Halloween Open Thread

Jack o lantern designs. (ilovehalloween.com)
Happy Halloween! Full moon tonight. If it’s clear in your area, you might see an “orange” moon on the horizon.
Category: Open thread
Jack o lantern designs. (ilovehalloween.com)
Happy Halloween! Full moon tonight. If it’s clear in your area, you might see an “orange” moon on the horizon.
Category: Open thread
And our crew is ready for tonight
It’s the first. First in many years
WTF was I thinking
Your most recent clean WOT “First” occurred on 10 Jun 16 at 1:06 pm./s
But if you want to count a DEFECT/DEFAULT “First”, that occurred on 08 May 20 at 1:01 pm./smile
Thank you for the stats
It’s definitely been a long time 😃
Off-topic, but… this is why Media was burying Hunter Biden story– he was giving blow to and diddling Malia Obama. (Took pictures of her snortin’ and gettin’ freaky with him that are on the infamous laptop, too.) Cha-ching! Happy Halloween!
Watch before YouTube removes this:
FIRST! Wake up Skippy, it’s the Open Thread!
Wait I’m FIRST !!!!!!!
AW1Rod sends.
Brain and eye bleach. In the garage, gotta go now.
Ahhh. Very appropriate viewing on a Halloween afternoon!
Present & accounted for.
Don’t know about seeing an orange moon, but I do remember seeing a pasty white “Bad Moon A’Rising” every time my Ex-wife got out of bed nekkid. Apologies to CCR
Thanks for the song Field Artillery.
Nothing quite like being there when the ammo dump explodes, is there?
Nothing better than CCR tunes.
Favorite was “Run Thru The Jungle” with “We Gotta Get Outta Here” a close second.
DEROS’d out of there 50 years ago this month.
(11B4P with Cacti Blue – II Corps area)
Happy Hallow-wienie to all of you TAH trick or treaters! (smile)
“DEROS’d out of there 50 years ago this month”
50 years next month for me. I Corps area.
Welcome home brother.
Yes, the old “bathroom on the right” song. Always good for a smile/
Spooky sounds from the Vietnam jungle….?
Apparently, my video linked doesn’t work. Never mind.
Allow me.
Where’s the lizards?
Some people are never satisfied. To them I say…
Everyone have a good rest of your weekend.
If you don’t know the meaning of irony, it is having a new furnace installed on Monday, while the days leading to Monday will be 40s to low 50s, and all days after Monday will be in the mid to upper 60s for at least a week.
Ex; If you wish, I could come over there and we could do a dance marathon till Monday dancing to 1950’s lindies for 48 hours to stay warm. Sounds good to me.
Here you go, Jeff LPH 63-66.
The ninja family actually watched this 2 minute dance scene that was in the movie “Untamed Youth” and was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000 (starring Mamie Van Doren!!).
Wow, talk about Cardio!
And these are supposed to be Wild Teenagers from the 1959 who did these dances AFTER they picked cotton all day long!
And here is another one for you, Jeff LPH 63-66!
Well worth watching (6 minutes).
BTW, Untamed Youth came out in 1957, not 1959. The movie featured John Russell (“LAWMAN), Eddie Cochran (Poor Man’s Elvis) and Mamie Van Doren (Poor Man’s Marilyn Monroe).
Good stuff, ninja. Good old 40’s big band jitterbug dancin’. Yeah.
Great videos ninja, my friends are a little older than myself with one of the young ladies class of 1952 the other young lady class of 1959, the other friend class of 1954 and right into the Navy. The girls can really dance up a storm when we used to go out before the china virus.
I used to spend more time watching American Bandstand than any other show. But that was when rock ‘n’ roll really was rock ‘n’ roll.
Hack Stone will not be dressing up for Halloween this year. Last year he went as a disbarred attorney, and every time he rang a doorbell, the occupants would say “Look at that giant asshole!”. Not only did Hack have to endure that, but every house gave him a copy of some outdated Red Hat Software.
I can’t think of a scarier costume than the look of that insane, disbarred, dead lawer. Did you wear any fake bling or failed pilot gear?
Can’t have Halloween without this:
Admin assist, ‘beans.
TNX. don’t know how to do that.
I had the Monster Mash album put out by Zacherly.
15th. Gettin’ better.
The goof balls in my county POSTPONED trick or treating
from October 29 until
Monday evening, November 2.
Who ever does this in November? On an election year, no less?
The False Commander “Phony” Phillip D. Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) is handing out stolen valor this year at the annual All-Points Logistics American Taxpayer-funded Employee Halloween Party.
The cool thing (and quite economical I might add) is that none of the employees have to dress up! They are already a bunch of fakers, imposters and clowns!
Phildo and his nefarious senior staff really knocked it out of the park this year!
We used to bag dog shit and light the bag on fire on a persons top stoop then ring the doorbell and run. Also used to ground up sidewalk chalk and load the powder into socks so you could swing it at other trick or treaters. pea shooters were also used.
