works great”.

It is impossible to move forward in America when the opinion makers are absolute morons who do not see that the only goal of the left is to rid the nation of producers and loot the purses of the poor.


Right back to the propaganda, Mason.

Obedient little Putin puppet.


Whiny little progressive sockpuppet. Dance, little puppet, dance!


Says the guy who has swallowed the Russian and Chinese disinformation campaign whole.


Don’t you have some old folks’ deaths to celebrate, asshat?


Cocksucking Commie Cuck…


Guess we’ll have another full day of the spapos with his personal attacks and drivel.

Get woke…go broke! Sad part of it is, they will be using someone else’s confiscated money to do it with. spapos is fapfapfapfapfapfpaping away over the thought that maybe, just maybe, he can see more Boomers killed off by the state.

Here’s a novel thought, one that we have tried before and didn’t work…ignore the spapos and maybe…just maybe, the sissy punk asinine piece of sh^t seagull will go away? Nah, never happen.

It is almost amazing that the spapos was able to type 2 complete lines without vulgarity and screeching ORANGE MAN BAD.


It’s still early.

johnny kegs

in case anybody might wonder where lars gets his brilliant insightful analysis google george carlin/ baby boomers.

Name edited to protect PII.


“If you thought Woke CDC was bad, wait till you see Woke CMS”

I just shredded the latest quarterly “summation of benefits” package.
Sixteen pages of riveting drama, resulting in “you owe nothing”.
I owe nothing because I pay everything one year in advance.
I’ll bet every penny of it went into supporting paper mills.
Our local paper mill supports loggers and their families.
It also keeps the property taxes lowest in the state.
Truckers, electricians, mill wrights and the equipment operators all
have families to feed and cloth.
I toss the shredded documents but would rather burn them for heat.
Alas, no woodstove so I am being wasteful with the wasteful waste
of a wasteful government.
Part D is another program supporting paper mills.
Just got done sending them a check for the entire 2021 year.
They hate that and I can’t wait for their response.

Support our logging and paper indusrty workers.
Your ass depends on it.


You will never lose money investing in paper products. I am old enough to remember when computers first became widespread and the experts proclaimed the coming of the “paperless office”. Seems they were wrong. Computers just became a way to produce more documents even faster.

Speaking of which, I need to download and print out a four page document to fill out and fax to my insurance company.

Hard copy rules!


Don’t forget the disclaimer in all federal documents
citing the “paperwork reduction act”. It saves trees
while destroying the economy.

Slow Joe

So, the writer is getting close to that age, and its starting to realize how dangerous woke policies can be, after voting and supporting the woke and its progenitors throughout his life.

He will reap what he sow.


The “Woke” (how Orwellian!) don’t give a damn about the lives of others, because THEY are righteous and superior and know better than those who think for themselves.

And Lars is Exhibit A.




Wait until the choose your gender crowds BS starts showing up in public health data. It will result in increased mortality for women. Turns out biological women have very different health needs than someone who chooses to call themself a woman.

Little things like cervical cancer and ectopic pregnancy are the sole purview of biological women.

But this could work out for the woke crowd. Since biological women tend to have longer life spans than biological men it’s only fair we remove their privilege of longer life spans.


Fuck it, just identify as a 75 year old minority of whatever sex you choose. It’s not like it can be questioned.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

When biden is gone in a few months, we all can sing: well bye bye biden it’s great to see you go. Hey, isn’t that a tune called Bye Bye Baby done by Earle Lewis and The Channels, 1957 on Fury.


Why yes, yes it was:



Incredible that Bret Baier interviews them at the end.
He hasn’t aged a day!