Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Might I request video, Yat Yas? I’ll throw in a bottle of the Macallen 15-yr vintage if you make him cry.


Hondo, you are something else.

I keep forgetting he’s one of those guys who think this _____________ is six inches.

Joe Williams

Yat, Branson is a very friendly to us Vets.If you get to him first, break his nose for way he has caused grief and insulted Mary S. .


@ 356, +1

Joe Williams

PS. for pure pleasure break some ribs. For Dullass that means no jumping and saluting,no deep breaths,no laughting, no coughing or anything that moves the ribs. good for about 6 weeks of pain. The race is on Yat.


No. 343 Jonn Lilyea:
“. . . what we do on this blog isn’t governed by the Constitution.” —

Great Post !!
Some will be SHOCKED & STUNNED,
– that The Sovereign STATE was supposed to make the laws against common crimes, NOT, the national (“general”) gov’t. And,
– that the Subject Under Discussion concerning The American Constitution — is, The National Government’s very few proper powers (with a few disclaimers concerning The States) — NOT, The supreme Court’s excuse or cover to RULE EVERY SUBJECT MATTER UNDER THE SUN. In other words, the “federal” gov’t and The American Constitution, were never meant to be of supreme, daily, ubiquitous IMPORTANCE AND PRESENCE — the local governments were supposed to be much more apropos and attentive to most matters .


[…] idiot buddy, Dallas Wittgenfeld, thinks that somehow coming on a forum chocked full of veterans and telling us that the Supreme […]


[…] I was wrong and Lilyea was right on that one.  But I still felt Dallas Wittgenfeld should be left alone, largely because the discrepancies between his records and some things written about him weren’t […]


[…] Dallas “Flying Assclown” Wittgenfeld […]

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

There is so much harassing and dishonoring here. Now threats to my life at a Branson military ball in the name of Mary Schantag…. I love it. Did you guys like the spread on the military times… outting your Mark C. Seavey as a valor vulture for the American legion… Orwellian they called you all. And why did the burnpit and American legion pages delete all my recent comments about Seavey and his dubious job with no relavents anymore. You punks are behind the curve so they say.

Now you guys know the Black Widow Mary has been getting her ass reamed by the IRS for not being skoosh for three years straight. Let’s BET on her even having a military gala… I have been shooting 100% soooo far… Ask Scotty. Ask Blowers, and now Seavey is feeling “the bite”…

Hey twia, quandoo doo… goood luck on that. I have never lost a fight ever… None of these truckles on here can say that. Besides, I will be surrounded by media and law enforcement.. Remember, been there done that before you punks ever heard of me.


Hey you there, Wittgenfeld.

Word out on the street is you witnessed some real deal “war crimes” in RVN BUT, you were too much of a pussy to report them to chain of command and CID.

THAT puts you in the same league with one, Bill “Assassin” Perry. Now before you go batshit crazy, you scare me bad, sooo bad I’m quaking in my boots right now.

Bring it on, pretend warrior boy. I’ll be more than happy to ride your old, lying ass right in to the dirt. Bring your friends, all two of them….


This is in bold so you can read it. Waiting for your oh so special reply, nutbag

Old Trooper

@363: The only dishonoring going on is when you show up dressed in your cocked up class A uniform. Why would you need to be surrounded by law enforcement, Dallas? You’re a bad ass assassin; remember? Because your 10 gallon mouth can’t back up your 5 ounce ass, perhaps? Plus; why would the media be there for you? You’re a legend in your own mind.

Joe Williams

There is no threat on your life. I will spoil your perfect fight record. Be sure and have the media with you. You better have a license for that pistol with the law there.Windsock,where is all that big hot air talk? Knife pistol law and the media. No Mano-a-Mano from the big bad”trail killer You are so brave and bad talking to women and trash talking on the internet.A real Ranger,are you? Joe


Wittgenfeld is not a Ranger. He’s an Airborne soldier who served as a RTO in a Ranger unit. He has no Ranger tab – along with no common sense, no honor, and no shame.


No. 363: “Now threats to my life . . .” —

WHICH life ??

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

When I do a program somewhere like Branson..? I have already jumped at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson for the all combat wounded Veterans of the Purple Heart. The feds require me to have security & physical crowd control.

In the real world,like Branson,you guys woill be paying an admission to be in my audience. Can any of you weenies top that. I think I might make some big cash too. 🙂 How will that make you all feel watching.

Fear not cause I have my own Special Ops video crew and photographer. People will be singing the National Anthem and saluting as I land. Welcome to my world.


You’re a special kinda stupid, aintcha DullASS?

As for your affliction, might I suggest electroshock therapy? Start by grabbing a lower-voltage line; say, no more than 34.5 KV. Make sure that ground cable is at least 4/0 welding cable and attached nice and tight to your nuts before latching onto that power line.

Let us know how that goes. Maybe one of your asshoke buddies can send some pictures.


I’m fairly certain people were charged admission to your mother as well. We’re seeing the result of that, and it isn’t pretty.