Digging up a Johnny Carson joke on Biden from ’87.
Don’t be tricked…
“I’ll Lead An Effective Strategy To Mobilize Trunalimunumaprzure”
(“If you don’t understand what he said, then you ain’t Black! C’mon, Man!”)
Mobilize true anal imumal prunes?
I truly believe that Joe Biden’s handlers need to be charged with Elder Abuse.
Kayleigh McEnany on Twitter:
“The Liberal Democrat Governor of Minnesota tried to shut us down by only allowing 250 inside President @realDonaldTrump’s peaceful protest, but Gov FAILED. MINNESOTA showed up for President Trump OUTSIDE his rally!!:
I know KoB, Cameron and others have already seen this.
Wonder what Ole Ralphie Boy, KKK “Coonman Doofus, AKA Guv of Virginia is thinking? (he is a VMI Graduate):
“Virginia Military Institute Removing Stonewall Jackson Statue From Campus”
“Virginia Military Institute is removing the statue of Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson from its campus and establishing diversity initiatives amid mounting allegations of racism at the public college.”
“The VMI Board of Visitors unanimously voted Thursday to move Jackson’s statue from the front of its barracks to another location that is yet to be determined.”
“The school is also appointing a permanent diversity officer and creating a diversity and inclusion committee.”
“Kaleb Tucker, a Black graduate of VMI, started a petition earlier this year to tear down the statue of Jackson, alleging that racism is rampant at the school.”
“There has been story on top of story of racism and black prejudice within the walls of the institute,” Tucker wrote. “However VMI has not once acknowledged allegations nor has there been any just punishment to the doers of this racism and black prejudice.”
We right on top of all this ninja, Guv is pushing hard, here and in Richmond. Lawsuits are pending to slow it down, but it is a losing battle. At least for Monument Ave in Richmond…or maybe I should just go ahead and say a lost battle. Whe Bobby Lee is removed from Monument Ave, the only statue left will be that of Arthur Ashe. Guess being a tennis player is more heroic than serving as an Officer in the US and CS Army.
VMI is moving Ol’ Blue Fire and the Guns to a different spot (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the alumni association is supposedly up in arms about it. VMI quit supporting and/or re-enacting the Cadets Role in the Battle of New Market awhile back. Odd how throughout the years, what number of VMI and Citadel Cadets went on to either other service academies or to Honorable Military Service in our Country’s Armed Forces. Many forget or didn’t know, that Jackson had suggested the use of the Cadets from both schools to be used as the Drill Instructors for the initial training the CS Troops received before FIRST Manassas. There were other former Cadets from both schools that performed the same duty for the Union Troops that answered Lincoln’s FIRST call for 75,000 troops, “…to put down the rebellion.” That action being the catalyst that made Virginia, Arkansas, and others including the New Mexico/Arizona Territory to secede. Folks also forget that Jackson had NOT been a member of the US Army for a number of years when he joined the Confederate Army, and that the slaves that he owned he purchased as a family to keep them from being sold separately “down the river.” And that Bobby Lee was the FIRST choice of Old Winfield Scott to become Commander of the Union Army and Lee had resigned his Commision well before he accepted a position as a General of the Virginia Militia. Lee freed the slaves that were an inheritance he had under the terms of the will that they came to him.
Thank You so much for sharing this, KoB!!!!
Graphic in Picture and Content (You Be The Judge) At the Link:
“Hair, Blood, Mold, Bugs: A Foodie’s Guide To Fine Dining On Ship”
“Approximately two years ago, U.S. personnel based out of Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar brought to light a symphony of culinary ingredients that were anything but edible. Termites, worms, mold and rocks were just a few of the fine touches casually ignored in order to accentuate flavor, aroma and the overall dining experience.”
“Following the reveal of this nutritious roundup, we set to work on crafting a menu of the Deid’s most mouthwatering dishes to ensure our servicemen and women satisfied the insatiable palate that protecting freedom induces. Menu items such as “Slimy Yet Satisfying,” a dish containing lettuce blanketed by a worm, or “My Sorta Aorta,” a plate of roast beef replete with full blown veins and arteries, featured prominently.”
“It appears, however, that a challenger has emerged to contest the Deid’s bug- and mold-infused throne. Or, it would appear as much after an appetizing anthology of photos were circulated on Facebook by Kevin Selfaison, a former petty officer second class who recently shared the mouth-watering dishes he encountered over the course of three years aboard the aircraft carrier Nimitz.”
“Selfaison claimed he waited until after being discharged from the Navy to share the imagery, which he posted to Facebook on Oct. 3, due to fear of repercussions.”
“The problem with the food on the Nimitz is not just a Nimitz problem,” the former sailor told Military Times. “It is a problem across the military.”
