Karzai weighs in on Libya situation
We can always count on Hamid Karzai to be our ally and say the right things in a crisis situation, you know, because if it wasn’t for us he’d be just another dingus wearing a curtain in the streets of Paris. From the New York Times;
President Hamid Karzai condemned an American-made anti-Islam film that has been backed by the American pastor Terry Jones, issuing a statement on Wednesday that said his office “strongly and resolutely denounces this desecrating act and declares its serious abhorrence in the face of such an insult.”
The president’s statement did not call for any action other than preventing the release of the film. It also did not explicitly appeal for calm….
Because that’s what makes Hamid’s world go ’round. Thanks, buddy, here’s another coupla billion bucks for your retirement fund.
In related news, one of the dead Americans was an Air Force veteran, Sean Smith, who predicted there was an impending coordinated assault planned on the compound when he saw their “security guards” taking pictures of the compound.
Two others killed haven’t been identified pending notification of their families, but the rumor is that they are Marines. If they are indeed Marines, I don’t suppose that bodes well for any Libyans who get in the way of the Fleet Antiterrorism Support Team that is headed in that direction.
And, oh, yeah, if you’re wondering what academia thinks of the First Amendment, here’s the report of a Tweet from a UPenn professor who is calling for the arrest of Sam Bacile because, apparently she blames the film maker for the four deaths, not the folks who killed them in a manner that’s still not clear (although asphyxiation is a good bet at this point).
Category: Terror War
I used to play Eve Online with Vile Rat. 🙁
Perhaps it doesn’t bode well for the goat molesters, but the last word was 50 Marines to be sent – for what? Targets?
Make it a smoking hole then ask if anyone else wants to play.
And we waste our tax payer money and American lives on this piece of shyte and ‘his’ country?
F**k them all.
@2, I guess targets. Why else would you announce they’re on their way long before they get there? So the AQ guys know to go set up the DsHKs for when the helo’s show up?
It is definitely apparent to all but the most dream world lefties, that muslims are serious when they tell the world that the infidels need to be eradicated….I say it’s a great time to point out the difference between modern and ancient technology….start leaving lots of big black holes where cities and humans used to be in the middle east, put the remaining(surviving) population to work in the oil fields and use the resources to cover the costs of killing the vermin and keeping an occupying force on their soil. When there is a rebellion firebomb the cities where the rebellion starts and napalm their fields and homes.
Let their puny little god protect them, as they seem to love killing in the name of their god perhaps they will enjoy dying in large numbers for him as well. Either way they get an outcome that’s satisfactory to their man/god relationship. I prefer they enjoy as much martyrdom as possible, as opposed to successful jihad.
@2 what I read said they aren’t going to Benghazi, but to Tripoli.
From CNN: “About 50 Marines were headed to Tripoli and could deploy elsewhere in Libya after their arrival, U.S. officials said.”
I’m guessing to facilitate any Americans who want out of the country and any scumbags who want off the planet.
You notice how Karzai never said stupid shit like this before Obama was in office?
In my opinion, we should pull all of our people out of the Islamic world and cut off ALL funding to them. We could use that money here in the United States. It would also alleviate the targeting problem should the need arise to nuke their sorry a$$es.
I agree with you 509thBob.
There ain’t no way we bringing “democracy” to those savages over there.
Ain’t no bloody way.
And ain’t no way we have any business over there anymore trying to fight them on their turf. They could care less about being trained to fight for us. They’d as soon as put that knife in our backs as soon as we let our guard down. That is the reality over there.
This P.C. war being waged by the administration has left us weak and soft.
We need to be spending that time and energy on our own American citizens.
@8 – Let’s look at the pattern here…
We helped the Egyptians…they assaulted our Embassy and burned our flag.
We helped the Libyans….they assaulted our consulate and killed our Ambassador.
I’m pretty sure I see the problem here…
I’m confused, someone from Israel came to America, made a film no one heard of, fled America with out no one knowing it and we get attacked so it’s our fault ?.
Liberals are so confusing.
Hey 509thBob,
Were you in the 509th BS ?, I retired from Whiteman myself as a Low Observable Tech.
Exactly Jeff, that is the point I was trying to make. Not because I am trying to divert blame away from the rioters.
In fact, I was trying to show just how much dumber the rioters were, rioting against symbols of America, when no one even knows for sure who made this film. The film maker is hiding out in California, so now America is “responsible?”
Who knows the film maker and those behind it could be a Al Qaeda double agents or affiliated with islamic fundie groups. Use this movie and the publicity behind it to “justify” riots against American symbols on 9-11. Too convenient. The movie itself is so blatantly obvious in its attempt to offend, and the film maker has also went out of his way to make inflammatory statements equating islam to cancer (which I agree with, but I digress).
Jeff and 509, I am from that neck of the woods I graduated from CMSU. I live in Kansas City right now.
My personal opinion on the subject is that I am so freaking tired of our “ally” Karzai that we need to remind him of our support in his shitty little country. We really need a leader not what excuse we have in charge now. I heard his speech this morning and I wanted to fucking barf…
Rand Paul went off on Cavuto’s “Your World” program today. He was very blunt about the idiocy of sending billions in aid to countries who treat the U.S. with contempt and disrespect. He is insisting all foreign aid be voted on. Got to say I was really impressed with Rand today – was plain spoken, without all the crappy parsing of language.
I do find it interesting that some believe these attacks were planned in advance to happen on the anniversary of 9/11. The movie itself was just a cover or excuse.
That film was put on YouTube in July 2011, where it remained obscured in the fog of unwatched stuff until someone, some special person, translated the English into Arabic. And yeah, these attacks were planned ahead of time, using the film as the excuse.
What looks to be a pretty good analysis of the attacks here.
Another one of our no balls, golf course generals in action.
So the goat fuckers of perpetual outrage do what they do best.
And yet, I can’t help but wonder where all our little liberal trolls who were so quick to give Obammy all the credit for this “uprising” a few month ago have run off to? Yoo-hoo! OG? Insipid? Ya’ll wanted the credit, here it is in all it’s warm runny shit glory! Come and get it!
That being said, 50 Marines can do some damage if given the green light, which this administration isn’t going to do. Show of “concern”, nothing more.
Maybe IF he actually attended all of those intel briefings he missed….Naw, who could possibly have foreseen that on 9/11 our embassies and their staff might be at increased risk. Dumb idea.
2-17 AirCav, are you implying our commamy-in-chief failed to maintain “due diligence” and our embassy wasn’t alerted to the possibility of an attack?! Nah…
@#21, true dat. No way it could be foreseen that two Islamic countries, who formerly had a strong central government, and had descended into daily chaos, would entertain elements who’d like to kill an ambassador and storm and embassy. No way./sarc
If the Afghan gov’t fails, I have a feeling karzai wont be talking too much.
Follow-up to my comment @21. An op-ed piece in the Washington Times of today says that Obama missed the daily intel briefings from 6 Sept through 11 Sept. He did not, howver, miss his fundraisers.
AirCav, could you please post the link to that? Thank you!