Douche bag being douchie

| November 19, 2012

Meet Lindsey Stone, a self-proclaimed douchebag. See that picture? She thinks it’s hilarious because she’s being her douche bag self. Of course, she’s at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and she thinks that doing what she’s doing is like smoking under a “No Smoking” sign.

This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in general

Whose authority, Lindsey? The folks enforcing the “Silence & Respect” are soldiers. The Tomb is property of the Army, more accurately, the soldiers who are interred there. Of course, the sign is just supposed to remind you of your own proper conduct, the proper conduct you were not taught by your parents, apparently. There is no authority to challenge, really, well, except your upbringing, which by the looks of things is lacking.

Of course, the reason that you think this is funny is because popular culture tells you that the more outrageous you are, the more popular you’ll be. I believe your generation calls it “pushing the envelope” or something. Congratulations, Lindsey, you found the outer edge of the envelope, outside the limits of what we as a civilized society will accept.

Of course, Lindsey’s friends told her that she was wrong, but she left the picture up on her Facebook thingie – right through Veterans’ Day, so she wasn’t chastised quite enough to make her feel any measure of shame for her behavior.

Thanks to JP for the link.

Edit by NSOM:

Pending a follow up from Jonn, do not post home contact information for anyone you think may be Stone. It may not actually be her, innocent third parties may live there and just because YOU’RE mentally stable doesn’t mean the next person to read her home address is too. Her workplace and work number are fine, home addresses are not.

Category: Shitbags

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I’m thinking we’ve focused too much on just Ms Stone. She had an accomplice.

This shouldn’t just be about her. It took two to do this little dance. It wouldn’t be right for Ms Stone to face the consequences, if any, alone.


I think I just now got what you were saying. No, I don’t think anyone should have to go around cleaning up after the troll. That’s a bit much to put on you or anyone else.


@241: I’ll give you the short answer – not out of any disrespect, but simply because it’s late and gets to the point faster. You said: “I’d be interested in an answer from you on that basic question about why you seem to think Frank has the right to tell the rest of us to lay off because he’s “just” pointing out that maybe she’s had enough?”

I think he has the right to that opinion, just as you are more than welcome to yours that, no, this isn’t ‘enough’ yet. (If that’s your opinion; I’m just making a point not trying to put words in your mouth.) I didn’t take his side and tell you all to ‘lay off’ the woman in question, I simply said that he has a point -even if we disagree with it- and personal attacks on HIM, for expressing that opinion as an 18-year old kid who stumbled in here and is apparently new to the site, simply aren’t necessary. Yeah, I know, his entrance started with his own stupidity, I get that. He apologized and moved on, though, so I felt the attacks were misguided and counterproductive.

It was never about telling you what to think about the woman and her acts of idiocy at Arlington, it was about what I felt to be misplaced anger at ‘Frank’. I’m not sure where you get that I don’t respect other points of view, but I have no problem with them. I wouldn’t be on here if I did. Feel differently? No problem.

Signal Soldier

Thanks for the clarification!


Your exactly right Signal Soldier. I was about to post that the last comment was not from me. I realize now that this COWARD is using most of us.
Check you all later.

Signal Soldier

You guys have a good one! Take care!

Ptolemy in Egypt


That’s reasonable.

I am angry at this individual Stone and got tired of Frank’s seemingly endless responses when he had more than enough openings to rest his case and move on. It now looks like some of those responses weren’t actually his, so…I probably should have left well enough alone at the end.

That said- respect is a two-way street. He knowingly chose to come in here and insert himself into a heated topic while lacking much of a perspective. Maybe next time he takes a different approach…


@256: Oh, I agree he certainly jumped into the thick of it without having a sense of the atmosphere first – I’m only cutting him slack on that because he’s evidently new. If he does it again, he doesn’t get the same benefit of the doubt, but the fact that he seemed to learn from his mistake and adjust quickly (and apologize) lead me to give him some credit.

And yeah, the clown who was spoofing people caused a bit of mayhem too. No harm done, though, just a big distraction from the real stupidity – that of the Stone woman. And I share your anger at her actions. Let’s see what tomorrow brings on that front.


I served myself in afgan and lost friends over seas and I’m saying fuck you to her!!!


Frank, you’ve done nothing nor said anything for anyone to respect you. You’re as much of a piece of shit as the shitbag cunt causing this ruckus.

