Curiouser and Curiouser, Said Alice
It’s almost been like going down the rabbit hole, hasn’t it? Things you never thought you’d see have become nearly commonplace: shuttered stores and restaurants, huge loss of jobs (not discounting the recent 1.9 million back at work now), and a massive wave of illness that is possible to cure – soon, we all hope. And it happened when no one was looking, as if space aliens had landed and started spraying “stuff” everywhere. How much of this is real (CV-19 is, the recession is) and how much was cooked up in a few minutes (riots, looting, destruction) by radicals who would put Ayers and Dorn to shame?
This article from Business Insider relays info that FBI “could not find any evidence that Antifa are terrorists”. Uh, just what is the Feebies definition of “terrorist”? Bad question, but they also ignored reports about a plan to bomb the Boston Marathon a few years back.
A statement like that “no evidence” bit is one that I find suspicious. This ain’t the 1960s when radical groups were infiltrating draft protests to commit violent and destructive acts.
In fact, there is a reason behind “no evidence” by the FBI: it’s possible that they are part and parcel of it. Or maybe J. Edgar’s personal paranoias got into their heads. These are all radical groups and the Feebies are pledging allegiance to them.
However, “The Nation” indicates that there is involvement by a far right social media group which is posting calls for people to attack FBI agents and use automatic weapons against protesters. Now, that is something I do take seriously, even though a lot of information is redacted from that document.
And finally, Life Site News has published a letter protesting the attempts to suppress valid rights such as freedom of worship by the lefties, both here and in other countries.
I really do want to see how this is all going to play out. There was a lot of skullduggery going on in WDC in the 60s, and the results were Ellsberg’s “The Pentagon Papers”, the break-in at his shrink’s office, and finally, Nixon’s crowning achievement: the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, and a list of White House enemies (because they voted Democrat), which included an elderly woman who had sent $1 to the Democratic National Committee for McGovern’s campaign. It destroyed whatever credibility, never mind his career, that Tricky Dick might have had and turned the New York Times into the NY Slimes – what they are today, only much more obnoxious and self-important than they were back then. As long as I can watch from the sidelines or an apartment window, or even from the 50th floor of some Downtown Office Building, it might be worth a few minutes of time to see how this plays 0ut… or not.
When you get a little too inflated with your own vanity and too smugly self-important, the results can be and frequently are the opposite of what was expected. Frankly, I’m not sure just who IS the perp in the events we’ve been watching during the past few months. There was no reason to put everyone, with no warning at all, into what amounts to complete loss of everything from jobs that are likely gone for good to sudden poverty from lost wages and near-complete isolation from other humans.
Just so you are aware, that $600 per week, a subsidy for unemployment compensation that was part of the first stimulus package, ends in July and may or may not be restored.
There was absolutely zero reason to slam the door on a thriving economy and create an economic recession out of whole cloth in the blink of an eye. It is not how you keep people “safe”. It is especially tacky since reports are now coming to the surface that Cuomo’s decision to send elderly people to nursing homes that were already infested with people (residents and care givers, both) who were afflicted with CV-19 was to get money out of the government.
To drive this home further, in 2018, financial analysts were already forecasting a mild recession to start some time in 2020. A mild recession does not pound a thriving economy right into the ground, therefore, the fact that this recession has been so devastating to the general populace in so many ways, stirs a normal amount of suspicion about it’s real origins. The analysts were pushing the recession out to 2021, but the Fed pushed it out to 2022, and now, the length of time has been extended to 2023 before it ends. And it won’t be solely in this country; it will be global, so plan accordingly. We aren’t really back in business just yet.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", COVID-19, General Whackos
George Soros and his minions have been allowed to run amok. Connect the dots and follow the money.
Attempting to rig the election didn’t work. Russian collusion didn’t work. Impeachment didn’t work. The virus data was skewed and not working. The murder hornets were a bust.
That left the one card that they love to play.
M R Geese? Breeding pair?
Social distancing for geese personnel.
Ah yes – that reminds me. I wonder what General Mattis bought with the check George Soros sent him.
There is no evidence because ANTIFA has become a propaganda bogey man. A right wing fever dream.
At last count protests are in more than 500 cities and towns. The vast majority of protestors throughout the country are peaceful.
Some are using the distraction of protests to loot.
Some riot.
It seems every time someone somewhere commits and illegal act during a protest the right assumes or outright claims ANTIFA perpetrated it, instigated it, planned it, or led it.
Most people who wear black at protests are not ANTIFA. Most are not even Black Bloc. People just like to wear black and a Black Lives Matter protests. It is a informal dress code of sorts. Especially for young people.
Anybody can claim to be ANTIFA. It is an idea more than an organization. And some people who choose to identify as ANTIFA are asshats. A lot are.
They are not some vast left wing shadowy terrorist group funded by George Soros. They have not infiltrated the FBI. They are not allied with the deep state (quite the opposite).
