Steve “Snake Eyes” Jordan, MSgt Soup Sandwich’s retarded cousin

| September 8, 2011

This post is now a nightmare with things in the wrong place, but wanted to update with this from POW Net…

UPDATE: Oh Steve, you’ve been a bad little monkey over there on N STILES ST (Or did you move to N WOOD AVE?) in LINDEN NJ…Mom and Dad (Eleanor and William) know about your SF days? You come off probation yet for your charge of UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF IMITATION FIREARM? Phone # still 908-943-7908, or did you get a new one? And by the way, Happy Birthday a little early (13th of this month)! And changing your DOB and SSN by 1 digit doesn’t really do much, the computers cross index by residence and a host of other factors, so that trick of changing your SSN from 152-84-xxxx to 132-84-xxxx didn’t do any good.

Don’t make me angry Steve, you wouldn’t like me when I am angry. Dude, I will go all Bruce Banner on your GI Joe ass. So, write a nice little apology, you can post it in the comments, or send it to I’ve got more fun here, should I share it Steve?

EDIT x2: And what in the holy name of Spongebob’s necrofiliac Aunt is this huge ball of wombat sperm?

EDIT: Is this shittard wearing a turtleneck?

Earlier, back in Gotham….

This morning, in the dawn air, I saw it, the douchebag bat signal.  I swooped in and found this asshat.


I maybe outmand but never out numbered, Country boy whose hunting skills were honed on his grandparent’s farm.He live for the hunt

Bragging rights

I love to kill terrorists when they try stupid shit


U.S. Army Spec Ops. (APO Wolfpack)


  • U.S. Army
    First Sergeant, 1988 – present

Um yeah, ok. When not killing terrorists who do stupid shit, he’s also a ninja.

Dude can sneak in through your window and knock up your chihuahua without even making a sound.

Does have a sweet beard though.

Heroes like this need all the publicity they can get, so, please go forth and find all you can on Steve “Dusty/Snake Eyes” Jordan. He may be from Linden NJ.

Places to start your search:
Google profile.
Flicker page.

More mental illness after the jump.

Extra points to the first person that finds pictures of him in a hot tub with a weatherman and a dead guy with a dog collar on.

This dude is hella fun….here he is before his mission to take out Cobra HQ:

Snake Eyes, you ever shot a machine gun on peyote? Fuggin badass man.

Here he is doing his best Cross-Dresser Barbie imitation:

This may or may not be his current look:


Here is his Myspace.

Here is his Model Profile.

His name is Steve A. Jordan, and he is from Linden.  We’ll get his DD214, if someone could look up on AKO.  Also, I know a PI in New Jersey, so I will do a background check.

Baghdad = Mom’s House. Tell me this isn’t the same house.

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics, Shitbags

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Frankly Opinionated

Notice what it says on her shirt in his profile photo? “Creepy Girl”. No argument from me. Anyone that would be caught in a photo with this numbnutz is certifiably “creepy”.
I think I will “friend” him so I can post there too.


Take a look at how old he looks in a couple of the pictures – in the Class A’s and wearing the green beret with the stripper. He’s been at this game for a LONG time.

15D – I might have had something to do with it… You still in the AZNG? I might know something about that too, lol…


Sorry Old Trooper, didn’t mean to push you over the edge.

I just thought that I would share that with everyone so they could get a chuckle out of his “Basic Information” and see how far he has spread his shit around the internet.

I was seriously pissed off the second I saw this loser and all the claims that he was making. I hate all these low life assholes that want to try to ride the glory train when they haven’t ever done anything other than sew a few patches on their jacket.


Wtf man, what are you twelve or something? Its some weird shit going on in new jersey. How come these guys never steal valor from the Coasties? Marine my ass, pick a branch dickwad.

Moms basement flogging a guy from comic con lmao

Old Trooper

No problem, Matt, it’s not you I’m pissed at. When I said “thanks for that” I was sincere, because I hadn’t seen that pic, yet, but the smarmy look on his mug while wearing all that Ranger bling on his 5’3″ bad self just did me in.

The beatdown that boy needs is of epic proportions.


I make 70k a year

I think I passed that mark a couple of months ago. BTW–I wonder if your bosses know you’re trolling websites and wasting company resources.

And yeah, responding to someone does in fact sometimes make you a douche. No GDIAF.


Matt, still serving with pride buddy. First to support, and yeah Im a leg that fixes a helicopter lol.

Whoever said they make 70k a year, I only make 33,000 and Im damn happy about it.

So what!!! Jordan here needs to get a trip to go play Frogger:the Reality TV Show.

Old Trooper

In re to #143: Have you not seen any of the posts about the HHC?


Anonymous spare us the “I make 70k a year” comments or the “I have a 5 point Camera surveillance system and 2 very protective German Shepherds” routine. What I’d like to know is when did San Antonio allow their inmates access to the internet? A 5 point camera surveillance system and German Shepherds sounds like a jail to me. Either that or you live in one very shitty neighborhood that you need to protect yourself from your neighbors.

You’re ANONYMOUS and nothing more than a keyboard warrior yourself and yet you berate others on here for doing the same thing. Pot meet Kettle…Kettle meet Pot. Now STFU and go back to flipping burgers at the local Sonic. LOL 🙂


Shame on all of you


RE 161, are you related to Dusty/Snake Eyes? Or are you one of his ahem “slaves”?

Cause quite frankly, in case you can t tell, none of us give a shit about him or his crowd of sheep. Rightfully so, I have no fucking shame.

Frankly Opinionated

Again, Obumblerwench opens mouth and nothing of value falls out. What a loser.

Old Trooper

Until I get confirmation that bobogirl wrote that reply, I’m going to withhold comment.