“Lindsey” most certainly hasn’t paid for her lack of manners and civility.

I am disappointed that the admin(s) would retract her home address as I would love to buy a plane ticket and picket in front of this assface’s home. And I’m sure I wouldn’t be alone.


Frank, apparently the best part of you ran down your moms leg a number of years ago…..

Lindsey, your mom should have swallowed you disrespectful cunt bag


Her and the Jamie lady that took the picture have already been forced to resign from another assisted living facility in the past for their behavior. Maybe LIFE should investigate potential employees a little better. They SHOULD take extra steps to make sure the person they are hiring is the best and most well able to take care of the disabled patrons they cater to.


I’ll make you a deal, if she doesn’t go then we will. We (my military brothers and sisters) come by the millions and have families that come by even more astounding numbers; so, if you think your business is hurting now, watch what happens when we boycott by the millions. Just a simple piece of respect we want to show her and you if she’s not fired…..


For the record: the individual NSOM identified as using multiple identities – including some of TAH regulars – in comment 250 above appears to have been the tool posting as “Navy_Seals”. His first several posts from that IP address were all under that screen name.

The IP address traces to a Comcast residential IP in Carlisle, PA.

I’ve changed the name associated with all of these to “Navy_Seals” – though “shithead” would have probably been more appropriate. As a result, some of the jerkwad’s comments may not make that much sense now, as the dipstick was talking to himself in some of his later posts.

I think it’s a good bet Jonn will be putting that IP address on the moderated list.

Sock puppets ain’t cool, Sealy-boy.


Wow…I take the night off and miss all THIS??

Maybe a little trip down to the Cape for a four-hour block of instructional counseling (say, drag her ass up to a VA Hospital around Boston) might be in order.

Followed by an ass-kick so hard she’ll be shitting between her shoulder blades. Not that I’m violent or anything.


@ 264 – I will gladly vouch for your “non-violent or anything” behavior, Sparky. Instead of hauling her to the VA Hospital in Boston, make it a week long trip down to WRAMC. Let her and her picture taking friend, tell their sad story to the families, wives and wounded soldiers there. Just maybe, it’d hit home just a bit harder than kicking her ass up between her shoulder blades. Just a thought, amigo.


I know, Sparky. I obviously went to bed too soon.

Taco Bell

Once again, Emails and FB have the half life of an Atom…She will be forever hated until Code Pink hires her. I say bring back the “Code Red” on some of these folks… just kidding of course. maybe set her up on a date with Mikey Yawn, that would be punishment enough.


Taco? You are a *sick and twisted* individual. I like the punishment you just prescribed for some odd reason….lol!


It was pretty quiet when most of us signed off last night! Seems we missed some fun. And it looks like that Karma thing that is mentioned from time to time has struck this pwecious widdle loon.

2-17 Air Cav

She says she likes “challenging authority in general.” She will run to whatever authority she can now to seek relief from the onslaught of negative feedback she has invited to herself. You can bet on that. She will go to her authority figures at work and cry and plead. She will fo to FB and demand enforcement of some posting policy prohibitions of theirs. She will sob on the shoulders of mummsie and dadsie. She may even go to those most loathesome of authority figures–the police–to ask what action, if any she can take. Yes, it’s fun to challenge authority, isn’t it Lindsey?


Someone needs to tell the round Marine that Lindsey has a cookie in her pocket.



Just another in the long line of attention seeking idiots doing whatever they can to stir anger and stroke their own egos. And the “best” way to do it is by doing something highly offensive to the military.

Sure way to get a zillion facebook rantings and attention. Then play it off and act like it was all a big “misunderstanding,” or in the cases of some, get so turned on by all the attention continue to act like an idiot.

So predictable.

Signal Soldier

LIFE- Living Independently Forever
Copy and paste that name on Facebook to contact her employer! They posted last night that they would be apologizing for her behavior, and they have received almost 4600 replies so far.

Signal Soldier

Over 4,700 now!