And a certain Aeronautically Designated Naval Aviation type that we all know and love has bragged on the 3 hots (maybe 4) and a cot that every dirt digging doggy would lust after. Think I’d just as soon settle for Ham and muthers, leastways I could get the pound cake and fruit cocktail out of the C Rat Box. If the regular meals were like that, what you think the mid-rats were like?
Well after my time, I’m happy to say. When I was active submarines were famous for excellent chow, followed closely by the carriers. The small boys I was on my first tour, not so much and this played a part in me going to land based aircraft.
There my life revolved around the Flight Schedule, and per diem brought groceries to the room, which was complete with illegal cooking gear. Visits to the chow hall were rare.
This if true is completely unsat, and indicative of a breakdown at the Goat Locker level. Also, back in the day the Command Duty Officer was obliged to dine on occasion in the Enlisted Mess, for just this reason. I suppose that has fallen by the wayside as well.
Sad day for my Navy.
In my day (retired in 2012) the CDO or OOD was required to eat in the enlisted mess (ashore and afloat)for every meal at every command I was at. The pictures in that article would’ve resulted in some MSs getting a size 10 up their back side.
And where the hell is medical in all this? As an IDC I would’ve been crawling all up any chow hall that tried to serve that sh*t.
I have known COs to ask a newly arrived junior EM to go through the chow line for them to see what is being served to same. I saw officers and senior NCOs eating with us constantly.
The food in our DFAC was very good. Our field-served food was good. Weird how that works.
I had a meal ticket for the Navy Camp Tien Sha mess.
Best food ever and open 24/7 buffet style.
Used to see a lot of AF guys in there from the Air base across the road.
Even the ARVN’s ate there.
The most difficult food to clean off a fork is egg yoke.
I recall being ordered to re-cycle every piece of of silverware
after the cook found a small yellow spot on a fork.
Every damn piece in the mess hall was washed, rinsed and inspected.
To this day I am extra careful with forks and the fear lingers….
“Living Like A King’: Navy Officer Who Demanded Bribes From ‘Fat Leonard’ Gets Prison”
“Brooks Alonzo Parks, a naval logistics officer serving in the western Pacific, was often quite specific about what he thought he deserved in exchange for the insider information he was leaking to military contractor Leonard Francis.”
“One time, it was a case of Hennessy Pure White cognac.”
“Another, it was a $4,000-a-night room at the Ritz-Carlton in Singapore.”
“It feels good living like a KING on an E-6’s salary!!!” Parks wrote in one email to Francis’ company, Glenn Defense Marine Asia, or GDMA, referring to his military pay grade.”
“Parks admitted back in 2007 that he’d been bitten by the GDMA “bug” by joining Francis’ deep network of naval officers who leaked proprietary information to give his company a competitive advantage in exchange for bribes. On Friday, he followed the same path of many in that network by being sentenced in a San Diego federal courtroom to prison.”
“U.S. District Judge Janis Sammartino, who has overseen the massive court case involving Francis, handed down a 27-month term. Parks was also ordered to pay just over $24,000 in restitution, a figure corresponding to the value of the bribes.”
“Parks, 48, who lives in Maryland, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery in June.”
“Parks traded on his important position of trust, selling his loyalty to a foreign defense contractor,” U.S. Attorney Robert Brewer said in a statement.”
“Parks is among 34 defendants — most of them Navy officials — who have been charged in the U.S. in the case. Twenty-three have pleaded guilty. Francis, who has cooperated with the investigation, has not yet been sentenced since pleading guilty.”
This was already featured, but had to repost…!
“Policeman By Paul Harvey”
A Tribute To Our Police Officers:
“Paul Harvey “Fireman” At His BEST He Tells What Its Like To Be a Firefighter”
“So God Made a “Farmer”, by Paul Harvey”:
“If I Were the Devil – Paul Harvey (Good Audio)”
“Paul Harvey first broadcast the “If I Were the Devil” speech in 1965. Through the years, he updated the speech. This version was probably broadcast in the 1990s.”
Lubbed me some Paul Harvey ninja. A classic Gentleman of the old school that could help us make sense out of most anything. And knew who and how to place Honors to for their Service to our Country. Back in my Road Warrior Days, when he was on Broadcast Radio, I made up a list of the different stations and times that he would be on to make sure I could catch him.
Thanks for the posting…and the tribute Memories!
Hmmmm….. Boo!
Here’s something to scare the hell out of you all
Another good read
Got a survey on my phone asking who I was voting for. Punched in Biden. Ha ha ha ha ha. Screw those polls.
I’ve punched in Pat Paulson, Joe Walsh, Wendell Wilkie and Lamont Cranston.
Howie Hawkins is my survey choice.
This came across my screen: while I have seen far too much artwork done by male organisms in museum collections, and very little by women in museum collections, the fact that there has always been rampant discrimination in the art world is nothing new. However, EXCLUDING SOMEONE based on reproduction organs is not acceptable to anyone with a working brain.
C’mon man, he’s only trying to provide scientific proof of climate change;