I’m not sure I’d brag about it, broseph.


Sparky, that’s much too complicated a procedure for someone who’s brain is obviously the consistency of partially melted ice cream. Just have him jump with a chute that’s actually a backpack full of lead weights. Much more simple.


No. 370:
As I wrote — UN-real.
(La-La Land)


@363 Let me preface my comment that I am not threatening anyone with physical violence. I also am NOT advocating that a certain subject of this thread should have their military pension or disability payments stripped.
But regarding this statment in post 363, “Did you guys like the spread on the military times… outting your Mark C. Seavey as a valor vulture for the American legion… Orwellian they called you all.”
You insinuate that the Military Times published an article critical of the efforts of this blog and others like in their efforts to expose Stolen Valor frauds. You could not be more wrong in your insinuation.
1. That piece in Military Times was an Op-Ed to the SCOTUS decision written by Doug Sterner. Sterner is a good friend to both Jonn & TSO. By your definition, the article of this “spread” is the most aggressive “Valor Vulture” on the planet. Far from the Military Times author being critical of this blog, if you actually followed this blog, you would see the author was standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the steps of the SCOTUS on the day of the ruling.
2. Mr. Sterner’s Op-Ed did not label TSO as a “Valor Vulture”, that came in a reader comment from a fellow named, “Purple Heart Parachutist”. I wonder who that could be?
3. Finally, you took Justice Kennedy’s “1984” comparison completely out of context. Kennedy did not say the private citizens expsoing military impersonators were “Orwellian.” He said that would be the case if the GOVERNMENT tried to enforce truth vs. lies. Contrary to your argument, the SCOTUS decision declined to criminalize Stolen Valor statements, in favor of having those individuals public scorned in venues like this blog.

Next time you try to cite something in print to support your side of an argument, please stress context over content.


[…] DD214 and FOIA report, these claims are bogus – and IMO, so is Wittgenfeld’s  current claim that he had no influence over what those reporters wrote about him in the past.  The fact that […]


AverageNCO: I’m afraid you made a huge error above. You’re making the baseline assumption Wittgenfeld has good enough reading comprehension skills to understand your point. Based on what I’ve seen from him here, I’m not sure Wittgenfeld has good enough skills with written English – either composition or comprehension – to follow or write anything much more complex than the “See Spot run” level.


This may have been touched on already, but I can’t beleive I actually saw such a true “american patriot” let the US Flag drag and scuff across the ground like he did. That was horrible.


Dallas, the only reason you’d be required to provide your own security is to prevent a municipality from otherwise being liable when all the legit veterans beat the living shit out of you. You’ve clearly confused ‘special operations’ for ‘special needs.’

I almost wish MonsterQuest wasn’t defunct so those sensationalist gadflies can study your absurd chicanery before sticking you in a zoo like you deserve. The fence will keep you from getting your ass justifiably stomped, children can laugh and throw peanuts at you while you try to fling your feces, and you can spend the rest of your days being stared at so your pathological narcissism will be fulfilled.

Now shoo, you silly mentally ill boy!


Dallas, the only reason you’d be required to provide your own security is to prevent a municipality from otherwise being liable when all the legit veterans beat the living shit out of you. You’ve clearly confused ‘special operations’ for ‘special needs.’

I almost wish MonsterQuest wasn’t defunct so those sensationalist gadflies can study your absurd chicanery before sticking you in a zoo like you deserve. The fence will keep you from getting your ass justifiably stomped, children can laugh and throw peanuts at you while you try to fling your feces, and you can spend the rest of your days being stared at so your pathological narcissism will be fulfilled.

Now shoo, you silly mentally ill boy!


When all you can do is post self aggrandizing links…it’s tantamount to saying you surrender.

I’ve seen 13 year old girls do a better job at photoshop….and that’s the level of intellect inherent in such practices anyway.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

TANTAMOUNT …. to having a “hoot” on you all “Orwellians”


This boy’s cheese done slid off his cracker…

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

ANN, who the hell are you..? Are you a combat wounded veteran of the Special Operations community..? If not..? You need to shut your mouth in the boys room or I will jam your head in the toilet bowl too. Women “peanut gallery” is not allowed here. “You Shooooo… Stupid Bitch.”


Aww…how cute. He’s a chauvinistic throwback as well as an intellectual child. Threatening women? Classy…even for a douche.


Wittgenfeld: You’re nothing but a pathetic old fool. Ann has as much right to post here as anyone else, dipstick. Something called “free speech”. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?

All a Purple Heart says is that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You can literally get one while in the latrine or while walking out of the chow hall. Both of those actually happened to people in units I supported in 2007.

All you are doing here is showing your ass to the world. Please cover it – it’s ugly, and offends damn near everyone.


CI: It’s almost as classy as hitting on/harassing women who are recently widowed. He’s done that, too.

I’m waiting for someone to push the right button to make him go racist on us. He seems to have a history in that respect (see last link in article).