20 something & starting to wish I was from somewhere else

You know what, no where else in the civilized world would you see this shit, you wouldn’t see a German girl posting the same picture at aushwitzs. I know the US disbanded the whole draft thing, but maybe we should start acting like parts of Europe and make it a requirement to do a year of military involvement to teach these assholes why they are even allowed to be here. Or instead, we can just keep loaning them thousands of dollars for university educations that have “D’s get degrees” standards in which they waste all that loan and grant money on educating themselves to be varsity drinkers and straight up disrespectful pricks. The USA society has bred people just like this stupid bitch – why? Because everything has been handed to the American youth thanks to our “boomer” and “post-boomer” rich ass parents who were too concerned with making more money and living lavishly than actually installing morals into their children. I’m proud to come from a military family who taught me right. Otherwise I’d probably get sucker punched by a girl like me…


By the way, their website this morning has a job advertisement for a new case manager…


Over 5,176 comments on their non-apology so far!


It is a stupid thing she did, but the death threats against her, the trying to get her fired goes too fucking far. Lynch Mobs are still alive and well today I guess though. don’t forget that while what she did was in poor taste, what many are now doing may be actually ILLEGAL!! Threatening someone with physical harm or death is a felony in most states and it doesn’t matter if you do it on facebook or some web blog. You threaten to kill or harm someone you are making yourself eligible for prosecution. Not to mention civil liabilities for harassing her…
What she did was wrong, but what I see going on now…. this is just as if not more wrong than some stupid childish photograph, that you know she did not mean to be disrespectful of those buried there. Let’s not allow that to stop us from a good ole fashioned lynching though.


To Frank: I have a son laid to rest there. ( )
to the rest, I took this from a posted earlier:
This is my proposal for an acceptable apology from her and LIFE All parties involved to include the one taking the photograph need to make and official public apology. People that do stuff like this will only make it and move on. They need to learn what sacrifices have been made for her to disrespect like she did. So i propose that Lindsey and Jamie both go work in a VA Hospital for a minimum of 3 weeks. 40 hours a week. They work with the Veterans with PTSD. Also they take care of those with amputations. they are not allowed to speak to anyone. be respectful but their voices shall not be heard. Also for the next 12 months they attend every Military Funeral with in 100 miles of their home giving their apologies and thanks to the families and again not allowed to speak except to apologize. maybe just maybe after watching the pain caused from the sacrifice of others they will understand.


Wow. A run to the bazaar and this thing exploded! She is such a nit-wit. The moral of the story here is that things on posted on the internet stay on the internet and are seen and judged by others. If you don’t want to be seen as a jack-ass, don’t do jack-ass things like disrespecting Arlington National Cemetery.


No, PFDRbrendan.
If you don’t want to be SEEN as a jackass, then DON’T BE A JACkASS.

Karmic law is simple: the energy from EVERYTHING that you do goes out into the universe and comes back to land on you nine times over. Everything you do has consequences. If, as someone pointed out, she was on a company-sponsored trip, her employer should let her know the consequences right away.

And if the troll defending this very crude and ill-mannered overgrown child doesn’t understand what the consequences are for something like this, employers search the internet before hiring someone to see how people act and what they do when they aren’t at work. This kind of behavior can not only get you fired, especially from the establishment where she now(?) works, it can and does make it difficult for the person doing it to get another job.

Since it has gone viral on the internet and few, if any, people are supporting her, her compaint that it was a ‘harmles’ prank and she’s had ‘enough’ is what comes out of the mouth of a 10-year-old kid who tied cans to the dog’s tail and chased him with a BB gun, laughing about it.

If she’s complaining about the reactions from people who don’t even “know” her, as I said elsewhere, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”


Isn’t TSO from Mass? Dang…


One last thing: seeing this picture again really makes me understand the benefits of smacking your kids on the behind when they misbehave.


@ 250 … you are nuts!

2-17 Air Cav

@278. Nice speech. Now, would you point out for my edification where those threats are. There are far too many comments now for me to review each.


@ 284 … No … I am nuts .. how did I get dragged in to this mess?


She says “OBVIOUSLY we meant no disrespect”

It isn’t OBVIOUS to anyone but you bitch.


