Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| June 16, 2011

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

Someone at the RTB sent me these pictures with a story about how this guy showed up for his son’s stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like this. According to our source, the MPs escorted his monkey ass off post;

Notice that on the desk in the last picture, the nose picker even had a Green Beret to round out the ensemble. I’m surprised the MPs didn’t shoot him on sight out of fear.

“He’s coming right at us!!”

Added: His real name is Nick Androsky according to someone who found his Facebook profile . Check his photos “Routine Patrol” and the one of him jumping at 30,000 feet from the Space Shuttle, I suppose.

Second Add Sporkmaster: Just to remove any questions about the Combat Badges crossing over from Army to Air Force that the regulations do not allow it. This is on page 149.

Permanent assignment denotes non TDY status. This rule also applies to other badges or patches i.e., Army Combat Patches earned or awarded by sister service components. Upon Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an Air Force unit the member will remove them.

Also anyone who has received the CIB, CMB, CAB, or CAR can have it converted to the new Combat Action Medal. (Which our resident POS is wearing on the top row next to the Silver Star.)

Scott sends these screenshots of his Facebook Wall before he tore it down;

ADDED 6-21-2011: The guy at “Copy All” has uncovered Androsky’s appeal for his court martial, apparently for drug use back in 2004. Thanks to Chris for the link.

ADDED July 20, 2011: We have Androsky’s actual military records, now.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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LMAO…Apparently this ass clown posted this commend to Ron Paul’s official Facebook page recently: “Wounded Veteran and you Sir have my support Sir!! USAF brat & Flyer, RANGER, SF MEDIC, HALO JUMP MAster!! The VA claims that my PTSD is not a combat injury but a mental disorder; so I enlisted and have a TANGO SEIRA CLEARANCE AND I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER?!! So I get my disability from social security!! I hate it Sir!!!


hahah, nevermind, someone already caught it on a previous post. :p


WHAT? No Mameluke sword?
Who dressed this guy?


Holy Crap!!! Talk about P.X. Hero!!! ive seen guys get higher badges to make themselves look better, but this is just ridiculous!!!


People like this sickening me.

Dennis Herdina

As someone who served 6 years in the Air Force as a personnel specialist I can honestly say this guy would not even come close to passing on any military installation…unless of course he was attempting to pass as a movie manniquin! His kid must have been absolutely humiliated.


I don’t know how recent the activity is, but it appears that Soup Sammich is trying to pass himself off as a wounded vet.

“”Wounded Veteran and you Sir have my support Sir!! USAF brat & Flyer, RANGER, SF MEDIC, HALO JUMP MAster!! The VA claims that my PTSD is not a combat injury but a mental disorder; so I enlisted and have a TANGO SEIRA CLEARANCE AND I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER?!! So I get my disability from social security!! I hate it Sir!!!
325-665-2902″ on Ron Paul’s timeline.”

How nice of him to leave a phone number out in the open like that. 🙂

Hope this helps you. I took a screen cap just in case.


Oh dang, I just read a few comments up and see that someone already posted that activity from his Facebook. Sorry.


And, really? This guy really thought he could walk on to Ft. Benning dressed like that and not get caught? In DESERT BOOTS?! Great way to honor your stepdad on his graduation, dipshit! Outstanding asshattery.

SrA Tom

So much wrong with his picture. The USAF does not have a green beret, the beret flash isn’t AF, you can’t put that many ribbons on the uniform, USAF doesn’t authorize the wear of army badges, save for Military Free Fall, Parachutist, and Air Assault. How he even thought he could get away with tan boots with the blues is beyond me. The order of precedence on most of those ribbons is jacked up I’m sure, and a ton of other things that my mind can’t process through the rage.


Jonn, what cave did he crawl out of.
Did he really think that with him playing dressup nobody would all the crap he is wearing and out of order.
For one CIB should be displayed above all medals, only the US Flag can be above it.