@Hondo – He’s about a breath away from be indictable for conveying a threat by electronic means.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, what do you expect from a CHICKEN-SH1T, LIAR? Mr. Lilyea has my contact information and I have yet to hear a single word from this coward. I have also posted many straight up challenges to this yellow cur dog and all he does is ignore me.

This was fun but now it’s just getting old. I’m sure his behavior now is exactly the same as when he was a child. I’ll bet money he stayed in his yard all the time because he knew if he went into the street with the ‘big boys’, he’d get his ass beat. So he stayed in his yard running his mouth proving to everyone what a chicken sh1t he was and is. I mean look at what he’s sunk to. Posting dumb azz sh1t on Facebook?! Threatening women? (I’ll put $5 on Ann!) Not supplying proof of his awards and casting childish insults. Naw, rather than be angry or upset at him, now all I feel is pity. What a living hell his existence must be. Knowing your life is a lie and knowing people know it is? That must really suck.


Well, Hondo, he could always be called a worthless poser bitch by an Indian chick if we want to see that.

So, Dallass, you’re a worthless, pussified poser bitch not fit to suck the mud off the boots of REAL Rangers (those who live by the Ranger Creed, unlike you), nor are you even worthy of wiping the Blessed Mary’s ass. I highly recommend you take a triple dose of go-fuck-yourself and forget to pull the cord when next you jump.

I’ll be the red and white chick celebrating when you hit the ground.

Frankly Opinionated

Sooo, not only is he a proven Liar and a Thief, he is also Stone Age Stupid. To come on here as slightly lower than a Troll, and proceed to tell commenters that they ” need to shut your mouth in the boys room”, is so asinine as to be laughable. Dullass might see this as “the boys room”, but we know that “boys” don’t even stop by here, except for the occasional poser trying his best to learn how to troll.
Still the dirtiest douche in town.

Old Trooper

@370: Um, you are saying that people pay to just come and see you jump? A solo program that lasts all of 5 minutes? Yeah, I don’t think so. You are probably slotted to be one of many attractions at events. I doubt you could hold court by yourself, because you ain’t that special. Well, you ARE a legend in your own mind.

I really like the tough talk you put out there against Ann, too. You had better stick to making veiled threats against old farts like me, because I think Ann could probably kick your ass 10 ways from Sunday without breaking a sweat; heeeeero LRRP Assassin.


CI: communicating a threat by electronic means? Hmmmm. Wonder if a MO judge might be persuaded to review what Wittgenfeld’s posted here and elsewhere and thereafter issue an injunction against him interacting with the public at Branson? After all, he’s at least arguably threatened to bring deadly weapons to a public gathering and do bodily harm to some of the prospective attendees.

Given how much Wittgenfeld loves the limelight and telling his tales, that just might hit him where it hurts. He’s apparently immune to logic, shame, or reason. But he does love attention!

Enjoy thinking about that possibility, Wittgenfeld. (smile)


Still a flying assclown, Dallas.

I see you only dare to run your suck like a “tough guy” to a woman, you fucking coward. You are a disgrace to veterans, to “Rangers” and to the Airborne in general.

Mark my words, you piece of shit… the day WILL come when someone calls you out in public for your douchebagery.

Until then, enjoy being a punk ass bitch keyboard commando.


@Hondo – Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 565
Offenses Against the Person. 565.090. 1. A person commits the crime of harassment if he or she:

(3) Knowingly frightens, intimidates, or causes emotional distress to another person by anonymously making a telephone call or any electronic communication;

2. Harassment is a class A misdemeanor unless:

(1) Committed by a person twenty-one years of age or older against a person seventeen years of age or younger; or

(2) The person has previously pleaded guilty to or been found guilty of a violation of this section, or of any offense committed in violation of any county or municipal ordinance in any state, any state law, any federal law, or any military law which, if committed in this state, would be chargeable or indictable as a violation of any offense listed in this subsection.

In such cases, harassment shall be a class D felony.

Many criminal records are searchable online….what’s his state of residence?


I almost wish I’d been by earlier to see more of Wittgenfeld’s batshit insane photoshop wizardry. He’s most definitely a certifiable narcissist, and has to be mentally ill to boot. Quite the classy old bigot.

Dallas, whatever I’ve done is irrelevant since I’ve never once lied about my very mundane service. There are plenty of no kidding combat veterans here, and they tellingly never feel the need to go on pompous tirades about it. Any fear I might have had from your threats goes out the window when I see those tubby skydiving photos of you. I could out stroll your enraged waddling.

You’re not the only one who can post ridiculous photoshops:


CI: best I can tell he’s a Florida resident, most likely in the general vic of Lakeland. Let me know if his arrest for operating an aircraft while intoxicated (perhaps listed as “in an unsafe and reckless manner”, or something similar) shows up.


Hondo, I’m curious to know how they managed to detain him for that.


Ann – follow the link in comment 63 above. The article documenting it is near the end of the page (it’s a pretty long page).

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