Legion “forgives” Napolitano

| April 25, 2009

According to Audrey Hudson at the Washington Times, David Rehbein National Commander of the American Legion accepted an apology from Janet Napolitano in a private meeting yesterday;

“We connected meaningfully about the important issues that have emerged over recent days, and I offered him my sincere apologies for any offense to our veterans caused by this report,” Ms. Napolitano said. “I pledge that the department has fixed the internal process that allowed this document to be released before it was ready.”

David K. Rehbein, commander of the veterans group, told Fox News he has forgiven the department for the report, but he will not forget it happened.

“[Ms. Napolitano] said the report was not worthy of the department or the veterans of this country,” Mr. Rehbein said. “She gave us some explanation of how the report went out before it should have been released, before it was properly vetted by the senior leadership of the department.

The key is: Napolitano needs to know that we veterans won’t forget what that report said. We also won’t forget that the Administration thought of making troops with service connected disabilities pay for their own treatment and that the Presidentblew off the Medal of Honor recipients.

Fox News quoted Mr. Rehbein;

“She was very sincere,” he said. “She distinctly used the words ‘I’m sorry.’ And to me, that says that’s sincere apology. Her body language, everything about those first few minutes of the meeting told me this was a real apology coming from her heart.”

Not enough apologies in the world for having thoughts like her office expressed, but we’re all watching.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Support the troops

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They may forgive…I don’t. It’s not my policy to give a pass to an administration soaked in anti-military attitudes.


Well… Not everyone in the Legion forgives her. If I were her I wouldn’t come into our post for a while… say until 2050.

Airborne Injun

Jonn…With all my heart,body,and soul,I truly believe that the only thing she is sorry about is the fact this unclassified summery was leaked! Just think about this for a minute,if this is so INFLAMMATORY,Just what in hell does the classified section have to say? BTW…Don’t these simpleton ass hats realize that about 85% to 90% of federal,state,and local law enforcement are veterans? Seesh!!!


Sure apologies are swell and everything, but we should be more concerned that an incompetent numbskull is in charge of preventing the next terrorist attack.


Well – she DID sorta offset her fake apology by pissing off all of Canada by blaming them for the 9-11 terrs coming across THEIR borders… you should see the editorials in the conservative Canadian press pointing out her unlimited asshattery!!
Yep, she has shown the rest of the world that our Kenyan pretender to the presidencey can consistently pick ayholes and jackasses to represent the good old USA wherever they go.


“We connected meaningfully”….Excuse me, American Legion…What, are you two? Twins? Kissing cousins now?

*Patting my carcass*

Where did I put that donation and membership dues.

Chris Luebbe

KJrHkQ it?s nice post, specially newbie like me,

Jeanne Thomas

Don?t you think he is a little late for the game?,