Douche bag being douchie

| November 19, 2012

Meet Lindsey Stone, a self-proclaimed douchebag. See that picture? She thinks it’s hilarious because she’s being her douche bag self. Of course, she’s at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and she thinks that doing what she’s doing is like smoking under a “No Smoking” sign.

This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in general

Whose authority, Lindsey? The folks enforcing the “Silence & Respect” are soldiers. The Tomb is property of the Army, more accurately, the soldiers who are interred there. Of course, the sign is just supposed to remind you of your own proper conduct, the proper conduct you were not taught by your parents, apparently. There is no authority to challenge, really, well, except your upbringing, which by the looks of things is lacking.

Of course, the reason that you think this is funny is because popular culture tells you that the more outrageous you are, the more popular you’ll be. I believe your generation calls it “pushing the envelope” or something. Congratulations, Lindsey, you found the outer edge of the envelope, outside the limits of what we as a civilized society will accept.

Of course, Lindsey’s friends told her that she was wrong, but she left the picture up on her Facebook thingie – right through Veterans’ Day, so she wasn’t chastised quite enough to make her feel any measure of shame for her behavior.

Thanks to JP for the link.

Edit by NSOM:

Pending a follow up from Jonn, do not post home contact information for anyone you think may be Stone. It may not actually be her, innocent third parties may live there and just because YOU’RE mentally stable doesn’t mean the next person to read her home address is too. Her workplace and work number are fine, home addresses are not.

Category: Shitbags

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Frank, listen to Don.
Don, truer words have never been spoken. What do you propose we do to remedy this?

Mr. Blue

Question- do you personally, without looking things up on wikipedia, know what the significance of Arlington is?


I say we burn some fucking bibles, MCPO.


Mr. Blue i have read each post on this page, and i fully understand the significance.
And MYPO, good input pal.

Ptolemy in Egypt

Go to bed Frank- it’s past your bedtime.

You’re 18 and in college. You don’t get it and probably never will.

But save the faux outrage for people who care.

Like I said- when you have a close friend buried somewhere and someone pisses all over their memory, maybe you’ll have grown up enough by then to understand that some people aren’t going to accept that.

You’re real good at telling other people how to feel about this and that it’s “enough”

I say that you’re one more reminder to me of how disconnected you are from those of us who have served. You come off like the typical college kid- mom and dad have given you everything you want and you act like you’re righting some kind of wrong by being on here and telling the rest of us how unreasonable we’re being.

You at 18- barely old enough to vote, not old enough to drink…and had you taken a different path in life, might be one of the junior members of our military today.

But you know what?

You’re not, Frank. You’re a civilian. So, as nicely as I can put this: fuck off.

You’re not getting the last word here and you’ve admitted that you have no real dog in the fight. Therefore, you’re just being a smarmy asshole at this point, Frank. And nobody likes smarmy assholes- least off all, 18-year-old, rugby-playing theater majors who like lasagna from Wis-tah.

You’re not winning this. Nobody cares what you think or have to say on the matter. You haven’t earned that right. So, you can keep posting here, but we’ll outlast you, Frank. Because we’re here every day…and you aren’t.

You’re not one of us and never will be. So be a good boy and go night night.


Frank, you still haven’t answered a question you’ve been asked multiple times by multiple people – wouldn’t it be better to wait until AFTER Lindsey Stone shows some remorse and apologizes before telling other people to ease up on her?


Fine, burn bibles, fuck it.


Agreed, MCPO


Fire to the bibles!


Burn in hell, bibles!


Yeah, fuck that religious bullshit.


Well… fine.


Bible burning at my house!

Signal Soldier

Someone posted this using my name “I say we burn some fucking bibles, MCPO.” This was not me!

Take her down

Not 100%, but I from a quick search it looks like her fb page is

No ability to send a message or request though. Same profile pic as above- changes sept 21. Wish we could bombard her there… But we can wait for the media to rip her to shreads


Frank –

How do you know? How do you know she’s had enough? When she hasn’t shown one iota of concern or remorse, how can you say she’s had enough?


Yes, it was me. I retract my last statement.


Ptolemy, i’ll be the mature one and not insult you back.

I’m an 18 year old kid standing up against all of you, don’t tell me I’m just a kid that doesn’t know anything.


Meh. We have some imposters here. Hell, they didn’t even get my name right. But, we know each other here well enough, with the exception of Frank, to know what was and was not said and by whom.

