Idiots in the gun control debate

| December 16, 2012

Yeah, I’ve read some real stupid shit in teh interwebz today in regards to gun control, but this one just deserved a public answer. It’s from some shithole called Balloon Juice written by a guy named John Cole who explains that he was supposedly in the 11th ACR stationed at Camp Doha between the wars with Iraq;

So why am I telling you this? Because in the middle of one of the most dangerous regions in the world, even with clear Rules of Engagement, every time I went on gate duty, there was a piece of tape over my ammo clip on my M-16 and M1911 .45. Why? Because the most heavily armed military in the world did not want accidental shootings. If a situation arose, I would have to eject my ammo clip, remove the tape, and reinsert and work the action before I could fire.

This was in a combat zone. Yet I have spent the last two fucking days dealing with armchair commandos telling me they need unlimited firepower to be safe in… Connecticut.

If there are bigger pussies in the world than gun nuts, I don’t know who the fuck they are.

So, because he was such an incompetent boob that he needed to have his ammo taped in his magazine, gun nuts are pussies – yeah, I don’t see the connection either. Besides, he calls them “ammo clips” – who, with more than a day in the Army, calls box magazines “ammo clips”? So, I’m thinking that John Cole was a cook, or anything except someone his unit would allow to guard something. And, I’m pretty sure that between the Iraq Wars, the Army was using 9mm Barettas and not the M1911A1 .45 cal pistol.

And the reason any magazines were taped wasn’t to prevent the ammunition from loading. The Army did that when ammunition was passed between guard shifts for accountability. But, of course, any dingus who thought they’re called “ammo clips” wouldn’t know that.

So why do I call Balloon Juice a shit hole? Because all of their writers are gun grabbing facists, apparently. They write shit like this;

Bernard Finel: If it were in my power, I’d seize every fucking firearm in the country other than revolvers, shotguns, and bolt-action rifles and melt them all down.

mistermix: If you must own an AR-15 or Bushmaster or AK-47, it should stay locked in your personal gun cabinet at the range, never to leave. If you change ranges, a bonded courier can take it to the new one. The same is true of the high-capacity clips for your Glock, your 100-round drum magazines, and all the other expensive toys that let you bang off a couple of dozen rounds in a minute. Yeah, that’s expensive and a nuisance. So are the laws surrounding other potentially unsafe pursuits.

Mistermix, my Glock uses high capacity magazines, not clips. The ammunition for my M4 is in clips until I put the bullets in the magazine. If you’re going to talk the language of gun control, learn the language of guns first.

After posting the Wikipedia entry for events leading up to the UK’s gun ban, Imani Gandy (ABL) posts this;

Am I suggesting that we ban handguns? No, not really. I am suggesting we have a sensible discussion about gun-control laws that leads to, as President Obama put it, meaningful action.

If you weren’t suggesting that we ban guns, why did you have to tell us that the UK banned guns because of an incident somewhat similar to Sandy Hook? Every leftist gun grabbing fascist on the internet is talking about “a sensible discussion”, but their discussion of a sensible discussion is senseless.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Uh, that’s a negative, oil slick.


@248 unfortunately it’s infinitely harder to use an SUV to kill a violent attacker (without killing others) than using an SUV to just kill a bunch of random strangers. Ditto for the other implements. Can you please apply a little critical thinking before you shoot your wad off?

@BWB yeah, I forgot Hitler confiscated Jewish guns. Of course, a lot of liberals would have us believe that this has no relevance on gun control whatsoever.


Again, why do you guys only care about gun deaths when there are so many other kinds of deaths that are more common and just as deadly? ALL forms of death are equally deadly. And as sad as it is when a kid is needlessly shot dead, it’s equally sad when he’s needlessly killed by a drunk driver. And don’t give me that “a car isn’t meant to kill people, a gun is” bullshit, because it doesn’t MATTER what it’s MEANT to do, it matters what it DOES do. The result, death, is what you’re supposedly trying to prevent…right? The “intent” of the tool is such a red herring…get off the topic of guns and lobby for low-alcohol drinks only and all speed limits to be changed to 10 mph if you really want to cut down on deaths, because those two things cause more deaths than firearms do. More deaths – do you understand? Why aren’t you concerned with THOSE deaths?