False and you know it. People wear black to the protests to demonstrate their “anti” cred…not as an informal dress code.
Antifa is an organized group, funded by high dollar DNC donors and foreign governments, populated by liars and idiots who self identify as “progressives” but are too stupid to know that their cherished beliefs are, in fact, fascistic.
The goal is simple; destruction of the USA and establishment of a USSR style “people’s republic”. So what if a few raysis, terrible, non-proggie white middle class lives have to be taken?
Right Comrade?
Here’s a question for ya Kummissar….did the piles of bricks that appeared just before each “peaceful protest” get put there by magic brick fairies?
How about the molotov cocktails? Organically made and pre-positioned by the same magic fairies?
You are so full of crap you should stay out of the rain.
Oh, and the Molotov cocktails? More hysteria from right wing blogs.
A guy named Matthew Michanowicz, 52 years old, went to the protest sites AFTER the protests and left a few in the ground. He had more in his home and was acarrying a backpack full.
We don’t know his motives,
But they were not left at the protests. They sure as hit were not pre staged.
And characterizing the nature of 500 protests because of a single jackass is ridiculous.
That is like saying this blog and its regulars are left wing, progressive, anti-Trump, pro Bernie, market socialists because I leave stuff strewn about in the comment section.
Somehow I would not have used the word ‘stuff’ in that context.
Hey dipshit,
How about the kid in Worcester, MA that got busted with them IN HIS POSSESSION, and stated he was looking for the right time to use them?
Or the little white girl’s in NYC who firebombed those cop cars?
Or the LAWYERS who attempted the same?
I’m pretty sure somewhere in at least one of your OER’s is the comment, “I would not allow this officer to breed.”
Or “Almost adequate with constant supervision”!
I see hundreds of protesters every single day in my community.
There is nothing “anti” about the overwhelming majority. Even of those wearing black.
In the TAH Book of Synonyms find the following…Lars = Interloper.
Look at the ones wearing black….so much “anti” cred.
Your cred ain’t exactly anything to crow about.
National Socialists weren’t socialists…
Chinese Communists aren’t communists…
Antifa terrorists aren’t terrorists…
Anybody besides ol’ Poe starting to see a pattern here?
Yeah. The proper term for it is Newspeak.
I thought the spapos seagull was taking a break from TAH (his words)? Oh well!
Just for you…spapos!
Yeah, I should go back to the peace I was enjoying.
Thanks for the nudge.
You act like the hollywood douchebags that say they are leaving the country when ________________ (fill in the blank) happens but never do.
What is “Bash a fash!”, but violence?
Nonsense Honda.
Stop being so damn intellectually lazy, Hondo.
You know damn well China did not become the world’s leading trading partner and the greatest producer of goods in the world by remaining communist.
Yet you persist with the bullshit in order to remain part of the in-group. Pathetic.
Wow. You whipped out those kneepads pretty quick.
“Commissar” is short for “Commissar Wumao (五毛). It’s his job to defend the PRC on the Internet.
Oh, and frankly, Commissar Wumao (五毛) – I couldn’t give a damn about being in any “in group”. Never have; never will.
Crazy Bernie ain’t crazy?
Holy crap.
National socialism is right wing ultra nationalism. Period. The first people went after when they took power was the communists and socialists.
China was once communist. Now it is the largest producer of goods in the world, the world’s leading trading partner, and a Leading global economy
They did not accomplish that by remaining communist. It would be literally impossible to accomplish that as a communist country. Literally.
And the word “terrorist” has nothing to do with ANTIFA. You attribute that word to it. Then act like it is doublespeak for me to claim the label is wrong..
Why would we take your word for anything at this point, hm?
“Then act like it is doublespeak for me to claim the label is wrong..”
Lars, what is wrong here is you, as usual. In fact, you are so consistently wrong I consider you a political weather vane–whatever direction you’re pointing indicates to me that truth and accuracy lie in the opposite direction.
As I have argued in the past, against those who would ban you, you do serve a useful purpose in that regard.
And I suppose we should credit your humor factor as well: That being the frequent, head-shaking horse-laughs your pronouncements so often engender among the TAH faithful.
Comrade Zampolit is the single most effective Trump cheerleader on this forum.
It just occurred to me that Lars is to TAH what Juan Williams is to Fox News.
And just as ineffective…
You claim “some” are looting under cover of protests distraction, please see what a “few” have done in Santa Monica
And what a “Few” have done in NYC.
Both links were filmed by individuals who are not connected to the liberal journalism trying to keep the public from seeing what is REALLY happening. The second video (on NYC) will require you to click on the words “NOT NOW” immediately below the picture of the guy standing beside his own vehicle. Yeh, it’s only a “few”; can’t be doing much damage or looting can they?
Jarhead, the google link requires a login. Any way to avoid it?
Thanks for the other video, too. I hate to see downtown NYC city central all boarded up like that, but it doesn’t surprise me. Chitown got the same vandalism, looting and destruction live on TV. Really peaceful bunch, weren’t they?