Chris Melbihess

Hes lucky I wasnt there that SOB would have had my 9 1/2 up his rear end.Benning Was my 2nd home and to wear military uniforms in such a disrespectful manner is unforgiveable for those of us who have given so much of our selves to the armed services.Chris Melbihess 3rd heavy Brigade


[…] Douglas Arthur Buono who obviously never heard about MSG Soup Sandwich and how much attention he garnered when he stumbled around Fort Benning in his phony finery, […]


[…] returns September 11th, 2012 Our most famous phony who is still alive for the moment, Nick Androski, is back at his antics again, according to Karen, who married to an Air Force Phoenix Raven. She […]


I need help!! I may have another shitbag. I know this guy that I meet at a PTSD support group here in Tampa FL. The “veteran” in question is been caught in many lies about his service. For example; Before I start going to this group, he claim that he serve in Afghanistan with the Army 10th Mountain Division and that he got injured on a patrol on the mountains of Afghanistan. The causes of the injuries were unclear. Wend I start assisting to the support group, I ask is someone would like to go fishing with me because I just move to the area and don’t like going by myself. Well he told me he never been fishing before and that he be glad to go with me. I toke him on his offer and to the pier we wend. We start talking about or experiences in the military and he told me that he is a mechanic and that he hurt his back wend he fell from some equipment in Camp Liberty Iraq, and that the Army don’t medically discharge him, what they did is they send him to a reserve unit to wait for a med board decision. Every time we expend time together the story changes. Every time his unite have the monthly drills he always go to group and make up an story about how stress out he was and that he was going to kill people if he was going to the drill. Then wend the doctor ask him what he can do to help, this guy ask for the doctor to intervene and get him out of the drill. Off course that never happen. He is a big mystery. For 5 years I have been trying to find information about him and his wife/fence/girlfriend (status change every day) but can’t find crap. Like I say before he suppose serve in the Army, which he was a mechanic (he fix my car a few times) and provably he was ATTACH to 10th MD in a point provably in a support roll. I seen his… Read more »


[…] most popular post remains the one about Soup Sandwich with 95,000 reads. The second most read page is the Stolen Valor page with the links to our […]

Adrian Olah

I saw thsis on his profile…

“Wounded Veteran and you Sir have my support Sir!! USAF brat & Flyer, RANGER, SF MEDIC, HALO JUMP MAster!! The VA claims that my PTSD is not a combat injury but a mental disorder; so I enlisted and have a TANGO SEIRA CLEARANCE AND I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER?!! So I get my disability from social security!! I hate it Sir!!!

Flyer, ranger, SF medic and halo jump master? Why does that just sound tricky. Lol, what a joke.


My favorite is the DCU combat boots that were NEVER authorized in any service uniform, only with DCUs, DFDUs, and, until October of last year, ABUs

DocGay/James Gay

DocGay-For Christ sakes this clown has more awards than any 5 people.He has got Army awards on his so called chest.CIB with 2 stars,he don’t look old enough to have just the CIB.Also he has a CMB,HALO Jump Badge,and is wearing a Air Force uniform.He should be hung up by his nuts and beat till the cows come home.He also has a Green Beret and I was in SF and I wonder why he didn’t get hold of the Metal Of Honor and wear it too.What a piece of shit this durt bag is.I guess shit comes in all colors.De Oppresso Liber


Haha this dude is messed up I love how he has meritorious ribbons in with service/award ribbons lol


Damn! According to all the awards & stripes he’s been around since Christ was a corporal!


This stupid sorry sack of shit, so damn disrespectful. The sad part is, it’s not even hard to impersonate us, but lets be a little realistic, not even the most decorated men in history have that much chest candy. I mean somebody please tell me how THE FUCK you can serve as a combat medic in 2 campaigns and an Infantryman in 3 in the same fucking lifetime. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE HORSESHITTING me. You stupid fuck, only certain schools are authorized on USAF uniforms (SKILLS badges) and you have to be the dumbest fuck to wear Combat boots with a dress uniform. I’m far beyond disgusted with this sack of shit. I’m so sorry his son has to claim that piece of shit as a dad. God damn shame.


