Discouraged? Poor Thing
AOC is having trouble adjusting to the job she was hired to do, and she’s in her second go-round at it.
It’s hard being in politics and not having a clue to how things really work. It’s even tougher when you aren’t truly willing to do the leg-work it takes to get to the top of that heap in Foggy Bottom. There must be so many people ahead of her, scrambling to get to the top of the heap that — well, it’s too discouraging for words.
From the article: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she doesn’t know whether she wants to stay in politics, much less run for higher office.
“It’s the stress. … It’s the lack of support from your own party. It’s your own party thinking you’re the enemy,’’ the Bronx congresswoman told the New York Times in an interview published over the weekend.
“I’m serious when I tell people the odds of me running for higher office and the odds of me just going off trying to start a homestead somewhere — they’re probably the same,” said the pol, who just won re-election.
“I don’t even know if I want to be in politics,” AOC said. “You know, for real, in the first six months of my term, I didn’t even know if I was going to run for re-election this year.’’
The self-described Democratic socialist and her “Squad” of congressional cronies have taken heat over their party’s unexpectedly poor showing in some races, with critics saying the progressive female group’s attempt to push the Dems to the far left killed colleagues at the polls. – article
I agree, it is really tough on a fragile ego when you and your butt buddies find out that you’re not nearly as popular nor as “powerful” (whatever that means) as you thought you’d be and you can’t have your way all the time, because those other Democrats don’t really think “mainstream” like you do and don’t want to just let you zoom ahead and send them into oblivion.
For someone with a graduate degree in International Finance from BU, thinking everything was going to be handed to you just because you’re you, and your Mommy says “¡Estas splendida!” but no one really takes you seriously because – sniffle – well, you just aren’t as popular as you thought you’d be… well, real life is tough in the fast lane, and the chops simply didn’t work out like they should have. And, no, you’re not really all that special, either. It is tough. Life is tough.
By the time I hit 30, which is her age, I had nine years of experience in my own line of work, plus getting enough extra hours to get an MFA if I wanted to spend one more semester in school, and getting a job offer, all at the same time. Oh, Hell, I took the job offer. It paid cash money. An MFA doesn’t get you anything more than “we need someone to do the clerical work here in the museum/gallery.”
So let’s wish the kid well, hope that she finds a job at a good company where she can stretch that graduate degree in International Finance into a job that at least pays for an overpriced Manhattan apartment, and above all, encourage her to stay in that lane. Then her feewings won’t get hurt.
Category: 2020 Election, Democrats
She could just resign; but for that to happen she would actually have to mean what she says.
Plus a ditty about Democrat vote fraud:
CNN calling on line 3.
They want your resume’….
Applebee’s might be hiring.
Please not Applebee’s! I like Applebee’s and would never again be able to eat there.
Concur. McDonald’s… she should have to ask “Do you want fries with that?”
She will be like Granny Nan in 50 years. A power hungry, grifting, career politician still clinging to her gavel with her bony fingers.
That is, unless she is led to the mass grave with the other useful idiots of the Kongress Klowne Kritters when Mooshell and Kameltoe decide they have had enough of her.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” – JFK
The last good Democrat IMHO, and one the party today has absolutely not a goddamn thing in common with. It’s all about freeloading and free shit.
Fuck her and everything she stands for.
PH2… quick nitpicky note, Foggy Bottom is the State Department, not Congress.
OK, but they’re all on the same level of insipidity.
Forgot about the street addresses for those insipid entities.
Another Nitpicky note. She does not have a Graduate (Masters or Doctorate) degree only a Bachelors of Arts with a dual major in Economics and International Relations. She did graduate Cum Laude.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, LA PUTA GRANDE!!!
“We should make a list of our enemies for retaliation” -> “Why does everyone keep picking on me!!1!”
Anyone want to give gambling odds on how she earned her degree? Ojos Locos doesn’t mark me as someone that can string together a coherent sentence, nevermind anything else.
I did make a note of that before I posted anything about her education. She does have a master’s in International Finance from a good school, so how come she couldn’t find a job in that field?
It is odd and bears closer examination, in my view.
I’m guessing that she either did not interview very well, did not truly understand the subject she majored in, or something similar, because not being able to find even a starting position in that field seems odd to me. Or maybe she thought she’d get higher pay than she was offered for an entry level position and it upset her that she wasn’t given “instant karma” stuff. Don’t know, but speculating doesn’t help. It’s a very strange thing that she could not find anything and got a job in a bar instead.
Banks don’t like folks who pontificate about the evils of capitalism.
…or ones who only give head because they can’t count.
Honestly the idea that she interviews poorly is probably on the money being generous at best. I listened to an interview last night and she deflected the softball questions about as gracefully as a drunk on ice.
Real answer is, like a lot of reality, a mix of all of the above.
