Robert Danny Hay; shortest USMC career in history
Scotty sends us his research on Robert Danny Hay of Helena, Montana who rides around with his Marine Corps career on the back of his pickup;

The word on the street is that he’s picking up a large VA check every month for his injuries in Vietnam that go along with all of those stickers. However, that’s not what the USMC says about his career;

According to Scotty, there’s going to be a knock at his door this morning.
Category: Phony soldiers
Hey, knucklefuck… It’s public when you post the shit on your POV and drive it on public roads.
So, you are saying the pic above really IS you? Whodathunkit.
Meanwhile, why would any of us want to be in the same state with you, much less stalk you? All we want is for you to quit making unfounded claims. You know, that pesky stuff that is a crime – the one called Stolen Valor. Return to being a law abiding citizen (assuming that you ever were one) and we are good to go.
Meanwhile, when you make a fool of yourself in public, don’t get your panties in a wad when folks point and laugh at your antics. Must be what you wanted, or you wouldn’t have violated the law in the first place.
you will be found,,,maybe not today or next month,,but you will be found,,arrested,,and sued,for federal violations,right now,,,,this man who calls himself Scotty,,IS considered a stalking violator,,and Guilty of 2 counts of Felony. and as far as the person, who runs and operates this website , will be found,and charged will FELONY CHARGES OF THE PRIVACY ACT,,,,,,UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT LAWS,,A PERSON DISPLAYING A PERSONS PERSONAL INFORMATION ON AND INTERNET SITE, OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES,WILL BE PROSECUTED FOR VIOLATION OF THAT ACT. THIS GOES FOR THE PERSON RUNNING THIS WEB SITE. I HAVE NEWS FOR ALL YOU MORONS THAT HAVE MADE COMMENTS,,,,,LEARN THE FEDERAL LAW!,,,,,,,,YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF 2 FELONIES ALREADY!,,,,,LAUGH NOW,HAVE YOUR FUN,,,,YOUR DAY IN FEDERAL COURT IS COMING!
That’s Felony, no, Capital, Stupid right there.
OLD DOG,,,,,,you don’t know this man,,only what some dipshit edited and put on here to SELL A STORY for someone to read,,and try to get paid for it.,,,,,,,OLD DOG,,CLIMB BACK INTO THE PILE OF COWSHIT YOU CAME OUT OFF!
Just when you think all the Wickre fun is over, up steps Bobble head Bobby saying “I’ll be your pinata”. Keep coming back boy! lol
I really wish Bobbi-boi would look up the definition of “public record information”.
#207, the “Wickre fun” has only just begun. Hay, you need to read the Wickre posts and draw a lesson from that. The smartest thing you can do is take that bullshit off your truck and stfu. But, I’m guessing that you’re not that smart to begin with.
Oooooooooooh! Hey, Hay, no one here has committed a felony except you. Telling people you’re a cop when you aren’t is illegal, or didn’t you know that? And no one has posted your PII here.
Oh, gosh, this is almost as funny as watching psul the uncool rattle on with his drivel. That all caps stuff is so-o-o revealing. Has he been talking to dullasasticKk?
Who is this John jackass?
Listen here knucklefu@k:
You have no idea what you are talking about … period.
First, Right to Be is a Right to See (and take photos).
Second, this is a news worthy story. Because WE want to know.
Finally, information found in the public domain regardless how it got there is fair game. There are few exceptions (national security etc).
In conclusion, you are a loon who has no experience in such matters and I might recommend that you retreat to your trailor park and watch some UHF on your black and white TV.
MCPO: do you really need more than one guess to figure out who “john” commenting above is?
john is indeed Hay, trying to be clever, I suppose, except when most people are trying to hide their identity, they don’t sign in with their actual email address.
for some reason I read post 204 in a escalating shrieking voice and could almost see some fat red faced man with his eyes bugging out as he pounded away on his keyboard. don’t pop a blood vessel there Bobbi-boi. also, you are not the first troll to think it was cute to use some variation on the name “John” so as to mock the site owner. very original thinking.
And I had SO hoped it was psulie-o the uncoolie-o, but no – it is, what? Maybe 3rd cousin or a clone?
@215, that family tree don’t branch.
A word, if I may.
First, no. Nobody’s buying the sockpuppet routine. Maybe if you knew how computers worked you’d understand, but I doubt it.
Second, nobody’s buying the stalking routine, either. Has anyone shown up at your work, home, etc.? Can you TRUTHFULLY say that you’ve felt in fear for your safety as a result of the attention you’ve received here? I mean, yeah, you might be concerned for your safety if you get convicted of fraud and end up as Bubba’s bitch for a couple of years, but that doesn’t count.
Third, it’s not all that impressive unless you pretend you have “lucky sperm”, drive a shitty Jag (although a shitty pickup in MT does come close), and use the phrase “as to” a whole lot more than necessary.