Signal Soldier



Someone named themselves frank and said “Bible burning at my house!” This is just getting more and more childish.
Im the youngest one here and I’m being the most mature. Other than a few of you who have shown me some respect, which i thank you for.

Virtual Insanity

Frank, perhaps a side trip would help. Go to the top of the page and click on “member’s gallery.” Scroll through it.

Understand who you’re talking to a bit, might help your perspective.


Fuck you Nik.


@ Ptolemy (205): Have I earned the right? I have family and friends buried at Arlington, though I am a civilian. And all Frank is saying is that maybe enough damage is done, and that’s an understandable point of view. We don’t have any evidence it’s true, not yet anyway, but it’s entirely possible.

Let’s paint a worst-case scenario – the woman did this because she was unaware of the significance of the site, tired from a long trip and just did something utterly boneheaded. And now she’s getting death threats. If someone follows through on them, is that justifiable? I sure as hell hope you say no. We’ve got enough real enemies that we don’t need to make new ones of our own citizens, even if they’re idiots who are ignorant of Arlington. Let it be a teachable moment.

And many of the above posters agreed that the home phone number and address was in fact too much – which seems to be part of what Frank is saying. It’s not an unreasonable position, it’s simply one without a shred of evidence yet. Let the kid be. He’s not where the outrage should be focused.


This is getting dumb. Honestly why post fake posts. Your all older then me, and have more life experience, but I’d say a variety of opinions is a good thing. I’m young, but none of us are 100% right.


I will presume that at @223 Frank didn’t say that.


I agree that we don’t have any evidence. And I agree that it would be a gross over-reaction if she were getting hate-filled calls and death threats, or worse.

That said, I don’t think easing up on responsible protest is appropriate either.

Signal Soldier

2,466 comments on her employers announcement about the upcoming apology! They will have to act!


[…] positive and get her to understand the error of her ways and do the apologizing herself.Via: This Ain’t HellShare […]



Frank, they’re an idiot. They think they’re amusing. Hondo or one of the admins will probably come along and clean it up, and if they’ve posted here before will likely out them for being the idiot they are.


And Frank, you’re assuming it’s one of the regular posters here. It could be someone who followed the link from elsewhere. It could be someone who’s decided they need to stand up for Lindsey.

Or it could be one of the resident trolls that pop up here from time to time, trying to stir the pot.

Or it could be you. None of us know. I’m not going to leap to conclusions.


@226: I’ll agree with you there – the ball is in her court. She should change her Facebook picture to an apology as a start, and go from there. She brought this on herself. Too little pressure and she’ll not grasp the importance of this, but death threats and constant harassment at her home are too much.

Kanani Fong

I think what she did is emblematic of the military & civilian divide.

It wasn’t just stupid and disprespectful, it was done without any regard for where she was, and what Arlington means.

But what further bothers me is this: I think the community where she works, which is for developmentally disabled adults learning to live independently, deserves a far more aware and considerate staffer than this. These are people with a desire to be independent, despite overwhelming odds against it. And part of their education, or the milieu in which they live in, includes the learning of and the reinforcement of social skills. And it BOTHERS ME that someone like this works with them. Because they’re NOT stupid: they take this stuff in like a sponge.

I’m grateful the community where she lives has since posted an announcement regretting her action. I hope people will quit calling them. But I hope they question her suitability as a role model and guide to those who deserve better.


Fuck all of you, Lindsey Stone did nothing wrong. Suck on my penis!

Signal Soldier

I bet she is not to exited about going to work tomorrow!


I suspect the imposter to be a troll named Stumpy Joe that crawls out from under his bridge from time-to-time. He just pulled similar stuff on another thread and then posted with his name.

Could be wrong, but it seems like his brand of idiocy.


I agree Frank. Lindsey is a kind-hearted young woman. Let us bless her.


Cool, Okay well, I’ve said what i had to. I respect your opinions, and i hope you respect mine. Goodnight all.


I just want to get some of that pussy. Three cheers for Lindsey!


I <3 more head.


re #230

You don’t actually need one of us to tell you that every nonsensical or just plain stupid thing said by almost everyone since the MCPO “signed off” in #173 was from the same retard who originally posted as “Navy_Seals”, right?

