This a foreign policy?

| May 6, 2009

Associated Press is ready to hand President another victory in foreign policy with this article about Obama “pressing” Pakistan into fighting the Taliban.

However, the Pakistanis were on the job before Obama decided to “press” them according to the New York Times;

I mean it’s nice that Obama supports the Pakistanis and hasn’t threatened no bomb them yet, but jeez, AP. This is like the Somali pirate story where Obama stayed out of the way and got all of the credit for resolving the issue.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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To the messiah’s credit, Hillary was up in Pakistan’s grill when the Taliban took control of Bruner a week or so ago. But it’s difficult to trust the Pakistani military when they’re the knuckleheads that started the Taliban.


I have a lot of conflict about the Pakistani military. They lost 24 of their own, butchered in Somalia. They are good, dedicated soldiers. I’ve worked with them in the past. But their ISI helped to set up the Taliban and look where that’s got them. Same thing with the Saudi’s. They figured they’d give the troublemakers something to do, somewhere else.

The Pakistani’s are in a fight for the future of their country. I just couldn’t believe they thought they could make a deal with the Taliban and that the Taliban would actually stick to it. It’s the principle of Al-Takeyya. Sort of lying for the greater good of Allah to summarize. I often wonder if we aren’t seeing a bit of our future if we don’t wise up.

Hey, but maybe the Pakistani’s thought they were dealing with the “moderate” Taliban? Kind of like finding an honest politician?