About Those Interesting Times

| September 22, 2020

Oh, here we go. Nancy got caught pants-down on camera at a “closed” San Fran salon, getting her hair done when everyone else was not acting quite so self-important. The salon owner, who was blindsided by this because her shop was on shut-down, has had to close shop permanently and move her business elsewhere, and I do wish her well in that regard.

That was bad enough, but Nancy somehow thinks she’s the Queen Bee (she isn’t) and can do whatever she wishes, because the Rules Are For the Little People, you see.

Her behavior since that episode has been the reaction of a spoiled brat and she’s taking it out on Trump.  And it’s all his fault now that nothing is happening as Her Nibsness wants it to happen. A good example is the alleged “next stimulus package”, which has been under discussion all summer and still is not resolved. I thought the delay had something to do with the next election; now my guess is starting to hold water.

Nancy has made it clear that she wants to spend this country into bankruptcy and she’s been told “N-O, no.” Ergo, Nancy’s the one holding things up. It ain’t the Donald. If you’ve kept track of this silly business at all, you’ll recall how it went. Apparently, in this episode of blind hatred for someone she publicly hates, she thinks that Trump wants his name on those stimulus checks.


To quote that old bag: In an interview published Monday on the “Sway” podcast hosted by the New York Times opinion writer Kara Swisher, the California Democrat blasted the GOP’s opposition to substantial federal spending, charging that Trump is interested only in printing his name on stimulus checks.

“We have to meet their needs, not give the president a chance to just say, ‘I’m going to put my name on a check, send it out, and don’t talk to me about food, rent, first responders, healthcare workers, the virus, or anything else,'” Pelosi said. “That’s all he wants is his name on a check that goes out.” – article

She must not be paying attention. There are constant news stories locally about people putting food supplies together and handing them out at specified locations. There are food pantries all over the cotton-pickin’ place, too. Therefore, blaming on Trump wanting to see ‘his name on a check’ is the response you expect from a spoiled brat.

Sen. Grassley has a different view of the affair:  “This used to be the White House versus Pelosi up until about now — now the president’s coming in and saying we can maybe go to $1.5 trillion,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate’s finance committee, told Bloomberg on Thursday. “He better be careful of that, because I don’t think that will get through the United States Senate.” – article

Now, I’d pay attention to what Grassley says because he’s quite aware of the budgetary needs involved in this. He’s got a good sense of what we can and cannot do, based on incoming tax revenues and what employment levels are at this point. A good example of where we are in that regard is here:  https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf

As you can see on that chart, unemployment spiked back in March and then began to drop. The August report shows that it is now at 8.4%, which means that people are adjusting and going back to work. By comparison, in 1933 in the heart of the Great Depression, unemployment stood at 24.9% but did begin to lighten up over the next 10 years, essentially ending when the industrial needs of the USA, facing World War II, called people to work again. We also have to remember that at that time, the population total was considerably lower than it is now. Some things are similar, but the difference now is that the USA faced the uncertainty of a looming war, and what we face now is the uncertainty of a nasty bug that may or may not be “conquered” by vaccines currently being tested.

In light of this, Nancy Pelosi’s graceless comments are uncalled for.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2020 Election

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Hey Nutzy Nancy, the money is done by direct deposit, not by check. Try to get your head out of the 19th century.


Speaking of Pelosi and the hair salon incident:

Soap Kills.

Unless you are Botoxed and had your face lifted numerous times:

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

Don’t know how well it would work on Pee-lousy, but (20 Mule Team) Borax works very well on cockroaches & other house invasive insects.
Run a line (hehehe) along the corners and edges of walls, floors & countertops.
The wee buggies walk through the stuff & pick it up. It’s a crystal and cuts through their exo-skeleton, then they dehydrate to death.

5th/77th FA

I wonder how many people are looking forward to reading her obit…soon!?

Why does knowing the story of her family’s connections on both coasts remind me of the Corleone family moving their operation from Noo Yawk to Vegas? Odd how someone can get so filthy rich on a Kongress Klown Kritter’s salary.



You know the Pelosi we see on TV is not the REAL Pelosi.

It’s her clone.

Why do you think she made a big deal outta her fridge/freezer…

Diversion. That freezer is not a respository for ice cream…



5th/77th FA

^This^ Trying to make up my mind, ninja, if she is Borg, Klingon, Cylon, or the Spawn of Alien.

She danged shore isn’t a Tribble. 😛



Schlock horror movie “The Stuff”. Weird alien substance about like vanilla ice cream is an irresistible dessert that turns you into a “Stuff” addict/zombie.

“Are you eating it, or is it eating you?”

She is a stuffie.


Even IDC SARC wouldn’t “stuff” that with his “stuff.” He certainly wouldn’t — it. Would he? Ugh, I think I just made a maggot gag. I know I made myself gag.

The Other Whitey

Given Pelosi’s obsession with power, I really wish San Franshitsco would replace her this year. I know it would almost certainly be some AOC 2.0 retard who’s even further left, but it might well be worth it just to see that desiccated hellbitch melt down when she finds out she’s no longer in government at all.


Slightly off topic, but Ace of Spades has the story with mugshots of the cray cray beeotch from Frogland of Canuckistan that mailed the letter with ricin to Trump. Looks like a great story for discussion and a deserving subject for ridicule here. She told Border Control officers that she was crossing the border from Canada to come to D.C. to shoot Trump, since she didn’t get him with the ricin gambit.


Remember the various nutcakes that tried to whack Ford?

Loonies are serious problem for security.


I think “Sqeeeky” Frome was the last one. IIRC, she thought she was going to shoot him with a 1911, but didn’t have a round in the chamber when she pulled the trigger. The cray cray beeotches should stick to poison or knives, technology they understand.


Democrats and what they want both suck. Just saying:
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