Idiots in the gun control debate

| December 16, 2012

Yeah, I’ve read some real stupid shit in teh interwebz today in regards to gun control, but this one just deserved a public answer. It’s from some shithole called Balloon Juice written by a guy named John Cole who explains that he was supposedly in the 11th ACR stationed at Camp Doha between the wars with Iraq;

So why am I telling you this? Because in the middle of one of the most dangerous regions in the world, even with clear Rules of Engagement, every time I went on gate duty, there was a piece of tape over my ammo clip on my M-16 and M1911 .45. Why? Because the most heavily armed military in the world did not want accidental shootings. If a situation arose, I would have to eject my ammo clip, remove the tape, and reinsert and work the action before I could fire.

This was in a combat zone. Yet I have spent the last two fucking days dealing with armchair commandos telling me they need unlimited firepower to be safe in… Connecticut.

If there are bigger pussies in the world than gun nuts, I don’t know who the fuck they are.

So, because he was such an incompetent boob that he needed to have his ammo taped in his magazine, gun nuts are pussies – yeah, I don’t see the connection either. Besides, he calls them “ammo clips” – who, with more than a day in the Army, calls box magazines “ammo clips”? So, I’m thinking that John Cole was a cook, or anything except someone his unit would allow to guard something. And, I’m pretty sure that between the Iraq Wars, the Army was using 9mm Barettas and not the M1911A1 .45 cal pistol.

And the reason any magazines were taped wasn’t to prevent the ammunition from loading. The Army did that when ammunition was passed between guard shifts for accountability. But, of course, any dingus who thought they’re called “ammo clips” wouldn’t know that.

So why do I call Balloon Juice a shit hole? Because all of their writers are gun grabbing facists, apparently. They write shit like this;

Bernard Finel: If it were in my power, I’d seize every fucking firearm in the country other than revolvers, shotguns, and bolt-action rifles and melt them all down.

mistermix: If you must own an AR-15 or Bushmaster or AK-47, it should stay locked in your personal gun cabinet at the range, never to leave. If you change ranges, a bonded courier can take it to the new one. The same is true of the high-capacity clips for your Glock, your 100-round drum magazines, and all the other expensive toys that let you bang off a couple of dozen rounds in a minute. Yeah, that’s expensive and a nuisance. So are the laws surrounding other potentially unsafe pursuits.

Mistermix, my Glock uses high capacity magazines, not clips. The ammunition for my M4 is in clips until I put the bullets in the magazine. If you’re going to talk the language of gun control, learn the language of guns first.

After posting the Wikipedia entry for events leading up to the UK’s gun ban, Imani Gandy (ABL) posts this;

Am I suggesting that we ban handguns? No, not really. I am suggesting we have a sensible discussion about gun-control laws that leads to, as President Obama put it, meaningful action.

If you weren’t suggesting that we ban guns, why did you have to tell us that the UK banned guns because of an incident somewhat similar to Sandy Hook? Every leftist gun grabbing fascist on the internet is talking about “a sensible discussion”, but their discussion of a sensible discussion is senseless.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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@146 You don’t understand preview and edit options? There are none here. I made a clear typo and you think you can look up words in a thesaurus. I know this is your gang, but do they even think you can do that? You you the “brains” around here or something?

If you are a responsible adult, you don’t need a gun. If you are law enforcement, a gun is part of you work. Admit that they are not tools to you — they are toys — very dangerous toys — dangerous to you and everyone around you.

2-17 Air Cav

“I think the amount of violence we have using guns is a problem, and I’d like to do something to solve it.” Aha! Now we’re talking! We don’t like violence here either, Bethany. In fact, if you find a military Veteran who says he enjoys violence, you found one who needs some help. The fact is that there are people with guns who should not have them. Most get them illegally. Taking guns away from the lawabiding and sane gun owners actually increases the potential for violence from among the others. That’s why crime rates are lower where people are free to carry guns. Good so far or does that hurt too much?


@143 — Now you’ve completely changed things. I thought you were shooting at me, “a liberal who has willing disarmed” myself.