Fourth, there’s this thing called “discovery” and giving false information during a sworn affidavit falls under perjury statutes. So really, if you want to pursue that route, that’s totally up to you, but I’m guessing you REALLY don’t want to go there, particularly since you could very well be facing a counterclaim as a result.
IOW, fess up to what you’ve done, start paying back to the VA what you were not entitled to, and MAYBE you’ll be able to face yourself in the mirror in the morning, possibly without Bubba also looking in the same mirror at the same time while he’s punching your leather donut.
JUST AS A WARNING,,,the Federal Government is watching this site.violators be ware!,,,,,,,,hope you enjoy you time in prison,,,and have LOTS OF MONEY FOR ATTORNEY AND FINES!
OMG Jonn! He’s going to call the cops on you! He’s going to sue! OMG! That’s never been threatened before has it? /s
Atta boy bobblehead! triple down on teh stupid!
You have lots of money for attorney and fines?
Gee, big spender, spend a little dime on some tape to zip your mouth shut.
Um, the Federal Government is closed. Read the news.
The clueless john, huffing and puffing.
Hondo and Jonn. Thought so, but at first I thought it could have been his cousin-brother or his uncle-father.
Johnee Bobbie Boy,
Here is another example of what anyone can do. This example is often used to demonstrate the difference between invasion of privacy (which by the way is more often attributed to LE and not private citizens) and one’s right to be and see.
Say I am walking down the dirt sidewalk in your trailer park, I am legally permitted to do so and I look up at your trailer and through the uninsulated single pain window I see you having sex with your cousin or sister. Again, I am legally permitted to be there and so I can take photos of what I see. Perfectly legal. Now what might be illegal is if I used a telescopic lens to zoom into an area that normally would not be seen by casual observation from the dirt sidewalk. For example, with such a lens, if I zoomed in and found that your penis was actually shorter than that of a newborne, or that your sister-cousin had a tramp stamp tattoo that said, “fu@k here” with an arrow or that your sister-cousin is actually your friend George from the tractor racing club … Well that observation and those photos might (I say might be) illegal. But the aforementioned are free game in a free country.
You see dumbass, you have left your curtains wide open and we are legally looking straight into your twisted life.
Have a totured day!
Bobbi-boi, again, a word?
I’ve spent more time on the shitter at test depth answering a backing bell and eating strawberry ice cream than you spent in the Marines (an NO, you don’t get to call yourself one, son, you didn’t graduate boot.)
Let’s just say I’ve got a bit more experience in dealing with the DoD/federal beast than do you. They don’t give a shit. PERIOD. Nada. End of story. We’ve had people come on here (poseurs like you) and physically threaten posters here with death. So no, not buying the bullshit.
So what makes you think having your fraud exposed for the world to see is 1–illegal (hint: it ain’t) 2–going to get any sort of response from any legal or law enforcement authority, aside from the possible, “Aw, does da widdle phony have some sand in his widdle pussy?” and a laugh as they hang up the phone?
Hay claims that he has scraped the stickers off his truck. He claims that he put them on there one month ago to honor a friend that died in Vietnam. He cannot explain the time lapse.
Hay claims he was a LEO. And I have no reason not to believe him. What he does though, is have people call you claiming to be LEO’s and telling you to stop bothering Hay. Maybe they are LEO’s, maybe they are not. Who knows? But I am pretty sure that is not what cops do. Hay has undoubtedly given these folks his version of the story and enlisted their help in protecting him from the ridicule and scorn of his false claims.
Hay claims that he is not getting paid by the VA. But I have heard differently. He also makes direct threats of violence when asked about his claims. Then he says he only served one month in the USMC. So why the threats, Hay? Is it because you have told other people otherwise?
Bottom line: Hay has undoubtedly been rocking this lie for a while. I have a sneaking suspicion that he has become “persona non grata” with respect to many of his former friend s and activities.
This fool is nothing more than a scum-sucking, small-time, maggoty turd conman.
Hand me your jug of “mind bleach”, MCPO…My brain can’t unsee what you just described. You are wicked, love it! lol.
@ 227. Two reasons. This POS deserves my best scorn and I have been sworn to serve … It is all I know.
Oh, and Bobbi-boi? How’d you get those veteran plates on your truck there, son? To be classified as an “honorably discharged veteran” you have to have had an HONORABLE DISCHARGE (not entry-level separation, which is what you would have had for having less than 180 days on AD.)
I’m wondering what the DMV would have to say then?
From “my records burned” to “classified” to “just one month in the USMC”.
Hay, you dipshit, just pick a story and stay with it.
Your contradictions and typical, easily predictable poser behavior have been your undoing.
Helena’s a small town. People will know.
Not certain that this one actually has the mental capacity to understand what he has done. Many of our posers don’t but often it is self-induced. If his natural state is this dumb, then I do have some compassion for him, at least to the extent that my expectations are much lower than of normal people.