Ex….try this and let us know if it worked for you this time…PLEASE. If the NYC video angered you, then take your BP meds before watching this.
Looting in Santa Monica, CA
Thanks! That works now.
Ahhh, Santa Monica Boulevard–brings back memories of the days almost sixty years in the past when young Poe was a wannabee beatnik/starving artist living in Venice Beach.
Guarantee you this–you dissed the LAPD at your peril in those days–they’d hand you your ass in a heartbeat for the slightest disrespect. Here’s a flash for the snowflakes: Hard-nosed cops are nothing new, having been around forever.
Do you try to be full of shit, or what, Lars? They are violent. There’s video upon video of their violence. They have meetings. There’s video upon video of their meetings planning violence. Their members are seen wearing and using earpieces and two-way radios. They come up with pallets of brick, Molotov cocktails, and other “riot weapons” on mere hours’ notice. They’ve been caught handing same out to black kids and encouraging them to violence, and videoed doing so by black folks who ain’t on board with it. They are organized, funded, and violent.
You claim “propaganda this” and “propaganda that” in their defense, ignoring everything they do. Nobody believes you. Either you believe it in spite of evidence, which makes you stupid, or you really don’t believe it, which makes you a liar.
Lars is just taking the “No true Scotsman” fallacy to the breaking point.
Lars has decided that his definition of what constitutes ANTIFA, Terrorism, Socialists, and propoganda is the only politically correct and acceptable definition.
He also thinks the protests are “Antifa” not “we don’t like what cops are doing”
He’s gotta go BALLS DEEP in protecting him and his “friends”
You are spinning shit so fast you just tripped the turbine on overspend.
So I guess all those anarchy symbols, “socialist” dipshits, and people calling for the death of cops are just figments of our fevered imagination?
Batch, please.
Vanilla ISIS
Live Action Revolution Players
More like Revolution WANNABES IMHO, they say they want to start a revolution while the vast majority of them can’t even start a lawnmower or figure out which bathroom to use!
Were the fbi peeps whom said that antifa are not terrs are part of obamas shadow govt. slow moving coup or are they from Trumps FBI.???
And now we know why Lars was quiet there for a couple of days. He was likely in Cary, N. C. handing out soap and towels. This from the NY Post on 6-7-2020
In Cary, NC, on Saturday, the self-abasement took on religious tones when white people knelt to wash the feet of black protest organizers in a ritual described by a woman with a megaphone as “repentance on behalf of Caucasian people.”
A white foot washer took over the megaphone at one point to say: “It’s our honor to be here on behalf … of all of the white race … repenting for our pride.”
Seriously, the groveling is over the top and does nothing to heal racism in or mend community relations with police. It certainly won’t rebuild those black neighborhoods trashed in Minneapolis.
Lars was there to do the post-washing pedicures, complete with Antifa Black nail polish highlighted with burning-business-orange sprinkles…
It does, however, publicly identify idiots.
More research that the CiCom Coof numbers were cooked.
Long-term? I predict that 25% of actual casualties will be attributed to the insane decisions to force infected patients into nursing homes. Also that 25% or more of the claimed fatalities will ultimately be disproved as virus caused.
So back to manageable flu outbreak as previously stated.
China lied… and people died.
Only 25 percent? That’s lowballing it, to put it mildly.
The media has taken a preliminary report and presented it as a finished intelligence product that proves their theory. In logic, this is called cherry picking or the fallacy of incomplete evidence, and is itself evidence of their confirmation bias. In technical terms, this report is raw information that is being presented by the collector. It hasn’t been processed, exploited, or analyzed, meaning it is not intelligence. This is the FBI’s own Intel process, which is very similar to the military and CIA process: /image_view_fullscreen. The media is taking snippets from this report and mis-interpreting and mis-reporting it. Whether this is deliberate or not is a different question. Again, it is probably due to their implicit bias against the administration. There are a few big problems with the media’s use of this report. First, it is a SITREP (not intelligence product), prepared by the FBI Washington Field Office, summarizing agent reporting as of 1700 on a specific day. It does not include information collected after that day, and it doesn’t include reporting from outside their AOR or from other collection activities not organic to the Washington Field Office. More importantly, this is a SITREP, not an intel report. The report itself says it is not based on a thorough review of the investigation, and warns that it should not be incorporated into formal or informal written product. It refers to confidential human sources, but these would be very low level sources, rather than actual clandestine or covert (undercover) sources because that would LE Sensitive at the very least and not included in this report, and probably would report after the activity because they would have to meet with their handler, as opposed to a simple canvass. It also talks about open source and social media partners- open source is of course the media itself, who would be predisposed not to share any info they had on ANTIFA involvement, and Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc. who have the same bias. There is no mention of other intel disciplines (Imagery, Signals, etc), some of which would be classified and not included in this… Read more »