Idiots in the gun control debate

| December 16, 2012

Yeah, I’ve read some real stupid shit in teh interwebz today in regards to gun control, but this one just deserved a public answer. It’s from some shithole called Balloon Juice written by a guy named John Cole who explains that he was supposedly in the 11th ACR stationed at Camp Doha between the wars with Iraq;

So why am I telling you this? Because in the middle of one of the most dangerous regions in the world, even with clear Rules of Engagement, every time I went on gate duty, there was a piece of tape over my ammo clip on my M-16 and M1911 .45. Why? Because the most heavily armed military in the world did not want accidental shootings. If a situation arose, I would have to eject my ammo clip, remove the tape, and reinsert and work the action before I could fire.

This was in a combat zone. Yet I have spent the last two fucking days dealing with armchair commandos telling me they need unlimited firepower to be safe in… Connecticut.

If there are bigger pussies in the world than gun nuts, I don’t know who the fuck they are.

So, because he was such an incompetent boob that he needed to have his ammo taped in his magazine, gun nuts are pussies – yeah, I don’t see the connection either. Besides, he calls them “ammo clips” – who, with more than a day in the Army, calls box magazines “ammo clips”? So, I’m thinking that John Cole was a cook, or anything except someone his unit would allow to guard something. And, I’m pretty sure that between the Iraq Wars, the Army was using 9mm Barettas and not the M1911A1 .45 cal pistol.

And the reason any magazines were taped wasn’t to prevent the ammunition from loading. The Army did that when ammunition was passed between guard shifts for accountability. But, of course, any dingus who thought they’re called “ammo clips” wouldn’t know that.

So why do I call Balloon Juice a shit hole? Because all of their writers are gun grabbing facists, apparently. They write shit like this;

Bernard Finel: If it were in my power, I’d seize every fucking firearm in the country other than revolvers, shotguns, and bolt-action rifles and melt them all down.

mistermix: If you must own an AR-15 or Bushmaster or AK-47, it should stay locked in your personal gun cabinet at the range, never to leave. If you change ranges, a bonded courier can take it to the new one. The same is true of the high-capacity clips for your Glock, your 100-round drum magazines, and all the other expensive toys that let you bang off a couple of dozen rounds in a minute. Yeah, that’s expensive and a nuisance. So are the laws surrounding other potentially unsafe pursuits.

Mistermix, my Glock uses high capacity magazines, not clips. The ammunition for my M4 is in clips until I put the bullets in the magazine. If you’re going to talk the language of gun control, learn the language of guns first.

After posting the Wikipedia entry for events leading up to the UK’s gun ban, Imani Gandy (ABL) posts this;

Am I suggesting that we ban handguns? No, not really. I am suggesting we have a sensible discussion about gun-control laws that leads to, as President Obama put it, meaningful action.

If you weren’t suggesting that we ban guns, why did you have to tell us that the UK banned guns because of an incident somewhat similar to Sandy Hook? Every leftist gun grabbing fascist on the internet is talking about “a sensible discussion”, but their discussion of a sensible discussion is senseless.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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I think this is (either consciously or subconsciously) part of the liberal meta-strategy of “shaming.”

If they can make fun of you enough, the thought process goes, you will be “shamed” into abandoning your gun-loving ways. (Note this has nothing to do with facts or any other bothersome things.)

Too bad they suck at it.


Hey Polder…squirrel!


Nymphos are the ex-wives of gun nuts because you people care more about your guns than satisfying your wife, driving them to personality disorders such as nymphomania.

Try looking up the meaning of “misogynistic”, if you can find your dictionary in the pile of your reading material such as the anarchist cookbook and Manson’s autobiography.



Are you “strongarm” because you spend a lot of time pulling your pud?


Whereas Strongarm is very much concerned with satisfying other people’s wives. Carry on, jackass.



“Gun nut: someone who’s life is centered around gun ownership, to the point that they write and/or comment on blogs. No different than the alcoholic who’s life is centered around the bottle, or a nymphomaniac (usually the ex-wives of gun nuts)”

As you and your assclown pal Cole comment on blogs.

Please, go back to your delusions about other peoples wives and strong arm “activities” and stop embarrassing yourself.