Watching and listening to her interviews now makes me believe this as well. Either she was handed degrees from a decent school or barely squeezed by. She earned her place tending bar and should have stayed there…
Usually good schools like that have internship options and fairly decent career placement offices. 100% of my graduating class walked with jobs in our field, and we’re tiny compared to BU.
Like everyone with her political ideology, it’s easier to take from everyone else than get off your ass and work hard to make an honest living for yourself. It’s not fear of a junior politician Lars, it’s disgust at what the direction she and her ilk want to take this country and what it will do to us.
I’m wondering if she tested poorly, too.
Any place people have ever applied for work, they’ve been tested for specific skills. Especially in accounting and insurance, I was tested for maths and software skills (LOTUS used to be a hoot!) along with grammar and vocabulary. Based on that and the fact that all corporations test applicants for something besides phone answering skills, I’m guessing that she didn’t test well, and didn’t interview very well, either.
And now, she’s whining because she isn’t the fair-haired child she thought she’d be. Life in the real world is H-A-R-D, isn’t it?
Remember when she whined that people kept asking her where the money would come from for her Green New Deal?
“Why does everyone keep asking that?! Who cares?!” Was the gist of her reply.
What a credit she is to that university… much like someone else who was handed a 2 ply degree from a certain California radical workshop.
She does NOT have master’s degree. She started at BU in Biomedical Engineering, a difficult major but dropped out of it after a year. This was about the time that her father died. She then switched to International Relations and Economics and received a Bachelor’s degree.
This is NOT International Finance and not an advanced degree.
Okay, thanks, but she was listed on the commencement program as having a Master’s.
Ex-PH2, as noted before. Not a Masters, just a Bachelors with two majors (International Relations (not Finance) and Economics.
This means she is real good at bamboozling you with BS, but not so good with numbers!
Anyone want to give gambling odds on how she earned her degree?
Same way that Kamala got her start in politics?
I’m certain that she was an Ace at the game of “Blow your Professor for a B”!
You are so obsessed and afraid of a sophomore congresswoman.
Coming from a guy obsessed with the sound of his own voice and the abuse of others.
I mean you enjoying the abuse still makes more sense than you being this dense.
I’m sorry? Do you feel abused?
“Do you feel amused?”
There fixed it for you.
I’m sorry, is it kink shaming to point out you enjoy being abused by everyone you meet? That was rude of me.
Remember, Lars ranted endlessly about how we were promoting “actual fascism” on here for years.
But an actual enemies list? That’s just for lulz.
Okay when Democrats do it, of course.
Afraid of a twit with no skills of any kind, someone who has an advanced degree and couldn’t find any kind of work beyond being a barmaid?
Well, now, Taylor, you have truly proved to the entire world that you are, indeed, the most prominent marone on the planet.
IF you had ANY comprehension skills – which you do NOT HAVE, Taylor – you might be able to perceive that AOC is a bimbo with ZERO SKILLS and a worthless piece of vellum with her name on it who couldn’t get a job of any kind in her stated field of study.
Afraid? Of WHAT??????
Go crawl back into your cave and stay there. And remember: China is still a Communist country and Xi JinPing is a Communist.
Oh, wait, I think maybe The Dead Man is feeling sympathetic angst for what I said to you yesterday…
I meant it. I am worried about you, Ex.
Very telling that you see absolutely nothing wrong with this sort of conduct or statements coming from a sitting congresswoman.
It can be taken as fighting words and can cause people to lash out violently, as the left often said about things Trump would post and/or say.
Accuse me of being a Trumper all you want, but your refusing to even say that much about her post is mighty telling.
Get over yourself, Taylor. If you want to go on being an asshole, do it on your own blog.
You are so obsessed and afraid of a freshman President.
“start a homestead somewhere”
You mean like work to own a piece of land you can
build a house on, raise a family and pay taxes?
Can’t do that when private ownership is banned,
single family housing is banned and half your
income is taxes. I don’t think she knows what the
term homestead means.
Well, she could always learn coding. If it is good enough for unemployed miners in West Virginia, it should be good enough for someone with her experience.
Might damage her manicure, Hack Stone.
She is more than qualified to be President of a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government. Word on the street is that there is an opening for a company formerly located in Bethesda.
Now appearing on stage with Story Danial’s,,,, AOC!
You know, if I were a right wing conspiracy believer I would say you got it right the first time.
Would you pay to see it? I might, but I would be thrown out when trying to swipe an EBT card on AOC.
p.s not my first time removed (Hidden Mug).
I may leave politics is code for, I’m guessing I’m going to get my ass handed to me if I try to challenge Chuck Schumer in the 2022 Senate primary, and since NY is losing 1-2 seats, I’m probably going to have my district eliminated.
Yeah, I remember it wasn’t long ago they mentioned pulling some shit to phase her out… her own party was fed up with her big mouth and horrible ideas.
Lackluster college career, dead end real world career and now a stint as a flash in the pan socialist whack job is all it will take for her to land book deals and TV show appearances.