Finally! Some photographic evidence to support Matthis

| April 24, 2009

After an exhaustive search, The Sniper (over more than a couple beers) was able to locate some pictures of Matthis to support his manifesto.

Here is Matthis at the Burger King on Bagram Airbase.  He spent 6 days on the air base, and ate 16 meals at BK and 2 times he went to Baskin Robbins.

He left out the part where the prostitute in the Philippines told her dad what happened.  When he came after Matthis, all those years of torture from the army showed up and forced Matthis to respond just like his training to hate brown people demanded.

Finally, after he got out, Matthis was there at Kent State ’08, up in Nassau.

Sniper has a few more which actually prove all of Matthis’ stories.

Category: Politics

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Again, I think all that can be said about Chicken-roux has been said… But DAY-UM, them pictures is funny!!!

The Sniper

Amazing the kind of pics you can find floating around on the InterTubes. I wonder how long it will be before we’re both linked for being cruel, mean, etc.


Dude! WTF was he doing in amongst the TF Victory guys and gals? Sniper, where did you find these photos? On another note, that Burger King kept me from going hungry every time I got tired of the CSM Circus outside of Dragon Defac, and every time we got back from Kabul late 😀

The Sniper

No kidding on the CSM canine/equestrian extravaganza at the DFACs. “You can’t come in here all dusty and covered in dirt!” No joke… except the REMF CSM that said it.


Too funnt…


Why is his mama is 2 of the pictures? Did he take her with him so he wouldn’t be all lonely?


Sniper, the best part was our CSM, he would rail on and on about how we were not authorized to wear our issued Boonie Hats, because the 82D were not issued theirs by CIF, and how we were unauthorized to wear Marine Corps combat patches (several Soldiers were prior service Jarheads). He would bitch us all out in the chow line. He tried that on Joes from the 319th (18th Airborne Corps) Field Artillery, and their CSM damn near decked him. Turns out, CIF issued Boonies after all, and the 319th supported II MEF in Fallujah jsut prior to Afghan deployment. The look on the CSM’s face was PRICELESS!


What is with CSM’s and the DFAC? Had a buddy (CW3, AH64 pilot, prior service Ranger) tear up an Inf CSM at Udairi when the CSM challenged him over my buddy’s sleeves. Buddy had a habit of rolling his sleeves (the three-quarter aviator roll) when sitting down to eat. The CSM waited outside the DFAC to roll my buddy up. Let’s just say that the CSM was sent packing with advice to not worry about my buddies sleeves and worry about training his troops on the proper way to call for air support. It was priceless.

Oh, and frak Chiroux. POS.


Nice Photoshop work!


BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Too cute!!! I’m saving!!! Thanks!!!

Airborne Injun

Matt(his?)Child,the best part of you ran down your Mama’s leg!Cocksucking POS


Bravo Zulu Airborne Injun!

Matt Funiciello

John, whatever our differences of opinion, I am definitely laughing my ass off.