I’ll give you gun lovers that gun control can’t stop all shootings if you admit that nancy Lanza is one of you and it backfired. She collected guns. Taught her mentally disabled son to shoot. Was a survivalist preparing to defend herself when the collapse came! Sound familiar? And it turned out this led to her doom and that of 27 people. It would be ironic if it werent so tragic. She was living in a fantasy world where she imagined herself defending her family from tyranny when the reality was she was unknowingly arming a monster.

Get it? Your Gun culture offers an illusion of protection while creating the danger itself. Wierd huh? a billion cracks for crazies to fall through. Can the purveyors of gun culture ignore all responsibility for that?


See, ladies and gentlemen? Polter and limp are demonstrating prima facie evidence that we need stricter Internet laws. Take away computers from those too young, or too mentally instable. Install keyboard locks, and have hard drive safes. For God’s sake, someone do SOMETHING!!!


I didn’t get a “HARRUMPH!” outta that guy…you watch your ass…


Ah, the expected and ordinary attempt at deflection, to wit:

‘you people care more about your guns than satisfying your wife’

And you were on the receiving end of lack of attention from your boyfriend who was more interested in polishing his torpedo in someone else’s firing chamber, I assume?

It’s always interesting how gay guys start to give themselves away by making disparaging remarks about other peoples’ sex lives because they aren’t getting any.

But you know how it is when you’re a bitchy boy, right, Strongarm?


Hey Nater…I seem to recall one of those “billion cracks” who murdered about 875 more people than Lanza did…and he did it with the same shit you’re drinking now.

How’s it taste?


Well at least Nater is interested in discussing something.

From what I’ve been reading about the mother (not that much, I have to admit) she does sound like people I know who collect guns for enjoyment of shooting and self-defense. I’d appreciate a link to whatever source you got the information from, regardless. And given that, it does seem that her precautions did backfire.

The good thing about conservatism is that it’s not afraid to confront real-life truths. In other words, there is no perfect policy. There is only the best-outcome policy, or, if you will, the least of the evils. Of course we would all prefer to live in a crimeless, gun-free utopia – heaven, if you will – if we could. But keeping guns out of the hands of criminals is in fact impossible for any earthly government. Given that, gun ownership by free citizens is the most effective check on criminal predation.

Do American citizens die from legally owned guns? Yes, they do. But in the end, more citizens would die and be victimized by criminals without legally owned guns.


@208 LOL!


Nater-I do not know, or much care, what she may have done or not done, or even if your characterization of her is correct. I do know that I am prepared to defend myself and others to the greatest extent of my abilities, and my firearms are the means that I have to accomplish that. What others do, or do not do, has no bearing on my right to self defense and I bear no responsibility for their actions. If tomorrow someone drives a bulldozer through a classroom trailer (a common way for schools to deal with overcrowding) killing dozens will you blame “construction culture”? Inanimate objects are only as good as the people who use them and some people are capable of great evil. If you are inclined to resist them, firearms can help.


…….I’m lost sparky…. To what do you refer? Apparently i gotta comment on this kind of blog more often cuz im missing something….


Yoshi: Do American citizens die from legally owned guns? Yes, they do. But in the end, more citizens would die and be victimized by criminals without legally owned guns.



Well @Zapruder – as to how many people you can kill with a sword… have you ever heard of the Nika revolt?

Literally tens of thousands butchered that day in the coliseum. By vastly outnumbered soldiers.


68W68, good point. Let’s not forget that vehicles can become weapons of mass destruction with just a split-second swerve into a crowd.

Really. You can kill as many people as a mass shooter with an SUV.


We should be worried about that awful ‘car culture’ out there too. You know, the culture that was responsible for 8 unstable people using vehicles for the singular purpose of killing 26 and wounding about 240 or so in the last 30 years.
Ya, makes sense to blame a tool or a ‘culture’ for all the worlds ills. Not.


It was posted earlier, Strongman.

Of Britain and the US, guess which has the stricter gun regulations?

By the way, do you know what Chicago and Washington, DC have in common with Britain?


Hell, Britain even banned airsoft guns a few years ago.


It’s after 11 here. Survivor is going off. I’m going to bed, if anyone makes a cogent argument I will try to respond tomorrow.