Nobody “needs” an “assault weapon”, you guys are always saying. Regardless of whether that’s true…it’s also a fact that nobody needs to drive more than 10 miles an hour. There is not a single person on this planet who literally NEEDS to drive more than ten miles an hour. We were able to get around before cars were invented. Thousands of people, including kids, are killed in high-speed car accidents. This is just a fact. Again, please try to forget about the whole pointless “car is not intended as a weapon” distinction, because it doesn’t matter when the FACT is that THOUSANDS DIE in car crashes.

Do you actually care about the deaths? Or is it just that you care first and foremost about fucking around with our 2nd Amendment rights, and will USE deaths to justify it?


@250, I’m not in the least bit concerned. I now attend classes daily with people eager to control the lives of others without no concept of what the “policy” they espouse will do to those affected.


I’m a big supporter of mass transit, such as trains, to reduce car-related deaths just as I’m a big supporter of strict gun laws to reduce gun-related deaths. Educated people care about more than 1 issue.


@253- results are not what drives these people, intentions are. Take a look at what their wonderful policies have done for Detroit.


@255- “Educated people”… lol. Such condescending bullshit is a progressive trademark. You go ahead and keep caring about issues and coming up with expensive boondoggles that won’t solve them. The rest of us will work in the real world.

PowerPoint Ranger


How about reading actual facts about mass shootings instead of relying on your addled recollection of the nightly news, dipshit.

Here are a few choice quotes:

“There is no pattern, there is no increase,” says criminologist James Allen Fox of Boston’s Northeastern University, who has been studying the subject since the 1980s, spurred by a rash of mass shootings in post offices.

The random mass shootings that get the most media attention are the rarest, Fox says. Most people who die of bullet wounds knew the identity of their killer.”

“Grant Duwe, a criminologist with the Minnesota Department of Corrections who has written a history of mass murders in America, said that while mass shootings rose between the 1960s and the 1990s, they actually dropped in the 2000s. And mass killings actually reached their peak in 1929, according to his data. He estimates that there were 32 in the 1980s, 42 in the 1990s and 26 in the first decade of the century.

Chances of being killed in a mass shooting, he says, are probably no greater than being struck by lightning.”

What was that you were saying about people on this site, many of whom have been on multiple deployments to combat zones that would make you piss your frilly white drawers?

Keep talking all the shit you want about your betters, who really did step up and volunteer to protect your ungracious and unworthy ass, along with the right for you to vomit your own pathologies over their computer screens. At the end of the day, you’re just a pathetic bottom feeder who can do no more than throw verbal spitballs at people who really did something in life.


@258- “your betters”… lol. Such condescending bullshit is a racist rightwing trademark. You go ahead and keep caring about issues and coming up with violent and irresponsible boondoggles that won’t solve them. The rest of us will work in the real world.


Look at what this car did the other day!

Loughrey a commenter here?


And these Topeka police officers should have been packing more heat to defend themselves from this car:

PowerPoint Ranger

259, his (and your) betters include people of all races. Try and get a refund on that magic racism decoder ring you bought off the infomercial during Ed Schultz, because you got ripped off.

As far as the “real world” goes, I just quoted you some reality from guys who do nothing but study the “real world” as it pertains to evil acts committed by evil people. Your bleating and histrionics despite those facts speaks volumes.


What took you so long, Strongarm? I figured accusations of racism would’ve come from a mental midget like you much sooner.


Look, those teachers that were killed were with government. They had it coming. The kids should have been homeschooled. Thomas Jefferson said it best “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”


By the way, the mother was one of yours:


The mother of Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza who slaughtered 20 US schoolchildren and seven adults was a gun-hoarding survivalist who was stockpiling weapons in preparation for an economic collapse, it has emerged.

Nancy Lanza was shot four times in the head before her son Adam gunned down young pupils and teachers at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

Her sister-in-law Marsha Lanza told reporters at her Illinois home that her gun-obsessed relative was part of the ‘prepper’ movement that fears an economic collapse will lead to a breakdown in society.

“She prepared for the worst,” Ms Lanza said.