Brandon: you might want to read this link (it can be found above, but it’s a bit hard to locate):

Seems Androsky was thrown out of the USAF as an A1C for being a druggie (courts-martial, 5 mo confinement, BCD). One of the things he apparently admitted was huffing shoe cleaner. I understand abusing inhalants can give you brain damage. I submit that Androsky’s walking proof it indeed does.


he clearly has a clip on tie. pathetic.


My favorite poser ever

A Proud Infidel

If there was a DOUCHEBAG HALL OF FAME, I would be the first to nominate him!!!

Green Thumb

A very weak individual.

He looks like a greeting card or party favor.

I am sure he is, though.



This guy is an idiot.

Loadmaster In Training

So, I am going through loadmaster school here at Little Rock. My instructor was a load down at Pope about the vintage that this assclown was there.

Turns out, they were not only in the same unit, but my instructor was also Soupy’s supervisor (Soupervisor?). “I swear, my leadership hated me!” in regards to being given him as her troop.

Scary, it’s a small world!


This is THE single most hilarious thing I’ve EVER seen!!! Why can’t I ever run into these dudes?? Just once, that’s all I’m asking, just one time. Has anyone even been awarded a CMB with 2 stars?? I mean is it even possible??


Bob: yes. Some World War II vets also served in Korea and Vietnam as infantrymen. As a practical matter, it’s been pretty much impossible for anyone to qualify for 3 CIBs since Vietnam or shortly thereafter due to the extreme length of the Vietnam CIB era. One would have to serve during three of the specified qualifying periods for the CIB to rate one with 2 stars. Here are the qualifying periods (from AR 600-8-22, Dec 2006, para 8-6f): (1) World War II (7 December 1941 to 3 September 1945) (2) The Korean Conflict (27 June 1950 to 27 July 1953) (3) The Republic of Vietnam Conflict. Service in the Republic of Vietnam conflict (2 March 1961 to 28 March 1973) combined with qualifying service in Laos; Dominican Republic; Korea on the DMZ; El Salvador; Grenada; Joint Security Area, Panmunjom, Korea; Panama; Southwest Asia Conflict; and Somalia, regardless of whether a Soldier has served one or multiple tours in any or all of these areas. The Republic of Vietnam Conflict Era officially terminated on 10 March 1995. (4) War on Terrorism (Afghanistan, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM) and (Iraq, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM). A soldier can only qualify for one CIB during a qualifying period, regardless of the number of times under fire during the period in a qualifying area or operation. Since the Vietnam CIB era spanned a bit over 44 years – from 2 Mar 1961 to 10 Mar 1995 – and the GWOT CIB era started in 2001, having a CIB with one star is indeed possible. However, two stars would require qualifying for the CIB in the Korea CIB era also, which ended on 27 Jul 1953. That might be theoretically possible (enlisted and WOs in the reserves can serve past age 60 under some circumstances), but I am reasonably certain that no Korea vets with CIBs served in OIF or early OEF as infantrymen. Anyone who served in Korea would have been at least in their mid-60s by 2001, and I think we’d have heard about that (a 60+ year old infantryman qualifying for a CIB) if it… Read more »


Haha he’s at the 1/50 battalion at Benning where I went to basic training I’m surprised he made it out alive. I like where his unit citation is pinned and a CIB what the fuck ever.


I did not know him but guys I was stationed with did.

“Fellow Black Cats, was this kid a loadmaster in the 41st? I remember flying with him and 3 other loads who got kicked out for doing drugs back in 2002-2003 timeframe.


Wow, this motherfucker is wearing both afghan and iraw campaign medals with arrowhead device – denoting combat jump or amphibious assualt, silver star on afgan campaign denoting 5 deployments a d gold star on iraq campaign LOL. Dont know if anyone else caught that


Too funny!!! Remindes me of my older brother (who was14 and I was 12). I had been caught skipping school so the authorities stuck me in juvinile hall for a day. Iooked out the window and to my horrer saw my brother wheel up on a bicycle with one of our fathers very large suits on. WITH TENNIS SHOES ON, and tucked in, bloused pants LOL!! And he had partialy shaved his head so it appeared he hah a receeding hairline! The staff knew him and let us visit….He wispered and said “Shh…they think I’m dad. Gonna get you outta here! Needless to say it didn’t work but a reminder of a great memory anyway!