Ptolemy in Egypt

@224 I’ll bite. Maybe Frank should just have the good sense to let things lie. He’s made his point and now needs to be the man he claims and just go away and respect the fact that just as Lindsey chose to express herself, so are we. And shame on you for pulling up a strawman against me- I made no threats against her and my anger is directed at her behavior and lack of contrition- so far, we haven’t seen a shred of evidence that she is genuinely sorry that her actions stirred up some anger. I posted no personal info. and don’t operate that way- your middle paragraph is a distraction and has no business being directed at me. I’m talking about Lindsey’s unworthiness to be defended based on her (base) actions- you two seem to be splitting hairs here and frankly (no pun intended), I find it tiresome. You and Frank want your POV to be respected, yet neither of you seem willing to allow us the same courtesy. Why is that? Just because you seem to be OK with taking a wait-and-see approach doesn’t mean I or others have to do the same- and you shouldn’t presume to speak for us or tell us how to treat Frank when he comes in here on the attack throwing insults around. Some of us have more credibility here than others…man up, sport. I’d be interested in an answer from you on that basic question about why you seem to think Frank has the right to tell the rest of us to lay off because he’s “just” pointing out that maybe she’s had enough? Because that wasn’t all Frank was saying. At least not initially. And so, maybe I question his position and motives. Maybe I just think that at this stage, he’s just being obtuse and trying to get a rise out of everyone and out of respect, maybe he should be the bigger guy and take it elsewhere. Frank, who by the way isn’t really making any new points other than to make inane responses as if… Read more »



Me? Maybe. I couldn’t understand why some things were getting said by people I didn’t expect to say them, especially MCPO. That’s why I kinda tried to stay away from those until I saw the blatant impostering. I probably didn’t catch on as soon as I should have. My bad.


Disgraceful little C^&T ! She represents all that’s wrong with her generation.
Prime candidate for a backhand to the mouth.

Signal Soldier

We need a way to have individual log ins without people being able to post in our name! I do agree that the jerk makes it so obvious! Coward!


re #242

I’m not dumping on you, just letting you know you were right while pointing out that you seem smart enough to know what’s up without my having to have done so.



LOL. Now I’m second-guessing all the posts. Some of them are obvious trolls. Some of them are obviously legit. But there’s some in between that could go either way.

Signal Soldier



re #244

Ease of access for commenters comes at the cost of accuracy, sometimes. Blogs most likely to succeed have a sense of community and making it as easy as possible for people to participate is part of making that community thrive.

That’s not to say that if enough people complained Jonn wouldn’t change the ability to leave comments without registering. I’m not sure it’s a frequent enough of an issue to warrant the change and sometimes it actually leads to some real hilarity. I don’t pretend to know either way. After all, even though I have the admin buttons I basically just wander through when my real life allows and leave messes in Jonn’s virtual living room.


If they love “challenging authority” then when I’m beating her to death she should challenge the legitimacy of a 911 call.


Signal Soldier Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:59 am I <3 more head. Nik Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:57 am I just want to get some of that pussy. Three cheers for Lindsey! Signal Soldier Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:57 am I agree Frank. Lindsey is a kind-hearted young woman. Let us bless her. Frank Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:56 am Fuck all of you, Lindsey Stone did nothing wrong. Suck on my penis! Frank Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:38 am Fuck you Nik. Signal Soldier Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:35 am Yes, it was me. I retract my last statement. Frank Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:34 am Bible burning at my house! Ptolemy in Egypt Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:33 am Well… fine. Don Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:33 am Yeah, fuck that religious bullshit. Redacted1775 Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:33 am Burn in hell, bibles! Nic Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:32 am Fire to the bibles! Mr. Blue Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:32 am Agreed, MCPO MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:32 am Fine, burn bibles, fuck it. Signal Soldier Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:27 am I say we burn some fucking bibles, MCPO. MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:26 am Frank, listen to Don. Don, truer words have never been spoken. What do you propose we do to remedy this? MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:13 am Frank, I’m sick and tired of your bullshit. Signal Soldier… If it weren’t for all these crazy religious nutbags in our country, we’d be fine. Why can’t a gay man marry in peace? Signal Soldier Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:11 am MCPO, don’t be so hard. These things can get a guy down. Feels bad man. Let’s look on the bright side though, America is dying anyways. MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Submitted on 2012/11/20 at 2:07 am Frank, you are the problem with the country. I see absolutely no reason why people have to… Read more »

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