“Last time we visited her in person, we talked about prepping — are you ready for what could happen down the line, when the economy collapses?”


Sound familiar? Thought so.


John cole, are you registered with your local police department as being a literal walking vagina? If not you should be. Even with the amount of illogical stupid diarrhea coming from the mouths of freedom hating scared pussies nobody here is trying to deny their constitutional rights. Yet the same cant be said of these frady pants trying to negate the human condition for that of a fantasy existence of man which has never been.


wow, Cole’s troll dancing boys are out in force tonight. Anyone is welcome to come to try to get my weapons from me, as I own them legally, am trained, keep them in and around my own property, and have a Constitutional right to have them. Let me know, I will arrange a meeting.
Wouldn’t be any of the hand wringing whiny little libtards spewing their catty, uninformed screeds, though. Work is for others, in their view.
Gun grabbing fascists take note. I have seen many more dead insurgents that I respect more, as they actually put up a fight and try to back it up instead of running their mouth.
Words and insults are cheap-back up all the tough talk. Didn’t think so-not even going to try to scratch my eyes out or show me your hand? (talk to the hand)
I spit on liberals, progressives and fascists and look forward to the upcoming unpleasantness if this country continues down this path. Then we will see what is what and who wants to dance.


Well, since Nancy Lanza’s sister-in-law is a local person, I went searching for a video of what she actualy said, which had nothing about preppers or doomsday stuff in it:

The quote by Strongarm comes from some online rag called examiner dot com, which says its link comes from WLN. Well, the WLN stand for various library networks (Westmoreland Library Network, Washington Library Network, etc.). There is no link to a TV or radio media outlet, local or otherwise, with the call sign WLN.

So Strongarm lied and his source lied.

End of story.


“I guess people killed with switchblades are less dead than people killed with handguns.”

The crux of the issue.

LTC Dave Grossman had it right in “On Combat.” Guns=loud=scary. Guns are no more or less deadly than knives or bats, they are just louder and scarier.

Also, typical moonbats coming in and throwing fourth grade “racist!” and “deficient anatomy” insults around, instead of any semblance of intelligent debate. I guess they are just projecting their deficiencies onto us. Oh well, I didn’t respect anyone who would read that balloon blog before and I sure don’t now.


Idaho2run, has it occurred to you that the so-called liberals are not actually one bit liberal?

Liberal means free to choose, free to think for yourself, free to make your own decisions, and they don’t want that.

They are not one bit progressive. Progressive means moving forward. They don’t want that, either. They want stagnation. They want to be monitored. They want every decision made for them. That is neither liberal nore progressive. It’s stuck in the mud and afraid of their own shadows.

I think that liberal and progressive as political terms need to be replaced by something more appropriate.


The mother was one of yours.


Did paranoid, gun-crazed mother trigger son’s school killing spree? Friends say she believed world was on edge of collapse

The mother of the loner who massacred 26 pupils and staff at a US primary school may have played a major part in his catastrophic mental breakdown, it emerged last night.
Friends and family portrayed Adam Lanza’s mother Nancy as a paranoid ‘survivalist’ who believed the world was on the verge of violent, economic collapse.

She is reported to have been struggling to hold herself together and had been stockpiling food, water and guns in the large home she shared with her 20-year-old son in Connecticut.
Mrs Lanza, 52, was a ‘prepper’ – so called because they are preparing for a breakdown in civilised society – who apparently became obsessed with guns and taught Adam and his older brother, Ryan, how to shoot, even taking them to local ranges.

That backfired horrifically on Friday when Adam Lanza began his killing spree by shooting his mother dead in bed.
He fired four bullets into her head – possibly as she slept – then took three of her guns to Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, where he killed 20 children and six staff.

Lanza’s aunt Marsha said Nancy was ‘self reliant’ and that they talked a lot about how she was preparing for the economic meltdown.


How many regular commenters here are NOT preppers?


Okay who let all the “tin foil hat wearers” in? Can’t we just do a fly over their houses with our “black helicopters.”