Yoshi check out about five posts down, “waiting on the apocalypse”. Can’t link on this device. may be prelim info that turns out wrong but seems to be based on quotes from lanzas sister.

I myself am willing to have a fair amount of weaponry in the hands of average citizens. But what do you guys want? Shoulder- fired missile launchers? How far do we go?

I’d equate rifles with alcohol — both cause some loss of life but are legal. Handguns are marijuana–the pros and cons are more balanced but I would legalize both. But automatic rifles are like meth — they don’t belong in civilization just war zones.


That link has absolutely nothing to do with the correlation between guns ownership and gun violence. But don’t let facts get in the way of your gun-centric worldview. If only those 6 year olds were armed….


Nater, thanks for the link.

The slipper slope of weaponry is influenced by a few factors. One of them is that 2nd Amendment was intended to arm citizens to the degree that they would be able to act as foot soldiers in a war. In other words, with weapons equivalent to that of the average trooper of the time. Obviously that leaves out nuclear weapons.

Automatic rifles are still illegal to possess by civilians.

Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S.

I’m going to bed, but there is one thing I’d like to ask you heroes before I do. You gun lovers are always going on about how freedom to have and tote guns is going to help someday when some crazed guy like this one last week show up to blow away a crowd of bystanders. O.K. Fair enough. But these things happen with a depressing inevitability. How many have we had since 1999, when those kids in Colorado shot up their school? I’d look it up, but it’s too depressing for me to do it now. Anyway, these things happen at least once a year. Is it too much to ask that one of you gun-wielding vigilantes step up once in a fucking while and stop these spree killers? You assholes go on and on and on aond on about how many tough guys there are like you in the U.S., who know how to handle guns, and the jackbooted thugs are going to have to pry your guns out of your cold, dead hands, and by God, you’re going to step up and stop one of these massacres one day, just you wait! Well, shit, how about doing something about it, dickwads? Hey, come on, how about it? By your reckoning, there are tens of millions just like you spread about our fair land. Surely one of you saviors musthave been at one of the countless such slaughters over the last ten or fifteen years? And if so, then what the fuck are you waiting for? Stand up and do the job you were heaven sent to do, heroes. Again, is this too much to ask? If so, then I’m sorry, we won’t bother to ask you to keep us all safe, since it’s evidently too much trouble for you armchair Dirty Harrys. And if you aren’t going to do your own self-appointed job, then would you all please just shut the fuck up and let the sane people do something to get some of those guns the hell away from nuts? You fearless commandos have had enough… Read more »


Yes, there is a correlation between relatively unfettered private gun ownership and gun violence. But guess what has a much higher correlation? Restrictive gun control legislation…and gun violence.

Again, as I said before, this is about picking the lesser of the two evils. Something that responsible adults have to do.

Of course, if you are God (which you are not), then by all means take all the guns away. While you’re at it, please prevent anyone from murdering with kitchen knives or piano wire with your divine powers.


We can’t. Schools are gun free zones. The rest of your drivel, TLDR.


Everyone conflating bulldozers and cars killing people with automatic rifles killing people: that’s just a retarded argument. Bulldozers and cars have a central purpose that is not killing people. They build shit. They go places. Automatic rifles have no other purpose. The only reason they exist is death to humans. Two completely different things. Oh and yeah anyways? We do have licensing requirements for bulldozers that are higher than those of guns in many states, amiright? I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul (billy Madison)


Is it only a matter of time we find out that Lanza was a regular visitor/commenter on this blog? Seems like a hotbed of violent gun nuts who justify their obsession with guns with some obtuse definition of “self defense”. How many times have you guys had to “defend” yourselves by firing your gun at a criminal?


You call yourself a dentist? With all that shit you keep talking?


@Zapruder, is that really what you had to spend ten minutes of your time typing?

1: If you would establish an early-warning system to detect spree killers in the US, then get Scotty to tell us the secrets of teleportation, then beam CCW holders to the site of the spree killing, we’d be happy to comply with your request.

2: How many CCW holders were present at the spree killings?



Strong…fortunately, never. But often, merely unholstering one is enough. Not point it, not shoot it.

