Trump says US troops in Afghanistan will be home by Christmas
The KoB sent in this article from Fox News;
President Trump took to Twitter Wednesday night to announce that the “remaining number” of the American troops stationed in Afghanistan will be home before the end of the year.
“We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas,” Trump said in a tweet.
The president’s tweet suggests that the U.S. would be completely removing all U.S. forces stationed in Afghanistan since 2001, though Trump’s remarks are contrary to what National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said just hours earlier, speaking during an event at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas Wednesday.
“When President Trump took office, there were over 10,000 American troops in Afghanistan. As of today there are under 5,000 and that will go to 2,500 by early next year,” O’Brien said, according to a report by Reuters.
The U.S. and Afghanistan entered into a historic agreement in February that agreed to withdraw foreign forces from the Middle Eastern country by May 2021, in exchange for certain parameters having been met by the Taliban.
The designated terrorist organization agreed to enter into a ceasefire with the Afghanistan government and “inclusive negotiations” that would recognize a balance of power in the country.
“Ultimately, the Afghans themselves are going to have to work out an accord, a peace agreement…It’s going to be slow progress, it’s going to be hard progress, but we think it’s a necessary step – we think Americans need to come home,” O’Brien said, recognizing the ongoing peace talks occurring in Qatar and continued clashes between Afghan fighters and the Taliban.
While 2,500 isn’t zero, it’s a hell of a lot closer than 10,000. I don’t think we’ll ever fully escape that graveyard of empires, but Trump seems to be the only President committed to finding a way to end our involvement.
Category: Afghanistan, Big Pentagon, Foreign Policy, Guest Link, Politics
“in exchange for certain parameters having been met by the Taliban”
Oh stop it. Just fucking leave. Get on the bus Gus:
just reported myself…sorry
Excellent. We should have left long ago. Hell, we should never have attempted this democracy building crap in that shithole.
Way back when, after kicking some Taliban ass, we should have left, telling them that if we had to come back we would turn that place into a sheet of glass.
I wonder how long it will take for the Taliban to break their word?
Well, historically, the British Army couldn’t beat the Afghans and the Soviet Army couldn’t beat them, either. In fact, the USSR was bankrtup when that 10 year war ended and Gorbachev recalled his troops.
So why do we have to maintain outposts there, again? If they want to bump each other off, let them. Just put an end to their opium trade, and get the EFF out.
I could easily make an argument the Soviets were winning in Afghanistan before the Americans started arming and training the Islamic terrorists there.
Didn’t work out well for either.
I made out quite well working on Stingers at the Arsenal.
Pension check clears every month.
There was 100,000+ troops in Afghanistan under obama.
The daily death counts did disappear from the fake news though.
“While 2,500 isn’t zero, it’s a hell of a lot closer than 10,000. I don’t think we’ll ever fully escape that graveyard of empires, but Trump seems to be the only President committed to finding a way to end our involvement.”
I’ve BTDT and after just one tour there, I’m convinced that a large number of the people there cannot be made civilized, just leave them to their own vices and let them wipe each other out OR let the Chinese get involved there and let that Godforsaken hellhole be the graveyard of their wannabe Empire!
About Time
Figured this would get some blood stirring. Yep, should have GTFO way yonder long ago, or as indicated above, turned the whole damn place into a sheet of glass…or never even sent massive troops in to begin with. When you can’t tell the sheep from the goats, that makes them all goats.
“Never get involved in a land war in Asia” or words to that effect. And wasn’t that said by an Asian? Or a student of History. One can look at a map and see that our involvement would be long, bloody, expensive, and a logistical nightmare. The Soviets couldn’t do it and they were right next door, albeit, the “War Lords” had a lot of help from us…’specially the Stingers. Wonder too, how much of the ordnance we gave them was ultimately used against us? And how much colluding with the Afghanis was done by the Russians, Chinese, and Gawd knows who else? I’m sure we have a troop of two serving there now that was just or not even born yet when we FIRST went in.
“…No need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me.” GTFO, ALL OF THEM…NOW! I give it no more than 6 months after the last is gone. Killing one another and/or other people is a way of life to them. It’s what they do, and have done since the beginning.
I don’t suppose they could nuke it from orbit on their way out? Y’know, just to make sure?
SFC D’s Afghanistan withdrawal plan:
1- Withdraw all American troops. Just the troops. Leave anything unclassified behind.
2- Fence the entire perimeter of the country. Nobody goes in or out.
3- Declare it an open market for all US arms and weapons dealers, offer tax incentives.
4- Let the Afghans wipe each other out while we make a profit.
Now that’s a plan I can get behind. Let me know the arms corporations involved so I can go long on their stock.
“The designated terrorist organization agreed to enter into a ceasefire with the Afghanistan government and “inclusive negotiations” that would recognize a balance of power in the country.”
I can foresee just a few problems. First, the Taliban are lying, cocksucking terrorists who believe it is their duty to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to achieve their ends. So any promised ceasefire is worth as much as goat truffle butter.
“inclusive negotiations”, means “either your signature or your brains will be on the contract”, to borrow from The Godfather.
All I care about is our troops will be out of there and out of harm’s way. As mentioned above, give them the absolute word that they can do what they want to each other, but export any of your shit beyond your borders and involve any American interests and we will not send any troops back. We will, however, send you more bombs than we and the Soviets dropped on you in all the time both were there…times 10!
The only thing that needs to be protected is the ancient monuments, statues, relics, other archaeological sites.
I’m STILL pissed that ISIS blew up and destroyed that ancient Buddha statue. Shows how primitive the ISIS really is.
Let the screwballs kill each other.
“We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas”
“home by Christmas”
AARRGGHHH!! He jinxed it!