@270 EX-PH2,
Gotcha. Just using the current terms for dirty, smelly hippies, fascists, communists, and wannabe totalitarian scum.
You are right, they are far more rigid in their fanatical pursuit of socialism and leftist utopia to be thought of as liberal. They are about as liberal in the normal use of the word as rabid, foaming at the mouth jihadist.
Same for progressive. They only want to see if they can somehow make the ideas given to us by Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Chavez, etc actually work.
These idiots would rather bang the bongo, smoke the ganga, worship Gaia and tell others how to live.


Here’s a local source link to the aunt’s response to the media:,0,1330351.story

Strongarm, you are a lying bastard. You are the lowest of the lowlife slugs that hover around corpses and feed off of them. You are no better than the offal that you feed on.

Calling you a pig would be an insult to pigs, and they’re a lot more intelligent than you are, too.


@270 – I honestly don’t think they all give it that much thought. I believe your blurb put more thought into their political leanings than they have. I think they consider themselve liberal because it “feels” good. It feels good to bash people who are and think differently then them, because they are “loving and tolerant.”

I tend to think that is the difference between modern liberalism and modern conservatism. Liberalism deals with how they want the world to be(their own private utopia), conservative deal with the world as it really is.


Yes, Idaho, but none of that is progressive or liberal.

Progressive means you don’t get in the way of the mom and pop shop owners or the guy who wants to invent the light bulb or the hearing aid. Liberal means you don’t tell other people what they should or should not eat, or what kind of retirement savings they’re allowed to have.

If these people had to live with the kind of monitoring that the Chinese government used on its own citizens and still does, or even more intense monitoring as in “1984”, they’d be screaming themselves into fits over it.


#274 Nice insult screed, guess the truth hurts so bad that you have to revert to weak “lowlife slug” smack. Don’t blame the messenger, the reports are all over the media:


As America searches for answers, investigators are turning towards Nancy Lanza’s supposed identification as a survivalist.

The Daily Mail reports Ms Lanza stockpiled weapons and food for what she saw as America’s coming economic collapse.

The ‘prepper’ revelations may provide one insight into Adam Lanza’s motive for taking so many innocent lives





@265- she was a single mother and a school teacher, dealing with a psychotic child. I thought you progressives cared about them and their plight? Life of Julia and all that stuff, you know? Unless… you were lying. Again. Gosh, that seems to happen quite often.

This woman made a mistake in not locking up her firearms, as has been said here before, and many families have paid a terrible price as a result. Part of being a responsible gun owner is keeping your weapons safe. That includes ensuring they stay out of anyone else’s hands unless you are present in a supervisory role.

However, the bigger issue (after all, those of us who are educated care about more than one issue) is why her son wasn’t recieving care (not medication, actual care) for his problem, or why he wasn’t able to be placed into a facility that could help him? I know the ACLU shut those joints down, but perhaps it’s time to re-think that decision. Ms. Lanza’s firearms wouldn’t have gotten there on their own. Without Adam, there would have been no problem.

The VA Tech shooter was mentally ill. As was the guy who shot Congresswoman Giffords, the guy who shot up that place in Binghamton, and the Aurora shooter. The problem with these other examples was the failure of our law enforcement to be able to obtain mental health records. Why don’t you progressive dipshits campaign to allow our law enforcement (the guys who do the background check) access to the information that would actually keep legal firearms out of the hands of those who are mentally unfit? The laws are already on the books. The means to enforce them, however, are not. More laws on top of the existing laws will not solve anything, it’ll just piss off legal gun owners by adding extra bullshit they have to deal with.

But that’s probably all you want anyway. Just stack enough bureaucracy and law on anything, and people will stop doing it legally.


@ C’mon Teddy, you know they only care about their special interest groups like single mothers when it is time to vote. Voting is over..


@275, I think it’s the difference between common sense coupled with self-sufficiency, and being intellectually lazy along with a dislike of anyone who disagrees with you.

People on this blog frequently disagree with each other, but they don’t get into personal attacks like this most recent bunch of peculiar beings. I’ve seldom seen so much animosity, and just because someone has a different viewpoint?

This discussion was abut guns, having versus not having, and while I don’t have one, and don’t want one, I respect the choices of other people who do want and do have them. It’s this freedom to choose that seems to bug the living daylights out of the opposition.