#148 Nancy was a law-abiding citizen, Adam was too. You are proofing my point


“If you are law enforcement, a gun is part of you work…” when you need help in seconds, the police are only minutes away. I don’t cede my right to defend myself to anyone else, thanks.

2-17 Air Cav

@153. It’s just my way of tossing you to the side, Clay. It’s nothing personal but I have this odd feeling that you might anger me so I choose to deal with you no longer. And, no, most of the regulars are off soing other things. (Probably cleaning their guns, eh?) Feel free to drop back during normal business hours. That’s Monday through Friday, roughly 9a.m. to 5 p.m.


Adam Lanza was a law abiding citizen?! Did you really just post that?


And just to make sure that I’m getting my point across, a common garden annual flowering plant has enough potassium nitrate in its leaves to explode when the dried leaves are thrown onto a fire.

Potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur are the primary ingredients in gunpowder.

How about that?


“@143 — Now you’ve completely changed things. I thought you were shooting at me, “a liberal who has willing disarmed” myself.”

It’s a saying Clayton, a truism if you will, I know that you are completely ignorant of these matters, but do try to keep up.


PowerPoint Ranger, there is no need to do a blind guess. Here are traffic estimates for both sties:

Ballon Juice:
This aint hell:

Boo-hoo has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 281,063. Compared with the overall internet population, this site appeals more to users who have no postgraduate education; its audience also tends to consist of childless men earning over $30,000. Approximately 68% of visits to the site are bounces (one pageview only). Visitors to spend approximately three minutes per visit to the site and 61 seconds per pageview. Search engines refer approximately 10% of visits to the site. has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 73,085. Approximately 59% of visits to the site are bounces (one pageview only). We estimate that 83% of visitors to the site come from the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 12,602, and the site is relatively popular among users in the cities of Knoxville (where it is ranked #641) and Albuquerque (#784). has been online since 2003.

I tried to chart your relative reach but Alexa can’t be bothered with sites this dusty and ignored.


Sure Adam was a law-abiding citizen, until he started his killing spree. What’s so difficult to understand about that?


@158 Oh, now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings.

I’ll go sit in the corner and cry my liberal tears while the rest of you clean your guns and snicker.

Yeah, that’s it.

I even left another typo for you Brains.


And Robert @149 made a good point — gun safety is more important than gun control. Locks on guns might have delayed Adam Lanza enough to give his mother time to get in his way and/or call the police.

When the Chicago Police Dept asks people to turn in guns in exchange for ‘whatever’, they put locking straps on the guns to keep them from being fired.

John Cole

LMAO. I had no idea I was dealing with you drooling morons.

Clowns. I’ve been wasting my time trying to engage you. Now that I know who you are, I’ll just ignore your babble.


Polderboy-and until he started his killing spree his guns were not an issue. Once he started his killing spree the means he used to accomplish his evil ends are irrelevant, his decision to commit murder is what matters here, he had dozens of means at his disposal.


@161 It’s ok. I can keep up just fine. I hope you have pleasant dreams of shooting at(and missing!) me tonight. And when I finally wrestle that gun from your warm hands, calmly put it aside, and then help you to your feet, please don’t punch me. It’ll piss me off.

2-17 Air Cav

Okay, I’ve got to call it a night. Bethany, if you don’t want to own a gun, don’t own one. If you don’t want to own a car, don’t own one. But, please, don’t tell me I should not own either because people are tragically killed by some gun and car owners.

John Cole

Link missing from previous post re: drooling morons.

Very informative link to the kind of shut in trolls running this site. You know, the military geniuses who don’t know that .45’s were still service weapons in 1990-1992. It’s like a sad clown car parade with a sad trombone, backed up by tiny dick syndrome and uncontrollable fear.


Cole comes over here, gets smacked around along with the rest of his flying monkeys, drops one last turd in the punch bowl and turns tail. No wonder he doesn’t want to have to defend himself, if he sucks at it as much physically as he does intellectually he would be dead within seconds.


“If you are a responsible adult, you don’t need a gun. If you are law enforcement, a gun is part of you work. Admit that they are not tools to you — they are toys — very dangerous toys — dangerous to you and everyone around you.”

Wow, what rock did you guys kick over to find this guy!?