Again, might I suggest you add John Lott to your reading list?



Isn’t the “purpose” of an object (which, you will note, is not an intrinsic quality of an object, but merely something applied by its user) irrelevant when using two objects in the same way accomplishes the same purpose with similar results?

For example, Eric Red (probably on purpose) killed several people with his Jeep a few years ago. I don’t think the fact that the “purpose” of the Jeep was to transport people safely stopped those other people from dying.

In fact, it had nothing to do with what happened.


Actually Nater, depending on the state and where used, construction equipment may require far less licensing and formal training than is required to obtain a CCW permit…and is certainly cheaper.


Per capita gun deaths per 100,000 citizens per year:

USA: 9.0
UK: 0.25

For those of you such as Yoshi, who can’t interpret statistics, that means that if you live in the US you are 36-times more likely to die from a gun than if you live in the UK. Land of the free!


I’m a relatively recent follower of this forum, stumbled upon it for vet-centric issues. One of these is how quickly the Yuppies and hipsters all turned on all who’ve served, sadly with the help of the blue falcons and ex-pouges.

It appears that the gun rights issue is going to be the best indicator we see for how most “decent folks” who “support the troops” revert back to the condescending cliches of pre-9/11 America.

Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S.

Fuck. For Christ’s sake, there have been scores of these massacres in the last teen, fifteen, twenty years. You guys are millions strong, or so you’d have us believe. Where the fuck are you? The odds are pretty good that at least one of you clowns would have been at one of these things. Nobody needs to know beforehand when and where they’ll happen if you gunslingers are as widespread and everready as you seem to think you are. So, when will one of you step up and do your job?

And if none of you cellar-dwelling, cheeto-addicted weirdos are ever at any of these atrocities, then it doesn’t really help anybody much if you all do have guns, then, does it?


And here I thought you were going to bed.


@Strongarm – yeah, I should have said “a correlation with higher crime.”

In the end, more people per capita suffer from violent crime (and a good many are dead) in the UK than the US. But they suffered from knives and baseball bats more than guns, so you can rest your soul.



So in other words, you’re admitting that there’s never been a CCW holder at any mass killing. That’s a hell of a long-winded way to do so.


And Strong…isn’t private ownership of guns in GB ILLEGAL???

And yet gun murders STILL occur? IMPOSSIBRU!!!

Finally, did you not like the fact that VIOLENT (not just gun-related) crime in most countries with more restrictive gun laws is HIGHER than similar crime rates here? Or does that not fit in with your agenda?

Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S.

Yeah, well, I was. And I am. But you clowns are so maddening that sometimes it’s hard to make myself do the right thing and just leave all you losers to wack off to your latest Guns ’n’ Ammo. So, happy jacking, and don’t forget to use some K-Y. Oh, and don’t play with loaded guns while you gratify yourselves, it’s unwise. Goodnight.


Wow…I’d hate to be your first patient tomorrow…”Iz it zafe??”

10 Internets to first person who correctly identifies that quote.


The funny thing is that another college shooter, shortly after the VT shooter, was stopped by people with legally owned firearms. It’s somewhat of an open question whether he would have succeeded whether they had been around or not, but they prevented him from doing any more danger.

Then there’s that mall shooter who decided to off himself recently after he was confronted by a responsible CCW holder. But Zapruder seems to think some people in the mall would be better off dead.


I guess people killed with switchblades are less dead than people killed with handguns.


“you cellar-dwelling, cheeto-addicted weirdos”

Thank you @237 for best describing what Yuppie America thinks of the demographic that serves


Anti-gun trolls: please tell me how strict gun control improved safety for the Jews and other Untermensch in the Third Reich, Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, Christians in Uganda, anti-Communists in Russia, or the other tens of millions of people slaughtered after buying into the fantasy that disarmament would allow only the responsible, trained government agents to be the only ones with weapons and life would be safer.

You tools are so ignorant of history that you’re willing to trade essential liberty for a little temporary security. As Ben Franklin said, for that you deserve neither.


You guys won’t mind giving up your guns then since pipe bombs, swords, SUVs, etc are all such effective weapons.


*… slaughtered in the last century


Cajun…I did a quick Google of this tool’s work. (shudder)

Talk about projection.

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