20 Children:

Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Madeleine F. Hsu, 6
Catherine V. Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison N. Wyatt, 6

6 Union Thugs:

Rachel Davino, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, 47, principal
Anne Marie Murphy, 52, special education teacher
Lauren Rousseau, 30, teacher
Mary Sherlach, 56, school psychologist
Victoria Soto, 27, first grade teacher

In between all the endless, self pittying whining articles about the mean old liberals taking away your guns I thought i might remind you of the real victims here. It’s not you. You are right about one thing: I for one am not interested in having a reasoned conversation. YOu’re not reasonable people.


@280- keep waving that bloody shirt, insipid. It’s classy stuff.


Dear Insipid,

A mentally unstable person killed those people. Stop blaming an inanimate object.



Is anyone of your ilk aware of who the suspect was? It’s not us either. Talk about unreasonable.



I don’t own a gun either, but apparently because I support the Bill of Rights, I fall in the gun nut category. 🙂


@278: You mean these types of laws that are “already on the books”? Like in 22 states where it is legal for an 8 year old to buy a shotgun? ============= 1. Concealed carry at 16 — with no permit: Most states that allow people to carry a concealed weapon on their person require gun owners to obtain a permit before doing so. But four states — Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming and Vermont — allow concealed carry without any permit. That means, the Brady Campaign’s Brian Malte tells me, that Jared Loughner was in full compliance with Arizona law up until the moment he used his concealed weapons to kill six people and severely injure Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Vermont, however, stands out from the pack because it allows people as young as 16 to conceal carry without parental permission, as well as buy handguns. So a Vermont teenager aged 16 can’t legally go to an R-rated movie alone or join the military, but he can buy a handgun and carry it in his jeans and be completely within the limits of the law. 2. Property rights end where gun rights begin: According to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, 17 states, including Oklahoma and Florida, bar employers from preventing their employees from bringing guns to work and keeping them locked in their vehicles, even if those vehicles are on the property of the employer. Indiana and North Dakota allow employees to sue their employers for damages if asked about gun possession. The North Dakota statue specifically bars employers from asking if employees’ vehicles parked on company property have weapons in them. Georgia bars employers from making employment conditional on not bringing guns to work. 3. License to kill, even in public: A class of laws, called “castle doctrine” statutes by supporters, in most states clarify that homeowners who feel threatened in their domicile have no duty to retreat from threats or to refrain from the use of deadly force. But most states also have such laws that apply to conflagrations in public places, far removed from the shooter’s “castle.”… Read more »


what you gentlefolk just don’t get – is the gun laws are a matter of “where do you draw the line” I think it’s safe to say we all agree that the government should have nuclears weapons, and individuals shouldn’t, right? and we all agree that banning kitchen knives is stupid too, right? and I think it’s fair to say that the vast majority of people in this country want a store owner who makes a bank deposit @ 2:00 a.m. be able to carry a gun in case of a robbery, likewise for law enforcement. the way I see this debate failing in the rationality department is in the failure to realize that it’s really a “where do we dray the line” thing. (and look, the this week flash of the Michigan legislature saying conceal carry to sporting events is a good idea… drunk people at a game who are emotional and may have ROn Artest jumping in the stands are a bad bet for a good result of gun use) do we draw the line at having a revolver? do we draw the line at a shotgun? do we draw the line at a semi auto with a 10 round magazine? 20? do we draw that line at a .50 cal machine gun? against a govenment which has drones, modern tanks, modern attack helicopters, the notion that a bunch of people with even .50 cal machine guns are an actual check on govenment power is silly. you need to move that line to allow people to have RPGs at a minimum Really it’s a where do you draw the line kind of question – and the line is already drawn, I can’t get myself a surplus T72 and load up that cannon. the debate is really about moving that line. I think where the line should end up should be a function of the best statisticsa and science, not a McGeiveresque hate of guns, or a constant indutry drumbeat to buy more because the feared mass government takeaway is just around the corner. we have arms control, it… Read more »


@285– Not sure what you are ranting about, but Teddy and I were talking about the villification of the killer’s single mother. A demographic that liberal say they care about..