Clayton, that is one of the most irresponsible statements, on multiple levels, that I’ve ever heard, nice.


“It’s ok. I can keep up just fine…” and yet you failed to so so. But sure, you’re the tough guy, rely on that when and if your life depends on it.



All I’m saying is “clips”.


Got any statistics on how often those pipebombs have been used, especially in places were there are very strict gun safety laws?


“…failed to do so…”.

Hey, I corrected myself without an edit button-how hard was that?


Cole citing Michael Yon.

Michael “Thailand” Yon, he of the red-cross Medevac.

Michael “Psycho” Yon, the guy who got kicked off an SF outpost for being a jackass.

Michael “Stalker” Yon, the guy who never lets decent journalism get in the way of his vendetta against CJ Grisham.


Polderboy-the point is that murderous lunacy will find a way. Defend yourself against that. Myself, I prefer firearms for self defense.


Like I said 68, pants-on-head retarded.


Also, it’s nice to see that most liberals are still intent on scoring internet points rather than forcing themselves to think about things of substance.

I imagine that must be a little harder for them, though, since they are the ones who don’t have any experience with firearms (yet want to pretend they are the experts on them).


By the way, Cole, you want to discuss why Michael Yon inexplicably trashed Soldier’s Angels? While you’re on the subject of “veterans bashing veterans helping veterans.”

You also want to defend the many implications that Doha, Kuwait was a dangerous place to be?



Thanks, Cole. That sums things up quite nicely.


Actually Polder, Harris and Klybold (sp?) also used pipe bombs at Columbine. FYI.


He can’t Yoshi, his is a tiny intellect hiding behind fantastic stories and vulgarity.


Clayton…accept the fact that those of us who use guns responsibly are 1-just as appaled and horrified at this massacre as any liberal gun-grabber, and 2-we’re still not surrendering our rights in order to give you some sort of false sense of security which in fact has shown time and again to make the situatuon more, not less, dangerous.

And Cole? I’m not even Army, but we were never required to tape our magazines (and yes, they are magazines, not clips.)


You guys are a bunch of nerds. Real men fight the state, like Adam Lanza did.


Adam was ‘fighting the state’? I can’t wait to hear an explanation of that. Please expand on that comment Turner.


Gun nut: someone who’s life is centered around gun ownership, to the point that they write and/or comment on blogs. No different than the alcoholic who’s life is centered around the bottle, or a nymphomaniac (usually the ex-wives of gun nuts)


#182 Which all failed to make any casualties. Apparently it’s not that easy to make them, at least not as easy as just grabbing several guns from your mother


Strong…I brew my own beer too. Does that also make me an alcoholic, even if I give most of it away?

Fuckin tools.


Actually, not true. And far easier to make than you might imagine.


Do you balloon nuts really think you’re being clever right now? Because as near as I can tell, that’s all you’re here to do.

Not advance a salient point, or any other reasonable use of your time.


Turner’s late for his shift as the truck stop lot lizard. I’m sure he’ll be back when he’s cleaned up.


I think what the sheep are hinting at is that, before the invention of the gun, no one was ever killed. Must have flunked history something awful.


Sparky sounds like the next Adam Lonza. Maybe the Feds should be monitoring THIS site for the next gun-loving mass child murderer.


#189 “I brew my own beer too. Does that also make me an alcoholic”

you obviously have a mid-life crises with doubts about your own masculinity


@187 – Just where do you get your information that the ex-wives of gun ‘nuts’ are nymphomaniacs?

Since nymphomaniacs are sex addicts, that implies that they have a personality disorder that contributed somehow to their becoming ex-wives, as opposed to staying married.

So what exactly is your backup for this misogynistic reference? What’s your source? Or is this just one of your usual weak, lame, and scurrilous attempts at misdirecting the conversation?


Ah…the tools are out in force tonight.

You shall not defend your rights, lest one be labeled “gun nut” or worse.

Strongarm? More like limp dick.


Yo Balloon Knots,

Check out this single shot weapon. No high capacity “clips” (that was for you, Cole) no “X rnds per min” no pistol grip…


Obviously, 195 has severe codpiece issues.


They’re just trolling now-their arguments have been rebutted and so now they are just tossing around insults.