By the way, my bro was Lance Corp Jay William Poullion. U.S.M.C. Early seventies. RIP Bro…

Marines' Son

While it disgusts me that someone would do something as low as this, I have to believe this is someone that is unstable. Look at his eyes in the first photo. The lights are on but no one appears to be home. Anyone with any sense, not to mention training, would know not to wear the tan boots with the blues. Same with all of the decorations and combining of Air Force and Army. If the reports of possible court martial for drugs, maybe the wiring is fired upsatirs. this guy definitely needs help one way or another.

2/17 Air Cav

@437. Yeah, he does look psychotic in the photo. And that boot business does bespeak an ignorance of fashion coordination, that’s certain. But help? Perhaps, but the majority here tend to think that the best help for him is a size 11D dead in his ass.

A Proud Infidel

Psychotic? Not as I see it, it looks like he’s getting his ass chewed all the way to next week in the first pic. In the second and third, he has the look of some punk who’s only sorry he got caught! The thought of him receiving a size 11D in his fourth point of contact is a great idea for the start of a Wall-to-Wall Counseling session for a turd like that!


[…] Androsky was outed by This Ain’t Hell — with the military blog dubbing him “Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich.” […]


Duffel Blog made this guy relevant again! I love it.

Poor dude. Sounds like he just wanted to see a lady naked in 3 dimensions at some point or another. His neglected epididymis, which has never been traversed by his always-in-suspense life-giving nectar, cries out for relief from the onslaught of your merciless truth-telling!


This guy is part of the way that I found the joy of visiting TAH. We were in the proccess of busting a phoney here in Indiana that had given a 17 year old girl a forged ERB in order to get into her pants. We started looking for other posers and found Soup here at TAH.


When I went to my friend’s graduation at Ft. Benning from Sniper School I bought a full uniform at the local store with all of the cool patches and badges. I made myself a colonel but I did not have the balls to wear it out in public.


#443 This guy was the first reason why I came to TAH awhile ago. After that I got hooked. Actually knew someone out in Kuwait that knew of him at Pope.

William Blake's Penis

A true classic

Never ceases to amaze. Unless this guy is just completely crazy where in his mind did he think this would work? At what point, when pinning all the stuff on, did he go…”Ok…THAT’s enough…anymore and it will make people suspicious”

That would be like me putting black face on and walking into central Detroit and trying to hang out on the corner


Especially considering as many steroids as you take and how cold it gets in Detroit in the wintertime, Billy has to shove a finger up his ass to see you.

MSgt Bill USAF ret.

Jumpin Jesus, this dip shit should be strung up. I spent the AF and flew on C-130s. Have nothing close to what this fraud is wearing. Sadly, after a supreme court decision, someone can do this without being punished. I read the book “Stolen Valor” and was shocked at the number of frauds out there. One guy was wearing two MoH’s. It’s his kind and, apparently too many more. Damn this pisses me off. I’m 68, the old heart can’t take mush of this.

I think taking this simple shit out would be excelent training for a USMC scout sniper team.

One more item, the last two time MoH recipient was USMC SgtMaj Daniel Daly, who passed in the 1930s

Blue skies to all vets who commeted on this ass hole.

Salute, MSgt Bill USAF ret.

William Blake's Penis

@MSgt Bill

He is one ribbon shy of a South American dictator.

The wannabe USAF version of David Patraeus

MSgt Bill USAF ret.

Yeah, William Blake’s Penis, your right. What this piss ant did is a disgrace to all services, not just the Air Force.
I hope he’s givin a lesson on being a fake.

Blue Skies to all, MSgt Bill