Is this Retard Trying to Kill Our Troops?

| April 24, 2009

This is not poor judgment and it is much worse than petty retribution. This will get US troops killed!

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration agreed late Thursday to release dozens of photographs depicting alleged abuse by U.S. personnel during the Bush administration of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan.

At least 44 pictures will be released by May 28 — making public for the first time images of what the military investigated as abuse that took place at facilities other than the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Defense Department officials would not say exactly what is contained in the photos, but said they are concerned that the release could incite a backlash in the Middle East.

Backlash = dead soldiers!

This is a classic example of how to un-win a war. Obama should be charged with every death that results from this idiotic and frankly, murderous idea. Who the hell could possibly think this is a good idea?

“This will constitute visual proof that, unlike the Bush administration’s claim, the abuse was not confined to Abu Ghraib and was not aberrational,” said Amrit Singh, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, which obtained the agreement as part of a long-running legal battle for documents related to Bush-era anti-terror policies.


Category: Politics

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That should have been reefer trucks not reffer trucks (whatever those are.)


With all due respect- you said,”Moreover, the Democrats in Congress have been culpable by going only halfway. Playing politics with American lives on many fronts.”

How the hell do the dems only go halfway? They read the same memos as the republicans did they not?
I’ll ask you what I ask other left-minded thinkers.

Are you ready to prosecute ALL who are complicit…including the former admin and the glaring reach it will have?

Would you have called Bush a moron if all it took was waterboarding to save the 10,000 people on the Brooklyn Bridge when he was holding a presser to tell you that “Gee, we had a little info, but it wasn’t anything to go on?”

Or are you sitting back happy that “only three’ terrorists were waterboarded and not looking at the fact that the troops are exposed whatever AQ can do to them given the chance? All because the President has decided to stick to Bush without thinking of the unintended consequences?

Are you a freaking BDS sufferer who says, even though you served, “I never asked for this war or supported it and Bush just needs to pay?” If so, you are a moron.

Frankly, I supported the war, so there was nothing to say. And yes, when the peace dividend was squandered under Billy Jeff, we had to go to war with shit that was less than stellar. We learned and paid the price and we have done our best to equip against the enemy.

Yes, the COWboy(citizen of the World)boy President will be getting our troops killed because he wants to appear like he is not appeasing and apologizing. But he has done just that. Where is your outrage to that? Wait, no. I call it espionage and acts of sedition, as it aids and abets the enemy.

You probably call it diplomacy. Idiot.


Defend, way up in #7, HM says it’s all Bush’s fault. He even uses the “transparent” talking point, so no one should be surprised that he wants a special prosecutor, and that he tries to tie the actions of SP4’s and Sgt’s to Bush, cuz it was his policy that told them to do their frat pranks.
No mention of Billy Jeff’s policy of rendition, or his echelon program, of course.



Thank you for your (mostly) well throught out response. Obviously you have some names that you like to call me an others who disagree with your limited world view. I have names that I could call you too. Lets just agree to keep it civil.

Any investigation must be bi-partisan and those who had authority to approve such tactics should be held accoutable regardless of party affiliation. Moreover, the lawyers that found the justification for the strategy should be disbarred. Military personnel about company grade should be evaluated and held accountable. (We were following our leader’s orders is not an excuse.)

Diplomacy is the answer as someone who has studies international relations and foriegn policy. Military action where needed should be part of any national security policy. However, leaving a critically under-manned and under supported force in Afghanistan in order to divert resources to a country that posed little or no threat was down right irresponsible.

Bush launched a series of policies that were ill-conceived and had no obvious end points. We cannot keep “detainees” in Gitmo indefinately. We cannot sustain a war in the ME indefinately. And even the Petraeus Doctrine (which I didn’t support) only works part way. There is still no end game. We are paying people not kill us. So what happens when the money runs out? What happens when the occupied population doesn’t see their “hope and change?”

I have said in other posts, “there is nothing about this that doesn’t suck.” But, we have to change the tone. We have to return to responsible foreign policy and we cannot keep hiding because the truth is inconvenient.

Airborne Injun

HM2…As a “student” of international relations and foreign policy, You are then aware that Diplomacy rarely works.If it was a successful venture,we would no longer have war or the need for a military!It is a sad but true fact that the only truly successful Diplomacy is best at the end of a rifle barrel.The diplomatic methods used by governments is usually a temporary stop gap measure. The only way to “WIN” a war totally and unequivocally would be nuclear annihilation which is a losing proposition for everybody!This may “suck” but it’s the only game in town that has a chance of working.Ass Kissing and Oral sex acts performed by our politicians WILL not work,period!


Hey Airborne – maybe WE should add a lot of fake initials after OUR names like POS (Retard) up there. That would make us as ubercool as him / her. Maybe ” Brg.Gen(H20)Adv, Sgt Maj 4F( Ret) Sec.8.”
Actually, I enjoy seeing the trolls like that assclown attempting to write on this blog for two reasons. One, they apparently take themselves seriously, which is a joke in itself. And two, I know it keeps them down in Mom’s basement writing on the laptop she bought with her meager paycheck, so the libtard basement dwellers are not in her way while she cleans the house up. Most of the people who write that gibberish have never served, never held a steady job outside of Mickey D’s, and live on a couch in Mom’s basement, fantasizing that they will someday ‘make it’. The sad truth is – the only people who would have them would be the IVAWs, Blue Falcon Division.
Troll on, HMO ;o)Troll on!


The current CiC doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the troops.



Be sure to tell COB6 and Ah1 Cassel that they are faker and basement swellers too. Looks like you ran out of legitmate critiscm so you have to throw the fake vet card. But, out of curisosity, why would I claim to be an e-5 if I wasn’t? Wouldn’t it be more fun to say I was a Col. or at least a Sgt.?
Grow up.


Airborne Injun, sadly, even though HM2 claims to be a “student” of international relations and foreign policy, he has learned nothing from those masters of diplomacy, Neville Chamberlain and Francois Deladier. HM2 would apparently have tried to talk Saddam out of his WMD’s and nuke program. Oh wait, the UN tried that for 10 years or so. And talking has worked so well with Iran, I’m sure they just love Hillary’s giggle, not to mention Urkelprompter’s stellar performance on his overseas apology tour.


It feels to me like a way to dodge responsability, with the photos comming out of A-stan right now, it’s O-douchbags way fo saying……”See he (Bush) did it too”…..

F-ing Childish BS…