Leftist Hyperbole
Sometimes, I just can’t get past some of the crap I have to read. Today is one of those days. Last night, I ran across a missive in the Albany Times Union written by some guy named Matt Funiciello who has a pretty high opinion of himself for some indiscernible reason. Which is fine, in itself, but he’s unable to recognize the truth when it’s in front of his face because his big, fat ego gets in the way. But, he speaks from experience because, in the typical Leftist mold;
…I come from a family of vets and I am very pro-soldier….
Which means his neighbor’s nephew met a veteran once. That’s the Leftist response to every accusation that they don’tknow what they’re talking about because they don’t have the gumption to raise their hand and be part of something bigger than them. Oh, did I mention he’s also a truther?
He’s writing about the “bravery” of “a warrior” – that brave warrior being IVAW’s Matthis Chiroux. Funiciello, reading from Matthis Chiroux’s press release, claims that Chiroux was facing a possible death penalty conviction or jail time but that the Army backed off because Chiroux faced off with them, the “military-industrial complex” – whatever that means.
The truth is; Chiroux faced a general discharge under honorable conditions – the worst discharge that board could recommend. I knew that the day before the board when I talked to Army Public Affairs Officer LTC Maria Quon who works in St Louis. And that’s exactly what he got – the harshest penalty that particular board could issue. In fact, that’s the same discharge Chiroux would have received if he’d just sat in his plush, IVAW-subsidized apartment in New York City and not set foot in the hearing.
But somehow, Chiroux, and therefore, Funiciello, who accepts press releases from Matthis Chiroux as gospel, claims it’s some sort of victory. In order to arrive at that conclusion, Chiroux and Funiciello ignore all of the facts, Funiciello also ignores all of the testimony I’ve recorded here from eye witnesses to the Chiroux legacy as hearsay. I guess that means everything he reads in his daily paper is hearsay, too. Or maybe it means that Funiciello is just tone deaf to everything that rattles his facade that he’s tenuously propped up to appear as some sort of journalist. In truth, Funiciello is just another of Chiroux’s tools.
And the print media can’t understand why no one reads them anymore.
In another glaring example of Leftist hyperbole, the blog, “History In The Making” writes a post “Big Protest Shuts Down Army Experience“. Notice the URL is hippiecommiemarine.blogspot.
The “big protest” shut down the Army Experience in Franklin Mills Mall for nine minutes, all nine minutes are the YouTube video at my report on the event. So it wasn’t shut down for a month, a day, or even an hour. And since the reports of participation on the Left claim between 120 and 300 participants, it wasn’t even a “big” protest. Especially when you consider that participants included this clown who should be fired;
A middle school teacher brought 4 of his students to the protest.
I hope the parents of those middleschool students’ parents punch that stickboy in his nads.
This isn’t hyperbole, but there’s this announcement;
Please join your fellow Constitution Supporters on May 15th, 2009, for an up-close-and-personal evening with a charismatic, motivated candidate for Congress in New Mexico, Adam Kokesh, a former Marine whose participation with Iraq Veterans Against the War and at the RNC has landed him on numerous “lists.”
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Home of Nick and Ericka D’Arcy
Street: 416 Allison Drive
City/Town: Dallas, TXFood and beverages will be served. Donation of $40 goes to TOPIC PAC.
You may donate at the event, but donations in advance are appreciated. (Simply enter 40.00 into the amount field.)Paid for by Texans Organized to Protect the Integrity of the Constitution Political Committee (TOPIC PAC).
Anyone is Dallas want to pay $40 for some Saltines, orange Kool Aid and conversation with “charismatic” Adam Kokesh? Sheesh, for 2 bucks I’ll let you look at all of my videos of him, but you have to bring your own drinks.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
I live in Dallas but not sure that I’d want to spend the gas to drive over there let alone $40!
As for the Albany Times Useless, reading that “news”paper is really only for entertainment/comedic/ purposes or to fix your low-blood-pressure.
They think the NY Times is a good paper if a little too far right and can’t figure out why Olbmerman is so wishy-washy about Obama.
They do have the cryptoquote so they’re useful for something.
You forgot to mention the $500 a head “VIP Reception” where they’ll be serving gin and xanex.
And recieve the special event urine sample from Adam’s private collection.
I hate to drift off topic, but does anyone have a good bead on this dirtbag?
That’s a Howard Zinn quote so the nametape might read “Dumbass”.
Hmmm, the D’Arcy’s? Weren’t they Peg and Al Bundy’s neighbors on Married with Children? Somehow, that just figures they’d have a “fundraiser” for Kokesh.