50 Marines headed to Benghazi

| September 12, 2012

A day late and a dollar short, a Marine “fast team” is headed to Libya to protect the pile of rubble that used to be our consulate there according to Fox News.

The official said a Marine “fast team” is being sent from the U.S. Naval base in Rota, Spain. They are not yet on the ground.

The move comes after President Obama ordered “all necessary resources” provided to Libya to support the security of U.S. personnel in the country.

In a statement, Obama also said he’s directed his administration to “increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe.”
Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other American staff members were killed in the attacks Tuesday.

While I’m certain that most Americans are outraged by the pictures of Ambassador Stevens’ body being carried through the streets, I don’t think it’s particularly helpful to post it all over the internet. And, yes, we all want to talk tough about going over there and kicking some ass, but I don’t see lines of youngsters lining up at recruiting station. I’m also curious as to what 50 Marines coming from Spain will be able to do at this point, unless they’re going to do like the Marines did in Tripoli in 1804 during the Barbary War and fight through the streets.

If ever there was need for drone attacks, this one is ideal – Hellfire missiles to cover the evacuation.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

@196: Also, as far as “sacking up”; why didn’t you? You had been out less time than I, so you would have still made the age limit.

Old Trooper

@200: You are one stupid motherfucker; aren’t you? I’m kinda glad you aren’t in this country anymore. Go have a bottle of whine and get on with your pathetic life.

Yat Yas 1833

Ya know fellas I’m kinda surprised that you’re still messing with the Dud and exlaxPat! These two nit-twits have no clue. Their small minds can only grasp one thought at a time and once they do, they can’t let it go! After seeing their first few posts I realized what they were and they’ve proven it. Just an opinion.


Feb. 26, 1993 World Trade Center truck bomb killed 6 people and injured 1000 people. This bombing was engineered by Ramzi Yousef and five others, financed by Khaled Sheikh Mohamed, the so-called blind sheikh.

Sept. 11, 2001:

World Trade Center (NYC) suicide bombing by hijackers in two airplanes killed 2996, injured 6,000.
Pentagon suicide bombing by hijackers killed 184 + 5 hijackers crashing into the Pentagon
Shanksville, PA, UA Flight 98 plane hijacked and flown into the ground by hijackers killed 40 passengers & crew + 4 hijackers.
All hijacked airplanes included women and children as passengers.
Is that enough slaughter on our turf by insurgents or terrorists for you, or should I include the Oklahoma City truck bombing, which also included women and children?

Que vous êtes tel cafard.

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