Still, when told “NO,” by people who do understand, then acting like a three-year old is unacceptable.
Am seeing a pattern here. I have lost all patience with adults acting like children and toddlers! Don’t care who they are or where they live.
@231 An IQ below 80 doesn’t mean you don’t know what a lie is….it might mean you don’t understand the ramifications of such lies, but that’s what prison is for….
Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
Defamation may be a criminal or civil charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements, called slander.
Hey, Bob-tail. Let me ask you something. Were you out at Ft. Harrison the day the young soldier with only one arm and leg was in the waiting area? This was a couple months ago. You know, the handsome young man with the pretty wife and little girl? Do you know why he couldn’t get a 100% rating, asshole? Because of selfish bastards like you. You sit on your fat ass and swill down food that is being paid for with money meant for real soldiers, real MEN, like him.
You are a low-life piece of trash. You talk about law and justice? You are nothing more than a disease carrying, bloodsucking leach. And in calling you that, I just insulted leaches everywhere.
Bobbi-boi…so basically what we’re doing is called DEFINITION of character, not defamation. A defamatory act or statement has to be 1–knowingly false, 2–malicious in nature, 3–cause damage to reputation or well-being. All must be met, or no defamation exists. Now granted, I’m no “lawer” so I might have missed some of the finer points, but I think I’m pretty “close enough for governemnt work” so to speak. Guiduck (another phony, just like you) got called a liar, piece of shit, etc., online, and guess what? He tried to sue too, and it got tossed too!
Learn the difference. And again, how’d you get those vet plates?
“John” you are a day late and a dollar short boy.
You see, Tuesdays are lawsuit day around here, so come on around next week, get in line and take a number.
Maybe you will be the “lucky” one.
See you around dingle berry.
* anyone know if dingle berry is one word or two? Or a hyphen maybe…
ET1–I think it’s one, kinda like buddyfucker, or bonus.
Correction…bonus is TWO words, especially when it comes to dealing with Bodaprez, etc.
DingleBerry. Just like BlackBerry … I think.
Or DingleBerry like Johnee Boy above.
Thank you gentlemen, to use the term loosely.
Johnee Boy:
Go ahead and do what you want … Jackass!
But let’s look at what will happen.
1. Your fantasy of criminal and or civil action will never happen because there is no merit and case law that prohibits free speech and satire.
2. If you did get paper in front of a judge, the judge would not proceed because of your character and no foundation in your fantasy claims.
3. You won’t do it, because if you do, your clock will be cleaned by your own doing.
When in doubt, use them all:
Goddamn!! You really, really cannot fix stupid!! In what parallel universe does this fucking poser shit maggot think he is going to come on here, talk shit and then have everyone leave him alone? I am never, ever disappointed by a poser’s inability to keep the big green weinie out of his (or her) own rear end. Drive on John Bobby!! You are some kind of awesome!!
OWB: shouldn’t that be
DiNgLeBeRrY? (smile)
Damn, MasterGuns – between you and MCPO, I may need a new keyboard. Thanks for the laughs, guys! (smile)
Naw, Honda. Don’t want to appear to be making fun of the other mentally deficient (you know he has certificates to that effect, right?) pet troll. Besides, it’s too symmetrical, and you forgot the hyphenationeristics.
Well, it seems as if Bobbi Boi has really went full retard on us. Hey Bobbi Boi, if you have a valid legal complaint, then instead of you coming here with your bad spelling and grammar, call your local law enforcement agency, file a report, wait till an investigation is completed, and if your district attorney’s office says that they have a case against anyone here, “THEN OFFICIALLY PRESS CHARGES”, but just like all the other low life scum that has embellished their military record, they come here just like you have with their threats of legal action with their key board chest all puffed up only to be called on their bluffs.
Bobbi Boi, take a hint and JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP. All yo do when you come here with your empty threats is to lower your IQ by a few points.
Oh, I hope that you are collecting VA money based of fraudulent claims, because this guy has a lot in common with you, and guess what happened to him? Here’s a link Bobbi Boi,
“intentional false communication” – point to one. Aside from your own. I remember that you tried to tell me that your records had been sealed for 60 years because of your secret squirrel records. That seems to be an intentionally false communication.
Here to serve. Plus I have some time on my hands.
OWB: didn’t forget, lady – the omission was intentional. It detracted from the overall “look”. (smile)
OK, NHSparky, I can beat you on that one.
I have more time on the shitter in WAVES boot camp at Bainbridge than this guy has spent pretending to be a Marine in basic.
Hey-hey, hayseed, you did NOTHING. Shall I spell that for you? N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
And I’ve already been threatened with bodily harme and lawsuits by someone so MUCH your superior with his Jags and Astonishing Martins, so don’t waste your time on it any more.
Got that, shithead?