I won’t. Either way, the author of post 161 is a loser douchenozzle.

Old Trooper

Sparky; that’s true, but it would be interesting if it was her after all this time.


Matt, I got a question about that facebook profile you linked… Are you sure that is a female with the asshat? If so, DAMN!!! I wouldn’t have touched anything like that in my life, not even after BCT. Hell, I don’t think I have ever been that desperate, drunk, or both.


Unfortunately Flagwaver, I took one for the team & perused all of his online profiles & the associated pictures, so I have seen things that I wish that I could UN-see – one of which was a full nude of her…


This guy is obviously mentally ill and you are making fun of him, you are all awful human beings


Mental illness is not a free pass for any crime. If anything, it should mean that even more of an effort is made to stop him from what he is doing, and bring him under control.


Just how long has this douche been impersonating someone in the Green Machine?


Looks like our Texas d’bag troll is back.

Mlyvers 95b

Just finnished looking at the facebook profile that Matt posted and I can’t believe that this douche actually got the Ink to prove he is a faker. I think a good sharp knife could fix that, or a random orbit sander.

Michael Mehrhoff (U.S. Army)

=D Here is his Email Adress

Old Trooper

Matt; You know how, when passing a car wreck, you don’t want to look, because you know it’s bad, but end up looking anyway? Well, I should have heeded your advice and left it at you taking one for the team.

Eye bleach needed. Mind bleach ineffective, need copious amounts of alcohol, stat!!!


This guy is obviously mentally ill and you are making fun of him, you are all awful human beings

As are you, OG, but you don’t see that stopping us. Of course, if you went away and never came back, you wouldn’t have to deal with us anymore. See how easy?


Excellent advice, NHSparky. I visted Veteran’s Today twice. The first visit was innocent. The second was plain stupid.

“Doctor, it hurts when I go like this”

“Don’t go like that.”


I should email Jordan and ask him what his advice would be about don t ask dont tell. Pretend I am a wayward, lost, E-1 with no knowledge of the wide wide world and how there are men out there who want me but idk what I should being a soldier at all.

(COMPLETELY not true, I am straight as an arrow and have a sexy ass gf, so this is just for the laffs. Hell probably tell me to go join his fetish site!)


I still can’t get over the sight of Snake Eyes with a CAPOC Combat Patch!!! I mean, Snake Eyes as a fellow CA Bubba? Really? He should just go ahead and kickstart a 9MM in his mouth


Thank you for posting!!!!! So he is in the Half a Fag division, 75th Ranger Rgmt, and he’s a Cav Scout? All of that and he still has time to work as a cop and a ninja?


Every day is Halloween for him! Could have used a heads up on the banana hammock pic. Didnt need to see that one.


I will go ahead and say what his real problem is: HE IS A MAN. U. FAN! Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!


If he is a man then I am a Democrat. That oxygen thief is nothing more than a pathetic loser trying to ride the coattails of those of us who deserve the honor.


[…] Ballduster McSoulpatch Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich Rick Duncan Sealey McChippendales. Steve Snake Eyes Jordan […]

SGT Mike


Of course, it’s in NJ. Like having too many Snickers bars.

SSG Hawg

Found this guy again, he keeps changing his name/FB profile!/MassiveHell?sk=wall

Current name is: Vigel Dartania

Still a fuckin tool bag….

Frankly Opinionated

Hawg, I have been hitting his page, going to his friends just to let them know to come over here and see the real “snaky eyes”.

Frankly Opinionated

That page of his doesn’t even have a message, or friend invite button. Sounds like Vagina Darkanus is a bit scared of being found. I have posted at a couple of the sites that he frequents, offering a T-shirt from my shop to the guy that gets good info on his whereabouts, an active phone number, anything like that.
I so want to confront this 5’5″, 125# loser. I want to see him laying in the fecal position, crying for his mommy.


First off, I didn’t read the entire article. So props to anyone else who might have noticed this in his pictures but..

His rifles look suspiciously like airsoft toys. Especially the one in the picture of him as a sheriff; the PEQ2 is a pretty standard addition to an airsoft toy rifle as its body stores the batteries which power its motor.

Also, consider the pictures of his friends playing dress up, and their ‘firearms’. Idunno. Could be wrong, but I by no means mean to say he’s not full of shit lol.

Heywaitaminute.. x2

Thought about this a moment later: You might find more details on this guy searching airsoft circles around his area. Just an idea.


Some of you may notice that one patch (if it’s the one I think it is..not very clear on my puter)he wears is no longer awarded as the school was shut down probably while he was still freefalling out of a pre school bus.


Looks like we gotta lot of south Texas boys here. I like it. Beeville here.


This guy is a fricken midget. Look at the pictures of him dressed up as a storm trooper or bounty hunter. He is the same size as that little girl. The M4 is fake as shit, I like how he tried blacking out the orange barrel tips, on his pictures. What a fucking joke!


$6 bills aren’t legit? No wonder everywhere I go people say they have too much of them and won’t accept mine. This guy is a troll looking to stir the pot. Shame on him but funny nonetheless!

Michael F

Fire Fighter Steve. Be forewarned lol.

Anchorage Stryker

I searched for “Gothic Sheriff Department” and there is no such thing, so that’s interesting, but no surprise. I’m thinking this is a mentally ill person who has taken dress up to a completely inappropriate level. After reading all of the research you guys have put into it, I can’t see him ever having served in the army, or any branch passed basic training. Since wearing a uniform and pretending to be in the military is a federal offense, I think I will send this bit along to a friend of mine at the bureau, and have him look into it, or at least see what he thinks, as he also used to be a lawyer in the military. I think this was a great catch for some serious douche-baggery, and will also be alerting my local VFW and Student Veterans Associations.