#287 I’m fairly certian he just shifted into full blown copy/paste mode, since he clearly can’t think for himself. Just watch out when you find useless hacks posing as bloggers and call them out on their bullshit, like Mr. Cole here. They’ll unleash teh stupid all over you.


To all you preppers out there, the mother was one of you and here’s the interview to prove it:

I’d suggest you watch your own kids and spend less time fantasizing about your deadly toys.



Guess he just want to prove all the tragedies that happen with guns at school, and the laws that go along with it. I wonder when liberals became full baby/daddy government mode: the government must regulate every aspect of our lives. It is hilarious to read their comments; they are appalled and feel for the shinny thing that the conservative boogie man wants to regulate their abortions(apparently not killing), marriages and contraceptions but agree guns are baaaaaddd..

And apparently you all must be very “young” soldiers with small penises..or is peni the plural- I forget. Anyway, and most of you probably haven’t seen combat. Quite hilarious, the high fiving that is going on at their blog. And all of them actually believe that they came over here and outwitted all of us.. 🙂


@285- nice copy/paste.

An 8 year old cannot buy a shotgun without his or her parents present (and what 8 year old has that kind of money without it coming from their parents?), despite the fearmongering you’ve been subject to.



Preppers don’t exist.. Better watch talking about our secret organization or I will have to fly my black helicopter over your tinfoil hat..

Actually in all seriousness, I had to look that one up.. lol


Not sure how strict gun control would work in America as there is already so many guns in circulation. Also it is relative easy for guns to be carried in from the southern boarder.

Here in Australia gun control is highly effective as its now pretty much impossible to get your hands on a fire arm. You can’t buy one as it is pretty much illegal and you can’t steal one as there are none to steal. Then if you could get your hands on one, somehow? It could only be a single shot rifle or low calibre hand gun.


@294: Shhh, don’t talk about other parts of the world. The readers of this blog have never left the US unless it was with a gun to go kill browns.


@ 293 It would work as well as keeping drugs and illegal immigrants out of America has worked.

What would happen is law abiding people would be forced to turn in their fire arms, and the people who want to commit crimes would continue to procure them one way or the other.


@294 Can you be any more ignorant? Many of us have actually lived in other parts of the world. You know, not the visit the hotel and site seeing kind, but actual honest to God address in other nations. You truly have a small mind.


Dear Melle, I’m sick of that argument.

The tool needs to exist in order for the person to weild it. You need scissors to cut, a car to drive and a gun to shoot. Take the tool away and the person cannot weild it.

@Teddy- this site was posting articles on this site whining about your alleged “rights” before the bodies of these kids were even cold. Don’t talk to me about “classy.”

We’re tired of being told that there is nothing we can do save arm everyone from your crowd. That our right to keep and bear children must be subservient to your “right” to keep and bear arms. That the only way we can protect our right not to be shot is to be constantly prepared to shoot.

I do not want to live in your world anymore. I find it disgusting and i want to change it. It’s not “waving the bloody shirt”. It’s saying that I’ve had enough of this. This is becoming a common occurence in our nation.

Maybe liberals are going about it the wrong way, but at least we’re going about it. The only “solution” you seem to want to accept, more guns, is anathema to me.

Plus, despite Jonn’s laughable cherry picking of Washington DC, we know that the states with the most permissive gun laws have the highest amounts of gun deaths. The states with the least permissive gun laws have the least amount of deaths. Jonn “conveniently” left New York- and its extreme success with tight gun laws- out of his “analysis.”

So since you solutions aren’t, i think we should try ours.


Dear Insipid,

China has one one of the most strictest gun cultures, please do yourself a favor and look up the rash of shootings that have happened recently in China. In fact, look up the 22 people injured when a KNIFE wielding person went to a school. THE TOOL IS NOT THE SYSTEMIC PROBLEM. THE TOOL IS A MEANS. The systemic problem is violence and mental illness. Learn to deal with those issues, and you won’t have to worry about inanimate objects. Liberals aren’t doing anything but dealing with a symptom, but that is their MO so Meh!

Sign, Melle and Logic


Yes, they were INJURED with a knife. But no one died. And, the reality is that we are BY FAR the worst nation in the world when it comes to gun deaths. It’s not even close.

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