Jamie Schuh took the pic (Schuh, Jamie – Director of SIL, Hyannis…….508-418-5659 Lyndsey Stone is the douche in it (Stone, Lindsey – Case/Money Manager at Hyannis……508-418-5668 Exec Director – feel free to call and email at will (Enochs, Diane – Executive Director…… 508-418-5665/5684

Signal Soldier

I just posted this on all of the Likes that “LIFE” has on their Facebook Page, Check out the first comment on one of the sites:

Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council
24 minutes ago ·
I just wanted to let you know that, LIFE- Living Independently Forever; have you added to their likes on Facebook.
A representative / Manager for this organization, Lindsey Stone, while on a company trip to Washington D.C., decided to show her opinion of our fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. “LIFE”, had posted that it would be issuing an apology for the behavior this morning. They have yet to do so. It appears that over 6,000 (and rising) are waiting for this apology as well as their comment on what corrective action they will be taking towards Miss Stone. I inform you of this because you show up on their Facebook page and I for one would hate to be associated with this NPO at this time. I trust that you would not either! If you agree, as I do, that the behavior of Miss Stone is unacceptable, please contact LIFE and ask them to remove you from their likes. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Like ·
Teri Lynne Sabin likes this.

Teri Lynne Sabin Also the person taking the picture was Jamie Schuh also in management for this company. I am concerned for the care the clients receive at this company.

I also included the picture as well, Phase two is under way and the heat was turned up! Maybe we will get a response now!

Signal Soldier

It looks like the posts are coming from the special education community now and locals! Keep the pressure on!


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Theresa Kleppingerposted toStolen Valor

about a minute ago.

Thank you for your service, I do not advocate violence since the aftermath of what I personally witnessed after the gulf war, though I fought for her right to be wrong, I feel that her only being caught is what is making her regret her actions, it was suggestd to me that in one posting that I didnt want to make her lose her job by a fello
w veteran, no it is not the purpose of her to lose her job but to make her understand what the sacrifices that we witnessed during before and after the war and what it entails not only for us but also for our families. This hallowed ground where she made this very defecating pose is righteously apalling but if she were made to understand what the veterans who have survived and personally witness what the surviving families of fallen soldiers experience is more teaching than anything negative said or done. GOD BLESS


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Stolen Valor

43,664 likes · 40,414 talking about this.

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AR670 -1
Here is an excerpt from Army Regulation 670-1, pertaining to anyone other than


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Theresa Kleppingerposted toStolen Valor

2 minutes ago.

Thank you for your service, I do not advocate violence since the aftermath of what I personally witnessed after the gulf war, though I fought for her right to be wrong, I feel that her only being caught is what is making her regret her actions, it was suggestd to me that in one posting that I didnt want to make her lose her job by a fello
w veteran, no it is not the purpose of her to lose her job but to make her understand what the sacrifices that we witnessed during before and after the war and what it entails not only for us but also for our families. This hallowed ground where she made this very defecating pose is righteously apalling but if she were made to understand what the veterans who have survived and personally witness what the surviving families of fallen soldiers experience is more teaching than anything negative said or done. GOD BLESS


Does the troll’s posts come from the same IP address as Stumpy Joe?


The two employees from LIFE, who have implicated in the photo, have been placed on “leave” as per LIFE receptionist who answered at 1108.

NJ Paramedic

She’s an idiot. She states that she was just breaking the rules like she did the night before by smoking beside a no smoking sign. She really is stupid as there is no comparison between the two. If she is direct care staff I would most definitely reconsider her employment because, if she can do this and have it posted on Facebook, can you just imagine what she’s doing to/with the clients that she’s supposedly taking care of

2-17 Air Cav

@289. They first called their lawyers, no dobt, and are reviewing the potential ramifications of issuing an apology. I expect that they will be advised NOT to apolgize, that she should be canned, and that a statement to the effect that “Ms. Stone is no longer an employee here” will be posted.


Twist: no, it’s not Stumpy-boy.

On a related note: I always wondered if Stumpy-boy got his nickname because he used to date Lorena Bobbitt . . . .

Signal Soldier

I have been contacting the business contacts of LIFE, since they have been dragging their feet on this. Here is a comment back from one of them:
Cape Abilities: What a shame. We checked LIFE’s page and the organization does plan to issue an apology for their employee’s disgraceful behavior, which they do not condone. How sad that her actions reflect badly on an organization that does so much good; that is unfair.

Somali Vet-Spc. Hall

I changed my user name from Signal Soldier to the new one. I see they posted my picture on Members Gallery, that way I am more identifiable.

Retired Combat Vet

Whoa Whoa Whoa…

This is just us, kicking you in the proverbial balls for being a douche bag.


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